目次 / Contents
1) 5月26日 / 26th of May 2019
2) 6月2日 / 2nd of June
1) 5月26日 / 26th of May 2019
What is this?
I thought that it was a weed until now, but what I had picked up
when it was small has grown up so far, probably because it was left alone this year.
2) 6月2日 / 2nd of June
お隣りのKさんに聞いてみたところ、元はKさんのお庭にあった、アカンサス (Acanthus、ハアザミ、葉薊)という植物でした。
When I asked K, next-door about this plant, she said that it was originally in K's garden and is called Acanthus.
It seems that the lady who lived here before us was given an Acanthus bulb by K.
This day I noticed that the flowers were blooming.
ギリシアの国花 アカンサスはギリシアの国花でした。 アカンサスは、建築物、内装、絨毯にモチーフとして しばしば使用されているようです。
Greek National Flower
Acanthus is the Greek national flower.
I heard that often Acanthus is used as a motif in buildings,
interiors and carpets.
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