1) 聖メアリー教会 / St. Mary's Church
聖メアリー教会正面 (Map ⑭) 中へは入りませんでした。 写真はここで見られます→★ ライの町で、ここが一番高いところです。 St Mary's Church Front We did not go in. You can see photographs inside here →★ |
They say the boys ring the bells only on the quarter hours.
We did not hear.
Or we might not realise.
You can see them clearer here →★
The boys are reproduction, the original ones can be seen in the church. |
教会の裏には'The Water House' (給水タンク) があります。 (Map ⑮ 付近) 'The Water House' behind the church. (Close to Map ⑮)
教会横の入り口 / The Side of the Church (Map ⑱) |
2) イープラ塔 / Ypres Tower
A. 塔 / Tower
今日では、その一部は 'ライ城博物館 / Rye Castle Museum' として使用されています。
'YpresTower' / Rye Castle (Map ⑯ ) |
Later, here became a private house, a prison, a fire station and a mortuary.
Today, a part of the tower is the Rye Castle Museum.
We did not catch opening times, so we could not visit there, if we have a chance next time, I would go.
'銃の庭 / The Gungarden' ( Map ⑰)
私にはありましたが、ここは、'銃の庭 / The Gungarden' という名で、 ガーデンという言葉使用に、ちょっと驚きました。
I understand that a garden should be a peaceful and relaxing place, although here, the name is 'The Gungarden', I was surprised by how they use the word 'garden'. Well it might mean a park or open space. エリザベスの大砲 エリザベス1世 (1533 - 1603) はライに6台の大砲を贈りましたが、 それらは移動されていました。 現在のクイーン、エリザベス2世の母親、王太后、 エリザベス•ボーズ=ライアン (1900 - 2002) が1980年にライを訪ねた時、 ライの人々が再び作り直し、それらがここにあります。 1978年以来、王太后は'シンク•ポーツ/ Cinque Ports' の領主(長官) なって いましたので、ライの人々はそれを考慮したのでしょう。 以前も書きましたがライはシンク•ポーツのひとつです。 シンク•ポーツについても下記でふれています。 ⓴'庭と汽車'の旅 - 1) ライの町-観光地 / Trip for Gardens and Tra... Elizabeth's Cannon Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ gave Rye six cannons which have since been replaced. When Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (1900 - 2002) visited Rye in 1980, Rye people made the six and set them up here. At that time, she had became a Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports since 1978, so the people might consider about this. Rye is one of the Cinque Ports. I mentioned about it below. ⓴'庭と汽車'の旅 - 1) ライの町-観光地 / Trip for Gardens and Tra... |
B. 景色 / Views
'The Gungarden'からの景色は素敵です。
この景色は、アルマダの海戦 / スペイン無敵艦隊 (1588) の頃 (エリザベス1世の治世)には、満潮時には海水がこのすぐそばまできていましたから、彼女の大砲は海岸線すぐのところにあったのです。
The views from 'The Gungarden' are lovely.
The views from 'The Gungarden' are lovely.
The view from the top of the museum might be more gorgeous than here, although I enjoyed here enough.
This view has changed over time : at the time of the Spanish Armada (1588) the sea was close to the Gungarden when it was high tide, so her cannons were very close to the shore.
Now, the shore is faraway.....
Now, the shore is faraway.....
景色は素敵! ( Map ⑰) 川は River Rother 右手ずっ〜と奥が ライ•ハーバー / Rye Harbour The Views are lovely! River: River Rother/ On right back : Rye Harbour |
'ロック運河' 沿いの舟 A Yacht Along 'Rock Channel' |
3) イースト•ストリート/ East Street
'East Street' has an entrance to Rye Castle Museum. →★
4) ヒルダーの崖 / HILDER'S CLIFF
A. 眺望台より / From the Lookout point
眺望台から.. / From the Lookout point (Map ⑪) フィッシュ•マーケト道路 (Aロード、256号線)を見る 真ん中向こうに見えるのはイープラ塔 / ライ城 Look at 'FISH MARKET ROAD( A 259)' In the centre : YpresTower / Rye Castle ロムニー•マッシュ/ Romney Marsh の風車群を見る See Wind Farm in Romney Marsh |
B. 門 / Gate
The Landgate (Map ⑩)
もとは、ライの町には、同様のゲートが2つありましたが、 現存しているのはこれのみです。
It was built in the 14th century to defend against French.
Originally there were two similar gates in Rye, although only this exists now. |
5) 'チャーチスクエアー'通りから'ワァチベル•ストリート'
From Church Square to WATCHBELL STREET
Map ⑱ - ㉑ - ㉒ - ㉓
These streets have kept the medieval atmosphere, it is lovely!
'麻袋の修道士' または '石の家'
1257年に基礎が祖末な衣服の修道士達によって作られ、その後増築されました。 1377年の火事(フランスの攻撃)にあいながらも、多くの部分を保ち、 現在にいたります。 'Friars of The Sack' or 'The Stone House' The Brothers with simple clothes made the foundation, later additions were built. In 1377, it survived the fires and largely kept until now. |
St. Anthony of Padua Church It was opened in 1929. The style of the architecture is Spanish Romanesque, although I do not know about the definition. Well, I can feel the appearance is different from other buildings. |
聖 パドヴァのアントニオ / St. Anthony of Padua (1195 - 1231)
St. Anthony of Padua (1195 - 1231)
This monk was born in a wealthy family ; a noble class, although he joined the Franciscans, he spent most time with people and he was good at talking.
After he was buried, his coffin was moved and they opened his coffin, only his tongue was there.
This is myth.
St. Anthony of Padua (1195 - 1231)
This monk was born in a wealthy family ; a noble class, although he joined the Franciscans, he spent most time with people and he was good at talking.
After he was buried, his coffin was moved and they opened his coffin, only his tongue was there.
This is myth.
いろいろまざっている.....でもきれい! A real assortment of styles, periods and colours, although beautiful! |
景色 : Map ㉓ 付近 View : close to ㉓ 甍の波 / Waves of Roof Tiles |