
㉝ 2022年9月29日 鹿児島旅行 - b) 霧島神宮 - 噴火によって / Kagoshima Trip - b) Kirishima-jingu Shrine - By Eruptions, 29th of September 2022

目次 / Contents
1) 聖域 / Sacred Precincts
2) 社殿 / Shrine Buildings 
    A. 当初の社殿 / Original Shrine
    B. 神仏習合 / Shinbutsu-shūgō
    C. 何度も何度も / Again And Again 

9月26日 ~ 10月1日、私と姉Yは、鹿児島県へ旅行しました。
鹿児島市内から霧島温泉郷 (キリシマオンセンキョウ) を
このセクションは、'霧島神宮 - 噴火によって' についてです。

Kirishima-jingu Shrine Precinct Guide Map
in Japanese
From 26th of September to 1st of October
 I and my sister travelled to Kagoshima Prefecture.
Today, on the 29th, we went sightseeing 
Kagoshima Kotsu Taxi's driver, S San.
This section is about 'Kirishima-jingu Shrine - By Eruptions'.
画像は下記より / These from below

1) 聖域 / Sacred Precincts

This is a map of Otorii gate and Kami bridge
of Kirishima-jingu Shrine.



霧島神宮は、 大鳥居と神橋があり、
神宮公式 サイト : 


大鳥居 / Otorii Gate
Sacred Precincts
I like fantasy, so I like to feel and think about 'another country' and 'another world'.

Whenever I visit a shrine, I am conscious of where the sanctuary begins.

Kirishima-jingu Shrine has Otorii gate and Kami Bridge : Sacred Bridge, and I think that is the boundary.
The Shrine official website  :  only in Japanese
Japan.guide.com : in English

If you are going to worship on foot, you will pass through the Otorii gate and Kami Bridge, climb the steps, pass through the second torii gate, and walk along Omotesando approach.

However, we took a taxi to a car park of the Shrine, so we didn't walk along the Omotesando approach.

Kami Bridge : Sacred Bridge
Before crossing the Kami Bridge : Sacred Bridge
we stopped by the 'Yakusugi Museum' to get a discount stamp.
While Y was stamping, I took pictures and videos from the Bridge.

Taken from Kami Bridge : Sacred Bridge


Video From the Bridge.
The river could not be seen.
Was the sound that I thought was the sound of the river 
 actually the sound of the wind?
The river is not shown on the map.

2) 社殿 / Shrine Buildings 
A. 当初の社殿 / Original Shrine
霧島神宮は、天孫降臨 (テンソンコウリン) の地が、
高千穂峰 (タカチホノミネ) という説をとっています。

高千穂峰は、宮崎県鹿児島県の県境に位置する火山で、標高は1,574 m、霧島連峰(霧島山) の第二峰です。

ちなみに、第一峰は、 韓国岳 (カラクニダケ) で、標高約1700m、ここが天孫降臨の地という説もあります。 

"欽明天皇 (キンメイテンノウ/ 509? - 571?/ 在位:539 - 571) 
治世、540年に、高千穂峰御鉢・噴火口との中間、背門丘 (または瀬戸尾 / セトオ) に造られました。
霧島神宮 元宮
'霧島神宮 元宮' と呼ばれています。
[2013 /  KK ベストセラーズ]

The Site of Original Kirishima-jingu Shrine
The site of the shrine built by Emperor Kinmei is called
"Kirishima-jingu Motomiya" :
'Original Kirishima-jingu Shrine'.
On the other hand, it is also believed that the shrine originated
from Mountain Worship, with Mt. Takachiho itself
as the object of worship.
People feared and revered volcanoes.

This image from a mook : "Ikkojin" 
[2013 / 
KK Bestsellers]

霧島神宮 元宮

The Site of Original Kirishim-jingu Shrine

If it was in a place like this,
I can understand that eruptions would cause many fires.
画像は下記より / This from below
Original Shrine
Kirishima-jingu Shrine has a theory that Mt. Takachiho (Takachiho-no-Mine) is the place where Tenson-kōrin iJapanese mythology.
In the last section, about Tenson-kōrinbelow.

Mt. Takachiho is a volcano located on the border of Miyazaki and Kagoshima prefectures, it is 1,574m above sea level and is the second highest peak of the Kirishima mountains.

By the way, the first peak is Mt. Karakuni (Karakunidake), which is about 1,700m above sea level, and there is also a theory that this is the place where Tenson-kōrin descended.

The original shrine building of Kirishima-jingu Shrine was built on 
a Seto hill in 540 during the reign of 
Emperor Kinmei (509? - 571?/ reign:539 - 571 ).

B. 神仏習合 / Shinbutsu-shūgō 

村上天皇 (ムラカミ テンノウ / 926 - 967 / 在位 : 946 - 967) の治世下、950年に
性空上人 (ショウクウショウニン / 910 - 1007) が、社殿を
高千穂河原 (タカチホガハラ) に移し、再興しました。

現在、ここは "霧島神宮・古宮址" (フルミヤアト) になっています。

性空上人は、天台宗で、霧島山脊振山 (セリフザン) で修行しました。

彼は、山岳仏教を背景とする (ヒジリ/ または行者・山伏) の系統に属する法華経持経者 (ホケキョウ ジキョウシャ)でした。

平安時代 (794 - 1185) に山岳仏教山岳信仰と融合され、

性空上人は社殿を再興し、加えて天台宗のお寺、華林寺 (ケイリンジ) も創建したと考えられます。

当時、神社 (神道) よりも、華林寺に重きがおかれていたのかもしれません、少なくとも性空上人にとっては。


高千穂河原では、 '天孫降臨の神話' と '山の神・山岳信仰' と仏教が結びついて、 霧島神宮は再建されたのですね〜。



霧島神宮・"古宮址" は、
高千穂河原 (瀬多尾越 / セトオゴシ) にあり、

Furumiya-ato : The Site of Original Shrine
 "Furumiya-ato : The Site of Original Shrine" of Kirishima-jingu Shrine
 is located in Takachiho-gawara and is believed to be
 the sacred place of Tenson-kōrin.
画像は下記より/ This from below

Furumiya-ato : The Site of Original Shrine
画像は下記より/ This from below
After it was built, it burned down again and again due to eruptions and was destroyed in 788.

During the reign of Emperor Murakami (926 - 967 / reign : 946 - 967),
Shouku Shonin (910 - 1007) moved it to Takachiho-gahara and rebuilt it in 950.

Today, this place has become "Furumiya-ato : The Site of Original Shrine" ofKirishima-jingu Shrine.

Shouku Shonin was a monk of the Tiantai sect and trained at the Kirishima mountains and Mt. Sefuri.

He was a Lotus Sūtra follower belonging to the Hijiri : monk training, while walking the world with a background in mountain Buddhism.
(Hijiri or Gyoujya or Yamabushi are Shugendō followers.)

In the Heian Period (794 - 1185), 'Mountain Buddhism: Sangaku Bukkyo' merged with Mountain Worship, and became the state Buddhism under the patronage of the imperial family and aristocrats, who hoped to benefit the world and ward off sickness.

Shouku Shonin rebuilt the shrine, and it is believed that he also founded the Tiantai sect temple, Keirin-ji Temple.

At that time, the Temple may have been more important than the Shrine (Shinto), at least for Shouku Shonin.

The Shrine and the Temple were separate buildings, and there is a description of 'the site of Keirin-ji Temple' on the current map of the precincts.

At Takachiho-gahara, Kirishima-jingu Shrine was rebuilt by combining 'Myth of the Tenson-kōrin' and 'Mountain Gods' and 'Mountain Worship' with Buddhism.

In Japan, Shinto and Buddhism have been amalgamated since ancient times, and I think that people haven't had a sense of incongruity since ancient times.

I think that there is Shinbutsu-shūgō : a syncretism of Shintoism and Buddhism in the nature of the Japanese people.

A shrine is one way to have a sense of awe and respect for an existence that cannot be helped by human power.
"天孫降臨神籬斎場" (テンソンコウリンヒモロギサイジョウ) は、

Tenson-kōrin Himorogi-saijou
"Tenson-kōrin Himorogi-saijou" : "Tenson-kōrin Alter Space" 
was made in 1940 as part of 
the 2600th anniversary of the Imperial era.
We did not visit here.
画像は下記より/ This from below
神籬 (ヒモロギ)とは、神社神棚以外の場所で祭祀を行う場合、臨時に神を迎えるための依り代となるものです。


"古宮址"では、現在、月次祭 (ツキナミノマツリ)が
(テンソンコウリンゴジンカサイ) が

Monthly Festival : 
At the "The Site of Original Shrine",
 the monthly festival is currently held.
In addition, the 
is held every year on the evening of November 10th.
画像は下記より/ This from below

C. 何度も何度も / Again And Again

霧島市田口 (現、霧島中学校北側) に、場所を移し、仮宮を経て、

島津 忠昌 (シマヅ タダヒサ/ 1463 - 1508) の命により (資金提供により)、真言宗の僧、兼慶上人 (ケンケイ ショウニン / ? -?) が再興したのが、現在の霧島神宮です。


島津 吉貴 (シマズ ヨシタカ / 1675 - 1747 / 在任 : 1704 - 1721) が1715年に建て、寄進したものです。

1868年、明治政府神道国教化政策を行うため、神仏判然 (シンブツハンゼン レイ) を出しました。

廃寺 (ハイジ) になりました。


それは、人間が超自然的な何かに挑んだり、縋ったり(スガッタリ) する様にも思えます。

Explanation Board
 on the side of Kami Bridge : Sacred Bridge
 The main enshrined deity and a brief history of 
 the shrine building since the foundation of Emperor Kinmei
is written.

Again And Again
The Shrine built by Shouku Shonin was also involved in eruptions many times, burned down, and was destroyed in a major eruption in 1234.

The shrine was moved to Taguchi, Kirishima (now the north side of Kirishima Junior High School) and had been enshrined there for about 250 years.

In 1484, the 11th head of the Shimazu Clan, Tadamasa Shimazu (1463 - 1508) ordered (with funding) the Shingon Buddhism monk, Kenkei Shounin (? - ?) to revive it which is the current Kirishima-jingu Shrine.

However, the Shrine buildings also burned down many times.

The current Shrine building was built in 1715 and donated by Yoshitaka Shimazu (1675 - 1747 / reign : 1704 - 1721), the 21st head of the Shimazu Clan and the 4th Lord of the Satsuma Domain.

In 1868, the Meiji Government issued an ordinance to separate Shintoism and Buddhism (Shinbutsu Hanzen-rei : ) in order to make Shinto the national religion.

Buddhist elements were removed from shrines, so Keirin-ji Temple was closed, leaving just Kirishima-jingu Shrine.

Knowing about the history of the Shrine's buildings, I get the impression that they are like boxers who stand up after being beaten, again and again.

It also seems that humans are sometimes trying to challenge, and at other times imploring something supernatural.

次のセクションは、'三の鳥居まで' についてです。

The next section is about 'Up to San-no-torii gate'.


㉜ 2022年9月29日 鹿児島旅行 - a) 霧島神宮 - 神話 / Kagoshima Trip - a) Kirishima-jingu Shrine - Myth, 29th of September 2022

9月26日 ~ 10月1日、私と姉Yは、鹿児島県へ旅行しました。
鹿児島市内から霧島温泉郷 (キリシマオンセンキョウ) を
このセクションは、'霧島神宮- 神話' についてです。

Kirishima-jingu Shrine Precinct Guide Map
in Japanese and English
From 26th of September to 1st of October
 I and 
my sister travelled to Kagoshima Prefecture.
Today, on the 29th, we went sightseeing
Kagoshima City to Kirishima Hot Springs Village with 
Kagoshima Kotsu Taxi's driver, 
S San.
This section is about 'Kirishima-jingu Shrine - Mythology'.

目次 / Contents
1) 神宮 / Jingu
2) 天孫降臨 / Tenson-kōrin 
    A. 邇邇藝命 / Ninigi no Mikoto
    B. 三種の神器 / Three Sacred Treasures
3) 7柱と神話 / Seven Gods And Myths 
 : 鹿児島県

Red Part : Kagoshima Prefecture
画像は下記より / This from below

濃いピンク部分 霧島市
鹿児島湾 (錦江湾 / キンコウワン) に面しています。

Dark Pink Part : Kirishima City
Kirishima was established in 2005, from the merger of 
the city of Kokubu, and the towns of Fukuyama
HayatoKirishima (former), Makizono
Mizobe and Yokogawa (all from Aira District).
It is located west of Kirishima City and north of Kagoshima City
画像は下記より / This from below

1) 神宮 / Jingu
出雲大社を指す) のみが "神宮" と記載されていました。

その後、朝廷、国家の許可を得た神社のみが、'神宮' を名乗ることができましたが、第二次世界大戦 (1939 -1945) 後は、許可は不必要になりました。

ですが、神社本庁 (日本各地の神社を包括する宗教法人) 傘下において、特別の由緒を持つことを条件にし、承認されます。


'公式名・社号'の '神宮' は上記のような条件が必要とされますが、通称としては、各神社の判断に委ねられています。

Kirishima-jingu Shrine・Otorii Gate
In "Nihonshoki(720) , only Ise Jingu, Isonokami Jingu, and Izumo Daijingu (referring to Izumo Taisha) were described as "Jingu".
According to Wiki about "Nihonshoki", 
"The Nihon Shoki (日本書紀), sometimes translated as The Chronicles of Japan, is the second-oldest book of classical Japanese history. "

After that, only shrines with the permission of the Imperial Court or the state could call themselves 'Jingu', but after the Second World War (1939 - 1945), permission became unnecessary.

However, it is approved under the condition that it has a special history under the umbrella of Jinja Honcho (a religious corporation that encompasses shrines all over Japan).

Shrines that call themselves 'Jingu' are mainly shrines that enshrine the ancestor gods of the emperor and the imperial family.

The 'official name・shago' of 'Jingu' requires the above conditions, but as a common name, it is left to the discretion of each shrine.

Kirishima-jingu Shrine is one of the 24 officially recognized shrines in Japan.

2) 天孫降臨 / Tenson-kōrin 
A. 邇邇藝命 / Ninigi no Mikoto
霧島神宮は、天孫降臨 (テンソンコウリン) の伝承地・
高千穂峰 (タカシホノミネ) に創建されました。

天孫降臨については、『古事記』(712) と『日本書紀』(720) に記載されています。

天照大御神 (アマテラスオオミカミ) の孫の
邇邇藝命 (ニニギノミコト) : 天孫 (天の子 : アメミマ) が、
葦原中国 (アシハラノナカツクニ) を治めるために
高天原 (タカマガハラ) から、猿田彦 (サルタヒコ)の道案内によって降りたというのが大筋です。


'天孫' ; アマテラス (天) のマゴ () が地に降りるということで、天孫降臨なのだと今になって、認識し、自分の無知を笑いました。
画 : 狩野 深道 (カノウ タンドウ/ 1890 - 1949)

邇邇藝命 : 天孫、邇邇藝命に、
天児屋命 (アメノコヤメ)、
布刀玉命 (フトダマ)
天宇受売命 (アマノウズメ / 女神)、
伊斯許理度売命 (イシコリドメノミコト/ 女神)
玉祖命 (タマノオヤノミコト)の5柱が従っています。

 所蔵 : 伊勢
神宮徴古館 (イセジングウ チョウコカン)

By Kanou Tand
ō (1890 - 1949)

At the centre is Ninigi no Mikoto : Tenson.
Tamanooya-no-Mikoto follow Ninigi no Mikoto.

Collection : Ise-jingu Shrine Choko-kan Museum
画像は下記より /This from below
Ninigi no Mikoto 
Kirishima-jingu Shrine was built on Mt. Takachiho-no-Mine, the traditional place of Tenson-kōrin iJapanese mythology.

Tenson-kōrin is described in "Kojiki" (712) : Records of Ancient Matters and "Nihon Shoki" (720) : The Chronicles of Japan, though there are several differences in details, but the general idea is that Ninigi no Mikoto (Tenson) the grandson of Amaterasu Ōmikami (the Goddess of the Sun) descended from Takamagahara : "High Plane of Heaven" under the guidance of Sarutahiko to govern Ashihara no Nakatsukuni.

There are various theories about the actual history and location, but Kirishima-jingu Shrine is a shrine based on the theory that the location of Ashihara no Nakatsukuni was Mt.Takachiho (Takachiho-no-Mine).

I felt surprised and laughed at my own ignorance after all this time as I realized the naming of 'Tenson-kōrin' : 天孫降臨.
Ten : 天 means 'Amaterasu'
son : 孫 means 'grandson'
kōrin : 降臨 means 'descends to the earth' 
Tenson-kōrin means 'Amaterasu's grandson descends to the earth'. 
高千穂峰 (タカチホノミネ)
霧島山 : 韓国岳 (カラクニダケ)

[2013 /  KK ベストセラーズ]

Which Mountain was Tenson-kōrin? 
 Right 🔺 : Mt.Takachiho (Takachiho-no-mine)
 Left 🔺 : Mt. Kirishima (Mt. Karakuni)
There are two theories about  Mt. Takachiho and Mt. Kirishima.
Upper ⛩️ : Takachiho Shrine and lower ⛩️ : Kirishima-jingu Shrine 
enshrine Three generations of Hyuga and their wives.
At the top of Mt.Takachiho, there is 'Ameno-saka-hoko', below.
This image from a mook : "Ikkojin" 
[2013 / 
KK Bestsellers]

天の逆鉾 : 天逆鉾
天逆鉾 (アメノサカホコ) は、日本中世神話に登場するです。
天逆鉾が、大国主神 (オオクニヌシノカミ)を通して
瓊瓊杵尊に譲り渡されて(国譲り) 、国家平定に役立てられ、
[2013 / KK ベストセラーズ]

Ameno-saka-hoko is a kind of halberd (hoko) which
 appears in the myths of medieval Japan.
One of Legends has it that the Ameno-saka-hoko was 
handed over to Ninigi through Ōkuninushi God (
kuni-yuzuri )
 and was used to pacify the nation, after which it was thrust,
upside down, 
into Mt.Takachiho with the hope that
the halberd 
would never be wielded again,
 wishing for the stability of the nation. 
This image from a mook : "Ikkojin". 
[2013 / KK 

B. 三種の神器 / Three Sacred Treasures

[2013 / KK ベストセラーズ]

Amaterasu personally handed over Ninigi no Mikoto 
'Three Sacred Treasures' which consist of 
sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi, the mirror Yata no Kagami
and the jewel 
Yasakani no Magatama.
The scene is shown at the top of the picture, above.
The 'Three Sacred Treasures' are still inherited 
by the Imperial Family, today.
Original source : Yamabe-jingu Shrine Collection
 (Photograph courtesy of Gakken Photo Archives)
This image from a mook : "Ikkojin" 
[2013 / KK 

三種の神器は、それぞれの逸話 (神話) があります。

八咫鏡 (ヤタノカガミ) の話はこちら→ ; '岩戸隠れ' など。

天叢雲剣 (アメノヤミクモノツルギ)の話はこちら ; スサノオ

八尺瓊勾玉 (ヤサカニノマガタマ)の話はこちら岩戸隠れなど。

三種の神器は、本体と形代 (カタシロ) があり、それぞれ違う場所に保管されています。

本体の八咫鏡は伊勢神宮の内宮 (ナイクウ) に、天叢雲剣は熱田神宮 (アツタジングウ) に、八咫鏡の形代は宮中三殿 (キュウチュウサンデン) の賢所 (ケンショ)に、それぞれ神体として奉斎されています。

本体の八尺瓊勾玉は、天叢雲剣の形代とともに皇居・吹上御所 (フキアゲギョエン) の「剣璽の間」(ケンジノマ) に安置されています。

天叢雲剣 (アメノヤミクモノツルギ)
または 草薙剣 (クサナギノツルギ)
八尺瓊勾玉 (ヤサカニノマガタマ)

Three Sacred Treasures
Top the mirror Yata no Kagami
Middlethe sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi
:  the jewel Yasakani no Magatama
These are three types of ritual vessels that have been handed down
in the Japanese imperial family since ancient times.
The image is an image, and the real things are kept private.
Three Sacred Treasures
Each of the three Sacred Treasures has its own anecdote (myth).

Click here for the story of the Mirror→ ; about  'Ama-no-Iwato'

Click here for the story of the Sword ; Legend  / : Folklore

Click here for the story of the Jewel →about  'Ama-no-Iwato'

The Three Sacred Treasures consist of substances or real things and Katashiro ; copies with the spirits, each of which is stored in a different location.

The substance of the Mirror of the substance is enshrined in Naikū : the inner shrine of Ise-jingu Shrine, the Sword in Atsuta-jingu Shrine, and the Katashiro of the Mirror in the Kensho Room in Three Palace Sanctuaries

The Katashiro of the Jewel is enshrined in the "Kenji no ma" (Kenji Room) of the Fukiage Gosho in the Imperial Palace.
(Kenji is a name for a combination of the Sword and the Mirror.)

Although the emperor and other members of the imperial family live in the Imperial Palace, still no one has actually seen the Treasures.

3) 7柱と神話 / Seven Gods And Myths
霧島神宮の現在の祭神は、下記の7柱 (ナナハシラ)です。

    瓊瓊杵尊 (ニニギノミコト) : 天孫 (アメミマ) : ニニギ
    高天原から降臨  / 日向三代 (ヒムカサンダイ)の初代。

相殿神 (アイドノシン)
2)  木花開姫尊 (コノハナサクヤヒメノミコト) : サクヤビメ 
  ニニギノミコトの妻 / 海幸彦山幸彦の母親

3) 彦火火出見尊 (ヒコホホデミノミコト)   : ホオリノミコト : ホオリ
    山幸彦 /  ニニギノミコトとコノハナサクヤヒメノミコトの息子 
     神武天皇の祖父 / 日向三代 の第二代。

4) 豊玉姫尊 (トヨタマヒメノミコト) : 豊玉姫  /  海神 (ワタツミ) の娘 
     ホオリノミコトの妻 / 神武天皇の祖母。

5) 鵜鶿草葺不合尊 (ウガヤフキアエズノミコト) 
    ホオリとトヨタマヒメノミコトの息子  / 神武天皇の父
    日向三代 の第三代。

6) 玉依姫尊 (タマヨリヒメノミコト / タマヨリヒメ)  
    神霊依り代となる乙女 (神に仕える巫女) / 海神の娘
    ウガヤフキアエズノミコトの妻 / 神武天皇の母。

7) 神倭磐余彦尊 (カムヤマトイワレヒコノミコト) : 神武天皇
     (711 BC or 721 BC - 585 BC  / 在位 : 660 BC – 585 BC)

Explanation Board
7 Gods enshrined deities of Kirishima-jingu Shrine in Japanese

1) 瓊瓊杵尊
2)  木花開姫尊
3) 火折尊
4) 豊玉姫尊 
Hayato people
5) 鸕鶿草葺不合尊
6) 玉依姫命
五瀬命稲飯命三毛野命7) 磐余彦尊
Imperial House of Japan

Seven Gods And Myths
The current enshrined deities of Kirishima-jingu Shrine are the seven Gods, above and below.

Main God enshrined deity
1) Ninigi no Mikoto : Amemima : Ninigi : 
    descended from Takamagahara 
    The first generation of Three generations of Hyuga.
According to Wiki about Three generations of Hyuga
"After the Tenson Korin there were the Three Generations of Hyuga until Jimmu's Eastern Expedition when the Imperial House of Japan was founded."

Other Gods enshrined deities
    Sakuyabime / Wife of Ninigi no Mikoto 
    Mother of Hosuseri : Umi-sashi-hiko and Hoori : Yama-sachi-hiko

3) Hoori : Hikohohodemi no Mikoto : Yama-sachi-hiko : 
    Son of Ninigi no Mikoto and Konohanasakuya-hime 
    Emperor Jimmu's grandfather  
    the second of Three generations of Hyuga

    Toyotama-hime no Mikoto : Daughter of Watatsumi, Sea God 
     Hoori-no-mikoto's wife / Grandmother of Emperor Jimmu

5) Ugayafukiaezu : Son of Hoori and Toyotamahime 
    Emperor Jimmu's father / the third of Hyuga Sandai

    Daughter of Watatsumi, Sea God : 
    A maiden who serves as a yorishiro for divine spirits
   (a shrine maiden who serves the gods)  
    Wife of Ugayafukiaezu no Mikoto
    Mother of Emperor Jimmu

    Son of Ugayafukiaezu and Tamayori-hime 
     (711 BC or 721 BC - 585 BC  / Reign : 660 BC – 585 BC)

1) 瓊瓊杵尊  : 天孫

画 : 
楊洲 周延 (ヨウシュウチカノブ / 1838 - 1912)

 1) Ninigi no Mikoto  : Tenson
By Yōshū Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
画像は下記より / This from below

2) 木花開耶姫命
富嶽百景』初編 / 
1834 - 版画
画:飾 北斎 (カツシカホクサイ / 1760 - 1849)

2) Goddess Konohana Sakuya-hime
 (Konohana Sakuyahime no mikoto)
 vol. 1 / 1834 - Print
By Katsushika Hokusai ( c.1760 - 1849)
画像は下記より / This from bel ow

2) 木花開耶姫命
1929 / 画 : 堂本 印象 (ドウモトインショウ / 1891 - 1975)

2) Goddess Konohana Sakuya-hime
1929 / By Inshō Dōmoto (1891 - 1975)
Konohana Sakuya Hime is a beautiful Goddess
 like a tree flower that appears in the "Kojiki".
Konohana Sakuya means tree flowers blossom in Japanese.
画像は下記より / This from below
父の大山津見神 (オオヤマツイノカミ) はそれを喜んで、姉の石長比売(イワナガヒメ)と共に嫁がせようとしたが、邇邇芸命は醜い石長比売を送り返し、美しい木花之佐久夜毘売とだけ結婚した。


From God to Human Life
According to Japanese Wiki (translated by me),
"Konohana Sakuya-hime is said to have received a marriage proposal from Ninigi no Mikoto, who descended to the earthly world by the order of Amaterasu.
Her father, Ōyamatsumi God, was pleased with this and tried to marry off her older sister, Iwanaga-hime, as well, however Ninigi no Mikoto rejected Iwanaga-hime due to her appearance and returned her to her father.
 He accepted only the beautiful Konohana Sakuya-hime.
The father God got angry at this, and he said
 'I gave my two daughters together because if Iwanaga-hime becomes your wife, the life of your son's life would be as eternal as a rock. 
You only married Konohana Sakuya-hime, your son would prosper like flowers in full bloom, however, his life would be ephemeral. 
Therefore although the Emperor was a descendant of God,  he would have limited his life'.
This myth describes the halfway time from the age of the Gods to the age of the Emperor. "

I am impressed that the reason why God with eternal life (semi-permanent life) became a human being with a human lifespan is skillfully turned into a myth.

画 : 青木 繁 (アオキシゲル / 1882 - 1911)
: 3)  山幸彦 / ホオリ 
: 4) 豊玉姫尊
所蔵 : アーティゾン美術館 

Wadatsumi no Iroko no Miya :
Sea God Palace
(palace under the sea)
By Shigeru  Aoki (1882 -1911)
Centre : 3) Hoori / Yama-sachi-hiko 
Left : 4) Toyotama-hime no Mikoto
Right : Handmaiden
画像は下記より / This from below
海幸彦・山幸彦のお話は、山幸彦 (火折尊 / ホオリ) の子孫である天孫族 (テンソンゾク)海幸彦 (火闌降命 / ホスセリノミコト)の子孫である隼人族 (ハヤトゾク) との闘争を神話化したものです。


Myth and History
The story of Mythology of Yama-sachi-hiko and Umi-sachi-hiko is a myth of the struggle between the 'Tenson tribe' (Yamato Kingship people) : descendants of Yama-sachi-hiko (Hoori)' and the 'Hayato tribe' (the Hayato people) ; descendants of Umi-sachi-hiko (Hosuseri).

I feel that myths are changing from pure myths to myths that are entwined with actual history.
: 4) 豊玉姫尊
: 6) 玉依姫尊 
作:魚屋 北渓 (トヨヤ ホッケイ/ 1780 - 1850)
姉妹であり、海神 (ワタツミ) の娘 (海龍神の娘) です。

Right : 4) Toyotama-hime
Left : 6) Tamayori-hime 
They are sisters and daughters of 
Watatsumi, Sea God (Sea Dragon God).
By Toyoya Hokkei (1780 - 1850)
画像は下記より / This from below
山幸彦 (ホオリ) と結婚します。

陸にもどる山幸彦に、知恵 (呪術) を授けて、彼の窮地を救います。

鵜鶿草葺不合尊 (ウガヤフキアエズノミコト: 神武天皇の父) を生みます。

豊玉姫尊は、海神 (海龍神) の娘で、真の姿は、'八尋の大和邇
異類婚姻譚 (イルイコンイタン)の典型として知られています。




Human–animal Marriage in Folklore
Toyotama-hime appears in the story of "Umi-sachi-hiko and Yama-sachi-hiko", and married Yama-sach-ihiko (Hoori) who comes to the palace of Watatsumi, Sea God (Sea Dragon God).

She bestows wisdom (Magic) on Yama-sachi-hiko, who returns to land, to save him from his predicament.

She became pregnant with Yama-sachi-hiko's child, went to land to give birth, and gave birth to Ugayafukiaezu : Emperor Jimmu's father.

Toyotama-hime is believed to be 'Yahiro no Owani' in her true form, which in turn is considered to be a dragon.

Her marriage to Yama-sachi-hiko is known as a typical example of Human–animal marriage in folklore.

There are not many myths about Toyotama-hime, but she is also the daughter of the Sea God who married Ugayafukiaezu and gave birth to Emperor Jimmu.

Both Toyotama-hime and Tamayori-hime are also enshrined as Dragon Goddesses.

It is interesting that mythology includes the fact that dragon blood is part of the royal bloodline.
5) 鵜鶿草葺不合尊
作:音川 安親 (オトカワヤスチカ/ ? - ?)

5) Ugayafukiaezu
 Emperor Jimmu's father
"Genealogy of all things"
By Yasuchika Otokawa (? - ?)
画像は下記より / This from below

7) 神倭磐余彦尊  : 神武天皇
版画 / 1891
作:安達 吟光 (アダチ ギンコウ/ 1853 - 1902)

7) Kamuyamatoiwarehiko no Mikoto 
 Emperor Jimmu
 Part of "Emperor Jinmu East Expedition"
Print in 1891
By Adachi Ginkō (1853 - 1902)
画像は下記より / This from below
7) 神倭磐余彦尊  : 神武天皇
野田 九浦 (ノダ キュウホ / 1879 - 1971)
[2013 / KK ベストセラーズ]

7) Kamuyamatoiwarehiko no Mikoto 
 Emperor Jimmu
 "Emperor Jinmu East Expedition"
Kyuho Noda (1879 - 1971)
Collection : Ise -jingu Shrine Choko-kan Museum
This image from a mook : "Ikkojin" 
[2013 / KK 


The next section is about the actual Kirishima-jingu Shrine.