
❺ 2019年11月12日 本州最南端 - 熊野・南紀旅行 / Southernmost tip of Honshu, Kumano and Nanki Trip, 12th of November 2019

11月12 - 14日

Kumano and Nanki Trip
12 -14th of November

Kii Peninsula Trip

目次 /Contents
1) 潮岬  / Cape Shionomisaki 
    A. 最端 / The End
    B. 潮岬観光タワー  / Cape Shionomisaki Tourist Tower
2) "エルトゥールル号遭難事件" / "Ertuğrul Distress Case"
    A. 梨木果歩の本 / Books by Kaho Nashiki
    B. "海難 1890" / "125 Years Memory"
3) 望楼の芝生 /  Lawned Lookout
4) 休憩所兼ミニ博物館 / Rest House and Mini Museum

1) 潮岬  / Cape Shionomisaki 
A. 最端 / The End
私達ツアー一行は、本州最南端 : 潮岬 (シオノミサキ) の景色を見に行きました。





そんなことを考えるのも、"端" にきてこそのことなのだと思います。

赤い部分 : 和歌山県
Red Part Wakayama Prefecture
画像は下記より / This from below

(ワカヤマケン ヒガシムログン クシモトチョウ)
に属し、太平洋 (フィリピン海に面します

Cape Shionomisaki 
  Cape Shionomisaki is a cape located
in the Kii Peninsula in the south of 
Wakayama Prefecture.
 It is the 
most southerly point of Honshu.


Wakayama Prefecture 
Yellow Ocher Part : Kushimoto chō 
                                    (Kushimoto Town)
 画像は下記より/ This from below

The End
Our tour group went to see the scenery of the southernmost tip of Honshu which is the largest and most populous main island of Japan : Cape Shionomisaki.

In general, people want to see the edge of the land, right?

Isn't this the common desire of all humankind to identify the original at the beginning of things?

Also, I would like to go all the way to the end, have a longing for the world beyond that, and go beyond that ...

And this too would be the endless desire of mankind.

I think that it is only when you come to the "edge" that you think about such things.
潮岬 地図
地図原画作成者・生駒 和歌子

 Cape Shionomisaki Map

Original map created by Wakako Ikoma

B. 潮岬観光タワー 
     Cape Shionomisaki Tourist Tower
潮岬観光タワー :  /
地図原画作成者・生駒 和歌子

Cape Shionomisaki Tourist Tower
(Souvenir shop and restaurant)
Original map created by Wakako Ikoma

画像は下記より / This from below

ランズ・エンドLand's End ; '
と思われ、 '地の果て'の象徴になりました。
Corrachadh Mòr なのだそうです。

Observation Deck on Roof
While studying in Britain, I remembered going to 
Land's End in Britain.
Land's End was thought to be 
the 'Westernmost Point of Great Britain' 
and became a symbol of the 'End of the Earth'.
But in reality, it's Corrachadh Mòr in Scotland.

こんな証明証 : '本州最南端訪問証明書'がもらえます。

If you buy a ticket for Shionomisaki Tourist Tower,
you will get this certificate : 
'Certificate of Visit to the Southernmost Point of Honshu'.

Back of Certificate

タワーからの景色 / Views From Tower 

設計 : リチャード・ヘンリー・ブラントン (1841 - 1901)
本点灯(初点灯) : 1873年9月15日

Cape Shionomisaki Lighthouse
Design by Richard Henry Brunton (1841 - 1901)
Year first Lit : 15th of September, 1873
Brunton is known as "Father of Japanese Lighthouses".

"この灯台は明治初期の江戸条約によって建設された8基の洋式灯台 (条約灯台) の1つで、歴史的・文化的価値が高いAランクの保存灯台に指定されているほか、「日本の灯台50」にも選ばれている。

According to Japanese Wiki about Cape Shionomisaki Lighthouse, 
"This lighthouse is one of the eight Western-style lighthouses (conventional lighthouses) built by the Edo Treaty in the early Meiji era, and has been designated as an A-rank preservation lighthouse with high historical and cultural value. 
It has also been selected as one of the "50 Most Popular Lighthouses".
A permanent exhibition room is attached to the lighthouse, and it is open to the public at all times. 
The view of the Pacific Ocean spreads out from the main lighthouse located at the southernmost tip of Honshu.
The surrounding area is a scenic spot in Nanki and is designated as "Yoshino - Kumano National Park".
(Translation by me)

2) エルトゥールル号遭難事件  
    "Ertuğrul Distress Case"
A. 梨木果歩の本 / Books by Kaho Nashiki
潮崎観光タワーの1階では、1890年におきた、"エルトゥールル号遭難事件" 関係の展示がされていました。

"エルトゥールル号遭難事件"とは、オスマン帝国 (1299 - 1922) の軍艦エルトゥールル (Ertuğrul Fırkateyni) が、串本町500名以上の犠牲者を出した遭難した事件で、大島村(現在の串本町)の住民が献身的な救助を行いました。


後になって、それは梨木香歩 (1959 ~)さんの本、『村田エフェンディ滞土録』の中であったと気づきました。


家守綺譚新潮社, 2004
f植物園の巣穴』2009, 朝日新聞出版
冬虫夏草』2013, 新潮社
椿宿の辺りに』2019, 朝日新聞出版
角川書店, 2007
物語の時代は第一次世界大戦 (1914 - 1918) 前後。

"Murata Effendi Taitoroku"  ;
 Murata Efendi Turkish Report"
Kadokawa-Shoten, 2007
In the book, Murata was a cultural researcher invited 
by the Turkish government to thank Japan
 for the rescues in the "Ertuğrul Distress Case".
The era of the story is around World War I (1914 - 1918).
It depicts the interaction and friendship
with people of different cultures that Murata met in Turkey.
画像は下記より / This from below

Books by Kaho Nashiki
On the first floor of the Cape Shionomisaki Tourist Tower, there was an exhibition related to the "Ertuğrul Distress Case" of 1890.

According to Wiki about the Case,
"Ertuğrul, launched in 1863, was a sailing frigate of the Ottoman Navy
While returning from a goodwill voyage to Japan in 1890, she encountered a typhoon off the coast of Wakayama Prefecture, subsequently drifted into a reef and sank. 
The shipwreck resulted in the loss of more than 500 sailors and officers, including Rear Admiral Ali Osman Pasha. 
Only 69 sailors and officers survived and returned home later aboard two Japanese corvettes
The event is still commemorated as a foundation stone of Japanese-Turkish friendship."

I don't know many things but when I saw the exhibit, I thought, 
"I know this" ,
although I had no idea where I had learnt about it.

Later, I realized that it was in a book by Kaho Nashiki (1959 ~) , "Murata Efendi TitorokuMurata Efendi Turkish Report".

I wrote about this book in a past blog, below.

This book was the first in a related series of novels, and I have bought and read them, as below.
"Iemori Kitan" ; "The Beautiful Wonders of the House" ; 
"Strange Tales in Minding the House", 
2004 / Shinchosha

"F Botanical Garden Nest "; "burrows f Botanical Gardens" ; 
"The Hole of the Botanical Garden", 
2009 / Asahi Shimbun Publications

"Touchukasou" : "Cordyceps Sinensis", 
2013 / Shinchosha

"Around Tsubaki-juku",
 2019 / Asahi Shimbun Publications
(All Publish year in Japanese edition)


Voyage of the Warship Ertuğrul to Japan

The "Ertuğrul Distress Case" occurred off
the coast of Kii Oshima Island.
画像は下記より / This from below

B. "海難 1890" / "125 Years Memory"
私が、"エルトゥールル号遭難事件" 関係の展示と思ったのは、実際は映画 "海難 1890" [2015 / 監督: 田中 光敏 (タナカ ミツトシ/ 1958 ~)] 

"エルトゥールル号遭難事件" が映画になったことは知りませんでした。

"海難 1890" は、"エルトゥールル号遭難事件"と1985年の"テヘラン邦人救出": の史実をもとにした、日本・トルコの合作映画: です。

"テヘラン邦人救出"は、イラン・イラク戦争 [1980 - 1988 /  サッダーム・フセイン(1937 - 2006) 大統領の無差別攻撃宣言; 1985 ] のために、各国が救援機を出す中、自衛隊が法律上救援機を出せないため、日本だけが救援機を出さず、現地の日本人が日本政府から見捨てられた状況でおきました。


テヘランでは、野村 豊 (1927 ~) 在イラン特命全権大使が、個人的親交を持つ、イスメット・ビルセル (Ismet Birsel / ? ~ ) 在イラン・トルコ特命全権大使に救援を要請しました。

また、トルコでは、伊藤忠商事イスタンブール支店の森永堯 (モリナガ タカシ / ?~) 支店長がトルコの
トゥルグト・オザル (Halil Turgut Özal1927 - 1993) 首相に直接掛け合い、テヘランに取り残された日本人のための救援機を飛ばすよう頼みました。



この救出が、直接 "エルトゥールル号遭難事件" の恩返しなのか、私にはわかりませんが、間接的には後押しをする材料には十分なったであろうと考えます。


ようやく、2015年になって、日本は海外へ救援機を出せる法律 : 平和安全法制: が成立しました。

"海難 1890" ポスター
串本(日本)とトルコの友好関係 : 

"125 Years Memory", Poster
I hope Friendship continues
between Turkey and Kushimoto (Japan) !
画像は下記より/ This from below

"125 Years Memory"
I thought their exhibition related to the "Ertuğrul Distress Case",  but actually it related to the film, "125 Years Memory" [2015 / Director : Mitsutoshi Tanaka (1958 ~)exhibit.

I didn't know that "Ertuğrul Distress Case" had become part of a film.

During the Iran-Iraq War [(1980 - 1988), Saddam Hussein (1937 - 2006) the  President of Iraq in 1985) declared Indiscriminate Attack in 1985], many countries readied and sent rescue aircraft for their people in Iran, however, under Japanese law Self-Defense Forces could not legally send rescue aircraft, so only Japan did not send rescue aircraft. 

The local Japanese were abandoned by the Japanese government.

The government would have considered various measures, but it is 
a fact that they ended up abandoning Japanese citizens.

In Tehran, Yutaka Nomura (1927 ~), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Iran, requested help from his Turkish friend, Ismet Birsel (? ~), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Iran, with whom he had a strong personal relationship.

At the same time in Turkey, Morinaga Takashi (? ~), the Itochu Corporation Istanbul branch manager talked directly with Turkey's Prime Minister, Halil Turgut Özal (1927 - 1993) asking him to send 
a rescue aircraft for the Japanese people left behind in Tehran.

In response to these, the Turkish government used a rescue aircraft to evacuate more than 200 Japanese nationals.

The Turks who gave up their seats to the Japanese were evacuated by land.

This event is called "Rescue of Japanese in Tehran".

I don't know if this rescue was a direct return of the 'favour', for the "Ertuğrul Distress Case", but I think it would have been sufficient to indirectly support it.

The film, "125 Years Memory" is based on the "Ertuğrul Distress Case" (1890) and the "Rescue of Japanese in Tehran" (1985). 

Thank you very much to the Turkish government, Turkish Airlines and the people of Turkey.

Finally, in 2015, the law that now allows Japan to send rescue aircraft overseas : 2015 Japanese military legislation :  (only in Japanese) was enacted.

3) 望楼の芝生 /  Lawned Lookout
潮岬の先端に、約10万㎡にわたる芝地:'望楼の芝生' がひらけています。




 : 潮岬観光タワー

From Lawned Lookout
Left : Cape Shionomisaki Tourist Tower

Lawned Lookout
At the tip of Cape Shionomisaki, there is a lawned area of about 100,000 : 'Lawned Lookout'.

It seems that it was named because there used to be a Navy watchtower here.

Once a year in January, the lawn is set alight.

Since 2001, it has become an event, becoming the 'Southernmost Fire Festival in Honshu'.

Southernmost Monument of Honshu

View from Southernmost Tip of Honshu

山口 誓子 (ヤマグチ セイシ / 1901 -1 994) が詠んだ、




Seishi Yamaguchi (1901- 1994) wrote this haiku ; 
"Over this Blue Cape, the Sun Rises and Sets"
(Haiku ;  a type of short form poetry originally from Japan.)

This haiku is famous, and there seems to be a monument to that phrase.

青岬 : Ao Misaki Blue Cape is Kigo which is a word or phrase associated with a particular season, used in traditional forms of Japanese poetry.

From Weblio below
" 'Ao Misaki' is Kigo which shows Summer.
'Ao Misaki' represents a cape floating in the clear sea in summertime, with a white lighthouse surrounded by greenery blowing in the refreshing sea breeze. "
(Traslation by me)

We didn't see the monument.

I think that many Japanese people who come to the southernmost tip and know this Haiku, would feel, "Indeed".


I'm scared and couldn't stand in his place.

4) 休憩所兼ミニ博物館 
    Rest House and Mini Museum

There is a rest area and mini museum on the lawn.


More than 1000 items related to the collection of 
Pinctada Maxima is on display.
I found it very interesting.
The diving suit has a primitive impression, and I guess the danger when people worked with it.

(モクロウトウ) で、明治30年頃には同島の日本人渡航者の数は1,000人を越え、一時は全人口の60%を占めるまでに至りました。"

Blue Part
: Arafura Sea 

The Arafura Sea lies west of the Pacific Ocean,
overlying the 
continental shelf 
Australia and Indonesian New Guinea.
画像は下記より / This from below

According to Kushimoto Town Website,
"From the late 1800s to the early Showa period, many Japanese travelled to the Arafura Sea off northern Australia to collect Pinctada Maxima 
It is believed that people who went to work in the Arafura Sea to collect 
Pinctada Maxima, which are the raw material for high-end buttons, earned a large amount of income.
About 7,000 Japanese people were engaged in collecting Pinctada Maxima, and it is said that 80% of them were from Wakayama prefecture.
They played an active part in the life of Thursday Island and developed the Pinctada Maxima collection business into a major industry in the region by making fishing a core industry through the discovery of fishing grounds and the improvement of fishing methods.
Thursday Island became the center of the shellfish industry, and around 1890, the number of Japanese on the island exceeded 1,000, and at one point they accounted for 60% of the total population. "
(Translation by me)



Pinctada Maxima
According to Kushimoto Town Website
Pinctada Maxima is used as raw material
 for high-end buttons, and processed buttons were exported
to Europe and the United States.
(Translation by me)


Monument for people who worked in Australia to collect 
Pinctada Maxima.


I intended to just come to see the scenery, but I found a lot of things that interested me.

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