2019年8月28日~9月4日 Stockholm Trip 28th of August ~ 4th of September, 2019 |
目次 / Contents
1) 貸し農園小屋 / Allotment Huts
2) 大きな建物 / Big Building
3) 町の地区 / Town Quarter
A. 博物館として / As Museum
B. 靴職人の家 / Shoemaker's House
C. 旧貯蓄銀行 / Old Saving Bank
D. 小さな塔 / Small Tower
4) 夏の別荘 / Summer Residence
5) ヘイゼリアス邸 / Hazelius Mansion
6) 名前がわからない家々 / Houses with Unknown Names
7) カフェを求めて / Looking for a Cafe
1) 貸し農園小屋 / Allotment Huts
"ボリネス広場 / Bollnäs square''から、"町" へ向かいました。
貸し農園は、英語ではアロッツメント: Allotment (市民菜園) 、ドイツ語では、
クラインガルテン : Kleingarten (小さい庭)と言います。
クラインガルテン : Kleingarten (小さい庭)と言います。
私はずっとアロッツメントは、'貸し菜園'と理解していましたが、その起こりが戦後(第一次 : 1914 - 1918)の食糧事情によるものであることを知りませんでした。
1926年以来300万人以上のヨーロッパの庭師の協会である、ルクセンブルグを拠点とする国際事務局: Office International Du Coin de Terre et des Jardins Familiauxは、農地の社会的機能を説明しています→★
Allotment Huts
I and my husband R headed to "Town Quarter" from "Bollnäs square".
Along the way, there were cute houses (huts) in kitchen gardens, and there were women in costumes which seemed to be folk costume.
They were unusually open, so I thought I would visit.
But before we visited, they were starting to close, so I photographed just like any other.
As I found out later, the area recreated a rental farm (citizen farm).
The rented farm is called Allotment (citizen garden) in English and Kleingarten (small garden) in German.
I've always understood Allotment to be a 'rental garden', but I didn't know that its occurrence was due to post-war (World War I : 1914 - 1918) food situation.
However, this is in Sweden, and it seems that it started and spread in other countries due to their own situations.
In many places and countries including Japan today, Allotments seem to be understood as recreation.
The Luxembourg- based : Office International Du Coin de Terre et des Jardins Familiaux, representing more than 3 million European gardeners since 1926, describes the social functions of farmland →★
The site of this association also describes Japanese Allotments. →★
My impression is that though the Allotments are not mushrooming, the activity is relatively widespread,
They are not only an exhibition in the Museum, but also exist in present day society.
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スカンセンからの景色 / View from Skansen |
3) 町の地区 / Town Quarter
A. 博物館として / As Museum
英国のカーディフ / Cardiff にあるセント・ファガンズ歴史ミュージアム / St Fagans National Museum of History :★はスカンセンをお手本に創設されました。
'セント・ファガンズ' はリクレーション部分の充実もしていますが、ウェールズの文化としての建物を紹介する姿勢、博物館としての機能は弱めてはいないように感じます。
今、振り返ってみると、私達がスカンセンを訪ねた日は、野外コンサートホール : Solliden stageで、イベントを開催していたので、通常開放されている建物の多くが閉鎖されていたのかもしれないとも思います。
英国のカーディフ / Cardiff にあるセント・ファガンズ歴史ミュージアム / St Fagans National Museum of History :★はスカンセンをお手本に創設されました。
'セント・ファガンズ' はリクレーション部分の充実もしていますが、ウェールズの文化としての建物を紹介する姿勢、博物館としての機能は弱めてはいないように感じます。
今、振り返ってみると、私達がスカンセンを訪ねた日は、野外コンサートホール : Solliden stageで、イベントを開催していたので、通常開放されている建物の多くが閉鎖されていたのかもしれないとも思います。
As Museum
Many of the town buildings were open compared to other areas buildings.
I felt that it was because they were running shops.
The buildings as museums in the town were closed.
Today, Skansen is mainly about the zoo and recreations, and I feel that the open air museum is their backcloth.
Many of Skansen's visitors do not come for the open-air museum, and Skansen may be fully occupied with maintaining the buildings.
St Fagans National Museum of History :★ in Cardiff, Britain was founded, modelled on Skansen.
Though recreational parts of 'St Fagans' are extensive, I feel that the attitude of introducing the buildings as part of Welsh culture and its function as a museum has not weakened.
It is regretful that Skansen does not have enough staff (keepers or guides) for the buildings of the open air museum.
Looking back, when we visited Skansen, they had an event at the outside concert hall : Solliden stage on the day, so it's possible that many of the normally open buildings were closed.
And again, it was maybe though the building's doors were closed, they were open, and we might have misunderstood that we were closed.
The reason why I think about it is that it is strange that most of the buildings are closed even though it is a catch line, an open-air museum.
What about the truth? .... I wonder....
Many of Skansen's visitors do not come for the open-air museum, and Skansen may be fully occupied with maintaining the buildings.
St Fagans National Museum of History :★ in Cardiff, Britain was founded, modelled on Skansen.
Though recreational parts of 'St Fagans' are extensive, I feel that the attitude of introducing the buildings as part of Welsh culture and its function as a museum has not weakened.
It is regretful that Skansen does not have enough staff (keepers or guides) for the buildings of the open air museum.
Looking back, when we visited Skansen, they had an event at the outside concert hall : Solliden stage on the day, so it's possible that many of the normally open buildings were closed.
And again, it was maybe though the building's doors were closed, they were open, and we might have misunderstood that we were closed.
The reason why I think about it is that it is strange that most of the buildings are closed even though it is a catch line, an open-air museum.
What about the truth? .... I wonder....
B. 靴職人の家 / Shoemaker's House
C. 旧貯蓄銀行 / Old Saving Bank
D. 小さな塔 / Small Tower
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ヤコブスベルグ / Jakobsberg
This building, which dates from the end of the 17th century,
is a summer residence from Hornstull, Södermalm Island in Stockholm.
It was moved to Skansen in 1936.
![]() ![]() 裏側 / Back Side |
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Jakobsberg 1907. 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
5) ヘイゼリアス邸 / Hazelius Mansion
スウェーデンの民俗学者、アルトゥール・ヘイゼリアス / Artur Hazelius (1833 - 1901) については、私のブログのユールゴーデン島セクションで複数回、書いてきましたが、ここで、彼の記念博物館的建物が登場してしまっては、再び書かなくてはなりません(笑)。
アルトゥール・ヘイゼリアスが、1881年に野外博物館のノルウェー民俗博物館 /
Norsk Folkemuseumに触発されて、ユールゴーデン島に、野外博物館、スカンセンを設立しました。
ヘイゼリアス は、スカンセンよりも先、1873年にユールゴーデン島に北欧博物館 / Nordic Museumを設立していました。
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この家は約1720年に建てられ、1803年までアイザックフリッツシルク製造所 /
the Isac Fritz Silk Manufactory が所有していました。
その後、帝政様式 (テイセイヨウシキ) の装飾が施された住居に改築され、
英語版のWikiでは、ヘイゼリアスは亡くなる前の数年間を この家で過ごしたと説明しています。
Hazelius Mansion
The house contains furniture and personal belongings from his home
at Skansen from 1892 until his death in 1901.
The house was built around 1720 and was owned
by the the Isac Fritz Silk Manufactory until 1803.
It was then converted into a dwelling with Empire style decoration
and is now a house in Skansen.
The English version of the Wiki explains that Hazelius spent several years in this house before he died. ![]()
そこから名前を取っている。" 詳細→★
According to Wiki about Empire style,
"The Empire style is an early-nineteenth-century design movement in architecture, furniture, other decorative arts, and the visual arts,
representing the second phase of Neoclassicism.
It flourished between 1800 and 1815 during the Consulate
and the First French Empire periods,
although its life span lasted until the late-1820s.
From France it spread into much of Europe and the United States.
The style originated in and takes its name
from the rule of the Emperor Napoleon I in the First French Empire,
when it was intended to idealize Napoleon's leadership
and the French state." The detail →★
Hazelius Mansion
I have written several times about the Swedish folklore scholar, Artur Hazelius (1833 - 1901) in the Djurgården Island section of my blog, now that his memorial building has appeared, I have to write of him again (Laugh).
Artur Hazelius founded the open-air museum, 'Skansen', in Djurgården island in 1881, inspired by , an open-air museum, Norsk Folkemuseum in Norway.
Skansen was the second open-air museum in the world.
Prior to Skansen, Artur Hazelias founded the Nordic Museum in Djurgården Island in 1873.
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アルトゥール・ヘイゼリアス 肖像画, 1910
(1833 - 1901)
ジュリアス・クロンバーグ / Julius Kronberg (1850 - 1921) 画
Portrait of Artur Hazelius, 1910
(1833 -1901)
by Julius Kronberg (1850 - 1921)
画像は下記より / This from below
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6) 名前がわからない家々 / Houses with Unknown Names
7) カフェを求めて / Looking for a Cafe
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私は甘いものは少々苦手ですが、撮影はよくします。 I don't fancy sweets, but I often photograph them. |
My Beer!
It is a design that recalls the Vasa.
ヴァーサ博物館については下記。 / About Vasa Museum, below
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Rのミルクいっぱいのコーヒー カップが選べて、コーヒーもおかわりできます。 セルフ・サービス形式。 R Milky Coffee You can choose a cup and later you can refill. Self-service format. |
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夏は中庭の席が用意されます。 In the summer, there are some tables in the courtyard. |
The next section is the last for Skansen and Djurgården Island.
おまけ / Extra
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