目次 / Contents
1) 訪問 / Visiting
2) 木々 / Trees
A. 紅葉 / Turned Red
B. 竹 / Bamboo
3) クリスマス / Christmas
4) しゅんしゅん作品 / Work by Shun Shun
5) 棚 / Shelves
6) 飲み物 / Drink
7) バス停までの景色 / Views, To Bus Stop
1) 訪問 / Visiting
彼女が来なかった間に、近所に "惣common" という素敵なブック
'ブック・カフェcommon惣' 訪問について、下記。
"惣 common"の看板 Sign of "So common" |
My sister Y has been staying in our house in Kamakurayama since 2nd of December.
It's been a long time since she visited our home ... It was the influence of Corona.
While she didn't visit, a lovely book- cafe called "So common" opened in our neighbourhood.
About our visit to the Cafe, below.
We really wanted to take her there, this has come true today.
2) 木々 / Trees
A. 紅葉 / Turned Red
夫Rは時々は、"惣 common"へ出かけていましたが、私は個展のための作品制作のために行っていませんでした。
姉は初めて"惣 common"へ行き、私は久しぶりにそこへ行きました。
カフェへのアプローチは、美しい紅葉が見られ、しばし、見惚れ (ミトレ) ました。
Turned Red
My husband R sometimes went to "So common", but I didn't go there because I have stayed at home working for my exhibition.
My sister went to "So common" for the first time, and I went there for the first time in a long time.
On the approach to the cafe, we could see beautiful red leaves, and
I was fascinated by them for a while.
カフェへのアプローチ 暖簾 (ノレン) が本の見開きを示しています。 Approach to Cafe Noren to look like an open book. (Noren ; traditional Japanese fabric dividers hung between rooms, or inside and outside as an open shop's sign.) |
B. 竹 / Bamboo
竹林への入り口 暖簾をくぐって直進すると竹林へ降りる階段があります。 木々は赤、黄色、緑と綺麗! カフェの入り口は左で、カフェ前には デッキ席が設けられています。 Entrance to Bamboo Grove If we go straight on beyond their Noren, there are steps leading down to the bamboo grove. The entrance to the cafe is on the left, and there are deck seats outside the cafe. |
竹林への小道 私はまだ下まで降りたことがありません。 竹林は通り抜けはできないので、 降りたら戻ってこなければなりません。 Path to Bamboo Grove I haven't been gone down yet. We can't go through the Grove, so if we go down, we have to come back up. |
デッキ下に古竹が積まれています。 現代アート作品のように感じます。 Old bamboo is piled up under the deck. I feel it is like a contemporary work of art. |
竹のストーブ 以前はなかった竹のストーブがデッキにあります。 デッキ下に蓄えられた竹を使用するそうです。 焼き芋を焼いていて、美味しそうな香りがしていました。 Rは我が家にいるうちからこの香りを感じていた と言っていました。 私は竹専用のストーヴを初めて知り、 また実際に見たのも初めてでした。 Bamboo Stove There is a bamboo stove on the deck that wasn't there before. I heard that the bamboo stored under the deck is used. It was baking roasted sweet potatoes and had a delicious aroma. R said he has known this aroma, while he was at home. This is the first I (we) knew of the bamboo stove and it was the first time I (we) actually saw it. |
3) クリスマス / Christmas
ガラスドア ガラスドアにクリスマスツリーの装飾がありました。 この写真はモノクロにしてあります。 Glass Door There was a Christmas tree decoration on the glass door. This photograph is in black and white. |
ドア横 黒い籠、1つ赤いシクラメンをより一層映えさせ、 品も良くなります。 Beside Door Just one black basket makes a red cyclamen look even better, and more refined. |
屋内 / Inside
入り口周辺 ブックカフェですが、雑貨も売られています。 Around the Entrance Although it is a book cafe, miscellaneous goods are also sold. |
苔丸さんのリース 鎌倉山にある、"草花屋・苔丸" さんのリースです。 Kokemaru's Wreath This wreath was made by "Kokemaru" in Kamakurayama, the shop which sells grasses, flowers and unusual plants. |
4) しゅんしゅん作品 / Work by Shun Shun
この日、 "惣 common"への目的は、実は2つありました。
しゅんしゅん作品 を見たかったことです。
しゅんしゅん (? ~):★さんは、イラストレイター、 ご本人は、
(小川 糸 作 / 2017 / 幻冬舎)
9月に、このブックカフェ近くの 'YAMA, Gallery 招山' で、しゅんしゅんさんの個展がありました。
個展開催中に、"惣 common"さんが、しゅんしゅんさんの作品を購入し、個展終了後はカフェにその作品を飾ることを聞きました。
"惣 common"さんはそれを気に入って購入したそうです。
On this day, there were actually two purposes for "So common".
One was that I wanted to bring Y, as I mentioned earlier, and the other was that I wanted to see Shun Shun's work.
Shun Shun (? ~): ★ is an illustrator, and he calls himself a 'drawer'.
Shun Shun drew the illustrations and covers of two books :
"Tsubaki Stationery Shop" : "La papeterie Tsubaki"
and "Twinkle Twinkle Republic" ; "Kirakira Kyōwakoku"
[ Ito Ogawa / 2016 / Gentosha]
About Shun Shun Exhibition, below.
During the exhibition, I heard that "So common" bought a work by Shun Shun and that they would display the work in the cafe after the solo exhibition.
Today, I saw the work for the first time in the cafe.
The work has added charm or value from the back of the work.
On the back is a sketch of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, before it was damaged by fire.
This sketch has a pretty antique feel.
"So common" liked it and bought it.
I didn't know of the sketch on the back when I visited the exhibition.
I was happy to see it in the cafe.
5) 棚 / Shelves
しゅんしゅんさんの作品の隣には鎌倉に関する本が 並べられています。 Books about Kamakura are lined up next to Shun Shun's work. |
お茶目な感じ 本棚の隅にスヌーピーとウッドペッカーのフィギュアが 飾られています。 Playful Feeling Snoopy and Woodpecker figures are displayed in the corner of the bookshelf. |
I like to go to the cafe and look at the bookshelves.
Right now, I can't find time for reading, because of preparing for my exhibition, and I have a lot of books that I have already purchased and haven't read, so I'm refraining from purchasing new ones.
By the way, one of my purposes this year is that I read the pile of books I haven't read.
I have tried, but I couldn't finish all of the pile.
シーズンがら、"スノーマン"の本があります。 英語版か日本語版か忘れてしまいましたが、昔購入しました。 今、どこにあるのかわかりません。 スノーマンの横のお坊さんの本も面白そうではあります。 There is a book, "The Snowman" for the season. I forgot whether it was the English version, or the Japanese version, but I bought it a long time ago. I don't know where it is now. The monk's book, next to "The Snowman", also looks interesting. |
張子風の置物 Papier-mache-style Figurines |
ホット・ジンジャーティとほうじ茶ラテ Hot Ginger Tea and Hōjicha Latte Hōjicha is roasted Japanese green tea. |
Rは前回注文して気に入ったホットジンジャーティを 再び注文しました。 私は初めて見ました。 素敵なカップに入っていますね。 R ordered the hot ginger tea he had last time and liked. I saw it for the first time. It's in a lovely cup, isn't it? |
私は、ここでお気に入りのほうじ茶ラテをYに薦めました。 彼女も「美味しい!」と喜んで飲みました。 I recommended Y to try my favourite here, Hojicha Latte. She was happy to drink, saying, "It's delicious!". |
7) バス停までの景色 / Views, To Bus Stop
Views, To Bus Stop
After visiting this cafe, Y set off for home.
I saw her off at the bus stop, hoping she could come again.
Of course, I pray that she will be fine ...