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関西旅行 神戸・美山 : 2022年10月16日~19日 このセクションは、横尾忠則現代美術館 : ★についてです。 Kansai Trip Kobe・Miyama: 16th ~ 19th of October, 2022 This section is about Yokoo Tadanori Museum of Contemporary Art in Kobe. 美術館入り口 横尾忠則現代美術館は、原田の森ギャラリーの隣にあります。 Museum Entrance The Yokoo Tadanori Museum of Contemporary Art is located next to the Haradanomori Gallery. |
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英語版・横尾忠則現代美術館 地図 Map of Yokoo Tadanori Museum of Contemporary Art 画像は下記より /This from below ★ |
目次 / Contents
1) 原田の森ギャラリー / Haradanomori Gallery
2) 横尾忠則現代美術館 / Yokoo Tadanori Museum of Contemporary Art
3) ミュージアムショップ / Museum Shop
A) 店内 / Inside the Shop
B) "寒山拾得への道" / "Road To Hanshan And Shide"
1) 原田の森ギャラリー /
Haradanomori Gallery
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住所 : 〒657-0837 兵庫県神戸市灘区原田通3-8-30 Address : 〒657-0837 3-8-30 Harada-dori, Nada-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture |
Haradanomori Gallery
When I lived in Kobe, the Haradamonmori Gallery was the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art.
When I visited here, it had been a long time since I had been to a museum or gallery, and the space and exhibits here reminded me of the art world I had long forgotten.
This museum is a memorable place for me.
It currently appears to be used for exhibitions by local groups and individuals (a rental gallery).
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兵庫県立美術館 原田の森ギャラリー 竣工:1970 兵庫県営繕課 [光安義光 (ミツヤス ヨシミツ/ 1919- 1999)] 村野藤吾氏は日本の近代建築の巨匠の一人です。 Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, Oji Branch, Haradanomori Gallery Completed in 1970 Hyogo Prefectural Maintenance Division [Mitsuyasu Yoshimitsu (1919-1999)] Murano Togo was one of the masters of modern Japanese architecture. |
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下記、原田の森ギャラリーのサイトより "旧・兵庫県立近代美術館は、昭和45年 (1970) に 県政100周年記念事業として誕生したメモリアルな建物であるとともに、都道府県立近代美術館としては全国で2番目に開館した 美術館であり、我が国を代表する建築家の村野藤吾の 作品でもあります。 また、この地はかつて「原田の森」と呼ばれており、 大正 (1912 - 1926) 末期には新進の芸術家たちが新興美術運動を巻き起こした場所でもありました。" According to the Gallery's Website in Japanese (translated by me), "The former Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art is a memorial building that was opened in 1970 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the prefecture's establishment. It was the second prefectural modern art museum to open in Japan and was designed by one of Japan's leading architects, Murano Togo. This area was once called "Harada no Mori" (Harada Forest), and was the place where up-and-coming artists sparked an emerging art movement at the end of the Taishō era (1912 - 1926)." |
Haradanomori Gallery
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以前、ここで見た作品群は、HAT神戸にある 兵庫県立美術館「芸術の館」: ★ に移っています。 The works previously seen here have now been moved to the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art in Chūō-ku Kobe. |
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原田の森ギャラリー : ★ この日は、横尾忠則現代美術館が目的なので、 この建物の前を歩いただけでした。 Haradanomori Gallery : ★ My destination that day was the Yokoo Tadanori Museum of Contemporary Art, so I just walked in front of this Gallery. 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
2) 横尾忠則現代美術館
Yokoo Tadanori Museum of Contemporary Art
横尾 忠則 (ヨコオタダノリ / 1986 ~) は、日本のグラフィックデザイナー、イラストレーター、版画家、画家です。
公式サイト : ★
旧近代美術館の空間を懐かしみつつ、原田の森ギャラリーの前を歩き、横尾忠則現代美術館 に到着しました。
この日は、開館10周年記念展として、'横尾さんのパレット' 展が開催されていました。
'横尾さんのパレット' 展については、次のセクションに載せます。
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横尾忠則現代美術館 横尾 忠則 (1936~) 作品を収めた美術館です。 Yokoo Tadanori Museum of Contemporary Art This museum displays the works of Tadanori Yokoo (1936~). ![]() 横尾忠則現代美術館 竣工:1982 / 改築 : 2012 設計 : 村野藤吾/ 兵庫県県土整備部営繕課 Yokoo Tadanori Museum of Contemporary Art Completed : 1982 / Renovated : 2012 Design : Togo Murano / Hyogo Prefecture Land Development Department, Maintenance Division 画像は下記より/ This from below ★ |
Yokoo Tadanori Museum of Contemporary Art
Yokoo Tadanori (1986~) is a Japanese graphic designer, illustrator, printmaker and painter.
The Yokoo Tadanori Museum of Contemporary Art opened in November 2012 after renovating the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art Oji Annex (formerly the west wing of the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art).
Official website : ★
While reminiscing about the space of the former Museum of Modern Art, we walked past Haradanomori Gallery and arrived at the Yokoo Tadanori Museum of Contemporary Art.
On this day, the 'Mr. Yokoo's PALETTE' exhibition was held to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the museum's opening.
About the 'Mr. Yokoo's PALETTE' exhibition will be in the next section.
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'横尾さんのパレット' 展・ポスター Poster for 'Mr. Yokoo's PALETTE' Exhibition |
3) ミュージアムショップ / Museum Shop
A) 店内 / Inside the Shop
B) "寒山拾得への道"
"Road To Hanshan And Shide"
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画集 "横尾忠則 寒山拾得への道" この画集を買いました。 親しくしているギャラリーのスタッフChizukaさんへも1冊購入しました。 Art book "Forward To the Past : Yokoo Tadanori's Road To Hanshan And Shide" I bought this art book. I also purchased one for Chizuka, a gallery staff member I'm close to. ![]() 購入後、わかったのですが、これは 2022年4月~7月に開催された "Forward to the Past 横尾忠則 寒山拾得への道"展 のカタログでした。 After purchasing it, I realized that it was a catalog for the exhibition "Forward to the Past: Yokoo Tadanori's Road to Hanshan and Shide" held from April to July 2022. |
音楽・美術・文学などにおいて、先行する作品の要素を模倣したり、寄せ集め、混成すること(日本語のWikiから) /
「寒山拾得図」顔輝 (ガンキ / ? -?) 作でした。
下記、Wiki 寒山より
下記、Wiki 拾得より
その様子があまりに風変わりだったため、後世の人によって特別視され、寒山は文殊菩薩(モンジュボサツ)、拾得は普賢菩薩(ふげんぼさつ)の化身とする説が生まれた。 寒山と共に有髪の姿で禅画の画題とされる。 巻物を持った姿で描かれる寒山に対して、拾得は箒を持った姿で表現される。"
"横尾さんのパレット - 開館10周年記念展" では、私にとっては、'パスティーシュ' のスタイルが印象的で、彼の作品として新しく感じました。
なので、その傾向作品が載っている画集 "横尾忠則 寒山拾得への道"を買いました。
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寒山図 東京国立博物館蔵 Hanshan ( 寒山 / Kanzan)
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拾得図 東京国立博物館蔵 Shi De (拾得/ Jittoku) Held by Tokyo National Museum 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
"Road To Hanshan And Shide"
The Wiki describes Yokoo as follows:
"Yokoo’s signature style of psychedelia and pastiche engages a wide span of modern visual and cultural phenomena from Japan and around the world."
"A pastiche is a work of visual art, literature, theatre, music, or architecture that imitates the style or character of the work of one or more other artists.
Unlike parody, pastiche pays homage to the work it imitates, rather than mocking it."
The art book I purchased contained the above explanation in a way that indeed, made it easy to understand, and I felt it was a condensed version of a part of the exhibition.
And also, by coincidence, one of the main works at the
According to Wiki about Hanshan : Kanzan
"Hanshan was a Chinese Buddhist monk, poet, and spiritual writer during the Tang dynasty.
He was a Chinese Buddhist and Taoist figure associated with a collection of poems from the Chinese Tang dynasty in the Taoist and Chan tradition.
~~~ In the Chinese Buddhist tradition, Hanshan and his sidekick Shide are honored as emanations of the bodhisattvas Mañjuśrī and Samantabhadra, respectively.
In Japanese and Chinese paintings, Hanshan is often depicted together with Shide or with Fenggan, another monk with legendary attributes."
"Shide was a Tang dynasty Chinese Buddhist poet at the Guoqing Temple on Mount Tiantai on the East China Sea coast; roughly contemporary with Hanshan and Fenggan, but younger than both of them."
About Visiting the Kobe City Museum, below.
From a book I read about Yokoo when I was young (I don't remember if it was written by him or someone else), I got the impression that he was very psychic and believed in UFOs.
I still have that impression.
He was (is) also an illustrator, so his work had a commercialist feel to it, but in recent years, I believe that he has become more inclined toward the spiritual world or the spirit world.
In "Mr. Yokoo's PALETTE - 10th Anniversary Exhibition", the 'pastiche' style was impressive to me, and I felt they were new pieces of his work.
So I bought the art book "Forward To the Past : Yokoo Tadanori's Road To Hanshin And Shide" which contains works of that style.
Almost every time I visit Kobe, I go to the Yokoo Tadanori Museum of Contemporary Art, and each time I discover a new side of him.
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ポスター デザイン: 横尾忠則 Poster Design by Yokoo Tadanori |
下記、"Forward to the Past 横尾忠則 寒山拾得への道"についての美術館のサイトから
According to Museum website about "Forward to the Past: Yokoo Tadanori's Road to Hanshan and Shide",
"The spread of the novel coronavirus, which first emerged in 2020, has transformed our daily lives.
It has also become difficult for Yokoo Tadanori to go out or meet people, he holed up in his studio and devoted himself to painting.
As the motif for his latest works, Yokoo chose the Zen monks Hanshan and Shide (known in Japanese as Kanzan and Jittoku) from Tang-dynasty China (618-907CE).
Yokoo employed what he calls moro-tai (“obscure style”) to depict the two figures, who are notable for their tousled hair, ragged clothes, and hearty laughter.
The painting style is characterized by free-wheeling brushstrokes, tremulous contours, and light coloring, but we also find that there are a number of similarities with Yokoo’s past experiments, which have been marked by a bewildering number of changes.
In addition to presenting a collection of works from the new series, this exhibition includes pieces from the past as examples from Yokoo’s lengthy struggle and search, which unexpectedly resulted in his current approach."
As for the 'Yokoo's Palette' exhibition, I will post some photos of the venue in the next section.