
3月8日 リトグラフ工房 / Lithograph Studio, 8th of March

1) 試行錯誤 / Trial and Error
I do not make my ideas and it is difficult and delicate. Whew!

2) 癒しのメダカ
2) Solace in Medaka : Japanese Killifish
I would research about Medaka. Now I am getting ready for my exhibition, so just showing photographs.
This way is easy, isn't it?

瓶の中の赤ちゃん瓶の中の赤ちゃんメダカ / Baby Medaka in Bottle

They are transferred from the bottle to this Fish Tank after growing up.

水槽に花びらが!水槽に花びらが! / Flower Petal in the Fish Tank!

It is a difficult focusIt is difficult to focus my camera on the Medaka.

こんにちは!やっとあHello! Finally I could get focus!


2)鎌倉の春の始まり / The Beginning of Spring in Kamakura

二階堂 / Nikaido

竹と梅 / Bamboo and
Hakubai :Japanese White Apricot : White Ume

ここもあすこもここもあすこも白梅 / Here and there are Hakubai.

ここここは紅梅 / Here is Koubai : Japanese Red Apricot : Red Ume.

ここには水仙は水仙 ここには水仙 / Here are daffodils.

この花壇はいつも Always this flower bed is well looked after.


1)鎌倉の春の始まり / The Beginning of Spring in Kamakura


I heard the song of a bush warbler in the morning of 6th March. This was only the second time this year. I remember the first one was in January, although I cannot say the song, it was like a test.

鎌倉宮 / Kamakura-Gu
A. 河津桜 / Kouzuszakura : A Japanese Cherry
The cherry flower 1月はこのくらい咲いていました。今は....
The cherry flThe flowers began opening in January like this, now....

The cherry flower こんなにたくさん咲いてます!
The cherry flower This cherry blossoms well like this!

The cherry flower 鳥居の右の河津桜も咲いてます。
Another cherry tree is on the right hand side of the gate which blossoms now too.

B. 鳥と、檜の松ぼっくり : 球果(きゅうか)
The Bird and Strobile of A Japanese Cypress : HINOKI

とカメラをむけたら、鳥を見つけました。それに焦点 (上と下の写真の中央) をあわせていたら、鳥に気がつかれたのか、飛び去られてしまいました。
I found strobiles of HINOKI and I tried to take a photograph, although
I found a bird there. While I was focusing my camera on the bird (center of above and below photographs), it saw me and escaped.

The bird flew down to the cherry : Kozuzakura, so perhaps it was easier for me to photograph the bird.

I thought the bird pretended to be part of the tree and its pose was like a woodpecker.

After this photograph, it flew away.
I researched about the bird in Internet, although I still do not know its name.
Is it a Brown-eared Bulbul???

C.アトリエ キカ / Atelier Kika

Rは、1月に、このお店で柳宗理のアンティークスプーンを買いました。(下の写真) 私達のお気に入りになったスプーンです。

Atelier Kika
Atelier Kika is in front of Kamakura-Gu. The shop sells things and manages cafe.
R bought antique spoons of Souri Yanagi here in January.(below photograph)
They become our favourite tea spoons.
Now the shop sells flowers.

柳宗理のアンティークスプーン/ Antique spoons of Souri Yanagi