1) こふくの夜 / Kofuku at Night
昨晩 (5月18日) は、H & TJ さんとこふくで食事をしました。
Kofuku at Night
Last night (18th May), we had meals with H & TJ couple.
It was the first time I and R had dinner in Kofuku.
We were first told about Kofuku by them.
They speak English well, so R understands all the conversation.
Usually I do not understand everything in English. Wry Smile
It was the first time I and R had dinner in Kofuku.
We were first told about Kofuku by them.
They speak English well, so R understands all the conversation.
Usually I do not understand everything in English. Wry Smile
We had a great time at the night.
2) 大皿 / Big Dishes
H & TJ さんが"こふく"とはお馴染みさんなので、いくつかのお料理は大皿に4人分が盛られてくる特別な扱いでした。
H & TJ are regular customers, the restaurant served some special dishes which are large enough for four.
For example, see above tempra's photograph.
Spring vegetable 'Kogomi' is here, too.
3) 出発 / Off You Go!
R出発の日(5月19日) は蝶がお別れを言いに来ました?
Off You Go!
On R leaving day (19th May), the butterflies came to here and they would say good-bye to R, wouldn't they?
He would stay in a hotel in Narita, his flight is 20th May.
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