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関西旅行 神戸・美山 : 2022年10月16日~19日 このセクションは、''カファレル'についてです。 Kansai Trip Kobe・Miyama: 16th ~ 19th of October, 2022 This section is about 'Caffarel' in Kobe. |
友人Izu、Mと私は、ランチを "TOOTH TOOTH maition 15th" でとった後、チョコレートショップの''カファレル'に行きました。
My friends Izu, M and I had lunch at "TOOTH TOOTH maition 15th" and then went to the chocolate shop ''Caffarel''.
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営業時間 : 11:00 - 18:00 定休日:毎週月曜日(お盆休み/年末年始除く) 住所:〒650-0034 兵庫県神戸市中央区京町71山本ビルB1F カファレル・神戸旧居留地店は、 オフィスビルの地下一階にあります。 Open Time : 11:00 -18:00 Closed every Monday (except for Obon and New Year holidays) Address: 〒650-0034 Yamamoto Building B1F, 71 Kyomachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture The Caffarel Kobe Kyu-kyoryuchi shop is located in the basement floor of an office building. |
My purpose was to buy a souvenir for my husband, R, who loves chocolate.
R is British and was in the UK when I was traveling in Kansai.
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神戸旧居留地店は、1994年日本で最初にオープンした カファレルチョコレート専門店です。 The Kobe Kyukyoryuchi shop was the first Caffarel chocolate specialty shop to open in Japan in 1994. |
Permission was obtained to take photographs inside the shop.
Everywhere I looked there are adorable gift wrappings.
It reminded me of "Alice's Adventure in Wonderland" [by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) / 1865].
スタッフの方にビターチョコレートを聞くと、店内で最もビターチョコレート寄りのチョコレート: Gianduja (ジャンドゥーヤ)を勧められたので、それをRと鎌倉の友人カップルに購入しました。
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ジャンドゥーヤ・フォンデンテ Rと友人カップルへのお土産。 ベースがビターチョコレートで、そこにへゼルナッツペーストが 練り込んであるチョコレートです。 Gianduja Fondente Souvenir for R and Friend Couple. This chocolate has a bitter chocolate base with hazelnut paste mixed into it. 画像は下記より/ This from below ★ |
There seemed to be a wide variety, but unfortunately there wasn't much of R's favourite bitter chocolate (chocolate with a high cocoa content).
When I asked the staff about bitter chocolate, they recommended Gianduja, the most bitter chocolate in the store, so I bought it for R and a friend couple in Kamakura.
According to the Caffarel website in Japanese, (translated by me)
"Caffarel's signature Gianduja is a chocolate as melts in your heart, making you want to savour each and every piece.
It contains 28% of the highest quality Piedmont hazelnut paste, and you can enjoy the elegant hazelnut aroma and a blissful moment.
*Gianduja was first invented by Caffarel in 1865 all over the world."
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ハローウィン・コーナー Halloween Corner |
(17日 : 出雲大神宮と'かやぶきの里)
After the restaurant, Izu and M headed to Kobe Airport to go to Okinawa.
I had so much fun and I was so happy to spend two days (17th and 18th) with Izu and M.
(17th ; Izumo Daijingū and Miyama's Thatched Village)
Thank you so much!
Have a great trip to Okinawa.
I am looking forwards to seeing you again.
出雲大神宮については下記。/ About Izumo Daijingū Shrine, below.
'かやぶきの里'については下記。/ About 'Miyama's Thatched Village', below.
After I parted ways with them, I met another friend, K who lives in Kobe.
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