
③ 2021年5 - 7月 本・ローマン・ブリテン・シリーズ -『辺境のオオカミ』/ Book・'The Eagle of the Ninth' Series -"Frontier Wolf", May to July, 2021

'Eagle of the Ninth' Series

『銀の枝』/  "The Silver Branch"
ともしびをかかげて / 上巻・ 下巻
写真 : 池田 正孝 (イケダ マサヨシ / 1932 ~)
Photographs : Masayoshi Ikeda (1932 ~)

This section is about "Frontier Wolf ".
目次 / Contents
第九軍団のワシ』については1) - 4) ,下記
About "The Eagle of the Ninth": 1) - 4), below.
1) 第九軍団のワシ』 / "The Eagle of the Ninth".
2) サトクリフ作品 / Works by Sutcliff 
3) ローマン・ブリテン・シリーズ / "The Eagle of the Ninth" Series
    A. 四部作 / Tetralogy
    B. ローマン・ブリテン / Roman Britain
    C.  鷲 / Eagle
4) 物語 / Story
    A. 映画 / Film
    B. あらすじ / Synopsis
    C. 感想 / Review
      a) 描写力 / Power of Description
      b) 異国と異文化 / Foreign Countries and Different Cultures
      c) 前半の出会い / First Half Encounter
      d) 後半の出会い / Second Half Encounter
      e) 得たもの / What He got

銀の枝』についてはの 5) - 8) 下記
 About "The Silver Branch"   5) - 8)  below.
5) ファンタジー作品との共通点  / Common Points with Fantasy Works
6) 『銀の枝』/ "The Silver Branch"
    A. あらすじ /  Synopsis
    B. 描写 / Depiction
7) 象徴 / Symbol 
8) ロケーション / Locations 
    A. 浴場の文化 / Bath Culture 
    B. リッチバラ ・ローマン 要塞 / Richborough Roman Fort
    C. 対海のオオカミ / Anti- Sea Wolf

9) 『辺境のオオカミ』/ "Frontier Wolf "
     A. 物語の舞台 /Story Setting
     B. あらすじ / Synopsis
10時系列 / Chronological Order
11) 作家と作品 / Author and Work
12) ヴォダニディニ族 /Votadini 
13) この世とあの世 / This World and the Next
14) 友情と信頼 / Friendship and Trust
     A. 馬  / Horse
     B. 子猫 / Kitten 
『ともしびをかかげて』については15) -17), 下記
About  "The Lantern Bearers : 15) -17), below.
15) 『ともしびをかかげて/ 上巻・ 下巻
      "The Lantern Bearers, Part 1&2"
      A. カーネギー賞 / Carnegie Medal
   B. あらすじ / Synopsis
16) 灯台の火 / Light of Beacon 
      A. ドーバーのローマ時代の灯台 / Roman Lighthouse in Dover
      B. 闇の中の火 / Fire in Dark
17) シリーズを通して / Through Series
      A. 文化と血 / Culture and Blood
      B. 障害者 / Handicapped 
      C. ドラマティックな物語 / Dramatic Stories

9) 『辺境のオオカミ』/ "Frontier Wolf "
1980 / 原書初版  
 訳 : 猪熊 葉子(イノクマ ヨウコ / 1928 ~ ) 
2002  岩波書店 
2008 波少年文庫 

"Frontier Wolf "
 By Rosemary Sutcliff (1920 - 1992) 
Original 1980
Japanese Edition 2002 /  Iwanami Shoten 
Translated by Yoko Inokuma (1928 ~ )
Paperback Edition 2008
 Iwanami Shonen Bunko

赤茶 ローマン・ブリテン (ブリタンニア)
[古代ローマ (建国 : BC.736 -  東西分割 : AD.395
AD.395 - 480 : 西ローマ / AD.395 - 1453 : 東ローマ)

Red Brown : Roman Britain (Britannia)
Roman Britain (Britannia) is one of the provinces established
by Ancient Rome in the southern part of Great Britain.
[Ancient Rome : Foundation : BC.736 ~ 
East West Division : AD.395 
AD.395~ 480 : Western Roman Empire 
AD.395 ~ 1453 :  Eastern Roman Empire]
'The Eagle of the Ninth' series are stories of a time 
when Britain was a Roman province.
画像は下記より / This from below
AD 117~127年頃の地図

Map around AD 117 - 127
From "The Eagle of the Ninth", P.8
(Japanese Edition)
Scotland was called Caledonia at that time.

A. 物語の舞台 / Story Setting


辺境のオオカミ』の 出版は最後なのですが、物語の時代設定上は

この本の '辺境' とは、ハドリアヌス防壁 (ハドリアヌスの長城) と
アントニオ防壁 (アントニヌウスの長城) の間、またはその周辺です。

皇帝コンスタンス1世 (272頃 - 337 / 在位 : 306 - 337) 
ローマン・ブリテン (ブリタンニアを訪れるまで、約1年間です。

アントニオ防壁 (アントニヌウスの長城)と
ハドリアヌス防壁 (


Antonine Wall and Hadrian's Wall 
In actual history, the Roman Army had already withdrawn
from Antonine Wall to
Hadrian's Wall around 164.
However, in this story, the situation
when the withdrawal began is written as 343.

画像は下記より / This from below
Story Setting
A masterpiece of Rosemary Sutcliff, the 'The Eagle of the Ninth' series are stories set during the Roman Empire's rule over Britain for over 400 years.

In Japan, it had long been called a 'Trilogy', but in 2002, 
"Frontier Wolf" was published and became 'The Eagle of the Ninth' Series 'Tetralogy'.

"Frontier Wolf" is the last publication of 'The Eagle of the Ninth' Series, but it is the third in the setting of the time of the stories.

'Frontier' of this book means between or around Hadrian's Wall and Antonine Wall.

The period of the story is about a year which is from about 343 until Emperor Constantine I (c. 272 ​​- 337 / reign : 306 - 337) visits Roman Britain (Britannia).

Although slightly different from the actual history, Sutcliff had set the story as above (P.376).
Map of "Frontier Wolf"

B. あらすじ / Synopsis


が、その後、抗戦か撤退かの判断ミスで多くの犠牲を出し、ローマン・ブリテン (ブリタンニア) の北方の前哨基地 : カスッテルムへ

その地の兵士たちは、'辺境のオオカミ' と呼ばれ、ローマ軍としてはアウトサイダー的なもの達ばかりで上司でも気に入らなければ密やかに抹殺するような強者でした

アレクシオスは、'辺境のオオカミ' ともその地のブリトン人の部族ともなかなかうまく適応します。




1980 /  原書初版  

First Edition Cover
Original 1980
画像は下記より / This from below
The main character is Alexios Flavius Aquila, a descendant of Marcus Flavius Aquila, the main character of "The 'Eagle of the Ninth", and is a Centurion.

Alexios' uncle is the Commander-in-Chief of Britannia, and with his power, Alexios is promoted earlier than usual in the army, and at the age of 23 he climbs to the position next to the commander among Centurions.

However, after that, he makes many sacrifices due to a misjudgment of whether to fight or withdraw, and is sent to command a Northern outpost of Britannia : Castellum.

The soldiers there are called 'Frontier Wolves', and they are like all outsiders in the Roman Army, and if they don't like their boss, they would secretly kill him.

Alexios adapts quite well to both 'Frontier Wolves' and the local Briton tribes.

He also get a wolf cloak and make friends with one of the Britons, 

However, his Commander who pushes through the Roman way forces the Army to fight the tribes.

Eventually, Alexios will also fight Cunorix.

Alexios is once again forced into a situation where he has to decide whether to fight or withdraw.

10) 時系列 / Chronological Order


ともしびをかかげて / 上巻・ 下巻



『闇の女王にささげる歌』の闇の女王は、女王ブーディカ (AD25 ~27 ? - 60 ~ 61?) のことです。

彼女はローマ帝国に対し、大規模な反乱 (AD60または61) を起こし、現在では英国の重要な文化的象徴とされ、彼女と二人の娘の彫像が、ロンドンの中心地であるウエストミンスター橋の西端、ビック・ベンの近くにあります。

私は、'辺境のオオカミ' の中に、女王ブーディカの気質、魂を感じました。




『銀の枝』と『ともしびをかかげて / 上巻・ 下巻』の間に
左 『ケルトの白い馬』
作: ローズマリー・サトクリフ 
 訳:灰島かり (ハイジマ カリ / 1950 - 2016)
原書初版 : 1977  
日本語の初版 : 2000 / 2020 復刊 / ほるぷ出版

訳:乾 侑美子 (イヌイ ユミコ / 1941 - 2010)
原作 1978 / 日本語版 2002 / 評論社

Left : "Sun Horse, Moon Horse"
[Writer :  Rosemary Sutcliff / First Edition : 1977  
Translator : Kari Hajima  (1950 - 2016)
Japanese First Edition : 2000 / Republished 2020 / Holp Shuppan]

Right :  "Song for a Dark Queen"
Writer :  Rosemary Sutcliff   
Translator : Yumiko Inui (1941 - 2010)
First Edition 1978 
Japanese Edition 2002 / Hyouron-sha
Chronological Order
I started reading "Sun Horse, Moon Horse" and then "Song for a Dark Queen", they 
 deal with eras earlier than 'The Eagle of the Ninth' Series.

About "Sun Horse, Moon Horse"below.
About  "Song for a Dark Queen", below.
(The cover images are above.)

I wanted to read the works in line with the times they were set, so 
I read in this sequence,
"The Eagle of the Ninth", 
"The Silver Branch", 
"Frontier Wolf" and 
(The cover images are at the beginning of this section)

About 'The Eagle of the Ninth', below.

About "Silver Branch", below.

'Dark Queen' in "Song for a Dark Queen" means 
Queen Boudica (AD25 ~ 27? - 60 ~ 61?).

She caused a massive rebellion (Defeat of Boudica / AD60 or 61) against the Roman Empire and is now an important cultural icon of Britain, with a statue of her and her two daughters near Big Ben, at the western end of Westminster Bridge in central London.

I felt the temperament and spirit of Queen Boudica in the 'Frontier Wolves'.

Before reading "Frontier Wolf," I might have felt that because 
I thought Wolf symbolized the spirit of the Britons.

I felt that it might be a sign that the Briton spirit was beginning to appear among the Roman soldiers.

I think there is a temperament and soul that the environment brings.

Sutcliff put the "Frontier Wolf" between "The Silver Branch" and "The Lantern Bearers, Part 1&2", because I think she would describe the appearance of 'Briton Spirit' in some of the Roman Army, in the Series.
トーマス・ソーニイクロフト (1815 - 1885) 作

Statue of Boadicea and her Daughters
by Thomas Thornycroft (1815 - 1885)
Installed in 1902
画像は下記より / This from below

11) 作家と作品 / Author and Work
'作者の後書き' (P.375 -379) によると、サトクリフ










例えば、アーシュラ・K・ル=グウィン(1929 - 2018) が書いた







ハドリアヌス防壁 (ハドリアヌスの長城) 
Hadrian's Wall 
画像は下記より / This from below

Author and Work
According to the 'Author's Note'' (P.375 - 379 / Japanese Edition) Sutcliff had fallen into a slump as a writer long before she wrote "Frontier Wolf".

She recovered with this work, and the main character, Alexios, became a special presence for this author.

I'm sure Alexios struggled to get out of a difficult situation, and I think she overlapped with his story.

Well, the author's suffering has nothing to do with readers.

However, knowing that makes me feel deeply and closer to the author.

This series is generally categorized as a historical novel.

In 'Author's Note', the author writes that, with the exception of Emperor Constantine I  , none of the characters are based on real people, and the events of the story are not true.

She knew the book would be classified as a historical novel, so she might have written this a bit of an excuse.

As I wrote in the last section, this series is a fantasy work for me, so it doesn't hurt whether or not the characters are based on real people or that the story's events aren't true.

Some authors use their popular series to convey their thoughts after creating the popular series, destroying the world of the series, the worldview.

For example, the works after "The Earthsea Trilogy" (the first three Earthsea novels) written by Ursula K. Le Guin (1929 - 2018).

However, Sutcliff did not destroy the world of 'The Eagle of the Ninth' series trilogy.

Thanks to Sutcliff!

Also, I think that the translator, Inokuma respected Sutcliff's work and translated the world without destroying the dignity of the writing.

Neither the original nor the Japanese version of "Frontier Wolf" has illustrations, so 
it may have been published for readers who had read the already published trilogy and understood something of the situation in Roman Britain, the culture, the feuding and fusion of the races, etc.

I think Sutcliff's work is now in the classical realm.

The theme, writing style, and expression style may be old, but I think these are also good points.

I think that the current writer should write works that have light themes, tempo, be smooth, easy, and suitable for the present era.
ハドリアヌス防壁 (ハドリアヌスの長城) 
 Hadrian's Wall 

画像は下記より / This from below

12) ヴォダニディニ族 /Votadini 


"ヴォダニディニ族は(Wotādīni、Votādīni、またはOtadini)は、英国の鉄器時代のブリトン人 (ケルト人) でした。




プトレマイオス図 (150年頃) より

Peoples of Northern Britain
From Ptolemy's World Map (c150) 
画像は下記より / This from below

There are several Briton tribes to the north, and it is the Votadini that Alexios has a friendly relationship with.

The Votadini seem to have a few chieftains, but Alexios meets the local chief of the Ferradach Dhu, whose territory is right next to Fort Castellum, his son, Cunorix and his family.

According to Wiki about Votadini,
"The Votadini, also known as the Wotādīni, Votādīni or Otadini,
were a Brittonic people of the Iron Age in Great Britain. 
Their territory was in what is now south-east Scotland and north-east England, extending from the Firth of Forth and around modern Stirling to the River Tyne, including at its peak what are now the FalkirkLothian and Borders regions 
This area was briefly part of the Roman province of Britannia."

It's a tribe with a fairly large area, so if the Roman commander knows what's going on there, he should understand that in order to keep friendship, their culture should be respected to some extent. 

He also knew that if he offended them, the size of the counterattack would be serious.

The commander, who later visited Fort Castellum, refused to understand the customs of the Votadini and, with an arrogant attitude, tried to push through the Roman way, resulting in a battle.

I feel that the Roman way is similar to what Christianity or some country is doing all over the world.

13) この世とあの世 / This World and the Next



"この世からあの世へ入っていったのだ" (P.124/ L16 -P.125 / L1)










Map of "Frontier Wolf"

This World and the Next
"Frontier Wolf" has a lot of writing about the Britons and Celtic culture, so it was an interesting read for me.

I have read somewhere in Celtic culture that swamps and ponds are related to the Nether World.

The body of the Votadini chieftain was buried across the lake on the opposite shore.

"The body entered the next world from this world." (P.124 / L16 -P.125 / L1)

After the burial, Alexios' friend Cunorix becomes the new chieftain, and Cunorix's child happens to be born that day.

I thought Celtic has a view of life and death of reincarnation, so the idea of reincarnation overlapped in this scene.

Also I feel through the story that life and death are next to each other.

Alexios respects the customs of Votadini.

If you have a good personal relationship, you would naturally have respect.

I think this is still common to both diplomatic and private relationships.

Culture and customs are accompanied by the people's view of life and death.

A neglect of understanding of culture and customs can lead to deadly battle.

It may not be possible to understand everything where there is something that is different between people, but if there is modern thinking, I think we should continue our efforts to keep friendly relations between nations, and also between individuals.

Or there is a way to not interfere at all, isn't there?

14) 友情と信頼 / Friendship and Trust
A. 馬 / Horse 
(ケルト人) に焦点を当てた物語で、イケニ族のお話です。

イケニは、'馬の部族' で、馬の飼育に優れていました。

『辺境のオオカミ』まで、ブリトン人 (部族は違いますが)は馬への執着が強いのです。



ローマ兵の主人公とブリトン人ではあるが良い関係になった相手 (この物語では友人となったクノーリス) と戦う設定は、シリーズでは



"Sun Horse, Moon Horse" and then "Song for a Dark Queenfocus on the Britons  (the Celts) and are about the Iceni.

Iceni was a 'horse tribe' and was good at breeding horses.

From the "Sun Horse, Moon Horse" set around the 1st century BC to the "Frontier Wolf" set in AD 343, Britons (though of different tribes) have a strong attachment to horses.

In "Frontier Wolf", the horse was the catalyst for the battle.

In Sutcliff's works, the dolphin ring symbolizes the blood connection, and a horse symbolizes the point of contact between different cultures.

Her setting of main characters  in the Roman Army who could have become friends with Britons (Cunorix, who became a friend in this story) fighting, is common in the series.

I was aware of this, as the relationship with Alexios and Cunorix deepened,
"Come! Come! Come! ..."
I was thrilled.

When the battle between the two becomes inevitable
"Finally this time ...!"
Although I was prepared, it was very hard to read the scene.

B. 子猫 / Kitten 

ルーファスのエピソード(P.77/L.11~) で伝えたかったのでしょう。






ちょっと、'とほほ' です (苦笑)。

Like the battle between Alexios and Cunorix, what was thrilling was the life and death of a kitten and a young bugler, Rufus.

The author would have wanted to give an example of what it would be like to gain the trust of others in the kitten and Rufus episode (P.77 / L.11 ~).

This episode is one of the few soft episodes in the macho world.

Other than this episode, there are many credible stories in the book, but I was most impressed with them and continued to worry about their lives and deaths.

Sutcliff's work may be in the classical realm, but maybe the theme isn't too old? I now think.

Maybe it's the same theme as in Shōnen Manga ...

I think it may just be that the expression method and the setting of the times are different.

I've been writing for quite a long time, but the destination I arrived at is Shōnen Manga ... a little boohoo (Wry Smile).
(I have little experience of reading Shōnen Manga.
I have only read Shōnen Manga from my nephew's bookshelf.
The 'Shonen Manga' I mean here, is what I imagine. )