プロムナードにある花屋さんは、とてもお洒落、 ハローウィンでなくとも撮影したくなるお店ですが、 今回はハローウィン! The flower shop in the promenade is very fashionable and I would photograph even if it's not Halloween, but this time it's Halloween! |
I went to Shichirigahama residential area on 13th and 24th of October with my husband R.
There is a supermarket Seiyu there, so I went shopping while taking a walk.
At the promenade in front of Seiyu, there were Halloween decorations.
Recently, I hadn't seen big Halloween decorations, so I was happy and took a lot of pictures.
Here, the photographs of the 13th and 24th are mixed.
花屋さん/ Flower Shop |
コロナ禍でハローウィンを中止する動きが あったことが察しられます。 It can be inferred that there was a move to stop Halloween by the corona pandemic. Don't Stop Halloween ! in Japanese |
24日には写真が貼られていたので、 ハローウィンのイベントは開催されたようでした。 On the 24th the photographs on the board showed celebrations, so it seemed that the Halloween event was held. |
おまけ/ Extra
一般の家のドア Door of a general house |
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