塩田 / Sea Salt Farm
揚げ浜塩田 → ★ / 道の駅HP:★ Agehama Beach Salt Farm → ★ / ★ |
この海岸から海水をとります。 Here, the water is gathered from this beach. |
海水を撒く / Spreading Sea Water 画像は下記より / These pictures from below 道の駅:★ & Noto Salt ★ |
左: 海水をまく 桶 / 右と下: 海水を運ぶ桶 On the Right: Bucket for spreading sea water On the right and Below : The buckets for carrying sea water |
塩づくりは夏場のものなので、今はひっそりしています。 Salt is mostly made in summer, so now it is quiet. |
heard the explanation about boiling of sea water in "Kamaya".
started feeling this trip was like a school trip.
赤い建物は資料館とショップ Red building is their museum.and shop |
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