
❶2017年10月26日- 奈良旅行 - 1) Rの誕生日旅行 / Nara Trip:R's Birthday Trip, 26th of October, 2017

目次 / Contents
1) 悠久の奈良・大和路めぐり  Eternal Nara, Visit Yamatoji
2) 日程 / Itinerary
3) 興福寺 / Kōfuku-ji Temple
   A. 三河安城駅 Mikawa-Anjō Station
   B. 藤原氏の氏寺 / Fujiwara Clan's Temple
   C. 東金堂 / Golden Hall

1) 悠久の奈良・大和路めぐり  
    Eternal Nara, Visit Yamatoji


クラブツーリズムのツアー : "悠久の奈良・大和路めぐり3日 " ; 奈良の7つの世界遺産 (文化遺産に参加しました。



なお、"古都奈良の文化財" は、下記の8つで、ツアーに含まれているものは太字表示の5つです。
国宝建造物所有 : (★)  / 特別史跡指定 : (■) / 特別天然記念物指定 : (▲)

東大寺 (★)  : 現在は分離して宮内庁管理となっている正倉院(★)を含む
興福寺 (★) 
春日大社 (★
薬師寺 (★) 
唐招提寺 (★) 
元興寺 (★) 
平城宮跡 (■)
春日山原始林 (▲)
赤い部分 奈良県 
Red Part : Nara Prefecture
画像は下記より / This from below

 : 市 / Cities
 :  町 / Towns
 :村 /  Villages 
画像は下記より / This from below


Deep Pink : Nara City
The sightseeing destination was Nara city, or its vicinity.
画像は下記より/ This from below

Eternal Nara, Visit Yamatoji
R's birthday is in September, but we had his birthday trip in October.

Since he had never been to Nara, we chose Nara and in the old days it was called Yamato, and also called Heijo Kyo .

Nara is the historic place name which is regarded as the origin of Japan as one country.

According to Wiki about Heijo Kyo,
"Heijō-kyō (平城京, also Heizei-kyō, sometimes Nara no miyako), was the capital city of Japan during most of the Nara period, from 710–40 and again from 745–84. The imperial palace is a listed UNESCO World Heritage together with other places in the city of Nara (cf. Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara)."

We joined the tour by Club Tourism International Inc., the tour plan : "Eternal Nara, Three Days" : Visit the 7 designated World Heritage (Cultural Properties).

List of World Heritage Sites in Japan : 
Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara, of the 8 below the 5 in bold characters are in our tour.
Tōdai-ji Temple,
Kōfuku-ji Temple, 
Yakushi-ji Temple
Tōshōdai-ji Temple,
Gangō-ji Temple 

2) 日程 / Itinerary


Our Itinerary is below, but in fact, I and R were not able to visit everything.

Tours are too busy for us, and we often give up something.

26日 / 26th 

27日 / 27th
法隆寺 (大宝蔵院拝殿) / Hōryū-ji Temple
室生寺 (金堂外陣特別拝観) / Murō-ji Temple

28日 / 28th
薬師寺 (拝観 僧侶の法話拝聴) / Yakushi-ji Temple

Nara Park Map in Japanese

興福寺周辺 / Around Kōfuku-ji Temple

3) 興福寺 / Kōfuku-ji Temple
     A. 三河安城駅 / Mikawa-Anjō Station
品川駅から、新幹線・こだまに乗り、三河安城駅 (ミカワアンジョウエキでおりました。




Mikawa-Anjō Station
From Shinagawa Station, we took the ShinkansenKodama and we alighted at Mikawa - Anjo Station.

This was the first time I had used Mikawa - Anjo Station. 

Also we used here for our homeward journey.

There is no seating at the station and the restaurant and the cafe are closed relatively early, considering this is a Shinkansen station it is a bit sad.

In any case, we headed for Kōfuku-ji Temple by a coach from there.
(I'm sure going this way is cheaper.)

チケット / Tickets

B. 藤原氏の氏寺 / Fujiwara Clan's Temple

興福寺の起源は、699年に、藤原鎌足 (フジワラノカマタリ/ 614 -669) の正妻の鏡王女 (カガミノオオキミ / ? -?) が創立した山階寺 (ヤマシナデラ) であるとされています。


藤原氏氏寺 (菩提寺)ですが、主要堂塔の建立の発願 (ホツガン) は天皇や皇后によるものが多数をしめます。



The tour did not have time to show all the buildings.
This time, Tō-kondō (Golden Hall) on the middle right was the main place.

Fujiwara Clan's Temple
Kōfuku-ji Temple is registered as a World Heritage Site as part of "Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara".
Official Website : 

The origin of Kōfuku-ji Temple is believed to be the Yamanashidera Temple founded in 699 by Kagamino no Okimi (? -?) who was Fujiwara Kamatari (614 – 669)'s legitimate wife.

The temple was moved to the present site along with the Heijo-kyo transition capital of 710 and became Kōfuku-ji Temple.

The temple is Fujiwara Clan Temple, though the ideas for the construction of the main buildings came from the Emperor and the Empress.
About Fujiwara Family (Clan) →

The construction work was directed by  the Imperial Court, with a close relationship between the Fujiwara Clan and the Court.

The temple was hit many times by fires and all the existing buildings date after the fires of the Genpei War (1180 - 1185).
左 東金堂 (国宝)  / Left : Golden Hall (National Treasure)

 右;五重塔  (国宝) / Right : Five Storied Pagoda (National Treasure)
The current tower was rebuilt in 1426.

C. 東金堂 / Golden Hall



1937年に、現在の銅造薬師如来像の台座下から、1411年の被災を免れた、685年制作、山田寺薬師如来像の頭部 [ (国宝) : ★ (画像)] が発見されました。

通常、この頭部は、国宝館(中金堂・チュウコンドウ) に展示されていますが、私達が訪ねたときは、国宝館 が耐震工事のために休館でしたので、東金堂の右隅に展示されていました : ★ (画像)。


1) 本尊、銅造薬師如来像 (ドウゾウ ヤクシニョライ ゾウ (重要文化財) :  (画像)
制作は室町時代 (1336 - 1573)。

2) 銅像日光月光菩薩像(ドウゾウ ニッコウ・ゲッコウボサツ ゾウ(重要文化財) :  (画像)
制作は白鳳(飛鳥)時代 (592 -710)。

3) 木造文殊菩薩像 ( モクゾウ モンジュサツ ゾウ(国宝) :  (画像)
制作は鎌倉時代 (1185または1192 -1333)。

4) 木造維摩居士像 (モクゾウ ユイコマジ ゾウ(国宝) :  (画像)

5) 木造四天王立像 (モクゾウ シテンノウ リュウゾウ) (国宝) :  (画像)
一本造:頭上から足下の邪鬼 (ジャキ)、台座 (ダイザ)まで1木のヒノキ材で作られています。
制作は平安時代 (794 -1185)。

6) 木造十二神将像 (モクゾウ ジュウニシンショウ ゾウ) (国宝 (画像)


Inside of Golden Hall
Golden Hall is not allowed to photograph.
This is from Wiki in Japanese.

This is from Wiki in English.

Golden Hall
Golden Hall (Tō-kondōwas founded for the Yakushi Sanzon : three gods : Yakushi Nyorai and the Bodhisattvas Nikko and Gakko in 726.

After they had fire in 1180, the current building was rebuilt in 1415.

In 1187, the monks of Kofukuji robbed the Statue of Yakushi Nyorai from Yamada Temple of Asuka (Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture) and set it here, however, when the hall had a fire in 1411, the statue was lost as well, so the current statue was made in around 1415.

In 1937,  inside the pedestal of the current Statue of Yakushi Nyorai they found the head of the original Yakushi Nyorai from 685 which had come from the Yamada Temple and was saved from fire in 1411.

Normally the head is displayed in the Central Golden Hall : Chū-kondō, though when we visited, the Central Golden Hall undergoing earthquake-proof strengthening, so they displayed it in the right hand corner of the Golden Hall : Tō-kondō.

Inside are statues below,
1) A copper-alloy statue of Yakushi Nyorai (the principal icon, and an Important Cultural Property)  :   (Photograph)
It was made using clay moulding.
Considering the complicated technique, I feel the creators's enthusiasm.
Created in Muromachi Period (1336 - 1573). 

2) Copper-alloy statues of the Bodhisattvas Nikko and Gakko (Suryaprabha and Candraprabha, both Important Cultural Properties) :  (Photograph)
Both statues serve as supporters of Yakushi Nyorai and are located on both sides of the main statue.
Created in Asuka Period (592 -710). 

3) A wooden statue of Monju Bosatsu :  (Photograph)
Monju Bosatu is symbolizing wisdom, located on the right side of the main statue.
Created in Kamakura Period (1185 or 1192 -1333)

4) A wooden statue of Yuima Koji (Manjusri Bodhisattva and the Layman Vimalakirti ,
both National Treasures) :  (Photograph)
A rich Indian man, Vimalakirti : Yuima Koji who has been regarded as a model for Buddhists for a long time.
Created in Kamakura Period (1185 or 1192 -1333)

5) Wooden statues of the Four Heavenly Kings :  (Photograph)
Standing Four Heavenly Kings statues placed in the four corners.
Making from one trunk : they were made of one trunk of Japanese cypress wood, from overhead to feet ; Oni ; devil and pedestal.
Created in Heian Period (794 -1185).

6) Wooden statues of the Twelve Divine Generals (National Treasures) :  (Photograph)
They are the guardian gods of Yakushi Nyorai and 6 statues are arranged on either side of the main statue.
Created in Kamakura Period (1185 or 1192 -1333)

仮講堂で / In Temporary Auditorium



阿修羅 / Asura
画像は下記より / This from below

It seemed that the Asura statue at the temporary auditorium, and several others were on display, but we did not go.

Because basically, it was that the tour did not have enough time for looking at all sightseeing places and that I had already seen the Asura statue three times.

R hasn't seen it, although he was not interested in the statue as he felt busy enough.

阿修羅像(国宝) / Asura Statue (National Treasures)
画像は下記より / This from below

After Kofukuji, I went to Todaiji.
The next section is about Todaiji.

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