
② 2021年5-7月 本・ローマン・ブリテン・シリーズ -『銀の枝』/ Book・The Eagle of the Ninth series - "The Silver Branch", May to July, 2021

'Eagle of the Ninth' Series
ともしびをかかげて / 上巻・ 下巻
写真 : 池田 正孝 (イケダ マサヨシ / 1932 ~)
Photographs : Masayoshi Ikeda (1932 ~)

This section is about "The Silver Branch".
目次 / Contents
第九軍団のワシ』については1) - 4) ,下記
About "The Eagle of the Ninth": 1) - 4), below.
1) 第九軍団のワシ』 / "The Eagle of the Ninth".
2) サトクリフ作品 / Works by Sutcliff 
3) ローマン・ブリテン・シリーズ / "The Eagle of the Ninth" Series
    A. 四部作 / Tetralogy
    B. ローマン・ブリテン / Roman Britain
    C.  鷲 / Eagle
4) 物語 / Story
    A. 映画 / Film
    B. あらすじ / Synopsis
    C. 感想 / Review
      a) 描写力 / Power of Description
      b) 異国と異文化 / Foreign Countries and Different Cultures
      c) 前半の出会い / First Half Encounter
      d) 後半の出会い / Second Half Encounter
      e) 得たもの / What He got

5) ファンタジー作品との共通点  
    Common Points with Fantasy Works
6) 『銀の枝』/ "The Silver Branch"
    A. あらすじ /  Synopsis
    B. 描写 / Depiction
7) 象徴 / Symbol 
8) ロケーション / Locations 
    A. 浴場の文化 / Bath Culture 
    B. リッチバラ ・ローマン 要塞 / Richborough Roman Fort
    C. 対・海のオオカミ / Anti- Sea Wolf

『辺境のオオカミ』については9) -14), 下記
 About  "Frontier Wolf " : 9) -14) below.
9) 『辺境のオオカミ』/ "Frontier Wolf "
     A. 物語の舞台 /Story Setting
     B. あらすじ / Synopsis
10時系列 / Chronological Order
11) 作家と作品 / Author and Work
12) ヴォダニディニ族 /Votadini 
13) この世とあの世 / This World and the Next
14) 友情と信頼 / Friendship and Trust
     A. 馬  / Horse
     B. 子猫 / Kitten 

『ともしびをかかげて』については15) -17), 下記
About  "The Lantern Bearers : 15) -17), below.
15) 『ともしびをかかげて/ 上巻・ 下巻
      "The Lantern Bearers, Part 1&2"
      A. カーネギー賞 / Carnegie Medal
   B. あらすじ / Synopsis
16) 灯台の火 / Light of Beacon 
      A. ドーバーのローマ時代の灯台 / Roman Lighthouse in Dover
      B. 闇の中の火 / Fire in Dark
17) シリーズを通して / Through Series
      A. 文化と血 / Culture and Blood
      B. 障害者 / Handicapped 
      C. ドラマティックな物語 / Dramatic Stories

5) ファンタジー作品との共通点 
 Common Points with Fantasy Works
『銀の枝』は、ローズマリー・サトクリフ (1920 - 1992) の代表作である、ローマン・ブリテン・シリーズの2作目であり、物語の時代設定上も2番目に当たります。









赤茶 ローマン・ブリテン (ブリタンニア)
[古代ローマ (建国 : BC.736 -  東西分割 : AD.395
AD.395 - 480 : 西ローマ / AD.395 - 1453 : 東ローマ)
下記ローマン・ブリテン (ブリタンニア) について、Wikiより。

Red Brown : Roman Britain (Britannia)
Roman Britain (Britannia) is one of the provinces established
by Ancient Rome in the southern part of Great Britain.
[Ancient Rome : Foundation : BC.736 - 
East West Division : AD.395 
AD.395 - 480 : Western Roman Empire 
AD.395 - 1453 :  Eastern Roman Empire]
According to Japanese Wiki about Roman Britain (Britannia),
"The inhabitants were mainly Celtic Britons, 
after the provinceization, Romans,Gauls, 
and Germanic people came mainly as soldiers."
画像は下記より / This from below

Common Points with Fantasy Works
"Silver Branch" is the second published work of the Eagle of the Ninth series, which is a masterpiece by Rosemary Sutcliff (1920 - 1992) and the second set in the time of the stories.

I like fantasy works.

I don't have many opportunities to read historical novels.

The Eagle of the Ninth series is generally regarded as historical novels.

However, for me, the Eagle of the Ninth series are more fantasy than historical novels.

I think because they are set in a world far from the present, they are adventure stories, and have heroes.

The story is of a hero who may have been buried in history even though he is a hero.

I feel that Sutcliff does not relentlessly and directly write out the inner part of human beings, leaving room for the reader to imagine with scenes and symbols.

I think that her way of writing is common to fantasy works.

6) 『銀の枝』/ "The Silver Branch"
1954 / 原書初版 
訳 : 猪熊葉子 (1928 ~ )
挿絵 : チャールズ・キーピング (1924 - 1988)
 1994 / 岩波書店  
2007 / 岩波少年文庫

"The Silver Branch"
Original 1954 
Translated by Yoko Inokuma  (1928 ~ )
Illustrations by Charles Keeping (1924 - 1988)
Japanese Edition1994 / Iwanami Shoten
Paperback Edition 2007 / Iwanami Bunko
A. あらすじ / Synopsis


当時ブリテン (ブリタンニアは、公式にはローマの属州ですが、カロウシウスが統治しローマ本国とは、かなり独立した関係になっていました。


カロウシウス皇帝は、'海のオオカミ', サクソン人の襲撃を防ぐべく尽力しています。


彼らは皇帝に進言しますが皇帝は受け入れず、反対に彼らは北の赴任地(ハドリアヌスの長城 へ追いやられます。




この活動の間に、第九軍団の旗印である 'ワシを発見、それを寄せ集めた軍団の旗印にし、サクソン人を含んだアレクトスの軍団と戦います。

戦いの場所が武力のないカレバ (Callevaに及ぶ時、寄せ集た軍団は、多くの仲間を失いますがカレバを守ります。


1954 / 原書初版 

Cover of First Edition,"The Silver Branch"
Original 1954 
Justin and his cousin Flavius, descendants of 
Marcus Flavius Aquila, the main character of
 "The Eagle of the Ninth", 
are the main characters of "The Silver Branch".
There was a sense of security in the relationship 
between the two, and I think there was less sense of crisis 
compared to the other stories in the series.
画像は下記より / This from below

Army surgeon, Justin was sent from Rome to Britain, where he met a Centurion, Flavius and they became friends.

Coincidentally, they were cousins.

At that time Britain (Britania) was officially a Roman province, but it was ruled by Carousius and had a quite independent relationship with Rome.

Carausius himself called himself the Britannia Emperor, and his subordinates also recognized him as the Emperor, and Justin and  Flavius  were willing to serve Emperor Carausius loyally.

Emperor Carausius worked to prevent Saxons : 'Sea Wolf' attacks from continental Europe.

When the two friends went hunting, they learned of an assassination plot of Emperor Carausius by Allectus, an aide to the Emperor with the help of the Saxons.

The friends reported to the Emperor, but the Emperor did not accept their report, and on the contrary they were relegated to their northern post ; Hadrian's Wall.

Eventually, Allectus assassinated the Emperor, he became a new Emperor, ruled Britain, and commanded the army.

Justin and Flavius left the army of Allectus and were chased.

Just before they were about to flee to Rome, they decided to stay in Britain, and became members of the opposition to Allectus, gradually their numbers increased and they kept in touch with their home country of Rome.

During this activity, they discover the standard of the Ninth, the 'Eagle' and made  it their standard of the rebel mixed bag army, and fought against the Allectus army, which included the Saxons.

When the battlefield extended to the undefended Calleva, the mixed bag army gathered and lost many companions to protect Calleva.

Their efforts were acknowledged by the Roman Emperor Constantius, who arrived in Britain.

Justin, Flavius and several others could serve the Roman emperor again.
ルトピエの港 (Rutupiae / リッチバラ・ローマン砦)でした。
タナトス(Isle of Thanet)でした。

'Wantsum Channel
'Wantsum Channel' as it was about 2,000 years ago.
The place where Justin and Flavius met was 
the port of 
Rutupiae (in Richborough Roman Fort).
It was on the Isle of Thanet where 
Justin and Flavius went hunting and found
the secret meeting of betrayal.
画像は下記より/ This from below

'English Heritage Guidebooks'

B. 描写 / Depiction








読者は勝手で文句言いですから ()。
117年のローマ帝国の版図 ; ローマ帝国の属州 
 : 皇帝属州
灰色 : 駐屯地の司令官による統治の属州 (従属国)

Roman Empire in AD 117; Roman Provinces
画像は下記より / This from beloe
At the beginning of this section, I wrote
'I feel that Sutcliff does not relentlessly and directly write out the inner part of human beings, leaving room for the reader to imagine with scenes and symbols.'

The characters are attractive ...  Evicatos of the Spear, Pandarus of the Gladiator and Great Aunt Honoria, who have a lot of pluck.

However, the writings don't describe the psychology very much.

I think it's similar to the method of letting an actor speak with the facial expressions of an actor instead of speaking in words in a video work.

Isn't it one of the literary techniques and one of the pleasures of reading?

Literary works are not reports ....

However, if it's too abstracted, readers don't understand.

In addition, there is a boom in writing, and the reading comprehension of readers in each era is different, so the balance is quite difficult, and I think that the writers have a hard time all the time.

Readers are selfish and like saying complaints (Laugh).

7) 象徴 / Symbol 
この物語は、ローマン・ブリテン (ブリタンニア) の期間中、英国がローマ帝国から離れつつ、民族の融合が進んでいる状態であると感じました。

ローマン・ブリテン・シリーズ で、私が最も興味があったのは、
ブリトン人 (英国の先住民:ケルト人) と、敵対するローマ帝国軍に属する人々との関係性でした。
(ブリトン人 : ブリテン諸部族 / British tribes、古代ブリトン人 / ancient Britons, またはブリトン民族/ ethnic Britons)






この物語では、カロウシウスの特別な奴隷 (道化師) クレーンが身につけている青銅の細い棒に銀のリンゴが9つ下がっている装飾も、
'銀の枝' に当たります。

'銀の枝は、権威の象徴であり、ケルト人が使用する一時的な「パスカード(証明書または合言葉の役割)」であり、ヤドリギの小枝またはリンゴの枝で構成されていた'と知りました (英語版Wiki)。



それが、'権威の象徴' とされることが面白いな〜と思いますが、この物語では、'権威'というよりも、精神の拠り所という扱いのように感じます。


クレーンが再登場する章のタイトルが、'13 .銀の枝' (P.254) です。

アレクトス軍と戦う時にクレーンは、'ワシ' を掲げる旗手になります。


ローマ軍の象徴が 'ワシ'、ブリトン人の象徴 (蛮族の魂) が  'オオカミ' なら、近代化 (ローマ化) されたブリトン人の象徴と英国化して行くローマ兵士が、'銀の枝' であるように私には感じられます。

戦いの後に、ローマン・ブリテン (ブリタンニア) は、ローマ帝国下に戻ってしまうのは、独立するにはまだその精神が十分ではないのです。


(P.376 /  L.8.9)



この物語以降、ローマが去った後、その土地には、ブリトン人 (ケルト人) の魂、誇り高きオオカミの魂があったので自立でき、今の英国があると思います。


一国は他の国々と協調はしても、魂や文化 (言語を含め) は捨ててはいけないのだと思います。

国としての 'アイデンティティ'を失ってはいけないと表現するのかもしれません。


挿絵 (P.376)

挿絵 : チャールズ・キーピング

with Silver Branch looks happy between Justin and Flavius.
Illustrations by Charles Keeping 
I feel that the story shows that during Roman Britain (Britannia), the Britain was moving away from the Roman Empire and becoming more ethnically fused.

In 'The Eagle of the Ninth series',  I was most interested in the relationship between the Britons (British indigenous people: Celts) and those belonging to the hostile Roman army.
(Britons: British tribes, ancient Britons, or ethnic Britons)

This time it was about to become a cooperative relationship with the Britons joining the anti-Allectus activities.

The Britons cooperate with the anti-Allectus Romans because they are against Saxons, but they also have individual-to-individual connections.

On the other hand, the protagonists, despite being Roman soldiers, gradually became attached to the land of England, favoured the people, and it felt to me that they become less pure Roman soldiers.

The aspect of being a Roman soldier who become to be British-like may also be the reason for the deepening of the relationship with the Britons.

A compromise between the two?

In this story, the decoration of a special slave (Motley), Cullen of Carausius with nine silver apples hanging on a thin bronze stick is also a 'Silver Branch'.

I found out that 'The Silver Branch was also a symbol of authority and a temporary "pass card" used by the Celts, consisting of a sprig of mistletoe or an apple branch'(from Wiki)

Also, it seems to be an instrument from another world in the Medieval Irish story "The Voyage of Bran." (7th or 8th century)

What an emotional and fascinating item in the battle of muscles!

I think it's interesting that it is regarded as a 'symbol of authority', but in this story, it feels more like a spiritual anchor than 'authority'.

According to Carausius's will, Cullen with the Silver Branch, should go to them to serve Justin and Flavius.

The title of the chapter in which Cullen reappears is '13. Silver Branch' (P.254).

When fighting the Allectus army, Cullen became the standard bearer holding the 'Eagle'.

Though Silver Branch has a soft image, it feels as strong as a willow and has spiritual power.

If the symbol of the Roman army is 'Eagle' and the symbol of the Britons (the spirit of the barbarian) is 'Wolf', then I feel the modernized (romanized) symbol of the Britons and the Roman soldiers who are becoming British are' silver branches' 

After the battle, Roman Britain (Britannia) returns to the Roman Empire which the spirit is not yet strong enough to become independent.

The last writing says :
"As the Cullen walked, the bells on the silver branches were proudly ringing."
(P.376 / L.8.9)
(I translated from Japanese to English, so the quotations (bold) might be different from the original English by Sutcliff.)

Cullen with 'Silver Branch' looks happy between Justin and Flavius.

The Britons still rely on the power of Rome, but eventually ethnically fused and become independent as a country.

After this story, after Rome left, in the land there was a Briton (Celtic) spirit, a proud wolf spirit, so they could be independent and I think that is how Britain is now.

It seems to me that something that has not changed, even if there is a fusion of racial  groups and cultures, has been the spirits of the Britons (Celts) and the proud wolf.

It makes me feel that one country should not abandon its spirit and culture (including language), even if it cooperates with other countries.

It may be expressed that the 'Identity' as a nation should not be lost.

In "The Silver Branch", I felt that 'Silver Branch' is a symbol of identity.

8) ロケーション / Locations 
A.浴場の文化 / Bath Culture 





ブリタニアの地図でバースは、古くはアクエ・スリス (女神スリス :女神ミネルヴァ) と呼ばれていました。

この女神スリスはケルト人の神様 (水または知恵の神) で、
女神ミネルヴァはローマ神話の神 (音楽・仕事・戦い・他の神) です。

バースの女神はケルトとローマの神様が融合 (同一視) されたのです。




浴場の遺跡は、ケント州リッチバラ ・ローマン要塞 (Richborough Roman Fort :  にあります。
(『銀の枝』の地図では 'リッチボロ' と表記されています)

現在ここは、イングリッシュ•ヘリテッジ : が管理しています。

リッチバラのローマン要塞を思い出したのは浴場遺跡がきっかけでしたが、実際物語の元のルトピエの港 (Rutupiae / 赤い丘) は

Here was a Bath-house! 

My photograph 

画像は''English Heritage Guidebooks'から
Images From 'English Heritage Guidebooks'

Bath Culture  
As an archaeological site, ruin, and stone circle lover, I looked around them while living in Briatin and I continue to do so when I travel from Japan to Britain.

It was also fun to be able to imagine the location where the The Eagle of the Ninth series was set and the locations close by.
(To be precise, even if the place you think of is different from the one in the book ....)

Justin met Flavius for the first time when he was looking for a bathhouse, and the two of them go to the bathhouse together.

After that, there were a few scenes of bathhouses, and I felt the Roman bathhouse culture and remembered that there were ruins of bathhouses when I visited Roman ruins.

I knew in Bath, where I was studying abroad, that Romans love baths.

On the map of Britannia, Bath was formerly known as Aque Sulis 
(Goddess Sulis : Goddess Minerva).

This Goddess Sulis is a Celtic Goddess (Goddess of water or wisdom) and Goddess Minerva is a Goddess of Roman mythology (Goddess of music, work, battle and others).

The Goddess of Bath was a fusion (identification) of the Celtic and Roman gods.

In "The Silver Branch", Bath is also described as Aque Sulis and appears as a retreat for their Great Aunt Honoria.

However, I was surprised that the bathing facility was installed in the fort.

The main forts usually had bathing facilities, and the soldiers had the culture that it was customary to take a bath after work of the day and before eating supper.

The Roman ruins of a bathhouse are located in 'Richborough Roman Fort', Kent.

Nowadays there is managed by English Heritage : .

The references to the bathhouse reminded me of having seen ruins of a bathhouse in 'Richborough Roman Fort'.

 In fact the original port of Rutupiae ('Rutupiaemeant 'Red Hills') was part of the 'Richborough Roman Fort',

物語の主な舞台地 / Main Locations in Story

B. リッチバラ ・ローマン 要塞 
     Richborough Roman Fort
リッチバラ ・ローマン要塞は2013年に訪ねています (下記)。


サトクリフは英国人の作家なのに、英国人の先祖ブリトン人を作為品中で '蛮族'と書かざる得なかった、呼ばざる得なかったのがわかる気がします。

リッチバラ ローマン 要塞
当時(AD43  - 約410) は、この要塞の北側は海だったのです!

Richborough Roman Fort
(Aerial Photograph)
At that time (AD43-about 410), the sea was close to the northern edge of the fort!
画像は下記より/ This image from below
'English Heritage Guidebooks'

Richborough Roman Fort
I visited Richborough Roman Fortress in 2013, below.

Here are excerpts from my photographs and guidebook data at that time.

If you look at them, you can clearly see the high level of Roman culture and technology of those days.

I see that although Sutcliff, who was a British writer, had to call Britons, the British ancestors, 'Barbarians' in her works.

I think it was because of the 400 years of Roman rule that Britain later became the British Empire and was known the country where the sun never set.
リッチバラ要塞/ 'Richborough Roman Fortにありました。
(Quadrifons / four-fronted)

The Great Monumental Arch : Triumphal Arch
The official entrance to Britannia was 
in the Richborough Roman Fort.
It is amazing that it was already built in AD120.
It was the largest in the Roman Empire. 
Moreover, people could enter through the gate from four directions.
(Quadrifons / four-fronted)
Normally they are one way like the Arch de Triomphe.
上の画像は下記より/ Above image from 
'English Heritage Guidebooks'

This view is to the Great Arch from the side.

The image is from the explanation board.

そこはたびたび 'ローマン道路' (
'ローマ街道') が

From The West Gate to the ruin.
Here was the start point on the
 'Roman roadsto London as well as
 the departure point on the way to Rome.
Still now when in a car in Britain, on a road which
 I feel is 'very straight,' 

it often began as a 'Roman road'.

(リッチバラ ローマン 要塞)




Roman Baptismal Font
(Richborough Roman Fort)
Of course, they had stayed for 400 years, 
many Romans were born and raised here, 
then their baptisms were in Britain.
Not only religious baptism but also baptism of British climate, 
it is natural to become a different person 
from growing up in the home country.

If we consider the history of the USA, about 245 years,
I could not say the word, 'invasion' or 'occupied' to describe

 Britain in the Roman Empire whose time was 400 years.

This board has big damage....

C. 対・海のオオカミ / Anti - Sea Wolf
壁はサクソン•ショー ('Saxon Shore') 要塞時のもの
サクソン•ショー はカロウシウス皇帝 (?- 293 / 在位:286 -293)

The walls of the 'Saxon Shore
The front of the photograph is the ruin of 'Mansio'.
Around AD 250, some buildings and the Great Arch
 in the town were destroyed and fortification began.
 'Saxon Shore' is said to have been built during the time of 
Emperor Carausius  (?- 293 / reign:286 - 293).

The walls for 'Saxon Shore' fort 

サクソン•ショー の位置 (AD380頃)

リッチバラ ・ローマン要塞 (Richborough Roman Fort)・ルトピエ港(Rutupiae)と
ポルトス・アドルニ (Portus Adumi / 
現在のポーツマス港 : Portsmouth Harbour / P. 175) が出てきます。

Saxon Shore Location, ca 380AD
The fortifications and military commands of the Saxon Shore system extended 
on both sides of the Channel.
In the story, there are Richborough Roman Fort (Rutupiae) and
Portus Adumi (now Portsmouth Harbour / P.175 ).
画像は下記より/ This from below

(P.21 L.5~L.11)



「かなりありますね、メタリス(ドーバー)から《大港 (オオミナト)

カロウシウスは僭主 (センシュ) ではあるものの、海のオオカミ、

目先の利益に目が眩んだアレクトスは、カロウシウスを暗殺し、サクソン人を英国の土地に招き入れ、ローマが去ったのちに英国がサクソン人 (アングロ・サクソン人) に支配される糸口を作ってしまうのです。




ローマ人に変わり、アングロ・サクソン人 : 海のオオカミが英国を支配する結果になり、アングロ・サクソン人は、イングランド人としてイングランドの基礎を築くことになります。

The walls and the ditches for  'Saxon Shore' fort

Anti - Sea Wolf
Justin and Flavius talk about the Saxon Shore Fortress.
(P.21 L.5 ~ L.11)
"Every new Saxon fort is like a monster."
My company said.

"It can't be helped.
It's a fort, a shipyard, and a naval base.
You will get used to it. "

"Then, are there so many forts like this?
Is there such a new big fort like this? "

"There are quite a few, from Milites (Dover) to aroundBig Port(Rutupiae Port).
Some of them are completely new, but some are built on top of old ones, like Rutupiae.
All of these rocks are part of what Karousius built to prevent wolves in the ocean. "
(I translated from Japanese to English, so the quotations (bold) might be different from the original English by Sutcliff.)

Although Carausius was a usurper, it is very understandable that he was wary of Sea Wolves : Saxons and was defensive.

Blinded by greed and by immediate profit, Allectus assassinated Carausius, invited Saxons to British land, and created a path for Britain to be dominated by Saxons (Anglo-Saxons) after Rome left. 

After Allectus, there were people who tried to use 'Sea Wolves' for their own benefits, but in the end, the power of 'Sea Wolves' won.

Neither the Britons nor the Romans, who desperately tried to prevent Sea Wolves  during the Roman Britain period, could not defeat.

The light of history illuminates the Sea Wolves.

The Anglo-Saxons : Sea Wolves ruled Britain instead of the Romans, and the Anglo-Saxons laid the foundations of England as English people.

イングリッシュ•ヘリテッジのサイト: いくつか他の写真が見られます。

You can see some photographs in English Heritage  : .

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