
❶2017年5月12日 東京 - 西見 賢二 個展 / Exhibition - Kenji Nishimi in Tokyo, 12th of May, 2017

 西見 賢二 個展 / Exhibition - Kenji Nishimi

'ギャラリー412' (表参道ヒルズ内)で開催されていた、西見 賢二 (1948 -) 個展へ行きました。






彼はこれを "彫板画 (チョウハンガ)"と名付けています。







Memorable 2011.3.11 - II 

画像は下記より / This from below

Exhibition - Kenji Nishimi
I visited an Exhibition – Kenji Nimshimi (1948 - ) in Galerie412, Onotesando Hills, Tokyo.

It was the first time I looked at his work and saw him.

I had looked at his works in the Internet, however, the originals gave very different impressions from Internet.

When I looked at them in the Internet, they were not my cup of tea, basically I am weak about social awareness works or works which came directly from happenings in the world.

For me, his most works are of these types.

From in the Internet I thought his works were prints, however, they were made to look like prints, in fact, they are wood.

He named these works “Chouhanga” : his invented this word which means 'carving print picture'.

His works of “Chouhanga” are very good.

The Internet is amazing, however, actual experiences about art works and music concerts or live, are very different, live impressions go straight to my heart or our hearts.

I felt about him that he has a big capacity for accepting other people and if he felt something different in others, he could absorb or accept naturally.

After 'Galerie412', I went towards my friend, Horiuchi Kun's exhibition in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

He and Nishimi San both came from Hiroshima.

You might say 'So what?', I am interested in these links and when I find a link, I obediently feel a small happiness.

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