熊野・南紀旅行 11月12 - 14日 Kumano and Nanki Trip 12 -14th of November Kii Peninsula Trip |
目次 / Contents
1) 富田川 / River Tonda
2) 氏山橋 / Ujiyama Bridge
A. "牛馬童子像" / "Boy Rides on Cow Statue"
B. '中辺路' / 'Nakahechi '
3) 山道 / Mountain Road
4) 福定の大銀杏 / Huge Maidenhair Tree
1) 富田川 / River Tonda
国道311号は、富田川(トンダガワ)は、 宝泉寺までほぼ沿って伸びています。 National Road No. 311 extends along the River Tonda to Hosenji Temple. |
River Tonda
Our tour was planning to go to Kizetsukyo Gorge from Nanki - Shirahama Airport, but due to heavy rain, the road to go was closed, and we couldn't go.
Instead, while looking at the River Tonda, we took Route 311 to the north and headed for Hosenji Temple.
There is a famous ginkgo tree in Hosenji temple.
Hosenji temple was in our itinerary for the second day, but it was moved up to this day.
城塞のような水門 Sluice Gate, like a Japanese Fortress |
水の透明度がすごい! The transparency of the water is amazing! |
紅葉にはまだまだ早い... 南紀は暖かいですからね〜。 It's still early for the autumn colours.. Nanki is warmer... ほんの少し、川面に紅葉が.... Just a little, autumn colours on the surface of the river .... |
2) 氏山橋 / Ujiyama Bridge
A. "牛馬童子像" / "Boy Rides on Cow Statue"
氏山橋 国道上の氏山橋 (ウジヤマバシ)でバスを降り、 そこから宝泉寺までの山道を歩きます。 Ujiyama Bridge Get off our coach at Ujiyama Bridge on the national road and walk along the mountain road from there to Hosenji Temple. |
"牛馬童子像" 橋の端に石の彫像がありました。 バスの運転手さんに聞くと、"牛馬童子像 (ギュウバドウジゾウ)" と言う名前で、近くに、その史跡があると言うことでした。 なので、この彫像はコピーです。 正確な名前は、 "箸折峠の牛馬童子 (ハシオリトウゲノギュウバドウジ)"。 "Gyuba Doji Staue" There was a stone statue at the end of the bridge. When I asked our coach driver, he said that the name was "Gyuba Doji Statue" ; "Boy Rides on Cow Statue", and that there is a historic site nearby. So this statue is a copy. The exact name is "Hashioritouge-no-Gyuba Doiji Statue"; "Boy Rides on Cow on Hashiori Ridge Statue". 向い側にもあります。 おそらく4端に其々あるのではないかと思います。 There is another on the other side. I think it's probably at each of the four corners. |
B. '中辺路' / 'Nakahechi '
"Hashioritouge-no-Gyuba Doiji Statue"
on Nakahechi, Kumano Kodō.
Tanabe City designated historic site.画像は下記より / This from below
"Hashioritouge-no-Gyuba Doiji Statue"
on Nakahechi, Kumano Kodō.
Tanabe City designated historic site.画像は下記より / This from below
"Hashioritouge-no-Gyuba Doiji Statue"
on Nakahechi, Kumano Kodō.
Tanabe City designated historic site.
'中辺路' '中辺路' は、熊野古道のひとつで、和歌山県田辺市から 熊野本宮大社 (クマノホングウタイシャ) 熊野那智大社 (クマノナチタイシャ)を通って、 熊野速玉大社 (クマノハヤタマタイシャ) に至るおよそ21里(84km)の行程です。 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
'Nakahechi' 'Nakahechi' is one of the Kumano Kodō, and it is a journey of about 84 km from Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture, through 画像は下記より / This from below |
熊野古道の1つ; '中辺路' One of Kumano Kodō : 'Nakahechi ' 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
3) 山道 / Mountain Road
これは何? ちょっと驚きます。 山道の脇は、補強されています。 そこには苔がビッシリ生えています。 What is this? I was a little surprised. The sides of the mountain road are reinforced. Moss grows there. |
小さい秋 : 秋桜 (コスモス)を見つけました。 I found a 'Small Autumn'; 'Cosmos.' In Japan some people call Cosmos, Aki-zakura : 秋桜 means 'Autumn Cherry'. |
ソーラーパネルと消火栓? Solar Panels and Water Hydrant? |
4) 福定の大銀杏 / Huge Maidenhair Tree
宝泉寺のイチョウは、高さは約22m、幹の周辺は約5.3m 、枝張最大2.4mで樹齢推定400年と推定されています。
さらに数千本の支幹に枝分かれすると言う特異な形態から、別名 "千本銀杏"の呼び名で親しまれています。'
According to explanation on the board in English,
"The Maidenhair Tree of Hosenji Temple
(Town Natural Monument)
"The Huge Maidenhair Tree (ginkgo biloba) which grows of Hosenji Temple
is approximately 22m in height, its trunk circumference measures 5.3m and its longest branches spread out 2.4m.
It is estimated to be more than 400 years old."
According to explanation on the board in Japanese,
"This ginkgo tree is also known as "Senbon Ginkgo; One thousand Ginkgo" because of its peculiar morphology, in which the trunk splits into several trunks about 4m from the root and then branches into thousands of branches."
山側から / View From the Mountain Side 通常のイチョウは細長いけれど、 このイチョウは丸い形で、珍しいですね。 A normal ginkgo is elongated, but this ginkgo has a round shape and is rare. |
別名"千本銀杏"の名前がつくのがわかります。 I can understand that it has the alias "Senbon Ginkgo" ; One thousand Ginkgo" |
風もないのに揺れているように、 踊っているように感じます。 I feel as if the tree is dancing, swaying in the absence of wind. |
いつまでもお元気で! Stay Healthy Forever! |
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