日本 赤い部分 : 鹿児島県 Japan Red Part : Kagoshima Prefecture 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
濃いピンク部分 : 霧島市 9月26日 ~ 10月1日、私と姉Yは、鹿児島県へ旅行しました。 このセクションは、最終日の10月1日、硫黄谷・霧島ホテルから 犬飼滝滝見台 (イヌカイノタキタキミダイ)についてです。 Dark Pink Part : Kirishima City From 26th of September to 1st of October I and my sister Y travelled to Kagoshima Prefecture. This section is about Wake Shrine and Inukai Taki View Point, which we visited on the way from the 'Iō-dani Onsen・Kirishima Hotel to Kagoshima Airport on the last day, 1st of October. 画像は下記より / This from below |
目次 / Contents
1) 予定変更 / Change Plan
2) 和気神社 / Wake Shrine
A. 大絵馬 / Big Ema
B. 和気ちゃん / Wake-chan
C. 和気神社の由来 / Origin of Wake Shrine
D. 島津斉彬 / Shimazu Nariakira
E. 藤の花 / Wisteria Flowers
4) 犬飼滝 / Inukai Falls
A. 展示 / Display
B. 霧島錦江湾国立公園内
Inside of Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park
C. 龍馬とおりょうの新婚旅行 / Ryōma and Oryo's Honeymoon
1)予定変更 / Change Plan
当初の予定は、霧島ホテルのシャトルバスで最寄りの硫黄谷バス停へゆき、そこから路線バスで鹿児島空港 (霧島市) へ向かうはずでした。
どこか行きたいところがあるかを聞かれたので、坂本龍馬 (1836 - 1867) と妻、お龍 (リョウ: 楢崎 龍 / ナラサキ リョウ/ 1841 - 1906) が新婚旅行で訪れたという、犬飼滝 (イヌカイノタキ) の名前をあげました。
犬飼滝は、鹿児島空港の途中にあるというので、連れて行ってもらうことにしました。[実際には、犬飼滝滝見台 (イヌカイノタキタキミダイ) へ行きました。]
運転手さんから和気 清麻呂 (ワケノキヨマロ / 733 - 799) を知っているのかを聞かれましたが、私達は
運転手さんから、和気清麻呂を祀った和気神社 (ワケジンジャ) が犬飼滝の近くになることを聞きました。
実は、私はすでに和気清麻呂について、このブログで書いていました (下記) が、そのときは忘れていました。
[4) 大手濠 / ''Ōte Bori : Ōte Moat" ; D. 和気清麻呂 銅像 / Wake no Kiyomaro Statue]
和気神社 1946年に創建。 比較的新しい神社ですね。 3986 Kubota, Makizono-cho, Kirishima City, Kagoshima Prefecture Founded in 1946. It's a relatively new shrine, isn't it? |
Change Plan
The original plan was to take the Kirishima Hotel shuttle bus to the nearest Iodani bus stop, and then take the route bus to Kagoshima Airport (in Kirishima City).
About Kirishima Hotel are below.
We found out the day before that the scheduled local bus from the 'Iō-dani bus stop would not depart from October 1st, so we decided to use a taxi in a hurry.
The taxi driver asked us the time of our flight and confirmed if we had enough time.
The departure time from the hotel was as planned, so we had plenty of time to arrive early enough to catch the flight one before ours.
When asked if there was a place we wanted to go, we mentioned the name of Inukai Falls which Sakamoto Ryōma (1836 - 1867) and his wife Narasaki Ryō (1841 - 1906 / Oryō) visited on their honeymoon.
Inukai Falls was on the way to Kagoshima Airport, so we decided to ask him to take us there. [Actually, we went to a View Point of Inukai Falls]
We had intended to waste free time at Kagoshima Airport, but we thought it would be a much better use of our time if we could do some sightseeing.
The driver asked us if we knew of Wake no Kiyomaro (733 - 799), we said
"I don't know."
We heard from the driver that Wake Shrine, which enshrines Wake no Kiyomaro, is near Inukai Falls.
Our hairdresser is Wake San, I wanted to buy a charm from Wake Shrine for her, so I (we) told the driver that that we wanted to visit the shrine.
We were to go to Wake Shrine and Inukai Falls Takimidai, which was not planned at all.
Actually, I had already written about Wake no Kiyomaro on this blog (see below), but I forgot about it then.
D. 和気清麻呂 銅像 / Wake no Kiyomaro Statue of 4) 大手濠 / ''Ōte Bori : Ōte Moat" in ② 2021年11月3日 東京 - お濠 / Tokyo - Moats, 3rd
2) 和気神社 / Wake Shrine
A. 大絵馬 / Big Ema
'日本一の大絵馬' とプレートに記されていました。
看板かと思った絵が、大絵馬 (オオエマ)でした。
Big Ema
B. 和気ちゃん / Wake-chan
和気ちゃん アルビノの猪ですね。 Wake-chan It's an albino boar. |
Wake-chan was born in 2008 and was protected.
She is 14 years old now.
The average lifespan of a boar is 5 years or less.
Wake-chan is over 200 years old in human terms!
She lives long!
I hear that albinos are weak.
In the case of Wake-chan, she probably lived a long life because she was protected.
In addition, Wake-chan's food does not use any chemically synthesized ingredients, and it seems that it contains enzymes made from seaweed and fish in the Ariake Sea.
I heard that she used to come to visitors when they called her name, but when we visited her, she just moved her face and stayed lying down...
From then on, I wondered about what kind of life would make her happy.
C. 和気神社の由来 / Origin of Wake Shrine
和気神社の由来 / Origin of Wake Shrine in Japanese |
現在では、清麻呂は、'皇統の断絶という日本最大の危機を救った人物' と一般には、評されています。
霧島の和気神社の由来は、案内板 (上の画像) に書かれていますが、わかりますか???
"769年に、"宇佐八幡宮神託事件 (ウサハチマングウシンタクジケン) が起こります。
孝謙天皇 (コウケンテンノウ/ 718 -770 / 在位:749 - 758)、
称徳天皇 (ショウトクテンノウ / 在位:764 - 770) が寵愛した
弓削 道鏡 (ユゲノドウキョウ / 700 ? ~ 772) がいました。
和気清麻呂は、'天皇家の血筋のものを天皇位につけ、他のものは排除せよ' という神託を持ち帰りました。
"流される途中、道鏡の使者から命を狙われましが、突然現れた白い猪の群れに助けられ、大隅の国に流れ着きました。" (霧島市和気神社サイト)
赤い部分 : 大隅国 現在の鹿児島県の東部 Red Part : Ōsumi Province (Ōsumi no Kuni) The eastern part of present-day Kagoshima Prefecture 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
Origin of Wake Shrine
Wake no Kiyomaro (733 - 799) was a nobleman from the late Nara Period (710 - 794) to the early Heian Period (794 - 1185).
He was born in in Fujino District, Bizen Province (now Wake, Okayama).
Therefore, there is a Wake Shrine in Wake Town, Okayama Prefecture.
Today, Kiyomaro is generally described as 'the person who saved Japan from the greatest crisis of the imperial lineage'.
The origin of Wake Shrine in Kirishima is written on the information board, although it is only in Japanese.
And also the Kirishima City Wake Shrine website has the origin of Wake Shrine, only in Japanese.
When I went to see 'Kamō no Kusu : Great Camphor of Kamō',
I wrote about Wake Kiyomaro in my previous blog : ㉖ 2022年9月29日 鹿児島旅行 - 蒲生のクス / Kagoshima Trip - Kamō..., below.
"In 769, the "Usa Hachimangu Oracle Incident" occurs.
This incident was the issue of succession to the emperor.
Emperor Koken (718 - 770 / reign: 749 - 758), and as the second emperor, Empress Shotoku (Empress Kōken) favoured a monk, Dōkyō (700 ? ~ 772) .
From Usa Jingu Shrine, the head shrine of Hachiman Shrine, an oracle was delivered, saying, 'If Dōkyō is the Emperor, the world will be at peace.'
Wake no Kiyomaro was dispatched as an imperial messenger to confirm the authenticity of this oracle.
Wake no Kiyomaro brought back with him an oracle that 'enshroned those of the imperial lineage to the throne and the others should be swept away'.
Empress Shotoku, who wanted Dōkyō to be the Emperor, was angry at this report and demoted Wake no Kiyomaro to Ōsumi Province : present-day eastern part of Kagoshima Prefecture.
At that time, while Wake no Kiyomaro was demoted to Ōsumi Province, his cane stuck in the ground became Gamo's Kusu. "
In the Kirishima area, people seem to have believed that
"While Wake Kiyomaro was drifting away, emissaries from Dōkyō tried to kill him, but a herd of white wild boars suddenly appeared and helped him, and he drifted to Osumi no Kuni.'' (Kirishima City website, I translated)
和気清麻呂と猪の説明碑 神社の説明では、300頭の猪が清麿公を助けたとあります。 Monument to Wake no Kiyomaro and Wild Boars According to the shrine, 300 wild boars helped Kiyomaro. |
和気清麻呂についての説明 Explanation About Wake no Kiyomaro in Japanese |
称徳天皇崩御後、道鏡は天皇にならず、下野国 (シモツケノクニ) へ左遷、清麻呂は呼び戻されて、官界に復帰しました。
After the death of Empress Shotoku, Dōkyō did not become emperor and was demoted to Shimotsuke Province, and Kiyomaro was recalled and returned to the centre of politics.
Kiyomaro made efforts for the Heian Relocation (793 ~) performed by the 50th Emperor, Emperor Kanmu (737 - 806 / reign : 781 - 806).
阿の猪 / A Boar どちらの彫像からも、逞しさが感じられますが、 どちらの顔の表情も、牙はあっても優しく、 可愛らしくさえもあります。 吽の猪 / Un Boar Both statues have a sense of fortitude, but the expressions on both faces are gentle, albeit with fangs, even cute. |
D. 島津斉彬 / Shimazu Nariakira
薩摩藩11代藩主・島津氏28代当主、島津 斉彬 (シマズ ナリアキラ / 1809 -1858) は、京都で、三条 実美 (サンジョウ サネトミ / 1837 -1891)から、和気清麻呂の謫居 (タッキョ) の遺跡調査を託されました。
その松は枯れてしまいましたが、1937年に斉彬の孫の島津 忠重 (シマズタダシゲ / 1886 - 1968)が、松に変え楠 (クスノキ)を手植えしました。
楠を選んだのは、松がこの環境にそぐわないと判断したことと、'蒲生のクス' と和気清麻呂の伝説に由来したことが考えられます。
島津斉彬と和気清麻呂 島津斉彬は、名君と言われています。 西郷 隆盛 (サイゴウ タカモリ / 1828 -1877) を 見いだし、藩の、富国強兵 (フコクキョウヘイ) に努め、 洋式造船、反射炉・溶鉱炉の建設、 集成館事業 (シュウセイカンジギョウ) を興しました。 集成館事業跡は、 '明治日本の産業革命遺産 製鉄・製鋼、造船、石炭産業' として 世界遺産登録 されています。 Shimazu Nariakira and Wake no Kiyomaro Shimazu Nariakira (1809 - 1858) promoted Saigō Takamori (1828 - 1877), worked to make 'Enrich the Country, Strengthen the Armed Forces' in the Domain, built Western-style ships, built reverberatory furnaces and blast furnaces, and launched the 'Shuseikan Industry Project' and was called a great ruler. The site of the 'Shuseikan Industry Project' was registered as a World Heritage Site as "Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining". |
赤い部分 : 日向国 Red Part : Hyūga Province 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
Shimazu Nariakira
Below is a summary based on the contents of the explanation board of 'Shimazu Nariakira and Wake no Kiyomaro'.
In Kyoto, Shimazu Nariakira , the 11th lord of the Satsuma domain and the 28th head of the Shimazu clan was entrusted with the archaeological survey of Wake no Kiyomaro's residence in banishment from Sanjō Sanetomi (1837 - 1891).
When Nariakira Shimazu inspected Hyūga Province and Ōsumi Province, he ordered Tomoki Hatta, who was close to him, to investigate the ruins of Wake no Kiyomaro.
The survey revealed that the area around Inukai Falls was the place where Wake no Kiyomaro was distributed.
In December 1853, Nariakira visited the place and planted a commemorative pine with his own hands.
The pine withered, but in 1937 Nariakira's grandson Shimazu Tadashige (1886 - 1968) replaced the pine, planting a camphor tree.
The reason why he chose camphor tree is because he decided that pine tree is not suitable for this environment, and also because it comes from the legend of 'Kamō no Kusu : Great Camphor of Kamō'
and Wake no Kiyomaro.
The camphor tree now stands by the stone monument.
楠 / The Camphor Tree
'忠烈和気公之遺跡碑'と'義人稲積翁之碑' 稲積翁は左遷された清麻呂に尽くし、支えました。 説明板 (下の画像) には、人見御供 (ヒトミゴクウ) の慣習を やめさせた清麻呂の話が書かれています。 'Monument of unswerving loyalty, Wake no Kiyomaro' and 'Monument of righteous man, Inazumi' Kiyomaro was demoted. Inazumi gave his all to Kiyomaro. The explanation board below tells the story of Kiyomaro, who stopped the custom of Hitomi Goku : Human Sacrifice. |
E. 藤の花 / Wisteria Flowers
Wisteria Flowers
In the wisteria park in Wake Town, Okayama Prefecture, over 100 kinds of wisteria trees from all over Japan are planted.
In commemoration of the 1200th anniversary of the death of Wake no Kiyomayo in 2000, the town of Wake presented the Wake Shrine with 100 wisteria saplings of 23 famous varieties.
Today, the wisterias bloom beautifully in Wake Park , Kirishima from mid-April to early May every year.
4) 犬飼滝 / Inukai Falls
A. 展示 / Display
犬飼滝のポスター Poster of Inukai Falls |
I found about Inukai Falls from posters displayed in the Kirishima Hotel and wanted to go there.
We didn't get to visit the waterfall, but we were lucky enough to see it.
龍馬コーナーの展示の1つ Inukai Falls - One of the Exhibits in the Ryōma Corner According to Ryōma's letter, "The waterfall's water falls unobstructed for about 100 meters, and it's like another world. A very unusual place." |
Honeymoon of Sakamoto Ryōma and Oryō in Kirishima 犬飼滝 "この辺りは大隅国で、和気清麿が庵を作って 修行したところです。" Inukai Waterfalls "This area is Osumi Province, where Wake no Kiromaro built a hermitage and practiced." |
B. 霧島錦江湾国立公園内
Inside of Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park
霧島錦江湾国立公園・ガイドマップ Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park Guide Map 現在地 : ⛩️ 和気神社と犬飼滝 You are here : ⛩️ Wake Shrine and Inukai Falls |
霧島錦江湾国立公園 (シキシマキンコウワンコクリツコウエン) は、
以前は、屋久島地域が含まれ、霧島屋久国立公園 (キリシマヤクコクリツコウエン)と呼ばれていましたが、2011年に屋久島地域が
According to Wiki about Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park,
"Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park is a national park in Kyūshū, Japan.
It is composed of Kirishima-Kagoshima Bay, an area of Kagoshima Prefecture and Miyazaki Prefecture known for its active volcanoes, volcanic lakes, and onsen."
'Kinkowan' is Kagoshima Bay.
The locals have called it 'Kinkowan' since ancient times.
In the past, the Yakushima Island area was included and was called Kirishima-Yaku National Park, but in 2011 the Yakushima area became independent as Yakushima National Park, and now the Aira Caldera is incorporated into the Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park.
C. 龍馬とおりょうの新婚旅行
Ryōma and Oryo's Honeymoon
1) で、前述したように、'坂本龍馬とお龍が新婚旅行で訪れた犬飼滝' と言われているので、犬飼滝滝見台の近くに、下のような案内板が設置されていました。
Ryōma and Oryo's Honeymoon
As mentioned in 1) , it is said that 'Inukai Falls where Ryōma Sakamoto and his wife, Oryō visited on their honeymoon', so there is an information board like the one above at the View Point of Inukai Falls.
I saw this information board several times in the Kirishima area.
I can see how popular Ryōma is in Japan.
Inukai Falls ➡︎ |
We didn't get to see it up close like Ryōma did, so we weren't as impressed as Ryōma was, but it's certainly a beautiful waterfall.
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