目次 / Contents
1) 開館10周年記念展
The 10th Anniversary of the Museum's Opening
2) 会場 / Venue
3) 横尾忠則コレクションギャラリー
Yokoo Tadanori Collection Gallery
4) 常設のコーナー? / Permanent Corner?
1) 開館10周年記念展
The 10th Anniversary of the Museum's Opening
横尾 忠則 (ヨコオタダノリ / 1986 ~) は、日本のグラフィックデザイナー、イラストレーター、版画家、画家です。
「ピンクガール」、「Y字路」、「A.W. Mandala」、「寒山拾得 (カンザンジットク)」など歴代の代表的なシリーズを含む作品を、テーマや様式から解放して色で分類、
横尾さんのパレット - 開館10周年記念展 2022年8月6日(土)~12月25日(日) 休館日:月曜日(9月19日、10月10日は開館)
9月20日、10月11日 開館時間:10:00~18:00(入館は17:30まで)
Mr. Yokoo's PALETTE - 10th Anniversary Exhibition August 6 (Sat.) - December 25 (Sun.), 2022 Closed: Mondays (except Sep. 19, Oct. 10) and Sep. 20, Oct. 11 Hours: 10:00 - 18:00 (admission until 17:30) |
The 10th Anniversary of the Museum's Opening
Yokoo Tadanori (1986 ~) is a Japanese graphic designer, illustrator, printmaker and painter.
The Yokoo Tadanori Museum of Contemporary Art opened in November 2012 after renovating the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art Oji Annex (formerly the west wing of the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art).
On this day, the 'Mr. Yokoo's PALETTE' exhibition was held to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the museum's opening.
"In the early 1980s after Yokoo’s so-called “painter’s declaration,” which marked his shift from graphic design to painting, the artist created a wide range of works without any fixed subject or style in a series of pictorial experiments. One element in this multifaceted and enormous group of works that might be cited as distinctively Yokoo-esque is the artist’s use of color.
In this exhibition, we focus on color in Yokoo’s paintings as we look back at his work in that medium.
By dividing Yokoo’s highly diverse paintings (including those from series such as Pink Girl, Y-junction, A.W. Mandala, and Hanshan and Shide) according to color rather than subject or style, we have set out to reorganize Yokoo’s unique artistic world in an installation that uses the museum’s galleries as if they were a palette.
We also present some background material for Yokoo’s works in the form of used palettes and paints from his studio.
It is our hope that this space, conceived as the artist’s palette, will enable visitors to experience the overwhelming power of Yokoo Tadanori’s colors."
2) 会場 / Venue
後になって、日本では、横尾さんの作品は、'サイケデリックである' と評価されていることを知り、私は長い間、横尾さんへの憧れを抱いていたのに、そのことを知りませんでした。
It was an enjoyable exhibition, featuring Yokoo's works as well as the layout and design of the venue.
床のリフレクションが面白いな〜と感じます。 このもやもやとした感じが、精神世界の印象を強めます。
I think the reflection on the floor is interesting. This hazy feeling reinforces the impression of the spiritual world. |
I felt as if my body and mind were entering Yokoo's spiritual world.
タイトルが良い! Great Title! ("Philosopher")
.jpeg) |
A.W.Mandala (25) (写真左上 / Top Left Photo)
 弥勒猫(試作) '手を触れないで' マーク(写真右)が猫の手で 表現されていて、ユーモラスな印象を受けます。
365Cat (sample) The 'Do not touch' sign (photo on the right) is represented by a cat's paw, giving a humorous impression. |
横尾さんは、'タマ' という猫を可愛がっていました。
Yokoo had a beloved cat named "Tama."
After "Tama" passed away, he experienced pet loss syndrome (animal loss).
この美術館では、私は見ていませんが、複数回 'Y字路シリーズ' に焦点を当てた展覧会が開催されていて、近年では、2024年に
実は、私は、今回の展覧会ではじめて、 'Y字路シリーズ' を知りました。
'Y字路' という状況に興味をもつことに共感を持ちます。
Yokoo has several popular series of works, one of which is the 'Y-Junction Series'.
This museum has held several exhibitions focusing on the 'Y-Junction Series', and in recent years, "Yokoo Tadanori: Wow! ★ Y-Junctions" was held in 2024, although I had not seen it.
It is said that the exhibition title was named by Yokoo.
That exhibition was scheduled to be held in 2020 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the series creation, but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In fact, this was the first time I found out about the 'Y-Junction Series'.
I empathize with his interest in 'Y-Junction' situations.
It reminds me of the boundaries of the world and the differences in the future that can occur depending on the choices we make.
'369 Cat' (Sample) ; Miroku Cat' (Sample)・2001

"人生浴場" ・2004 タイトルが面白く、左下の'弥勒猫' に惹かれました。
"Bath of Life" ・2004 The title was interesting, and I was attracted by the 'Miroku Cat' in the bottom left. |
"In 2004, Yokoo Tadanori launched a series depicting scenes of women bathing for a solo exhibition at a public bath that had been converted into a gallery. "
"春が来た II" ・1962 横尾さんのテーストを通してでさえも、 春は、可愛らしいイメージがついてまわるのだな〜と思います。
"Spring Has Come"・1962 Despite Yokoo's sense, I think spring is associated with a lovely image.
パレット感溢れますね。 It's full of palette feelings.

"二刀流再び"・2021 このタッチのシリーズが新しく感じ、印象に残りました。 あとで、このタッチは、 '作家自身が「朦朧体 (モロウタイ)」と呼ぶ' ものであるとわかりました。 このシリーズが多く載っている画集 (下の画像) を ミュージアムショップで購入しました。
"Back to Fighting with Two Swords"・2021
The style of this series seemed new to me and left a lasting impression on me. I later found out that this style is what the artist himself 'calls moro-tai (“obscure style”)'. I bought a book of many paintings from this series at the museum shop, below.
 購入後、わかったのですが、これは 2022年4月~7月に開催された "Forward to the Past 横尾忠則 寒山拾得への道"展 のカタログでした。
After purchasing it, I realized that it was a catalog for the exhibition "Forward to the Past: Yokoo Tadanori's Road to Hanshan and Shide" held from April to July 2022. |
3) 横尾忠則コレクションギャラリー
Yokoo Tadanori Collection Gallery
会場内は撮影禁止。 Photography is prohibited inside the venue.

It was like a mini modern art museum.
4) 常設のコーナー? / Permanent Corner?
常設のコーナーであると思われますが、 タイトルを撮影し忘れました。 この中へ入ってよいのかわからなかったので、入りませんでした。
It appears to be a permanent corner, but I forgot to photograph the title. I didn't know if it was OK to go in there, so I didn't.
The next section is about the "Cu-mirror-ism to Aotani" corner.