
❾Coonie's Exhibition, Looking for Light (光を求めて), 2019 - 食器 - 森シリーズ / Tableware - Forest Series, 15th -21st of April, 2019


On display : Works in Porcelain and Lithographs.
While I live I am searching for something, 
I travel, have adventures and make my works.
This time, that something is Light.

目次 / Contents
1)  "森の声" / "Voice of the Forest"
2) "星降る夜に" / "On a Starry Night"
3) "白樺の森" / "Silver Birch Forest"
4) "月夜シリーズ" / "Moon Night Series"
5) "若葉の箸置き" / "Young Leaves Chopstick Rests"
6) "風の中で" / "In the Wind"

 青の食器  / Blue Tableware 
The material is all porcelain.


The effect of this table seemed to be strong, and many visitors were impressed 

that the colour image of this exhibition was blue.

1) "森の声" / "Voice of the Forest"
中皿 (磁器) / Middle Size Dish (Porcelain)

中皿 (磁器) / Middle Size Dish (Porcelain)

大皿 (磁器) / Large Dish (Porcelain)

大皿 (磁器) / Large Dish (Porcelain)

カトラリーレスト(磁器) / Cutlery Rest (Porcelain)

2) "星降る夜に" / "On a Starry Night"

3) "白樺の森" / "Silver Birch Forest"
中皿 (磁器) / Middle Size Dish (Porcelain)

4) "月夜シリーズ" / "Moon Night Series"
大皿 (磁器) / Large Dish (Porcelain)

大皿 (磁器) / Large Dish (Porcelain)

5) 若葉の箸置き/ Young Leaves Chopstick Rests

6) 風の中で / In the Wind
中皿 (磁器) / Middle Size Dish (Porcelain)

中皿 (磁器) / Middle Size Dish (Porcelain)


Thank you very much for your purchases.

Coonie's Exhibition, Looking for Light (光を求めて), 2019の各セクションのリスト
List of Sections of Coonie's Exhibition, Looking for Light (光を求めて), 2019

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