Going Down from the Castle
道には木々がたくさんあります。 The road has many trees. |
HP: ★
We walked down the road from Sendai Castle in a 'green tunnel' and came out in the back garden of Sendai City Museum.
HP in English : ★
I found another Masamune Statue there (below photograph).
初代、伊達政宗の像 (ぼけててすみません) 後に知りましたが、この政宗像は以前、仙台城に馬に乗った姿でありました。 第二次世界大戦中、軍が回収、溶解し再利用しました。 軍の意向か誰かの個人的意志なのか不明ですが、半身だけが残り、 1978年に博物館の裏庭に設置されました。 2005年に修復されここに戻りました。 この詳細はここで→★ 当時の様子をいろいろと想像してしまうできごとです。 The first Masamune Statue (Sorry, no focus!) Later I found out this is part of the first equestrian statue from Sendai castle. During the World War II, the Japanese Army collected metal statues from all over Japan, melted and reused, and this was too. However, nobody knows the whole truth anyway, only this was left and set here in 1978. In 2005, it was repaired and returned here. I still wonder about the true story at that time. |
Our purpose was to have our lunch here.
There were some exhibitions although we did not visit, because we did not have enough time.
Our plan was to return from Sendai to Kamakura that day.
ランチ後、再び庭へ 趣のある場所を見つけました。 何でしょう...??? After lunch, we came into the garden again. I found an interesting place. What is here...? 茶室でしょうか? Is it a Japanese tea ceremony room : Chashitsu? |
明治中期の書院風茶室の遺構 Zangetsu-tei Shoin-Style Chashitsu Remnants of an old building of the middle Meiji period |
雨樋 (アマドイ) Downpipe |
Down the hill from the Castle
五色沼 (ゴシキヌマ) 日本フュギュアスケートの発祥の地 14世紀半ばから16世紀半ばまで、小氷期 (ショウヒョウキ) であったので、 江戸時代 (1603 - 1868) には、冬には十分な氷が張っていました。 現在は厳冬期に氷は張るもの、スケートができるほどではありません。 Goshiki Pond This was the birthplace of Japanese figure skating. From the mid 14th century to the mid 16th century, here was Little Ice Age, so winters in the Edo period (1603 -1868), here were freezing. Nowadays here has ice in the coldest period, although it is not enough for skating. |
大橋の手前 広瀬川の写真をとりに Before Oohashi : Big Bridge Trying to take photographs of the Hirose River. |
バス停横 / Beside Bus Stop |
"るーぶる仙台" からの広瀬川 From "Loople Sendai" bus to the Hirose River |
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