
❸山陰旅行 - 宿泊地 : 玉造温泉 / Sanin Trip - Hot Spring Spa Town : Tamastukuri Onsen - 1st of April, 2014

移動: 足立美術館→ 八重垣神社: → .........
Moving : Adachi Museum of Art → Yaegaki Shrine : → ........ 
→ Tamastukuri Onsen

1) 神様が発見! / A God's Discovery!

玉造温泉は、奈良時代 (710 -794) に開湯 (カイトウ) したといわれ、日本最古の

'少彦名命 / スクナビコナ' という神様が発見したと言われています。

こういうお話を、'開湯伝説'というのかもしれませんが、出雲国風土記』(733年) に記載されているというので、古い温泉地であることは信頼性がありますし、今日まで続いていることから、効能があることは事実なのでしょう。

下記は山陰中央新報のサイト: 出雲国風土記』の内容を紹介しています。


神の湯! と聞けば、試してみたくなる人も多いことでしょう。





 'Hot Spring Spa of God' ....

 Objects show God Myth scenes along the streets.
When we walked there, I thought the objects related with Izumo - taisha
however, they are different.

A God's Discovery!

Tamatukuri - Onsen (Hot Spring) is one of the oldest hot spring spas in Japan, they say it was established in the Nara period (710 -794). 

They say a God Sukunabikona discovered here.

We call this type of story 'Opening Spa Legends
 / Kaito Densetsu' by which I think people would advertize their hot spring spa, however, "Izumokuni - fudoki" (733 A.D.) describes about here.

"Izumokuni - fudoki" are the records of Izumo Province about culture, geography, oral tradition myths and local gazetteer. 

I think it is possible that this spring spa is indeed very old and it does some good for people.

According to the website of "The San-in Chuo Shimpo Newspaper Co.,Ltd.":  in Japanese. (Below : I translate myself)

"The record describes the flourishing "There are men and women of all ages who gather almost everyday, they enjoy their banquets and are as noisy as a market.", and the hot spring effectively "if you rise with the water, your face and skin could be beautiful, and if you are soaked again in the spa, all kinds of diseases could be fine, then people call it 'Hot Spring Spa of God'. " 

I believe that if people hear there is a 'Hot Spring Spa of God', they would try to have it.

When I visited Tamatsukuri - Onsen, I did not know about the story, I only heard the water works for our skin which becomes beautiful after having the spa.

Anyway I just joined the tour, I depended on them and followed the plan.

Actually my skin became smooth after the spa and while I soaked in the bath I felt comfortable.
Brochure Cover of Walking Map of Tamatsukuri - Onsen

2) '玉湯川' 沿い / Along 'Tamayu - Kawa / River'

A.'玉湯川' と宍道湖 / The River and Lake Shinji

温泉血の中心を流れる' 玉湯川'  (下の地図の真ん中)は、宍道湖 (シンジコ/ 地図) に注ぎ着きます。


Brochure of Walking Map of Tamastukuri - Onsen
'Tamayu - River' (the central pale blue line) runs through the Spa Town 
and flows into Lake Shinji : on the left pale blue.

By the way  Lake Shinji is not a freshwater lake, it is a brackish lake.
For a long time I had thought Lake Shinji is a freshwater lake.

B. 神話のオブジェ / Objects of Legend



There are a few objects along 'Tamayu - River' which show God Myth scenes.

I show you two of them below.
八岐大蛇 / 八俣遠呂智 (ヤマタノオロチ) 退治 :
速須佐之男命八岐大蛇の話 :

Slaying of Yamata no Orochi : Eight-Forked Serpent:

the story of Susa-no-o-no-Mikoto and Yamata no Orochi 
→the story:  in English.

大国主命 と 須勢理毘売命 (スセリビ)の話

Visiting Ne-no-katasukuni :
the story of Okuninushi-no-Mikoto (Kami) and Suseri-bime
→ the story : "1)    2)   3) " in English

C. 桜の季節 / Cherry Blossom Season
We are lucky because it is a cherry blossom season there.
玉湯川の足湯 / Foot Spa in Tamayu-River

3) 夜桜 / Cherry Blossom at Night

A.夕飯 / Dinner

They considered R's meal problems and 

also gave us a table and chairs in another room, 
even though the tour meal was in a tatami room,
because my body condition is difficult for sitting on a tatami or a floor. 
Thank you very much!
We enjoyed the meal, of course!

B. 夕飯後 /After Dinner 


By chance, we were told that we could join a tour to see cherry blossom at night, 
it was free.

After we got into the tour mini-bus, the staff gave us hot ginger tea.
It was goo~d! Thank you very much!

It was wonderful!

There is close to 'Tamayu Primary School',
down the river from Tamatsukuri - Onsen.

It seems to be a popular local spot for Cherry Blossom at night,
there are a few parties : Hanami Party.

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