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関西旅行 神戸・美山 : 2022年10月16日~19日 このセクションは、花火と中華の夕食についてです。 Kansai Trip Kobe・Miyama : 16th ~ 19th of October, 2022 This section is about Fireworks and Chinese Dinner in Kobe. |
目次 / Contents
1) Kさんと / With K
2) "みなとHANABI" / "Minato HANABI"
3) 中華の夕食 / Chinese Dinner
1) Kさんと / With K
そのイベントは、10月の平日5日間に毎日約10分間 (18:30 ~) 花火が打ち上げられます。
実はKさんとは、2日前の10月16日にも会っていましたが、その日は、夙川 (シュクガワ / 西宮市) にあるKさんのお店・ '貴味蛸' (キミタコ) さんへ、友人のデザイナーRieさんと夕飯を食べに行きました (下記)。
Kさんと神戸市立博物館で開催されている 'よみがえる川崎美術館展' を見て、夕飯は、中華街のどこかで食べることになっていました。
それでは、二人で夕飯前に、 "みなとHANABI"へ見にゆこう!という予定を組みました。
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メリケンパーク 手前: 神戸海洋博物館 右奥 : ホテルオークラ神戸 (タワービルディング) Meriken Park Front : Kobe Maritime Museum Right back : the Hotel Okura Kobe (Tower Building) |
With K
While researching for my trip to Kansai, I found a fireworks event called "Minato HANABI" held at Meriken Park.
(In Japanese Minato means Port and HANABI means fireworks)
The event involves fireworks being launched for about 10 minutes every day on five weekdays in October.
The Hotel Okura Kobe where I was staying was next to Meriken Park.
It was a weekday (18th of October) when I met my friend K who lives in Kobe.
Actually, I had met K two days earlier, on 16th of October, when I went to her restaurant, 'Kimitako' in Shukugawam Nishinomiya City for dinner with my friend, designer Rie, below.
It had been several years since I last spent private time with K.
We were going to see the Kawasaki Museum Revived Exhibition in the Kobe City Museumi, and then we were going to have dinner somewhere in Chinatown.
I asked K about "Minato HANABI", but she didn't know about it.
So we made a plan to go see "Minato HANABI" together before dinner!
2) "みなとHANABI" / "Minato HANABI"
神戸では、例年8月に、'みなとこうべ海上花火大会' が神戸港海上において、行われていましたが、新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大による影響で、2020年から中止になっていました。
そのイベントに代わるものとして、 "みなとHANABI" が登場したのです。
【追記 : 2025年3月】
In Kobe, the 'Minato Kobe Maritime Fireworks Festival' is usually held every August at the Kobe Port, but it has been canceled since 2020 due to the spread of COVID-19.
"Minato HANABI" appeared as a replacement for that event.
【Postscript : March 2025】
The Minato Kobe Marine Fireworks Festival began in 1971 and ended in 2019, but the Minato HANABI, which began in 2022, will continue until 2024.
"みなとHANABI" は、10分間の打ち上げで通常の花火大会よりは、短いですが、次々と豪華な花火が打ち上げられ、通常の花火のフィナーレを思わせ、満足感がありました。
私達は、夕飯を食べに中華街 (南京町) へ向かいました。
The crowds weren't so crowded that the place was filled, but it wasn't so deserted either.
It was the perfect crowd to watch a fireworks display.
We were able to get a good view of the fireworks from our position halfway around Meriken Park, so we did not walk right to the water's edge.
"Minato HANABI" was a 10-minute display, which was shorter than a normal fireworks display, but the spectacular fireworks that were launched one after the other were reminiscent of a normal fireworks finale, and were very satisfying.
We headed to Chinatown : Nankin-machi for dinner.
3) 中華の夕食 / Chinese Dinner
私が神戸に住んでいた時も、神戸を離れたあとも、中華街で食事をする時は、'神戸元町別館牡丹園' です。
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中華街 (南京町) Chinatown : Nankin-machi |
Chinese Dinner
When I come to Kobe, I feel like eating Chinese food.
Before the trip, when K asked me,
"What do you want to eat?",
I answered without hesitation,
"Chinese food!"
There are many Chinese restaurants in Chinatown.
When I lived in Kobe and even after I left Kobe, whenever I ate in Chinatown, I always went to 'Kobe Motomachi Annex Botanen'.
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'神戸元町別館牡丹園':★ 'Kobe Motomachi Annex Botanen':★ |
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このグラスで何杯もビールを飲みました。 We've had many beers from these glasses. |
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箸袋 / Chopsticks Case |
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凉拼鶏 蒸し鶏としらが葱の和えもの Steamed Chicken Steamed chicken and whitebait salad |
ほとんどの料理が、3つの量: S・M・L から選べます。
私にとっては、中華といえば、'定番のこれ!' という料理を注文しました。
写真撮影はしませんでしたが、三鮮炒麺 : 三種の魚貝類のかた焼きそばも注文しました。
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炒青梗菜 : チンゲン菜の炒めもの Stir-fried Bok Choy |
Most dishes are available in three portions : S, M, and L.
Mostly we chose the M size.
For me, when it comes to Chinese food, I (we) ordered the classic dishes.
Although I didn't take a photo, we also ordered Sanxian Chow Mein: hard fried noodles with three kinds of fish and shellfish.
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生菜包肉崧 ; レタス包み Vegetable Wrapped Pork Snack |
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麻婆豆腐 / Mapo Tofu |
All the dishes were delicious. I was very satisfied!
I had a great time drinking, eating, and chatting with K.
Thank you very much.
Let's meet again~~~!
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