1) 過保護の自転車 / Pampered Bicycle
昨年11月にリトグラフの教室 (山梨工房) へ行くために
その後私の体調が悪化し、手術が決まり、乗ることができなくなり、ずっと私のスタジオ (工房) にあります。
Pampered Bicycle
I resolutely bought an electric bicycle for Yamanashi studio : lithograph studio, last November.
However, my condition became worse and I decided to have my operation.
So I haven't used it and I keep it in my studio.
Even though I had my operation, I still cannot ride it.
When can I ride it?
However, my condition became worse and I decided to have my operation.
So I haven't used it and I keep it in my studio.
Even though I had my operation, I still cannot ride it.
When can I ride it?
R would use it, so he rode it into Kamakura for its debut.
2) ハイランド / Highland
R took all below photographs when he used electric bicycle to ride around Highland.
I trim them a little bit.
I trim them a little bit.
A.初めて行く/ First Visiting
H & TJ さんが私達をハイランドのスーパーへ連れて行ってくれました。
First Visiting
H & TJ gave us a lift to a supermarket in Highland which is between Kamakura and Zushi.
It was the first time we visited the area and the supermarket.
It was a wonderful season there, because every road has cherry trees in blossom.
From The High Viewpoint
I have seen some cherry trees along a road or a river or cherry trees assembled in a park, however, this was the first time I saw cherry trees in blossom in every direction.
I was surprised by the sheer scale, the whole town seemed to be in a fantasy world.
I was so excited by the town with cherry blossom, even though it was a rainy day and I was in their car.
B. 自転車で-4月23日 / By Bicycle-23rd April
RはH & TJ さんに連れて行ってもらった後日、
そこは以前、H & TJ さんが車で案内してくださったところでした。
By Bicycle - 23rd April
R practiced once a little bit in the road in front of our house.
He went to Highland on the electric bicycle to see cherry blossom again.
He was able to cycle quite a long way and to reach the high viewpoint which H & TJ had taken us to by car.
He went to Highland on the electric bicycle to see cherry blossom again.
He was able to cycle quite a long way and to reach the high viewpoint which H & TJ had taken us to by car.
He took many photographs of the cherry blossom and we enjoyed looking at them in my computer.
3)ハイランドからの帰り道 / From Highland to home
春のひざし / The R春のひざし / The Rays of Spring Sun
川遊び / Play at River川遊び / Play in by River
家のような倉庫 / St家のような倉庫 / Store like a House
鎌倉ら鎌倉らしい風景 / The View is Kamakura, isn't it?
月と桜 / Moon and Ch月と桜 / Moon and Cherry
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