
❷山陰旅行 - 足立美術館 / Sanin Trip - Adachi Museum of Art - 1st of April, 2014

2014年4月1日 / 1st of April, 2014

羽田空港 → 岡山空港 →  蒜山高原 (ヒルゼンコウゲン) 

Haneda Airport → Okayama Airport → Hiruzen Heights 
(Hiruzen Heights in Daisen-Oki National Park)

Photographs From Coach
大山 (ダイセン/ 標高1,729m / 火山) をながめながらツアーバスで移動
蒜山高原 (ヒルゼンコウゲン)→ 足立美術館

While we looked at Mt. Daisen (altitude 1,729m / Volcanic Mountain), 

we moved to Adachi Museum of Art by coach.
郷土富士:"伯耆富士" (ホウキフジ)
伯耆は旧国名 (律令時代 の国名) :"伯耆国" (ホウキノクニ) から

Local Fuji: "Houki Fuji"

'Houki' came from 'Hoki Province' : an old country name
 for the old provinces of Japan,  about 7th-10th centuries.

下の浮世絵は 歌川広重 (1797 - 1858 ) 画 : 
Below Ukiyoe by Hiroshige Utagawa (1797 - 1858) :
From Houki - ono to 
Mt. Daisen ;

Rice field in Hoki province 

画像は下記から/ This from below
Wikipedia in Japanese about Mt. Daisen

絵のように鑑賞 / Appreciate as Pictures 
'枯山水庭' /  ' Karesansuitei : Dry Landscape Garden'
Above : I photographed  through a window. 

公式サイト:  / 庭の地図:

Yは私達と同様のツアーで今年の2月にここを訪れ 、感動していました。


'苔庭' (地図: )

'Kokeniwa: 'Moss Garden' (Map :)
This window is for looking at the garden like a picture frame.

My sister, Y said that she had really wanted to visit Adachi Museum of Art
Official Site:  in English. / Garden Map:  in English.
I heard the museum has a wonderful garden.
visited here on a similar tour to ours last February, she was very impressed.
I expected so much! Then they did not betray!
It was superb!
However~! We could not walk in the garden, just look at it from outside 
as though we look at pictures through glass.  
Come to think of it, my image is that people cannot walk 
in most of the famous Japanese gardens.
Is the reason that the concepts are different in Britain and Japan? 
I feel that some Japanese garden parts do not work only to heal, relax 
but also let us think about our life and the cosmos.
Oh! Yes! This museum e
The garden is treated as a picture. Below: the left rectangle above. 
このアイディアでウェールズ の "ボダンド ガーデン/ Bodnant Garden
あそこはスノードン山 (標高1085m) が背景にあったように記憶してます...

私は2008年に "
Bodnant Garden"訪ねています。

"Bodnant Garden"Rの希望でした。

The garden uses natural landscape.
This idea reminds me of "Bodnant Garden" in Wales.

I remember they use Snowdon (altitude 1085m) for their garden views... 

I visited "Bodnant Garden" in 2008, the trip theme was 
"Follow King Arthur's Holly Grail and Great Wizard Merlin ".
I think "
Bodnant Garden" was R's hope.

春期特別展 - 2014年3月1日- 5月1日
1)日本画で味わう "四季の美"  /  2)日本画を知る - "落款•印章•箱書" 



横山大観 (1865 -1958) : 始め、私の好きな 
竹内 栖鳳 (ケウチ セイホウ/ 1864 - 1942) :などの日本画の作品が所蔵されています。

美術館の創設者、安達全康 (1899 -1990) は、横山大観 作品のコレクターであり、


横山大観 作品だけの展示室があり、巨匠のすごさを思い知らされました!


童画家のコレクションの中に、武井武雄 (1894-1983): もあります。

武井武雄 の絵は、今でもモダンでおしゃれな感じが私にはして、好きですし、


私は庭と本館 (春期特別展) を見るだけで、新館や陶芸のセクションまで見ることができませんでしたが、日本画に時間を費やしたことに後悔はしていません。


'苔庭' (庭の地図 : ❷:)

'Kokeniwa: 'Moss Garden'  (Garden Map :  ❷ : )
The "Beauty" is kept by many people who look after there. 
Sometime in Britain I looked at gardeners looking after their garden carefully.
"Beauty" requires effort, time, skill and experience, doesn't it?

Japanese Picture
Spring Exhibitions
1st of March - 31st of May, 2014
1)Experience the Aesthetics of "All Four Seasons through Japanese Paintings"
2)Learn Japanese Paintings - 
"Signature, Seal on Picture, and Authentication on Boxes"
3)"Selected Yokoyama Taikan Collection"

Of course the gardens are wonderful, their collection of Japanese pictures was very timely for me, while I listened to the audio guide I stayed looking at them until very close to our departure time.

Recently I felt the Japanese taste from my lithograph works , 

I would concentrate on looking at Japanese pictures somewhere. 

They have a lot Japanese pictures, for example,
Yokoyama Taikan (1865 -1958), and my favourite Japanese painter Takeuchi Seiho (1864 - 1942),  and others.

The founder of this museum, Zenko Adachi  (1899 -1990) was a collector of
Yokoyama Taikan, that was a start point of this museum.

There is a room dedicated to the works Yokoyama Taikan, I was even more impressed by the great painter. 

The works have tension and playfulness. 

The museum also has a large collection of paintings for children's books including works by 
Takeo Takei  (1894-1983).

I feel Takei 's work is still modern and stylish even now, so I like his work and I have a book of his colllected paintings.

Maybe it was good I did not research about here enough before the visit. 

I could only look at the gardens and the works in the main building (Spring Exhibitions),  but not look at the ceramics sections and works in a new annex, however, I do not regret that I spent my time on Japanese pictures.

By the way, they do not give us permission to photograph the paintings, so all my photographs are gardens.

'白砂青松庭' (ハクサセイショウ) と '枯山水庭' (カレサンスイ) の間
(庭❹と❶ : 地図:)
その滝は"鶴亀の滝" (キカク ノ タキ) (地図❻)と名付けられていて、
 横山大観 の"那智乃滝”を


Between 'White Gravel and Pine Garden' and  

'Dry Landscape Garden' 
(Garden Map  ❹ and   ❶: )
'Shirosuna Aomatsu Tei : White Gravel and Pine Garden' and
 ' Karesansui : Dry Landscape Garden'.

Here, I could feel the 'Dry Landscape Garden' most directly.
There is a waterfall : "Kikaku Waterfall" (map: ) on the up right, 
can you see it?

The waterfall was based on Yokoyama Taikan's "Nachi no Taki".
'White Gravel and Pine Garden' was based on another of his works:
 "Aosaaomatsu"; 'White Gravel and Pine' .

I found a blog to show you the painter's catalog,
 unfortunately it is only in Japanese, 
although you will find his pictures including  "Nachi no Taki". 
You can see many others of his works here. → in Japanese.






帰ったら、"山種美術館" (東京) をぜひ訪ねてみたいと強く思いました。

Self Discovery

In this museum, I found a good thing about myself.

I realized that my sense about layout has more influences from Japanese pictures than Western pictures.

I haven't grown up only always looking at Japanese pictures, however, I think if somebody grows up or lives in Japan the person naturally absorbs Japanese sense.

Even if I spend some time abroad, I cannot change a lot, can I?

I thought that I really wanted to visit  Yamatane Museum of Art in Tokyo.

"池庭の滝" (地図 : ❺)
"Pond Garden" (Map
 : ❺)

Even Carp Let Me Feel Art...Laugh!

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