Meadow (Map ⓳ ) -
John's Garden
ジョーンズ・ガーデンへは、東の入り口 (地図中心下) から入ります。
Enter John's Garden from the East Entrance (Centre bottom on Map). |
Wildlife Meadow (Map ⓳ )
野原の野生動物 : "Wildlife Meadow"エリアへは、
We enter to "Wildlife Meadow" from Map⓳.
訳することを省きます。すみません。 |
日本ではあまり、庭にカウントされないメドウ / Meadowの部分を英国の庭では、結構、盛り込んでいるように思います。
"ジョンズ・ガーデン(John's Garden)" では、野原の野生動物 : "Wildlife Meadow"
のエリア(Map⓳ / 左下) を設けていています。
公式サイト : ★ (英語のみ)
In Japan, it seems that a meadow is not usually considered as a garden, in Britain, often it seems to be included as a garden.
"John's Garden" has a section of "Wildlife Meadow" (Map ⓳ / Left Bottom).
Official Website : ★
Wildlife Meadow Website : ★
動植物の説明板 Animal and Plant Explanation Board |
雑木林 |
たくさんの来場者 / Many Visitors |
今は何も見えないけれど、昆虫の幼虫や何やらいる時はいるのでしょう。 I can't see anything right now, but there are times when there might have insect larvae or something. |
蛾の捕獲 面白い形状の生き物ですね。 They are creatures with an interesting shape, aren't they? |
本物の蛾の展示 Display of Real Moths |
They encourage the creation of ponds in the garden as a way to enjoy wildlife.
Here, a pond was created in 2017-18, and in 2019, newt and frog inhabitants have been confirmed.
In Japan, there are some ideas which caution against the making of a pond in the garden of an ordinary house, due to the influence of Feng Shui and Physiognomy of House, so I think there are not so many ponds.
If you don't know the ideas, you could make a pond, however, if you know the ideas, you would not make one, would you?
In Britain, ponds are easy to make because people don't have these ideas or superstitions.
木のオブジェ カワセミとサギまたは白鳥? Wooden Object Kingfisher and Heron or Swan? 睡蓮 (スイレン) 最近、ようやく、蓮(ハス)と睡蓮 (スイレン) の見分けが つくようになりました。 Water Lily Recently, I can distinguish Water Lily from Lotus. |
虫の家? / Insect Houses? |
野鳥観察 / Bird Watching
野鳥の餌場 小屋からかなり離れているので肉眼では、鳥の詳細部分を見ることは難しいです。 Bird Feeding Stations It is difficult to see the details of birds with the naked eye because they are so far from the shed. |
ラッキーにもキツツキの撮影に成功しました。 肉眼ではここまで見ることはできません。 Luckily I was able to photograph a Woodpecker. I cannot see this far with my naked eye. |
木々 / Trees
動物のように見えます。 Looks like an animal. |
白樺?カバノキ属の木? Siberian Silver Birch? Birch? |
歩いているように見えませんか? Do they look like they are walking? |
ここでは、2016年から5000種を超える野草を地元から収集し、 メドウの敷地に植えつけました。 |
????? |
今まで何枚撮影したかわからない、セリ科の花 そしてまた撮ってしまう.... I don't know how many photographs I have taken of Apiaceae flowers. And again I take a photograph.... |
ジキタリス、またの名を "狐の手袋" この花を手袋にした狐の狩の様子がすぐに浮かびます。 英国の野草を思う時、この花は私に中では上位者です。 バターカップ(キンポウゲ)と良い勝負! Digitalis, also known as "Foxgloves" I immediately imagine a fox wearing gloves of these flowers while hunting. When I think of English wildflowers, Foxgloves spring to mind. Good game with Buttercups! |
大好きなバンブルビー!(マルハナハナバチ) My Favourite, Bumblebee! |
Continue to the next section.
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