目次 / Contents
1) 春を探して / Looking for Spring
2) '七里ガ浜プロムナード' / 'Shichirigahama Promenade'
A. '緊急事態宣言'解除
'Cancellation of the State of Emergency'
B. '桜のプロムナード' / 'Cherry Trees Promenade'
C. '緑のプロムナード' / 'Green Promenade'
3) 鎌倉山 / Kamakurayama
A. 春の気配 / Spring Sign
B. "青い鳥" のような春 / Spring like "The Blue Bird"
1) 春を探して / Looking for Spring
この日の海の写真は前回のセクション (下記) に載せています。
行合川を渡る江ノ電 この川が、"行合川 (ユキアイガワ)"という名前で あったこともこの日に知りました。 下水処理場 (七里ガ浜浄化センター)からの水も、 '雨乞いの池'からの水も、谷からの湧き水も 一緒くたになってこの川に流れ込み 相模湾へ注がれて行きます。 Enoden Crossing Yukiaigawa River I also found on this day that this river was named "Yukiaigawa River". Water from a sewage treatment plant (Shichirigahama Purification Centre), 'Rainmaking Pond' and spring water from valleys all flow into this river. It flows into Sagami Bay. |
Looking for Spring
Although it was only for a short time, I enjoyed the sea at Shichirigahama Beach.
My husband R who rarely goes down to the beach seems to be satisfied ....
The sea today was really beautiful.
Photographs of the sea of the day are posted in the previous section, below.
Refreshed and go home.
On our way to the sea, we went around the 'Rainmaking Pond' in Reikoji - Temple , where the legend of
Nichiren (1222 - 1282) remains, so we were able to take a different route than usual.
(Nichiren was a founder of Nichiren-shū which is one of the Kamakura Buddhism schools.)
We would use the usual route on our way home.
I remembered that 'Shichirigahama Promenade' is quite famous for cherry blossoms, so I went back looking forward to seeing it.
桜の滝 七里ガ浜住宅街から鎌倉広町緑地を見ると 桜が滝のように見えます。 滝壺まで桜! Cherry Waterfall Looking at the Kamakura Hiromachi Ryokuchi. from the Shichirigahama residential area, the cherry blossoms look like a waterfall. The water basin also seems to be cherry blossoms. |
I took photographs of plants while walking in the Shichirigahama residential area.
Each garden has its own personality and I always enjoy them.
Thank you to everyone in Shichirigahama.
大きなサボテン 七里ガ浜の住宅では、大きなサボテンを よく見かけるように思います。 まれに鎌倉山でも見ます。 Big Cacti I think I often see big cacti in Shichirigahama gardens. I rarely see them in Kamakurayama. |
花より団子? この花はなんでしょう? ソラマメの花でしょうか〜? 前庭をキッチン・ガーデンにしているのは珍しいように思います。 日当たりが良いので環境的には向いているのかもしれません。 Kitchen Garden What is this flower? Is it a broad bean flower? I think it is unusual for the front garden to be a kitchen garden. Here may suit them environmentally because here has good exposure to sunlight. |
フェンスから顔を出す春 Spring Coming Out of Fence |
色のバランスが綺麗な花キャベツ(葉牡丹/ ハボタン) Flowering Kale (Ornamental Cabbage / Ornamental Kale) with beautiful colour balance. |
2) '七里ヶ浜プロムナード'
'Shichirigahama Promenade'
A. '緊急事態宣言'解除
'Cancellation of the State of Emergency'
ここから '七里ガ浜プロムナード'の始まります。 桜の後ろに珊瑚礁本店があります。 '緊急事態宣言' 中はいくらか空いていましたが 解除された今日は混んでいます。 This is where the 'Shichirigahama Promenade' begins. There is a curry restaurant, Sangoshou (coral reef) main shop behind the cherry blossoms. There were some spaces during the 'State of Emergency', but it's crowded today after the lifting. |
B. '桜のプロムナード'
'Cherry Trees Promenade'
海が見えます。 このプロムナードの真っ直ぐ先は七里ヶ浜の海なんですね〜、 I can see sea. The sea of Shichirigahama is straight ahead of this promenade. |
ハナニラ ハナニラを知ってからよく目にします。 別名のベツレヘムの星が好きですし、英名の スプリング・スター・フラワーも好きです。 Spring Starflower : Hananira I often see it after getting to know Spring Starflower. I like another name, Star of Bethlehem and I also like the English name Spring Starflower. |
ムスカリ / Muscari 巨大なムスカリ ムスカリは、こんなに大きくなるのですね〜。 Giant Muscari Muscari becomes so big, like this. |
黄色い花は元気をくれます。 The yellow flowers give me energy. |
'桜のプロムナード' は終わり、 ここから、'緑のプロムナード' が始まります。 The Cherry Trees Promenade' ends here and the 'Green Promenade' begins here. |
C. '緑のプロムナード' / 'Green Promenade'
桜のプロムナードはソメイヨシノが殆どですが 緑のプロムナードはオオシマザクラ(大島桜)なども 混じっています。 Most of the cherry blossom promenades are Yoshino Cherry, but alone the 'Green Promenade' they are also mixed with Prunus Speciosa : Oshima- zakura. |
何の花でしょう? What kind of flower is it? |
3) 鎌倉山 / Kamakurayama
A.春の気配 / Spring Sign
七里ガ浜住宅地から鎌倉山へ登る急斜面に茂る レッド・ロビン (カナメモチ)。 Red Robin (Japanese Photinia) grows on a steep slope that climbs from the Shichirigahama residential area to Kamakurayama. |
逗子方面 / Towards Zushi |
小さくても春 / Spring Even If Small |
B. "青い鳥" のような春
Spring like "The Blue Bird"
もうすぐ家 / Almost There |
Spring like "The Blue Bird"
We walked a long distance for our walk.
I'm tired, but I feel comfortable.
It was very stimulating and relaxing mentally.
I am happy to be able to gradually understand the area and the history of Kamakura through the walks.
The walking I started to solve my lack of exercise also brings me various things.
I will soon be preparing for my Exhibition, actual creating, so I will not be able to take a walk.
How many more times can I do it?
R goes out with me and finds something I can't find.
Sharing emotions during a walk will make the impression even bigger and deeper.
I stop to photograph many times, but he never complains.
R also brings spring to me.
Always, always thank you!
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