
❹山陰旅行 - 1) 出雲大社 ; 参道 / Sanin Trip - Izumo Ooyashiro ; Sando : Appoarch - 2nd of April, 2014

1) おおやしろ / Big Building 
2) 出雲と須佐之男命  / Izumo and Susa-no-o-no-Mikoto
3) 大社に向かって/ Heading Toward the Shrine

1) おおやしろ / Big Building 

出雲大社は "イズモタイシャ" と読んでいましたが、本来は "イズモオオヤシロ"と
言うそうで公式HP :  にも "オオヤシロ" と表現されています。

古代の神殿 (現在の本殿にあたる) の高さは48メートルもあったそうで、


Big Building 
I call "Izumo-taisha", although it should be called "Izumo - Ooyashiro".

Their official website :   in Japanese says "Izumo - Ooyashiro".

"Ooyashiro" means big shrine building, indeed, the main building was 48m hight in ancient time.

The present main building is 24m high.
背景は、八雲山 / 御室山 (ミムロヤマ), 標高 420m
1m 低く作っているところは、神様に対する敬意でしょうか?

旗は13,6 x 9 m, 畳 75 畳分と聞きました。

The background is Mt.Yagumo (Mt.Mimuro), altitude 420m  
The flagpole with Japanese flag is 47m high which lets us imagine
the ancient building of 48m height.
The flagpole is 1m lower than the building.
Is that in regard for God?

I heard the flag is 13,6 x 9 m, the size is the same as 75 tatami.



Our tour brought us very close to the shrine and we had quick sightseeing and had prayers.

Later we walked along the Sando: the approach to the shrine again.

2) 出雲 と須佐之男命 
    Izumo and Susa-no-o-no-Mikoto 

八雲山には、須我神社  / 日本初之宮 (ニホンハツノミヤ) 奥宮 (オクミヤ) /  

須佐之男命 (スサノオノノミコト) が八岐大蛇 (ヤマタノオロチ) を倒し櫛名田比売 
(クシナダヒメ)  を救い、彼らは結婚しました。

須佐之男命 は新居の場所を探し、スガ/ 須賀と呼ばれていたこの地が気に入り、

造築前に読んだ歌が日本書紀 (720年) 』にも『古事記 (712年)』にも記載され、
それは日本で初めての和歌になります。→ 神話: ★

八雲立つ 出雲八重垣 つまごみに 八重垣つくる その八重垣を」

通釈→ /出雲大社』(JTBパブリッシング,2012)ー この本にも同じ通釈が載っていました。


日本書紀の本文では出雲大社の祭神の大国主は、須佐之男命 (スサノオノノミコト) の息子と記載されいてます。

勢溜 (セイダマリ) の大鳥居



Seidamari - no - O-
Finally Izumo - ooyaishiro ~! 

The tour did not bring us here : this gate,
we used our free time to walk from here to the shrine buildings.
It has a refreshing feeling, doesn't it?

Izumo and 'Susa-no-o-no-Mikoto' 
The rear shrine of Suga Shrine is on Mt.Yagumo, although it is actually a rock: Meotoiwa.

A God, Susa-no-o-no-Mikoto slayed Yamata-no -Orochi : Eight-Forked Serpent which helped Kushinadahime and she became his wife.

He looked for their home, then he found this place: 'Suga' and made their palace.

The shrine used to be their palace.

He sang a poem, later described as the first Waka style poem: below.

"Yakumo tatsu Izumo Yaegaki Tsuma gomi-ni Yaegaki tsukuru sono Yaegaki-wo"
(I translate the explanation below)
The country name, Izumo means the clouds building in the sky, 
Now exactly there is like that, layers upon layers as eight layered fences,  
I made my palace for my wife with many layered fences 
Just like the eight layered clouds.

Then Yagumo became the name : Izumo, the place name came from his poem.

According to "「English Translation Izumo Myth 」- Susa-no-o-no-mikoto slays the eight-head dragon, Yamata-no-Oroch" : 
"English Translation Izumo Myth" : 
 Lists in English : 英訳リスト:出雲 : 
翻訳: 島根県立大学短期大学部松江キャンパス 地域連携推進センター
Translation by The University of Shimane Junior College, Matsue Campus Center for University and Society Collaboration.

" Arriving at Suga, he said, “Coming here, I feel refreshed.” 
He built a palace in that place and lived there. 
Therefore that place is now called Suga, meaning ‘refreshed.’ 
When the great deity first built the Palace of Suga, clouds rose from there. 
He composed a poem, which said; Eightfold clouds rose in Izumo, 
The clouds made the eightfold fences around it, Where I built a palace for my wife to dwell,– Oh, those eightfold fences!
(Yakumo tatsu Izumo Yaegaki Tsuma gomi-ni Yaegaki tsukuru sono Yaegaki-wo)
Then he summoned Ashi-na-zuchi-no-kami and said, “You will be administrator of my palace,” and gave him the name Inada-no-miya-nushi-Suga-no-yatsu-mimi-no-kami.

Then Susa-no-o-no-mikoto got married to Kushi-nada-hime, and there was born 
a deity named Ya-shima-jinumi-no-kami."

Izumo-ooyashiro is dedicated to Ookiuninushi who was a son of Susa-no-o-no-Mikoto  by Nihonshoki (720 AD).

3) 大社に向かって/ Heading Toward the Shrine
Sando / Approach 
この橋を渡って "松並木の参道" に入ります。

川は、八雲山から流れ出る清流、素鷲川 (ソガガワ)

We walked across this bridge into a "Pine Trees Approach".
The bridge is Harae Bridge and this river comes from Mt, Yagumo,

a clear stream : Soga River.
Pine Trees Approach
浄 (キヨメ) の池


Kiyome-no-Ike / Kiyome Pond

It is gourd-shaped.
We went out of our way for the shrine.Here is a peaceful atmosphere.
Nursery students have a walk here.


The cherry blossom is reflected in the pond,
I feel there is another world.


Here is a turtle! Is this a Reeves's turtle
I felt  more and more easy going....

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