
❺山陰旅行 - 2) 出雲大社 ; 大国主と國譲り/ Sanin Trip - Izumo Ooyashiro ; Ōokuninushi and Country Devolution - 2nd of April, 2014

1) 大国主 / Ōokuninushi
2) 國譲り / Kuniyuzuri : Country Devolution

1) 大国主 / Ōokuninushi

出雲大社の祭神は、大国主 :  です。(国引きの話: )

アニメーション→ '

"Hare of Inaba" / "Inaba no Shirousagi"
This story →
『日本書紀』の本文では出雲大社の祭神の大国主須佐之男命 (スサノオノノミコト) の息子と記載されいてますが、古事記』、『日本書紀』の一書や『新撰姓氏録』によると、須佐之男命の六世の孫、また『日本書紀』の別の一書には七世の孫とされているそうです。



一番有名な妻は、須佐之男命 (スサノオノノミコト)の娘である須勢理毘売命 (スセリヒメ) でしょうか?


須勢理毘売命は、最初の妻で、正妻であり、大国主との間に有名な神話がいくつかあり、強い女神だったようです。(玉造温泉の神話サイト: )




出雲大社の公式HP : では、「縁結びの神」の縁は、男女の縁だけでなく、お互いの発展のための縁づくりというのが基本の考え方らしいですよ。

日本書紀 (720年) 』
古事記 (712年)』は
(『一個人 - 別冊 「古事記入門」、 KKベストセラーズ、2013) 


There is a statue of Ookuninushi on the right.
Excuse me but I feel this is a little kitsch.

Izumo-ooyashiro is dedicated to Ookuninushi. (Izumo Myth : )

The god has many other names : below
Ōnamuchi-no-Kami 大己貴神
Ōmononushi-no-kami /大物主神
Yachihoko-no-kami / 八千矛神
Ōkuni-tama-no-kami / 大国魂神
Ustukushikuni-tama-no-kami / 顕国魂神
Actually he has more names.....Inde~~~ed!

Moreover,  they say  Ookuninushi was a son of 
Susa-no-o-no-Mikoto  by Nihonshoki (720 AD), although other chronicles : "Kojiki"(712 AD), Shinsen Shōjiroku (815 AD) say Ookiuninushi was the 6th grandson of Susa-no-o-no-Mikoto.

I read somewhere that Ookuninushi has many names gives evidence that people in many places believed in the God. 

Also it is very famous that the god has many wives and children (they say 180 or 181) so that today, people believe in the God of Marriage or Matchmaking. 

Maybe his wife Suseribime (Suseri-Hime/ Suseri Princess) is the best known.

She was his first and legal wife and the daughter of Susa-no-o-no-Mikoto and a few famous Legends with her and Ookuninushi ; 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Now I feel,  what? I thought Ookuninushi was Susa-no-o-no-Mikoto's son or grandson...?

Well, here, the world is Myth or Legend, so we should pass over this question, shouldn't we?

Anyway, she seemed to be a strong wife. 

For me Ookuninushi and the wife are similar to Zeus and Hera.

People have many different thoughts about Ookuninushi's stories with women or princesses.

One of them I heard was that his marriage was for political reasons which built relationships : "En / 縁 in Japanese" with various places.

The basic thought about the God of EN / 縁,  relationships: EN / 縁  in the shrine's official HP that it is not only a man-a woman relationship but also people make relationships with each other for their improvement.


Here is famous as a place with a huge range of wild birds in the shrine,
although I only saw and could photograph sparrows.

2) 國譲り / Kuniyuzuri : Country Devolution

葦原中國 (アシハラノナカツクニ) で、日本の地もしくは出雲の地です。


高天原に住んでいた天照大神(アマテラスオオミカミ)は平和な地を見て、大国に自分にその地を渡すように要求しまし、後に武力: 十束剣 (トツカノツルギ) をもって脅しました。

結果、大国主出雲に自分の宮を建てるのを条件に、國を天照大神 に差し上げました。

天照大神 が國を譲られたお礼に建てた宮が、出雲大社になりました。

大国主天照大神 に國を渡したご褒美が出雲大社であるというのは大方共通している内容です。

 Kuniyuzuri : Country Devolution

In Japan or in Izumo, there is a world  Ashihara no Nakatsukuni between God World : Takama - ga - hara and Dead World : Yomi - no - kuni, this was the earth. 

The earth was not in a good condition.

Then Ōkuninushi tried to make peace in the world with a lot of effort and later he made it.

The Goddess Amaterasu who lived in Takama-ga-hara, looked down at the then peaceful world, so the Goddess requested Ōkuninushi to give her the country, later she terrified him, making a show of force with a special sword : Totsuka-no-Turugi.

Eventually the God did give her the country though with a condition that she makes his palace in Izumo.

The goddess got the country and made the palace for him in Izumo, this became Izumo Shrine : Izumo Ōyashiro.

This is my summary there are other various stories and views.

However, there is a common view in which Amaterasu made the palace for Ōkuninushi, that was her gratitude, the palace was an origin of Izumo Shrine.
Now I can see Honden : the main building!

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