
⓬2017年10月28日- 奈良旅行 - 9) 薬師寺 - 白鳳伽藍 / Nara Trip : Yakushi-ji Temple - Hakuo Garan , 27th of October, 2017

左:金堂 (コンドウ)/ 中:西塔 (サイトウ) / 右: 東塔 (トウトウ)

Yakushi-ji Temple 
Left :  Golden Hall : Kondō / Centre : West Pagoda / Right : East Pagoda
冊子表紙の写真 / Photograph on Cover of Leaflet

目次 / Contents
1) 世界遺産 / World Heritage 
2) 移動 / Moving 
3) 塔 / Pagoda
    A. タワーとパゴダ / Tower and Pagoda 
    B. 裳階 / Mokoshi
    C. 水煙 / Suien
4) 像 / Statues
     A. 武装 / Be Armed
     B. 薬師三尊像 ; 弥勒三尊 / Yakushi-sanzon Statues ; Miroku-sanzon Statues
     C. 薬師如来  ; 弥勒菩薩 / Yakushi Nyorai  ; Miroku-Bosatsu
     D. 吉祥文様 / Auspicious Omens Motifs
     E.  シルクロード / Silk Road

1) 世界遺産 / World Heritage 
薬師寺 (ヤクシジ)は、奈良県奈良市西ノ京町にあり、法相宗の大本山です。
公式サイト / 歴史 

本尊は薬師如来、創立者は天武天皇 (テンムテンノウ/ ? - 686 / 在位 : 673 - 686)ですが、天武天皇は寺の完成を見ずに686年に没し、伽藍整備は
持統天皇 (ジトウテンノウ/ 645 -704 / 在位 : 690 - 697)
文武天皇 (モンムテンノウ / 683 -707 / 在位 : 697 - 707)

Beautiful Red is in front of Temple

Yakushi-ji Temple is located in Nishinokyo-cho, Nara City , Nara Prefecture, and it is the head temple of  Hossō school : East Asian Yogācāra.
Official website:  (only in Japanese)

The principal image of this temple is Yakushi Nyorai : Bhaiṣajyaguru, see  
4) 像 / Statues, B. 薬師三尊像 ; 弥勒三尊 / Yakushi-sanzon Statues ; Miroku-sanzon Statues.

The founder was Emperor Tenmu (? - 686 / r 673 - 686), though he died before the temple was completed, so the building was continued by Empress Jito  (645 - 704 / r 690 - 697) and Emperor Monmu (683 -707 / r697 - 707).

In 1998, it was registered as the UNESCO World Heritage Site Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara.

We were going to leave from different gates
so I seriously confirmed where we would be meeting on the map.

左 食堂 (ジキドウ拝観券
白鳳伽藍(ハクオウガラン)玄奘三蔵院伽藍 (ゲンジョウサンゾウインガラン

Left : Tickets for Jiki-do: Dining Hall 
Right : Common tickets for Hakuo Garan : Hakuo Buildings 
and Genzosanzoin Building

奈良時代 (710 - 794) の建物がある境内

Hakuo Garan : 
Hakuo Buildings
The buildings are from the Nara Period
 (710 - 794) in this precinct.

冊子の地図  : 
 Map on Leaflet in Japanese

2) 移動 / Moving 
薬師寺680年、天武天皇皇后の鸕野讚良[ウノノサハラ / のちの持統天皇病気本復を願って、飛鳥藤原京 (奈良県橿原市城殿町) の地に造営が開始され、百僧を出家させたと言われています。
[鸕野讚良といえば、梨木香歩 (1959 -) 作『丹生都比売』(ニオツヒメ/ 1995 / 原生林が思い出されます。この本については下記]

8世紀はじめに、藤原京から平城京へ遷都した 際、現在地の西ノ京に移転しました。

平城京の薬師寺は973年の火災と1528年の筒井順興 (ツツイジュンコウ / 1484 -1535) の兵火で多くの建物を失いました。

1960年代以降、高田好胤 (タカダコウイン / 1924 -1998 / 在職 : 1967 -1998) 管主 (カンス/ カンズが中心となって、薬師寺復興が始められ、現在も続いています。

飛鳥の薬師寺 (本薬師寺 / モトヤクシジの伽藍も11世紀始めまでは引き続き存続していたと考えられています。
冊子 英語版 / Leaflet in English


While Emperor Tenmu prayed for his wife, Unonosarara, (later Empress Jitoto recover from her illness, he had a temple built in Asuka's Fujiwara-kyō (Kashihara CityNara Prefecture) and it is said that he forced a hundred men to become priests.
[Speaking of Unonosarara, I remembered Kaho Nashiki (1959 -)'s Book, "Niotsuhime" / by Publisher - Genseirin, 1995". About the book below]
❷梨木香歩の本 - 丹生都比売/ Kaho Nashiki's Book-Niotsuhime

When the capital was moved from Fujiwara-kyō to Heijō-kyō in the early 8th Century, the temple was moved to here from Fujiwara-kyō.

Yakushi-ji Temple in Heijō-kyō lost many buildings by a fire in 973 and by a fire caused by Tsutsui Junko ( Civil War / 1484 -1535) in 1528.

Since the 1960s, a former chief priest Takada Kōin (1924 - 1998 / term :1967 -1998) was the leader, and Yakushiji Temple reconstruction began and still continues.

It is thought that the buildings of Asuka's Temple : original Yakushi-ji Temple  continued to exist until the beginning of the 11th Century.

3) 塔 / Pagoda
A. タワーとパゴダ / Tower and Pagoda
薬師寺の公式サイト: に、

奈良旅行に入って、なんども、'塔' に会ってきたのに、仏舎利が入っていることも(本物かどうかは別にして)、わかっていたのに、この説明で初めて、ストン!と自分の中に入ってきたように感じました。

そして英語では、'何重の塔'をTower ( タワー)と訳さずに、Pagoda (パゴダ)と訳す意味の違いを知りました。
'中門' 越しに西塔を見る

West Pagoda
Looking at the West Pagoda across the 'Middle Gate'
The photograph is dark, because the weather was bad.
この写真は下記より/ This from below
Tower and Pagoda
On the official website of Yakushiji in Japanese, below
(Translation by me)
"Originally 'Pagoda' means the grave of Buddha.
('Pagoda' is 'Tou' in Japanese)
Stupa in Hindustani of transliteration was Sotoba in Japanese, Sotoba changed to Toba, and it has now become Tou.
The Stupa's prototype was that Śarīra was buried and later the ground level was  raised.
The height has become higher and higher, because it can be looked at it from a greater distance and respect for it.”


Even though I started Nara trip and had seen a few Pagodas and I knew of Śarīra (whether they are genuine or not) in them, it was the first time I felt I understand clearly by this explanation.

I found out the differences in meaning between Tower and Pagoda in English.

B. 裳階 / Mokoshi

The East Pagoda is currently being dismantled and repaired.

Before work began below.


Is this a Six Storey Pagoda?
No, it is Three Storey Pagoda, 34.1m.
画像は下記より/ This from below

135番目の屋根は裳階 (モコシ)で、本来の屋根とは違うので、屋根とされず、三重塔扱いされています。




左: 西塔 / 右: 東塔
手前: 中門につづく回廊

Left : West Pagoda Right : East Pagoda
Front : The corridor that continues to the Middle Gate
画像は下記より/ This from below


The 1st, 3rd and 5th roofs from the bottom are the Mokoshi which are different from proper roofs so they are not treated as roofs, so this is Three Storey Pagoda.

Mokoshi is decorative regardless of the internal structure, that is, there is no floor at its level.

Whilst the Mokoshi is decorative it protects the building as well.

I am impressed with the aesthetic sense and effort of ancient people.

 Golden Hall : Kondō in Yakushi-ji Temple
Rebuilt in 1976

 Dai Kodō : Great Lecture Hall in Yakushi-ji Temple
Rebuilt in 2003. 41m width, 20m in depth and 17m in height, the largest building in the precincts.


法隆寺金堂、五重塔も 東大寺大仏殿も見てきてはいましたが、裳階には目を止めませんでした。



Great Buddha Hall in Tōdai-ji Temple
I think the Mokoshi looks like the roof of the ground floor.
Certainly, there is no first floor (though there might be something like a corridor).
It seems to be a great roof, so it is difficult to recognize the decorative Mokoshi.

Mokoshi are also used below.

Great Golden Hall : Kondō,  Kodō : Great Lecture Hall and West Pagoda in Yakushi-ji Temple,
Golden Hall : Kondō and Five Storey Pagoda in Hōryū-ji Temple,
Great Buddha Hall in Tōdai-ji Temple.

Although I had seen the 
Golden Hall : Kondō and Five Storey Pagoda in Hōryūji Temple, 
and the Great Buddha Hall in Tōdai-ji Temple, I did not recognize their Mokoshi.

This might show that the East Pagoda in Yakushi-ji Temple which has Mokoshi on each roof uses them most effectively in beauty.

C. 水煙 / Suien
今回の旅行で、'水煙' を知りました。

自分が "水" に興味があるので、'水煙' にとても惹かれます。

'水煙' を最初に意識したのは、法隆寺の南大門の幕 (山門幕)の柄、次が法隆寺の五重塔の相輪.....

❺2017年10月27日- 奈良旅行 - 2) 法隆寺 : 西院伽藍/ Nara Trip : Hō...


火炎のデザインですが火事を避けるため水煙とされ 雷による被害を避けるために、相輪に組み込まれるのは、最もなことに思えます。

東塔の水煙模型 / Suien Model of East Pagoda
飛天 / Hiten : Angels
画像は下記より/ These from below
On this trip, I learned  "Suien" : "Water Smoke''.

I am interested in "Water", so I'm very attracted to "Suien".

The first time I noticed "Suien" was at the South Main Gate curtain in Hōryū-ji Temple, the next was at the Five Storey Pagoda of Horyuji Temple .....
About Horyuji Temple below.

Here, the Three Storey Pagoda (East and West Pagodas) also use 'Suien' in 
Yakushi-ji Temple.

The design is of a fire, but 
it is regarded as water smoke, rather than fire, to avoid fire and I understand enough why Sōrin includes "Suien" because they 
"Suien" avoids damage caused by thunder.

There are angels of openwork in the Sōrin of the East and West Pagodas in 
Yakushi-ji Temple.

4) 像 / Statues
A. 武装 / Be Armed


Two Heavenly Statues
In 1582 the statues burned down, they found out in the excavation survey in 1984
that the statues were not bare, but they wore armour.
They were remade in 1991.


The statues have colours, I feel it is a kitsch taste.

B. 薬師三尊像 
    Yakushi-sanzon Statues : Miroku-sanzon Statues




私が一番驚いたのは、'写経'についてで、'お写経セット' が販売され、写経が自宅ででき、それを送るか、寺に直に納めに来ると、未来永劫、大講堂の天井裏に保存されると言うことでした。






三大天使ラファエル (Raphaelのようだな〜と私は感じます。
薬師三尊像 弥勒三尊像

Yakushi-sanzon Statues : Miroku-sanzon Statue
画像は下記より/ This from below

Yakushi-sanzon Statues : Miroku-sanzon Statues
A young priest talked to us about Yakushi-ji Temple which was fun and interesting.

His talk seemed to have been handed down from priest to priest, I felt this was a ceremonial role for a new priest.

Later I found out that Takada Kōin, an earlier principal, was the originator of the fun story 
and worked hard for the rebuilding of Yakushiji Temple, and I thought that it was one of the things to be handed down from priest to priest.

As the talk was in Japanese, R looked around the precinct himself during that time.

What I was most surprised about was 'Sutra Copying' ; Sutra copying is considered a merit in Buddhism', and they sell 'Sutra Copying Set' so people can copy at home and 
when it is finished, they send or revisit the temple and hand-in, their copies would be preserved above the ceiling in the Great Golden Hall : Dai Kondō.

I was surprised at the idea and the set was fascinatingly beautiful, my mind was moved , however, eventually I did not buy it.

I bought lovely charms for a couple of our friends.

There are principal images : Three Healing Statues : Yakushi-sanzon Statue in Great Golden Hall, above and below.
Yakushi Nyorai : Bhaiṣajyaguru, commonly referred to as the "Medicine Buddha"
Nykko-Bosatsu : Suryaprabha
Gekko-Bosatsu : Candraprabha.

As well as being one of the oldest examples of 'Three Healing Statues' in Japan,
the set is regarded as one of the most highly rated.

In general, Yakushi Nyorai is believed to repair people's disease in the world and prolong their longevity.'

I feel he is like Raphael, one of the Great Three Angels.

C. 薬師如来 : 弥勒菩薩 / Yakushi Nyorai : Miroku Bosatsu







薬師三尊像 : 弥勒三尊像

 Yakushi-sanzon Statue : Miroku-sanzon Statues
National Treasure
画像は下記より/ This from below

Yakushi Nyorai : Miroku Bosatsu
The Great Golden Hall : Dai Kondō was reconstructed in 2003, after then the name of the Yakushi-sanzon was changed to Miroku-sanzon : Three Maitreya by Yakushi-ji Temple.
The circumstances are here → (Unfortunately only in Japanese)

I only realized about the change of name after I had gathered most of the information for  this section.

I do not have physical strength or ambition to correct it, so I use the former name.

Their leaflet still uses the former name, Yakushi-sanzon!

It seems that Maitreya is a future Buddha who will appear of this world and is one of the Bodhisattva in Madama Buddhism.

What will happen to the wishes of people who believe in Yakushi Nyorai?

Even though Buddhist priests or people do not reach Buddha level and struggle, because they would follow Buddha and Buddha thinks about these people and then Buddha might feel they are precious.

D. 吉祥文様 / Auspicious Omens Motifs
薬師如来 (弥勒菩薩) の掌には輪宝を線刻し、足裏には輪宝のほか、指に卍花を刻むなど、吉祥文様が表されています。

そういえば、Rのインド人の友人Sの手に、ヘンナ Henna (Medihi)と呼ばれる、インドの伝統的な手足にほどこされるボディペインティング (下の写真) があったのを思い出しました。
ヘンナ / Henna (Medihi)については下記。
Auspicious Omens Motifs
The palms of Yakushi Nyorai are engraved Dharmachakra and fingers in the soles of the feet are engraved Dharmachakra and Swastika Flowers which are happy patterns (Auspicious Omens Motifs).

These are expressions based on the "32 signs of a Great Man" in Buddhism.

By the way, I remembered the hands of R's Indian friend S that there were body paintings that are called Henna (Medihi), above, the plant name gives its name to this traditional Indian style of painting on hands and feet.
About Henna (Medihi) is below.

E. シルクロード / Silk Road
"薬師如来台座は宣字座 (センノジザ) の上に裳を広げた裳懸座 (モカゲザ)です。
その下にはペルシャの蓮華文様(レンゲモヨウ) は、中東のイスラムのモスクで見られます。
下框には、中国 ( / 618 - 907)から影響を受けた、四方四神の彫刻がなされています。


玄奘三蔵院伽藍には、平山郁夫 (1930 – 2009) 画伯 30年をかけて制作した「大唐西域壁画」() がありますが、残念ながら私はそれをゆっくり鑑賞する時間はもてませんでした。




薬師如来台座 / Yakushi Nyorai Pedestal
英語版冊子の写真 / Leaflet in English version 

Silk Road
The following is a summary from the Yakushiji Official Website and English version leaflet, below.
(I do not know why the Japanese version leaflet does not comment about the pedestal.)
"The pedestal of Yakushi Noyrai Statue is 'Senji-no-za'.
The grape-vine scroll pattern at edge of upper projecting frame is very close to the Greek work.
The lotus flowers pattern around the pedestal is seen at the Islamic Mosque in the Middle East.
The barbarians crouching in the decorative arch are often seen at the Hindu Temples in India.
The four sides of animal God : Four Directions Four Gods (see below) in the lower frame are influenced by Tang dynasty ( 618 - 907)
Therefore it is said that Nara is the east edge of 'Silk Road'.

It has a mix of cultures.

There are the wall pictures : "Daitoseiiki-hekiga" : "Great Tang West Wall Pictures"
by a Japanese painter, Ikuo Hirayama (1930 – 2009) in Genjou-sanzou-in Garan , however, unfortunately I do not have time to appreciate them  slowly.

Ikuo Hirayama painter made numerous works with motifs of the Silk Road.

"Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Museum" is also located in Yamanashi Prefecture.
四方四神 / Four Directions Four Gods
北に玄武 (ゲンブ
 North : Black Tortoise

西に白虎 (ビャッコ)               東に青龍 (セイリュウ
West : White Tiger                East :  Azure Dragon

南に朱雀 (スザク
 South : Vermilion Bird

I love 'Fantasy', I am attracted by the Four Directions, Four Gods.