
㊳ 2022年9月29日 鹿児島旅行 - g) 霧島神宮 - 華林寺跡 / Kagoshima Trip - g) Kirishima-jingu Shrine - Site of Kerin-ji Temple, 29th of September 2022

霧島神宮・境内マップ  : 
9月26日 ~ 10月1日、私と姉Yは、鹿児島県へ旅行しました。
鹿児島市内から霧島温泉郷 (キリシマオンセンキョウ) を目指して、
このセクションは、'霧島神宮 - 華林寺跡' についてです。

Kirishima-jingu Shrine Precinct Guide Map
in Japanese
From 26th of September to 1st of October
 I and 
my sister travelled to Kagoshima Prefecture.
Today, on the 29th, we went sightseeing 
from Kagoshima City to Kirishima Hot Springs Village with 
Kagoshima Kotsu Taxi's driver, S San.
This section is about
  'Kirishima-Jingū Shrine  - Site of Karin-ji Temple'.

 Site of Karin-ji Temple Map
画像は下記より / These from below

目次/ Contents
1) 性空上人墓 / Shouku Shonin Grave
    A. 旧参道下 / Bottom of the Old Approach 
    B. 神仏習合 / Shinbutsu-shūgō 
2) 華林寺 / Kerin-ji Temple
3) 鎮守神社 / Chinjyu Shrine
4) 兼慶上人墓 / Kenkei Shonin Grave
    A. 兼慶上人と霧島神宮 
      Kenkei Shonin and Kirishima-jingu Shrine
    B. 周囲 / Surroundings

1) 性空上人墓 / Shouku Shonin Grave
A. 旧参道下 / Bottom of the Old Approach 
旧参道 (亀石坂) 下に性空上人 (ショウクウ ショウニン / 910 - 1007) のお墓があります。





1007年、性空上人は、播磨国 (ハリマノクニ/ 現・兵庫県) の
弥勒寺 ( ミロクジ)
弥勒寺は、現在は、'書写山圓教寺 (ショサザンエンギョウジ) 

Shouku Shonin Grave
In 1007, Shouku Shonin died at Miroku-ji Temple 
in Harima Province (now Hyogo Prefecture) .
But the tomb is here, so I'm surprised.
Miroku-ji Temple is now known as
'Okunoin of Shosazan Engy
ō-ji Temple'.

近年、弥勒寺にて上人の坐像 (木像 / 1288年制作) が発見され、

In recent years, a seated statue of Shonin
(a wooden statue/created in 1288) was discovered
at Miroku-ji Temple a
nd an X-ray examination 
at the Nara Museum revealed 
that the head contains a true bone.
Bottom of the Old Approach 
There is a grave of Shouku Shonin (910 - 1007) the bottom of the old approach (Kameishizaka: Turtle Slope).

On the official map of Kirishima-jingu Shrine, it says 'Shouku Shonin Grave' (in Japanese), so I write that here, but I don't know if there are actually any remains or anything related to Shonin buried there.

It seems that some people call it a 'Memorial Tower'.

At the time of photographing, I didn't know anything about Shuoku Shonin, and I wasn't even sure if the stone was a monument or 
a grave.

I assumed it was probably a grave.

However, I felt something special, something different, in the atmosphere of the place and the state of the tomb in the forest, so
I photographed.


It seems that there is an explanation 
about Shouku Shonin, but I can't read it.

高千穂峰 (タカチホノミネ/1547m) の麓 (フモト) に

Surrounding View
Here is the foot of Takachiho-no-mine (1574m) ,
the second highest peak of 
Kirishima mountains.

ここに何か (寺が?)あったのかもしれないと思わせます。

There is something that seems to be a little man-made,
and it makes me think that something (a temple?)
 might have happened here.

B. 神仏習合 / Shinbutsu-shūgō
性空上人については、以前のブログ (下のセクション) に書いていますが、再びここで触れます。


上人は、天台宗で、霧島山脊振山 (セリフザン) で修行しました。

彼は、山岳仏教を背景とする (ヒジリ/ または行者・山伏) の系統に属する法華経持経者 (ホケキョウ ジキョウシャ) でした。


性空上人は、村上天皇 (ムラカミ テンノウ / 926 - 967 / 在位 : 946 - 967) の治世下、950年に社殿を
高千穂河原 (タカチホガハラ) に移し、再興しました。
(現在、ここは "霧島神宮・古宮址" (フルミヤアト) になっています。)

霧島六社権現 (キリシマ ロクシャ ゴンゲン) : を整えました。

これは、霧島山本体を神聖視した山岳信仰をもとにした配置ですが、もともと古くからあった神社に別当寺 ( ベッットウジ) として、六社を加えたのだと私は理解しています。

すでに古来から人々にあった、神仏習合 (シンブツシュウゴウ) をはっきりと目に見える形にし、'権現' という言葉にも神仏習合が表されていると思います。

下記、Wiki ; 権現 & 本地垂迹より引用。
思想 (ホンジスイジャクシソウ) による神号である。




霧島六社権現の現在は、日向三代 (ヒムカサンンダイ) の神々が祀られて、神仏習合は、ほぼ感じられません。

[ほかの候補 : 荒武神社 (アラタケジンジャ) / 安原神社 (ヤスハラジンジャ) / 山田神社]


966年、上人56歳、播磨国書写山 (ハリマノクニ ショシャザン) に
入山し、圓教寺 (エンギョウジ)(西国三十三所霊場の一つ)を創建します。

前述したように、1007年、上人は、播磨国 (現・兵庫県) の弥勒寺で亡くなりました。

1868年、明治政府神道国教化政策を行うため、神仏判然 (シンブツハンゼン レイ) を出しました。

そのため、霧島六社権現は、本体の神社に合祀されたり、廃寺 (ハイジ) になったりしました。

霧島神宮は、西御在所霧島権現 (ニシゴザイショキリシマゴンゲン)

現在の公式の神宮マップには、'別当・華林寺跡' と記載されています。


霧島六社権現 /  Kirishima Roku-sha Gongen
1) 霧島岑神社 (キリシマミネ ジンジャ) :
 霧島中央権現宮 ( キリシマチュウオウ ゴンゲングウ)。
    別当・瀬多尾寺 (ベットウ・セトオノジ)
三国名勝図会 (サンゴクメイショウズエ/ 1843)』より

1) Kirishima-mine Shrine 
Kirishima Central Gongengu
Betto-ji Temple - Setoono Temple
From "Sangoku Meishouzue /1843"
(National Diet Library Digital Collections)
画像は下記より / This from below
Roku means 6 : six. 

Betto-ji Temple was a Buddhist temple that was attached to a Shinto shrine when the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism was permitted prior to the Edo period.
2) 東霧島神社 (ツマキリシマ ジンジャ)
    東霧島権現社 (ツマキリシマ ゴンゲンシャ)。
    別当・勅詔院 (ベットウ・チョクショウイン)

2) Tsuma-kirishima Shrine 
Tsuma-kirishima Central Gongensha
Betto-ji Temple - Chokusho-in Temple
From "Sangoku Meishouzue"
画像は下記より / This from below

3) 霧島東神社 (キリシマヒガシ ジンジャ) : 
   霧島東御在権現社 (キリシマ ヒガシゴザイショ ゴンゲンシャ)
 別当・錫杖院  (ベットウ・ジャクジョウイン)

3) Kirishima-East Shrine :
Kirishima East Gozaisho Gongensha
Betto-ji Temple - Jakujo-in Temple
From "Sangoku Meishouzue"
画像は下記より / This from below

4) 霧島西神社 (キリシマ ニシジンジャ) : 現・霧島神宮
   西御斎所霧島権現社 (ニシゴザイショ キリシマゴンゲンシャ)
 別当・華林院 (ベットウ・ケリンイン ) :  華林寺 (ケリンジ)

4) Kirishima-West Shrine
 (Today, Kirishima-jingu Shrine) 
West Gozaisho Kirishima Gongensha
Betto-ji Temple - Kerin-ji Temple
From "Sangoku Meishouzue"
'Turtle Stone' is drawn, and I feel a little charming.
画像は下記より / This from below

5) 夷守神社 (ヒナモリジンジャ )
    夷守権現社 (ヒナモリゴンゲンシャ)
 別当・宝光院 ( ベットウ・ホウコウイン)
    現在、雛森神社 (ヒナモリジンジャ) として
霧島岑神社に合祀 (ゴウシ)。

5) Hinamori Shrine 
Hinamori Gongensha
Betto-ji Temple - Houkou-in Temple
Currently, it is enshrined together with 
Kirishimamine Shrine as Hinamori Shrine.
From "Sangoku Meishouzue"
画像は下記より / This from below

6) 狭野神社(サノジンジャ) : 
    狭野大権現 (サノダイゴンゲンシャ)
    別当・神徳院 (ベットウ・シントクイン)

6) Sano Shrine 
Sano-dai Gongensha
Betto-ji Temple - Shinoku-in Temple
From "Sangoku Meishouzue"
画像は下記より / This from below

I wrote about Shouku Shonin in a previous blog (section below), but I'll mention it here again.
Shouku Shonin was born in Kyoto in 910 and entered the priesthood at the age of 36.
(Shonin means a monk, a priest, a saint or a holy priest.)

Shouku was a priest of the Tiantai sect and trained at the Kirishima mountains and Mt.Sefuri.

He was a Lotus Sūtra follower belonging to the Hijiri : priest (monk) training, while walking the world with a background in mountain Buddhism.
(Hijiri or Gyoujya or Yamabushi are Shugendō followers.)

Kirishima-jingu Shrine was built in 540, and after that it burned down several times due to eruptions, and was destroyed in 788.

During the reign of Emperor Murakami (926 - 967 / reign : 946 - 967),
Shoku moved it to Takachiho-gahara and rebuilt it in 950.
(Today, this place has become "Furumiya-ato : The Site of Original Shrine" of Kirishima-jingu Shrine.)

In addition, Shouku arranged the Kirishima Roku-sha Gongen around Kirishima mountains

This arrangement is based on the Mountain Worship, that regards Kirishima mountains themselves as sacred, and I understand that six temples were added to the existing shrines as Betto-ji Temple.

I think that Shinbutsu-shūgō Syncretism  of Shinto and Buddhism, which has already existed in Japanese people since ancient times, has been clearly visible, and the word 'Gongen' also expresses the Shinbutsu-shūgō .

According to Wiki about Gongen
"A gongen (権現), literally "incarnation", was believed to be the manifestation of a buddha in the form of an indigenous kami, an entity who had come to guide the people to salvation, during the era of shinbutsu-shūgō in premodern Japan.
The gongen concept is the cornerstone of the honji suijaku theory, according to which Buddhist deities choose to appear to the Japanese as native kami in order to save them, which is based on the Mahayana Buddhist notion of upaya, "expedient means".
According to Wiki about the honji suijaku theory,
"The term honji suijaku or honji suijaku (本地垂迹) in Japanese religious terminology refers to a theory widely accepted until the Meiji period according to which Indian Buddhist deities choose to appear in Japan as native kami to more easily convert and save the Japanese."

I guess that Shouku who managed six temples (or shrines)  in a short period of time, has storng power in many ways and many directions as well as being a man of high morality.

Wiki says, "It is said that he had many miracles during his lifetime".

Currently, the Gods of the Three generations of Hyuga are enshrined in the Kirishima Rokusha Gongen, and there is almost no syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism.
According to Wiki about Three generations of Hyuga
"After the Tenson Korin there were the Three Generations of Hyuga until Jimmu's Eastern Expedition when the Imperial House of Japan was founded."

Currently, the images, above, Rokusha : 6 Shrines are generally considered to be 'Kirishima Rokusha Gongen', but there are also theories that they are different shrines at the time of their establishment.
(Other possibles : Aratake Shrine / Yasuhara Shrine / Yamada Shrine)

After completing his training in Kirishima and the preparation of 'Kirishima Rokusha Gongen', he left Kirishima area.

In 966, at the age of 56, he entered Mount Shosha in Harima Province (now Hyogo Prefecture) and founded Shoshazan Engyō-ji Temple.

As mentioned above, in 1007, he died at Miroku-ji Temple in Harima Province.

In 1868, the Meiji Government issued an ordinance to separate Shintoism and Buddhism (Shinbutsu Hanzen-rei : ) in order to make Shinto the national religion.

As a result, the Kirishima Rokusha Gongen were either enshrined together with the main shrine, or abandoned.

Kirishima-jingu Shrine used to be called Nishi-gozaisho Kirishima Gongen, but after shinbutsu bunri ; the separation of Shintoism and Buddhism, it became Kirishima-jingu Shrine and Kerin-ji Temple became abolished.
According to shinbutsu bunri,
"The Japanese term shinbutsu bunri (神仏分離) indicates the separation of Shinto from Buddhism, introduced after the Meiji Restoration which separated Shinto kami from buddhas, and also Buddhist temples from Shinto shrines, which were originally amalgamated."

The current official map of the Jingu Shrine describes it as ' Site of Betto Kerin-ji Temple'.

'Shouku Shonin Grave' is also marked on the map.

2) 華林寺 / Kerin-ji Temple

前述の '4) 霧島西神社 (キリシマ ニシジンジャ) : 現・霧島神宮'

Guide Board about 'Site of Betto Kerin-ji Temple'
in Japanese
Please refer to
 '4) Kirishima-West Shrine 
(Today, Kirishima-jingu Shrine) ', 
華林寺跡には、性空上人墓、鎮守神社、兼慶上人墓 があります。

At 'Site of Betto Kerin-ji Temple', there are Shoku Shonin Grave, Chinjyu Shrine, and Kenkei Shonin Grave.

3) 鎮守神社 / Chinjyu Shrine
 Chinjyu Shrine, almost centre of Map
画像は下記より / These from below

鎮守神社 (チンジュジンジャ) は、天照大神を祀っています。


ですが、最低限の手入れはされているようですし注連縄 (シメナワ)も紙垂 (シデ) もあるので、現役の神社だと認識しました。





この土地は遠い昔から山岳信仰の対象、霊山高千穂峰 (レイザン タカチホノミネ) の足元、土地がもつ力は偉大なのです。

 Chinjyu Shrine
The front is decorated with Shimenawa and Shide ; paper strips.
Shimenawa( 'enclosing rope') are lengths of laid rice straw or
 hemp rope used for ritual purification in the Shinto religion.
Shide are zigzag-shaped paper streamers, 
often seen attached to shimenawa or tamagushi, 
and used in Shinto rituals in Japan.
The Chinju Shrine enshrines Amaterasu.

My first impression was 'a shrine used in the past'.

However, it seems that the minimum maintenance has been done, and there are Shimenawa and Shide, so I recognized it as an active shrine.

Karinji Temple is said to have been a large Buddhist temple.

Since the temple was abandoned, did they decide to use the power of Amaterasu  to pacify this area?

According to Wiki about Chinjugami : Chinju God,
"Nowadays, it is often thought that the jinchujin is the deity that lives in the land (Jinushigami), but if we trace back to the beginning, the jinchujin was a newly enshrined deity to suppress and subjugate the jishu kami.
 In other words, when people built artifacts on a certain land, they would enshrine a new deity with stronger spiritual power than the landowner deity in order to prevent the spirit of the deity dwelling in the land from causing hauntings that would harm people and artifacts. 
The landowner deity was expected to obediently submit to the guardian deity and to protect and assist the guardian deity in its activities (sometimes the landowner deity would resist and cause a haunting)."

If I read this, I would understand why this Chinju Shrine is placed here, and if they feel that the power of this place is great, it needs Amaterasu.

This land has been an object of mountain worship since ancient times and at the foot of the sacred mountain Takachiho-no-mine, the power of the land is great.
小さいながらも鰹木 (カツオギ) も
千木 (チギ) もあります。

Although small, there are Katsuogi and Chigi.

"千木は屋根の両端で交叉させた部材 ~~


Chigi are ornamental crossed rafter ends on shrine gables.

Katsuogi are logs on the roofs of a shrine set perpendicular to the ridgepole.

Surroundings of Chinju Shrine


I feel something, but I don't know what it is.

S Sanの車が私達を待ってくれています。

Carpark Under the Shrine
S San's car is waiting for us.
このあと、御手洗川 (ミタラシガワ) と 両度川 (リョウドガワ) を見に行きました。


両度川の近くに、兼慶上人 (ケンケイ ショウニン / ? -?) のお墓 (供養塔?) がありました。

After that, we went to see the Mitarashi River and the Ryodo River.

The two rivers are described in the previous section, below.

Near the Ryodo River, there is a grave (memorial tower?) of Kenkei Shonin (? -?).

4) 兼慶上人墓 / Kenkei Shonin Grave
A. 兼慶上人と霧島神宮 
     Kenkei Shonin and Kirishima-jingu Shrine

霧島市田口 (現、霧島中学校北側に、場所を移し、仮宮を経て、

島津 忠昌 (シマヅ タダヒサ/ 1463 - 1508) の命により (資金提供により)、真言宗の僧、兼慶上人 (ケンケイ ショウニン / ? -?) が再興したのが、現在の霧島神宮です。


島津 吉貴 (シマズ ヨシタカ / 1675 - 1747 / 在任 : 1704 - 1721) が1715年に建て、寄進したものです。






Kenkei Shonin Grave
If we entered the forest from the general road and climbed 
along the Ryodo River, we would find the grave of Kenkei Shonin.
When I visited the site, I didn't know that the stones surrounded 
by stone fencing was the grave of Kenkei Shonin 
because our purpose was Ryodo River.
I didn't even have the confidence to recognize it as a grave.
However, I felt special treatment and photographed.

Kenkei Shonin and Kirishima-jingu Shrine
The Shrine built by Shouku Shonin was also involved in eruptions many times, burned down, and was destroyed in a major eruption in 1234.

The shrine was moved to Taguchi, Kirishima (now the north side of Kirishima Junior High School) and had been enshrined there for about 250 years.

In 1484, the 11th head of the Shimazu Clan, Tadamasa Shimazu (1463 - 1508) ordered (with funding) the Shingon Buddhism monk, Kenkei Shounin (? - ?) to revive it, which is the current Kirishima-jingu Shrine.

However, the Shrine buildings also burned down many times.

The current Kirishima-jingu Shrine building was built in 1715 and donated by Yoshitaka Shimazu (1675 - 1747 / reign : 1704 - 1721), the 21st head of the Shimazu Clan and the 4th Lord of the Satsuma Domain.
I don't know much about Kaneki Shonin.

Shoku Shonin was the priest of the Tiantai, and Kenkei Shonin was the priest of the Shingon Buddhism.

Is it because the sect is different that the grave of Kenkei Shonin is in a distant place?

Both sides worked hard to restore Kirishima-jingu Shrine, and their graves are quietly located at the foot of Takachiho0no-mine.

It was a place that made me feel a little sad.


It seems that there is an explanation 
about Kenkei Shonin, but I can't read it.

B. 周囲 / Surroundings
この動画には、両度川の川音、YS Sanの話し声、

This video includes the sound of the Ryodo River,
 the voices of Y and S San, the grave of Kenkei Shonin,
 and the surroundings.

両度川 / Ryodo River
下記霧島市サイト:霧島七不思議 : より引用。

According to 'Kirishima Seven Wonders' in Kirishima City website , 
(translated by me)
"The Ryodo River  is located 300 metres west of Kirishima-jingu Shrine.
The Ryodo River begins to flow from around June every year, and it dries up around August and September.
During this period, the water flows for the first 10 days, and then it completely dries up.
Then, after a few days, it will flow again.
The river is short and small, but the water is extremely clean and abundant.
The downstream becomes a waterfall and falls into the Kirishima River.
The Ryodo River is said to flow twice at the same time each year, hence the name Ryodo River ; Twice a Year River."



It was a beautiful natural carpet.

When I walked through the forest, I looked at the surroundings from various angles, such as looking up, down and horizontally.

This place had a strange atmosphere.


If I look there, I feel like something or someone
is about to appear.
I didn't know if it was scary or not.
I couldn't stare!



I left the mountain with a mysterious feeling.

We headed to the last sightseeing spot of the day, Kirishima Hot Springs Village.

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