Map in Japanese 円通院 (エンツウイン) : ★は、瑞巌寺 (ズインガンジ) の西隣にあります。 Entsuin on the left is west of Zuingannji, on the right.
円通院 はミッシェラン旅行ガイド:「MICHELIN Voyager Pratique Japon」(2007)
「MICHELIN Green Guide Japon」(2009). Entsuin → ★ / ★ in English |
目次 / Contents
1) ヒーロー伊達 政宗後の仙台藩 / Sendai Domain after Hero Date Masamune
A. お家騒動 / O-IeSōdō
B. 宇和島藩 / Uwasima Domain
B. 宇和島藩 / Uwasima Domain
2) 三慧殿 / Sankeiden
A. 伊達光宗 / Date Mitsumine
B. 支倉常長 / Hasekura Tsunenaga
3) 庭 / Gardens
B. 支倉常長 / Hasekura Tsunenaga
3) 庭 / Gardens
1) ヒーロー伊達 政宗 後の仙台藩
Sendai Domain after Hero Date Masamune
A. お家騒動 / O-IeSōdō
A. お家騒動 / O-IeSōdō
The second Lord of Sendai Domain, Date Tadamune (1600 - 1658) was the heir of Date Masamune (1567 -1636).
The second grandson, Date Mitsumine (1627 -1645), like the first died before he could become lord.
Entsuin is Mistumine's grave temple.
Date Family Tree in Japanese |
仙台藩初代藩主 伊達政宗 (1567 -1636) 像 青葉城 (仙台城) にて撮影 Statue of First Lord of Sendai Domain, Date Masamune (1567 -1636) I photographed it at Aoba (Sendai) Castle. |
仙台藩二代藩主 伊達 忠宗 (1600 - 1658) この方は、仙台藩の地位と基盤固めに功績を残し、 「守成(シュセイ)の名君」と評されたそうです。 また、父 政宗 (1567- 1636) の菩提寺である
Second Lord of Sendai Domain, Date Tadamune (1600 - 1658)
He was good at maintaining the position and status of Sandai Domain,
they said he was a wise ruler.
And also he built the great temples for his father,
We visited the temples which I will write about in a different section.
伊達 光宗 (1627 - 1645) 像 この像は光宗 の霊廟である三慧殿 (サンケイデン / 1646年建立) に 設置されています。 Statue of Date Mitsumine (1627 -1645) This statue is in Sakeiden which was built in 1646 as a mausoleum for Date Mistumine. 画像は下記より / This from below 文化遺産オンライン / Cultural Heritage Online |
→ 綱宗隠居事件
第四代藩主 綱村 (1659 - 1719) は、わずか2歳で家督を相続します。
伊達騒動は、綱村の強制隠居 (1703) により終結されます。
第五第藩主、伊達吉村 (1680 - 1152) は、歴代仙台藩主中、最長在職の藩主になり、また破綻状態であった財政を立て直したので、「中興の英主」と呼ばれました。
Lords of Sendai →★
Mitsumine died early, so the sixth son of Date Tadamune, Tsunamune (1640- 1711), became the third Lord, however, he did not suit being the Lord and he was condemned and quickly forced into retirement.
The fourth Lord Tsunamura (1659 - 1719), succeeded to the Date house when he was only two years old.
Then the Date family discord : O-IeSōdō became more severe. → Date Sōdō.
The family discord was settled after Tsunamura was forced into retirement (1703).
Date Yoshimura (1680 - 1152) became the fifth lord, his reign being the longest in Sendai Domain.
Sendai finances had almost been destroyed which he re-built, so he was called "the Great Restorer Lord".
B. 宇和島藩 / Uwasima Domain
伊達政宗の時代にもお家騒動になりうるような場面が長男、秀宗 (ヒデムネ / 1591 - 1658) との間でありました。秀宗は、長男ではあるけれども庶子 (ショシ) です。
秀宗は、1614 年に伊予宇和島藩の初代藩主になっています。
Even in Date Masamune's time, there might have been O-IeSōdō between Masamune and his first son ; an illegitimate child, Hidemune (1591 - 1658), however, it was calmed down, because of the hero Masamune, or his luck....
Hidemune became the first Lord of the Uwasima Domain in 1614.
第四代藩主 綱村 (1659 - 1719) は、わずか2歳で家督を相続します。
伊達騒動は、綱村の強制隠居 (1703) により終結されます。
第五第藩主、伊達吉村 (1680 - 1152) は、歴代仙台藩主中、最長在職の藩主になり、また破綻状態であった財政を立て直したので、「中興の英主」と呼ばれました。
Lords of Sendai →★
Mitsumine died early, so the sixth son of Date Tadamune, Tsunamune (1640- 1711), became the third Lord, however, he did not suit being the Lord and he was condemned and quickly forced into retirement.
The fourth Lord Tsunamura (1659 - 1719), succeeded to the Date house when he was only two years old.
Then the Date family discord : O-IeSōdō became more severe. → Date Sōdō.
The family discord was settled after Tsunamura was forced into retirement (1703).
Date Yoshimura (1680 - 1152) became the fifth lord, his reign being the longest in Sendai Domain.
Sendai finances had almost been destroyed which he re-built, so he was called "the Great Restorer Lord".
B. 宇和島藩 / Uwasima Domain
伊達政宗の時代にもお家騒動になりうるような場面が長男、秀宗 (ヒデムネ / 1591 - 1658) との間でありました。秀宗は、長男ではあるけれども庶子 (ショシ) です。
秀宗は、1614 年に伊予宇和島藩の初代藩主になっています。
Even in Date Masamune's time, there might have been O-IeSōdō between Masamune and his first son ; an illegitimate child, Hidemune (1591 - 1658), however, it was calmed down, because of the hero Masamune, or his luck....
Hidemune became the first Lord of the Uwasima Domain in 1614.
仙台藩の紋 / Sendai Domain Crest
The "sparrows in bamboo" crest of the Date clan.
画像は下記より/ This from below
宇和島紋 宇和島笹 (ウワジマザサ) : 竹輪笹に阿吽 (アウン) の向かい雀 (キスしているのではないのですよ〜!) 仙台藩が一輪の竹輪なのに対してこちらは二つに分かれています。 雀が阿吽に描かれているのは、仙台藩と宇和島藩が阿吽の仲であるように という願いであったのしょうか? Uwasima Domain Crest Uwasima zasa ; The "A-un sparrows in ring bamboo" crest of the Date clan. (They are not kiss!) Sendai Domain's bamboo ring is one, however, Uwasima's ring is divided.
Did they make the design of A-un sparrows intending to show the relationship
between Sendai Domain and Uwasima Domain?
According to Wikipedia about A-un
"The term a-un is used figuratively in some Japanese expressions
as "a-un breathing" (阿吽の呼吸 a-un no kokyū?) or
"a-un relationship" (阿吽の仲 a-un no naka?),
indicating an inherently harmonious relationship or non-verbal communication."
画像は下記より / This from below Wikipedia |
2) 三慧殿 / Sankeiden
A. 伊達光宗 / Date Mitsumine
光宗の霊廟 (レイビョウ)、三慧殿 (サンケイデン) が庭の奥にあります。
光宗 が文武に優れていたため、外様大名から名君がでることを恐れた幕府に毒殺されたと言われています。
どちらにしても、治世の面で何もしていない19歳の若者のお墓のために、円通院のようなお寺を建立したことから、人々や父親 忠宗の嘆きの深さも感じらます。
どちらにしても、治世の面で何もしていない19歳の若者のお墓のために、円通院のようなお寺を建立したことから、人々や父親 忠宗の嘆きの深さも感じらます。
パンフレット 表紙に使用されてるのが三慧殿 。 Pamphlet They use the mausoleum for the cover of the pamphlet. |
Date Mitsumine
The mausoleum of Date Mitsumine, Sankeiden is in the back of their garden.
Officially Date Mitsumine died of a disease.
There is a theory that Mitsumine was poisoned to death by the shogunate.
They say he was both a good warrior and a good scholar.
Apparently the shogunate did not want an outsider (Tozama Daimyo) to become a wise ruler ; they feared Mitsumine and then they had him killed.
Actually nobody knows the truth now, I guess nevertheless people expected him to be a good lord, he passed away when he was 19 years old.
The people and his father were heartbroken, so they tried to help their mental states by the theory....
The people and his father were heartbroken, so they tried to help their mental states by the theory....
As a 19 year old Mitsumine did not get involved in government, however, they still made quite a big temple like this : Entsuin and I feel the huge grief of the people and his father,Tadamune.
それは支倉常長 (1571 - 1622) が持ち帰ったヨーロッパの文化が 三慧殿の内装に見られ(★)、 鎖国状態にあった日本での公開が難しかったからです。 Sankeiden National important cultural property
Because the design of the inside has been influenced by many European cultural ideas which Hasekura Tsunenaga (1571–1622) brought back at a time
when Japan was a closed country.
So officially it was difficult to show.
Here had not been open for three and a half centuries. |
B.支倉常長 / Hasekura Tsunenaga
支倉常長 (1571 - 1622) は、ヨーロッパ人が見た最初の武士でした。
彼は伊達政宗からの使命により、慶長遣欧使節 (ケイチョウケンオウシセツ)として
ヨーロッパを訪問し、スペイン王フェリペ世 (1578 - 1621 / 在位: 1598 -1621)や
ローマ法王パウルス5世 (1552 - 1621 / 在位: 1605 -1621)に謁見しました。
ローマ法王パウルス5世 (1552 - 1621 / 在位: 1605 -1621)に謁見しました。
けれども常長の欧州訪問は250年後に再び外交交渉に訪問した岩倉使節団 (1871 - 78) を勇気付けることにはなったのです。
Hasekura Tsunenaga
けれども常長の欧州訪問は250年後に再び外交交渉に訪問した岩倉使節団 (1871 - 78) を勇気付けることにはなったのです。
Hasekura Tsunenaga
It was the first time Europeans had seen a Bushi (★), Hasekura Tsunenaga (1571–1622).
According to Tokyo National Museum ; "Portrait of Hasekura Tsunenaga and Nanban Art: Japan-European Exchange 400 Years Ago".
"Hasekura Tsunenaga (1571–1622), one of the few Japanese who actually traveled to Europe, was the leader of delegates which later became to be known as the Keicho Mission sent by the feudal lord of Sendai, Date Masamune, in 1613 (Keicho 18)."
He left Japan in 1613 and while he had stayed in Europe for a few years, he became a Christian.
He could not make trade negotiations, because Japan started cracking down on Christianity, he went back to Japan in 1620.
Sadly there came into force a ban Catholicism in Japan at that time,
he died disappoined two years later after returning to Japan .
However, his visit encouraged Iwakura Mission (Iwakura Embassy / 1871 - 78) which visited Europe 250 years after Tsunenaga.
The things Tsunenaga brought back from Europe are now National Treasures.
Well I think these would not console Tsunenaga, would they?
He left Japan in 1613 and while he had stayed in Europe for a few years, he became a Christian.
He could not make trade negotiations, because Japan started cracking down on Christianity, he went back to Japan in 1620.
Sadly there came into force a ban Catholicism in Japan at that time,
he died disappoined two years later after returning to Japan .
However, his visit encouraged Iwakura Mission (Iwakura Embassy / 1871 - 78) which visited Europe 250 years after Tsunenaga.
The things Tsunenaga brought back from Europe are now National Treasures.
Well I think these would not console Tsunenaga, would they?
支倉常長 像 クロード デュリエ (1588–1660) 画 ?
説明はここで→★ : 仙台市博物館
Hasekura Tsunenaga Portrait By Claude Deruet (1588–1660) ? National Treasure, UNESCO's Memory of the World Programme 画像は下記より / This from below Wikipedia
支倉常長の肖像画 / Hasekura's Portrait
油彩・キャンバス 17世紀 /アルキータ・リッチ(1560-1635) 画
1615年10月に使節団一行のローマ入市式 (ニュウシシキ) が挙行され、 パレードや謁見の時の服装がこの肖像画で描かれているとされています。 絵にはいくつもの意味がこめられています。 この肖像画 の説明がここで読めます→PDF(PDF)または ここ★/★
portrait during his mission in Rome in 1615
by Archita Ricci (1560-1635) . 196.0cm × 146.0cm 画像は下記より/ This from below |
画像は下記より / This from below 河北新報 |
2つの大洋を渡った支倉常長の行程図 1613年月の浦(現石巻市)を出航 - - 1615年スペイン、ローマ - 1620年帰国 Simplified Map of Hasekura Tsunenaga voyages across oceans Green : Going / Red: Returning Leaving Japan in 1613 - Arriving and Staying in Spain and Roma in 1615 - - Returning to Japan in 1620 画像は下記より / This from below 東京国立博物館 / Tokyo National Museum |
パンフレット / Pamphlet in Japanese 詳細とカラー版はここで見られます→★ |
Pamphlet in English You can see colour here although the explanations in Japanese →★ |
This temple's gardens are lovely, so I took many photographs.
Even though there are Japanese Gardens, I felt an impression of lightness and familiarity.
Here seems to be popular as a "Rose Temple".
It is unusual that a temple has a rose garden, isn't it?
However, when we visited there it was not the season for roses and I compared it with other rose gardens unconsciously, so I decided not to take photograph of the roses.
I heard in autumn there are beautiful tinted autumnal leaves and it might be more beautiful
lit up at night.
You can see all season of the gardens here →★, although it is only in Japanese.
緑が綺麗!赤と黄緑の対比が素敵! Beautiful Green! Lovely Contrast Red and Light Green! |
シダが好き I like fern |
ホスタ (ギボウシ) が好き! I like hosta! |
ふかふかした苔の上 There are on soft moss |
大悲亭 : ★ この名前からも察しられるとおり、 父 忠宗が息子 光宗の早世を悼んで解体移築した本堂です。 Daihi-tei The father, Tadamune mourned his son, Mistumine and reconstructed the thatching as a temple main building. The name means big sorrow arbour in Japanese. |
遠州の庭 :★ / Enshu Garden
本堂前にハート型 (心字) の池で構成されている素敵な庭があります。
この庭は伊達藩江戸屋敷にあった小堀遠州 (コボリエンシュウ/ 1579 - 1647) の庭を移設したといわれています。
In front of the main building : 'Daihi-tei', there is a lovely garden around a heart-shaped pond.
They say this was made by Kobori Enshu (1579 - 1647) and it was moved from Date Domain House in Edo.
Kobori Enshu or Kobori Masakazu
画像は下記より / This from below
Japanese Wikipedia
彼は近江小室藩 (オウミコムロハン) の初代藩主であり、茶人であり、文人でした。
小堀遠州または小堀政一 (コボリ マサカズ)
Kobori Enshu or Kobori Masakazu
画像は下記より / This from below
English Wikipedia
He was First Lord of Oumi Komuro Domain, master of the tea ceremony
worked for building and repairing many places,
he won fame as an architect and a garden designer.
Now Enshu Tea school's feature is called Kirei- Sabi ;
World of Wabi-sabi add beauty, richness and try to make a good balance.
According to an editor of a book
"Seek of World Kireisabi"( Shinchosha, 2006) in Japanese,
"I might say Kireisabi is a beauty which is based on
spirit of good service and sense of balance"
(I translate from Japanese to English myself)
I understand that its theme is a beauty which people do not understand Wabi-sabi,
not expert, however, they can understand or feel the beauty.
Now I think this is why I felt lightness and familiarity at that time,
because gardens might be on the stream of beauty.
庭の池に鯉ではない(ですよね?)魚を見るのは珍しい... It is rare that I saw fish in a garden pond which are not carp (isn't it?) |
え〜っ!やっぱり鯉なのでしょうか? Well~! They are carp, aren't they??? |
きゃ〜!おたまじゃくし! 最後に見たのを覚えていません。それもこんなにたくさん、こんなに大きい〜! どんなに大きなカエルになるのでしょうか!? 見たいような見たくなような....? 大きな魚に食べられないように、浅瀬に集まっているのかな? WoW! Tadpoles! I did not remember I saw them the last. They are so many and are so big like this! How much big when they are growing up!? I do not know I want to see or not? They concentrate in shallows, because protect eating by big fish? |
苔石 / Lichen Rock 日本語では写真の地面の苔も岩の苔も"苔"という言葉で表現しますが、 英語では地面の苔はmoss/モス、岩のような苔は、'lichen / ライケン'と呼びます。 'lichen / ライケン'は、日本語で '地衣類 '(チイルイ) という言葉があるのですが、 通常使いませんよね? 実際には、苔と'地衣類'は、まったく違う構造をしているのだそうです。 |
おんこ (イチイまたはアララギ) この木は、樹齢700年! 北海道や東北地方ではオンコ、新潟と東北地方ではオッコ、 関東、中部地方では アララギなど、いろいろな方言で呼ばれるようです。 イチイの木は英語で ’Yew / ユー’と呼びます。 英国でこの木、古そうだな〜と思うと、Yew のことが度々あります。 また、英国ではよく墓地にあります。 私は英国で古い教会を訪れることが多いのでしばしば古いYewを見かけるように 思うのかもしれません。 Onko : Taxus cuspidata (Japanese Yew or Spreading Yew) This tree is over 700 years old! It has some names depending on areas and their dialect, for example, Onko in Hokkaido, Tohoku, Okko in Nigata, Tohoku and Araragi in Kanto, Chubu. In Britain, I feel a tree looks old that is often a Yew and Yews are often in graveyards or Churchyards. I visit old churches many times, therefore I might feel I often see old Yews. |
下も Looking at the ground and.... 上もきれいな色... Looking up ....there are beautiful colours... |
たいぼく〜〜! / Big tree~~s! |
光と影の世界が美しい〜! The World of Light and Shadow, beautiful~~! |
白木蓮 (ハクモクレン) 白い花を見るとすぐに撮影してしまいます。 White Magnolia When I see white flowers, at once I photograph. |
雪餅草 (ユキモチソウ) まんなかの白くふくれた部分がもっとふくれて、
It looks to me like a Carnivorous plant? |
緑の中の赤に惹かれて.... I was drawn in by a red in all the green. |
奥へ入ると山の気配がしてきます。 Going inwards I felt a mountain atmosphere. マップ (⑤) によると、'禅林, 瞑想の庭'と呼ばれる場所 なるほど〜〜 By Map, here is 'Zen Woods: Meditation Garden' Indee~~d. |
またシダを撮影してしまう! I cannot stop photographing ferns! |
"伊達解析料理 雲外" 脇
By the Side of Ungai Kaiseki Restaurant
"伊達懐石料理 雲外" / Ungai Kaiseki Restaurant HP:★
庭師さんの力を感じます。 素人には、こうはできないでしょう〜。 I feel their gardener's skill. It cannot be made like this by amateurs. |
I really enjoyed their gardens, thank you very much!