
❸ 2019年11月12日 救馬渓観音 - 熊野・南紀旅行 / Sukimadani-Kannon , Kumano and Nanki Trip, 12th of November 2019

11月12 - 14日

Kumano and Nanki Trip
12 -14th of November

Kii Peninsula Trip

目次 / Contents
1) 北上、そして南下 / Northward and Southward
2) 救馬渓観音 / Sukumadani-kannon
    A. 役の行者  / En no Gyōja
    B. 小栗判官説話  / Tale of Hangan Oguri 
    C. 境内 / Precinct

1) 北上、そして南下 
  Northward and Southward
宝泉寺の大銀杏については前回のセクション、 下記

そのルートは、比較的、熊野古道の1つ、中辺路 (ナカヘチ)に近いものだったので、熊野本宮大社 (クマノホングウタイシャ) に向かうルート: でもあったのです。

救馬渓観音 (スクマダニ カンノン) へ行きました。

Looking South from Sukumadani-kannon

Northward and Southward
Our tour went north from Nanki–Shirahama Airport to see the Great Ginkgo of Hosenji Temple.
About the Tree, below.

The route was relatively close to Nakahechi, one of the Kumano Kodō, so it was also a route to Kumano Hongū Taisha :  .

The Kumano Kodō is a series of ancient pilgrimage routes that crisscross the Kii Peninsula, and Kumano Kodō are approaches to three Shrines ; "Kumano Sanzanbelow,
(Kumano Sanzan is the head office of about 3,000 Kumano shrines spread all over Japan.)

However, due to the schedule of the tour, we returned to the south and went to Sukumadani-kannon.

Although Sukumadani-kannon is in the south, it is located on a mountain.

2) 救馬渓観音 / Sukumadani-kannon
A. 役の行者  / En no Gyōja


元は 紀伊国 (キイノクニ) に由来します。

"約1300年前に役の行者 (エンノギョウジャ / 634 - 701) が開山し、
953年に空也 (クウヤ / 903 - 972) が自作の観音像を奉安しました。

鳥羽天皇 (トバテンノイウ / 1103 - 1156  / 在位:1107 - 1123) 熊野詣 (クマノモウデ) の際に、堂宇 (ドウウ) を建立し、寺名を '岩間寺' (イワマデラ) としました。"

役の行者は、飛鳥時代 (592 - 710) の呪術者で、
役の小角 (エンノ ギョウカク・オズヌ・オヅノ・オツノ)

役の行者は、また、山岳信仰である修験道 (山伏開祖とされています。



ピンク部分 : 南紀・紀南地方 ; 紀伊国 
Pink Part :  Nanki or Kinan region; Kii Province 
画像は下記より / This from below

En no Gyōja

A temple, "Sukumadani- kannon" is the largest sacred place for good luck in the Kinan region .

Kinan and Nanki are the same, and the locals seem to call them Kinan. 

The origin is from Kii Province.

'Sukumadani' means 'Horse Rescue Gorge' in Japanese.

The temple is said that,
"About 1300 years ago, En no Gyōja (634 - 701) opened the mountain, and in 953,  Kūya (903 - 972) enshrined his own Kannon statue.

When Emperor Toba (1103 - 1156 / reign : 1107 - 1123) visited Kumano, he built a hall and named 'Iwama-dera' (Iwama Temple). "

En no Gyōja was a Japanese ascetic and mystic from the Asuka period, and is also known 
as En no Gyoukaku (En no Oznu・Ozuno・Otsuno).

He is also said to be the founder of Shugendō, (Yamabushi)
a mountain worship.

Kumano Region is inseparable from mountain worship and Yamabushi, isn't it?

According to Wiki about Yamabushi,
"Yamabushi also served as sendatsu or spiritual mountain guides since medieval times for pilgrims along the Kumano Kodo to the Kumano Sanzan, including retired emperors and aristocrats."

Sukumadani-kannon is a fascinating place with a mixture of mystery and fishiness.

役の行者 : 役の小角
1819年頃 / 北斎漫画より
葛飾北斎 (1760 - 1849) 画
この絵でも前鬼、 後鬼が一緒に描かれています。

En no Gyōja :  En no Gyoukaku 
c. 1819 / From Hokusai Manga
By Katsushika Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
En no Gyōja is said to have made the front demon
and the back demon disciples.

They are a demon couple,
the front demon is the husband and
 the back demon is the wife.
In this picture as well, En no Gyōja is drawn with 
the front demon and the back demon. 
画像は下記より / This from below


En no Gyōja and other statues
This is near their car park.
In this photo En no Gyōja is partly shown 
on the right, see below.


I didn't photograph for En no Gyōja statue.
I thought this view is similar to Kenchō-ji Temple in Kita-Kamakura 
and photographed.

ここには半蔵坊像 (ハンゾウボウゾウ)と

Kenchō-ji Temple in Kita-Kamakura 
There are statues of Hanzobo and
several Karasu Tengu here.

Hanzobo is the statue as Karasu Tengu.
Karasu Tengu is wearing a Yamabushi costume.
I think Kenchō-ji Temple is also related to mountain worship.
 About Kenchō-ji Temple, below.

北鎌倉 - 建長寺、2013年11月26日 / Kenchou-ji in Kitakamakura...

Hanzoubo Statue in Kenchō-ji Temple  
画像は下記より/ This from below

B. 小栗判官説話  / Tale of Hangan Oguri 
寺名の由来として、小栗判官説話 [オグリハンガン セツ/ 
小栗判官伝説 (オグリハンガンデンセツ)] 


話の1つは、近松門左衛門 (チカマツ モンザエモン / 1653 - 1725 ) が創作した、人形浄瑠璃、"当流小栗判官"(トウリュウ オグリハンガン)です。

その物語のモデルは、常陸国 (ヒタチノクニ / 今の茨城県筑西市)の
小栗城小栗満重 (オグリ ミツシゲ / ? - 1423) とその息子、
助重 (スケシゲ/ 1413 - 1481) です。

"小栗判官は、相模国藤沢宿 (フジサワシュク)で、閻魔大王 (エンマダイオウ) の計らいにより毒殺から生き返ります。


この土地で、小栗判官の愛馬が生き返えり、喜んだ小栗判官がこの寺の名前を救馬渓観音と名付け、土地名も生馬 (イクマ) になりました。"


'小栗判官伝説' はここです  


Sukumadani-kannon Guide Map

Official Website :  (only in Japanese)
画像は下記より / This from below

Legend of Hangan Oguri 
The origin of the temple name is the Tale of Hangan Oguri.

There are many patterns in the Tale.

One of the stories is that "Hangan Oguri" of Bunrakuis a form of traditional Japanese puppet theatre, created by Chikamatsu Monzaemon (1653 - 1725) 

The story's  models were Oguri Mitsushige (? - 1423), 
the owner of Oguri Castle in Hitachi Province (now Chikusei, Ibaraki Prefectureand his son, Sukeshige (1413 - 1481).

"Hangan  Oguri was revived from poisoning in Fujisawa-shuku, Sagami Province by Yama, a Buddhist deity of death and the underworld, and a judge who imposes decisions on the dead who have mistreated others.
(Japanese refer to Yama as "Enma Daio ; Great King Enma".)

Then, Hangan Oguri visited Kumano Region for a hot spring treatment.

Hangan Oguri's beloved horse came back to life in this area, and Oguri being delighted, named the temple, "Sukumadani-kannon" ; "Horse Rescue Gorge -kannon" and the area name was changed to Ikuma;  Horse Lives."

See Legend of Hangan Oguri →
安土桃山時代 (573 - 1603) に描かれた閻魔大王。

Great King Enma
 The Great King Enma as depicted in a wall scroll 
from the Azuchi-Momoyama period (573 - 1603) found in Nara.
画像は下記より / This from below

C. 境内 / Precincts
中門 / Middle Gate

〒 649 - 2103 和歌山県西牟婁郡上富田町生馬313

Main Building 
313 Ikuma, Kamitonda-cho, Nishimuro-gun, 
Wakayama Prefecture, 649 - 2103

The Temple is united with a cliff.

'胎内くぐり' を作っているお寺は、結構あるように感じます。

 "Go Through the Womb"
I feel that there are quite a few temples that
make a "Go Through the Womb"; narrow sanctified cavern, section.

Wisdom Jizo Bodhisattva


Horse Statue
There is a horse statue commemorating
 the name of the temple.

鐘堂 / Bell Tower
"Bell of Good Luck and Extermination of Evil"

鐘堂の東西南北には、天の四霊 :
東 : 青龍 (セイリュウ)
西 : 白虎 (ビャッコ)
南 : 朱雀 (スザク)
北 : 玄武 (ゲンブ) の木彫があります。


まあ、鐘堂だけでなく、都市や部屋などにも天の四霊 は、各方角に用いられますね。

To the north, south, east and west of the bell hall, there are wood carvings of the four spirits of heaven,
East : Seiryu : Azure Dragon
West : ByakkoWhite Tiger
South : SuzakuVermilion Bird, and 
North : GenbuBlack Tortoise.

I knew this before and that most bell halls in Japan use this format.

Well, not only in the bell hall, but also in cities and rooms, the four spirits of heaven are used for each direction.

東 : 青龍 
East : Azure Dragon

西 : 白虎
West : White Tiger

南 : 朱雀
South :  Vermilion Bird

北 : 玄武
North : Black Tortoise

おまけ / Extra
It’s a lion, right?

境内の松ボックリ / Pine Cones in the Precincts

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