1) N ファミリーの来訪 / N family Visit
2) ボートン・オン・ザ・ウォーター
Bourton-on-the Water
1) N ファミリーの来訪 / N family Visit
コッツウォルズ / Cotswolds に私達は彼らと一緒に行き、1泊しました。
ボートン・オン・ザ・ウォーター / Bourton-on-the Water、
ビブリー / Bibury、
('バイブリー'と日本語表記されるのですが発音は 'ビブリー'に近い)
カースル・クーム / Castle Combe、
レイコック/ Lacock
という、コッツウォルズ で代表的な場所を回りました。
コッツウォルズ は、イングランド中央部に、およそ、横40km、縦145kmの丘陵地帯で、それは、ストラッド・アポン・エイボン / Stratford-upon-Avon の南部から
バース / Bathの南部になります。
「コッツウォルズ ストーン」
コッツウォルズの鴨 / Ducks in Cotswolds |
N family Visit
N Family, our friends visited us in Britain.
It was the first time they came to the country.
It was a short stay, 4nights 5days, although they looked as though they enjoyed Britain.
We stayed one the night in Cotswolds.
When we used the children seats of R's car, the car can hold 7 people, so we and
the four members of N Family got in the car together.
We visited typical villages below.
Bourton-on-the Water
Castle Combe、
In addition, it is designated as the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
I spent student days in Bath, Britain, and I visited there many times with R, my friends and my family who came from Japan.
Castle Combe、
Cotswolds is the rolling hills of England's central part,
25 miles across and 90 miles long, stretching south-west from just
south of Stratford-upon-Avon to
just south of Bath.
In addition, it is designated as the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
means the Sheep Hill and prospered in the trade of wool
in old history (the 17th Century).
there are popular sightseeing spots and their main feature is building made of “Cotswolds Stone” which is
a yellow oolitic Jurassic limestone,
said to be a "honey-coloured stone".
I spent student days in Bath, Britain, and I visited there many times with R, my friends and my family who came from Japan.
I and R visited Cotswolds
we found a 'Secret Place' which is not in guide books, and
we brought N family there this time. 2) ボートン・オン・ザ・ウォーター
Bourton-on-the Water
Nファミリーが英国に到着した翌日に、ロンドンから ボートン・オン・ザ・ウォーターに向かいました。
The day after N family arrived in Britain, we went towards Bourton-on-the Water .
Did I and R visit there the last time in the Winter of 2008?
初めてコッツウォルズを訪れるときに一箇所だけというのなら、 私はここをおすすめします。 If it is your first visit to the Cotswolds and can only see one place, I would recommend here. |
鴨達、寒そう.... / The Ducks look cold... |
雛の成長は違うのですね〜? The duckling's growth is different, isn't it? |
・ウィンド ラッシュ' /
・ウィンド ラッシュ' /
コッツウォルズの丘に源泉があります (Taddington)。
川沿いの道がハイ・ストリート / Hight Streetで、
'River Windrush' This river is the River Windrush which later flows into the River Thames.
source is in the Cotswold
High Street along the River
Windrush is picturesque and popular.
巨大かたつむり 殆どの日本人のかたつむりのイメージは悪くないでしょうけれど、 大方の英国人は、嫌いでしょう。 ガーデンの天敵だからかな〜と、思います。 ここでは巨大かたつむりをあえて、庭先の壁上の立つ場所に設置しています。 魔除けならぬ人除け、観光客除けなのかもしれません。 もしくはジョーク? Ginat Snail Most Japanese do not have a bad image of snails, though most British hate them, don't they? I think snails are natural enemies of their garden. Here dares to set the giant snail on the wall of the garden. Is it to ward off evil spirits? It might be to ward off tourists. Or it is Joke? |
歩道橋 / Pedestrian Bridge |
川の中の石畳み 昔、馬車が通った名残です。 Stone Pavement in the River In former days carriages crossed the river beside this bridge. |
晴れの日には黄色く見える壁が今日はこんな色です。 The walls look yellow in sunny days, today is like this. |
雨の日でも、私には十分美しく見えます。 いかがでしょう? Even though it rains, it is very beautiful for me. How do you feel? |
時計 ある建物でマーケットが開かれていました。 そこで見つけた時計に"BOURTON ON THE WATER"の文字が入っていました。 The Clock A building had a market. I found a clock which has the words "BOURTON ON THE WATER". |
ランチ / Lunch
Bakery on the Water : ★ 前回、この村を訪れていた時に閉まっていたお店で、 入ってみたいな〜と思っていました。 今回、実現!Nファミリーのおかげです。 In an earlier visit it was closed and I still wanted to enter . This time I made it, thank you to N family. |
雨が降っても長靴はいて川遊び Even though it was raining, they are playing in the river in their boots. |
ティータオル / Tea Towel |
ザ ・ダイアルハウス : ★ (日本語) 雰囲気が変わった気がします。 洪水のせいでしょうか? 私の気のせいでしょうか? The Dial House : ★ I feel the atmosphere is changed. Perhaps it is by the flood or my imagination? |
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