
㉕ 2022年9月29日 鹿児島旅行 - 城山公園展望台 / Kagoshima Trip - Shiroyama Park Observatory, 29th of September, 2022

目次 / Contents
1) Sさん / S San
2) 車窓からの観光 / Sightseeing From The Window
    A. 車窓からの門 /  From Taxi Window To Gate
 B. 鹿児島城 / Kagoshima Castle
    C. 西郷隆盛 像 / Statue of Saigō Takamori
3) 城山展望所 / Shiroyama Park Observatory
4) 展望台からの景色 / View From The Observatory
5) 展望台の後 / After The Observatory

1) Sさん / S San
9月26日 ~ 10月1日、私は、姉Y鹿児島県へ旅行しました。


今日(29日)は、タクシーの運転手さん、Sさんの案内で、鹿児島市内から霧島温泉郷 (キリシマオンセンキョウ) まで、観光をしつつ向かいました。



S San's Taxi
The taxi company is Kagoshima Koutsu Taxi.
This taxi company chose S San as our driver who is 
familiar with each sightseeing spot 
from Kagoshima to Kirishima that I (we) wanted.
His driving and guidance were excellent.
S San
From 26th of September to 1st of October I travelled with my sister 

We stayed 2 nights in Makurazaki City, 1 night in Kagoshima City and 2 nights in Kirishima City.

Today (29th), guided by a taxi driver, S Sanwe headed from Kagoshima City to Kirishima Hot Springs Village while sightseeing.

The schedule for this day was pure sightseeing in our Kagoshima trip.

Luckily, S San was very knowledgeable about various things and we spent the whole ride without getting bored.

枕崎 - 鹿児島中央駅については下記
About Makurazaki - Kagoshima Chuo Station is below.
⑯ 2022年9月28日 鹿児島旅行 - 枕崎駅 ~ 鹿児島中央駅 / Kagoshima

仙巌園含む鹿児島市内については下記。/ About Sengan-en below.

2) 車窓からの観光 
    Sightseeing From The Window
A. 車窓からの門 
    From Taxi Window To Gate


私達は、義兄NY (Yの夫) の母を訪ねること、N家のお墓参りが目的でここに宿泊しました。


ホテルから、最初の観光地、城山公園展望台 (シロヤマコウエンテンボウダイ) へ向かいました。

車窓から、鹿児島城 (別名・鶴丸城)の正門、
鶴丸城御楼門 (ツルマルジョウ ゴロウモン) :  /  /
鶴丸城御楼門, 2022 

Tsurumaru Castle Goromon : 
Kagoshima Castle Main Gate in 2022

From Taxi Window To Gate
From the JR Kyushu Hotel Kagoshima where we stayed, we headed to Shiroyama Park Observatory.

JR Kyushu Hotel Kagoshima is a business hotel conveniently located.

We stayed here for the purpose of visiting the mother of my brother-in-law NY (Y's husband) and visiting the grave of the N family.

This hotel was suitable for a purpose like ours this time.

On the way, from the taxi window, I could see the main gate of Kagoshima Castle (also known as Tsurumaru Castle) , the Tsurumaru Castle Goromon :   / .
鶴丸城御楼門, 2022 

Tsurumaru Castle Goromon : 
Kagoshima Castle Main Gate in 2022

1872年 鶴丸城御楼門 

Tsurumaru Castle Goromon : 
Kagoshima Castle Main Gate in 1872
画像は下記より / This from below

石橋の構造図 / Structural Diagram of the Stone Bridge
画像は下記より / This from below

B. 鹿児島城 / Kagoshima Castle
昨日、訪れた仙巌園 (センガンエン)  は、島津氏の別邸で、
鹿児島城 (別名・鶴丸城)は、居城 (本宅)です。


薩摩藩初代藩主、島津氏18代当主  島津 忠恒 (シマズ タタヅネ/ または、島津 家久 /シマズ イエヒサ/ 1576 - 1638 ) が、1601年に築城しました。


四神相応 (シジンソウオウ) を考慮して選ばれた土地でした。

"四神相応は、 背後に山、前方に海、湖沼、河川の水(スイ)が配置されている背山臨水の地を、左右から砂(サ)と呼ばれる丘陵もしくは背後の山よりも低い山で囲むことで蔵風聚水(風を蓄え水を集める)の形態となっているものをいう。"

'東に棈木川 (アベキガワ)
南に錦江湾(キンコウワン: 鹿児島湾)



1606年、島津 忠恒は、
徳川家康 (1543 - 1616 / 将軍在任 : 1603 - 1605)
から、'家' の文字を授けられ、家久になり、1617年、
徳川秀忠 (トクガワ ヒデタダ / 1579 -1632 / 在任 : 1605 - 1623)
 から松平の姓 (徳川の分家) を与えられ、公式的には、
島津家の歴史 : 

Tadatsune Shimazu
In 1606, Tadatsune Shimazu was given the character 'Ie : 家' 
by Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543 - 1616 / Shogun : 1603 - 1605) 
and his name became Iehisa. 
In 1617, Tokugawa Hidetada (1579 - 1632 / Shogun : 1605 - 1623)
 gave him the family name of Matsudaira 
(a branch of the Tokugawa), officially becoming Iehisa Matsudaira.
Since he had an uncle with the same name, 
he is often referred to by his first name, Tadatsune.
Kagoshima Castle
Sengan-en, which we visited yesterday, is the second residence of Shimazu Clan, and Kagoshima Castle (also known as Tsurumaru Castle) had been their main residence.

Tsuru-maru Castle is the name that the locals called it, and it is derived from the fact that the shape of the house looks like a crane:Tsuru spreading its wings.

The castle was built in 1601 by Tadatsune Shimazu (1576 - 1638), the first lord of the Satsuma Domain and the 18th head of the Shimazu clan.

Although the Satsuma Domain was a large domain next to the Kaga Domain, the Kagoshima Castle is said to have been simply constructed without high-rise buildings such as castle towers : Tenshu and tall stone walls.

It was a site chosen in consideration of Shijin-souou.

Shijin-souou is a site with a mountain in the back and water from the sea, lakes, and rivers in front of it, both sides have hills or small mountains lower than the mountain behind which collect water and wind, it is believes these lands suit Shijin : Four Gods

In the case of Kagoshima Castle, it was
'Abekigawa River to the east,
 Izumisuji to the west, 
Kinko Bay (Kagoshima Bay) to the south, 
and Shiroyama to the north.'

It was the residence of the Shimazu Family until the Abolition of the han system in 1871 and then it was destroyed by fire in 1874 and has not been rebuilt.

In 2020, only Tsurumaru Castle Goromon was restored as the largest castle gate in Japan.

If I stayed for a long time for sightseeing in the city, I would have visited the castle ruins.
赤い部分 : 1586年の島津氏の最大領土

Red Part  : Shimazu Clan territory in 1586 
(Warring States Period)
画像は下記より / This from below

Images From the Information Board in Shiroyama Park

 (フモト) または、麓集落 (フモトシュウラク)は、
薩摩藩外城制 (トジョウセイ ) または外城制度/ トジョウセイド)
郷士 (ゴウシ) が居住し、城下町的な働きを

FUMOTO, or Fumotoshuraku, was a village where 
Goshi : country samurai lived and functioned like a castle town
 under the Tojou system : Outer Castle system 
of the 
Satsuma Domain.
Goshi : country samurai sometimes worked as samurai,
 as well as farmer, they were low rank samurai.
欧州でいうところの要塞都市 (村?) に思えます。
山城 (ヤマシロ) ともいえます。

Typical Configuration of FUMOTO
It looks like a fortified city (village?) in Europe.
It can also be called Yamashiro : 
Hill Castle or Mountain Castle.
Kagoshima's topography is a caldera
so I feel that it was a suitable system.

1︎⃣ : 鹿児島城跡

1︎⃣ : Kagoshima Castle Ruins
From the Information Board in Shiroyama Park

薩摩国 (サツマノクニ) における外城
 Tojou : Outer Castles in Satsuma Province
画像は下記より/ This from below

C. 西郷隆盛 像 / Statue of Saigō Takamori
西郷隆盛 像
西郷 隆盛 (サイゴウタカモリ / 1828 - 1877) です。
制作者は、鹿児島市出身の彫刻家で渋谷・'忠犬ハチ公' の
制作者・安藤 照 (アンドウアキラ / 1892 - 1945) です。
高村 光雲 ( タカムラコウウン / 1852 - 1934 ) 作ものと思います。

Statue of Saigō Takamori
Speaking of famous people in Kagoshima,
 Saigō Takamori (1828 - 1877) is 
At Kagoshima Airport, I also saw a wooden statue of Saigō.
This statue of Saigō overlooks the city 
with Mt. Shiroyama in the background.
The creator was Akira Ando (1892 - 1945), a sculptor 
from Kagoshima City, also the creator of 
'Faithful Dog Hachikō : Chūken Hachikō
in Shibuya, Tokyo.
I think the most famous statue of Saigō is that of 
Kōun Takamura (1852 - 1934) in Ueno Park.
I guess Saigō would be happier with this place.

西郷隆盛 像 / Statue of Saigō Takamori
この画像は下記より / This from below

'維新の三傑' のほか二人は、
大久保 利通 (オオクボトシミチ/ 1830 - 1878)
木戸 孝允 (キド タカヨシ/ 1833 - 1878) です。

The other two of the 'Three Greats Nobles of the Restoration' are Toshimichi Ōkubo (1830 - 1878) and
Takayoshi Kido (1833 - 1878).


Kagoshima City Tourist Guide map
We didn't have much time to spend
on sightseeing in 
Kagoshima city.

One of the highlights shows the statue of Saigō.

2) 城山展望所 
    Shiroyama Park Observatory



西南戦争 (セイナンセンソウ / 1877) の最終決戦である城山の戦い (西南の役 / セイナンノエキ/1877) が起こった場所で、史跡が多くあり、国の史跡および天然記念物に指定されています。




結果、西郷側 (薩摩藩側) は、敗北しました。

明治初期には、各地で士族反乱 (シゾクハンラン) は起きており、城山の戦いはその1つであり、最大規模で、士族反乱の最後になりました。


Seinan War : Satsuma Rebellion 
An ukiyo-e print depicting the clash
between the government army and the Saigō army.
Saigō is in the centre.
By Unknown 
画像は下記より / This from below

画 : 歌川 芳虎 (ウタガワヨシトラ / ? -?)

 Battle of Shiroyama
By Utagawa Yoshitora (?-?)
画像は下記より/ This from below

Shiroyama Park Observatory
We visited only to see the scenery from the Shiroyama Park Observatory.

It was my first time, but Y had been here before.

Mount Shiroyama is a small mountain with an altitude of 107m located in the centre of Kagoshima City.

The final decisive battle of the Seinan War Satsuma Rebellion (1877), the Battle of Shiroyama (1877), took place here. 

There are many historical sites, and it has been designated as a national historic site and natural monument.

My understanding of the Seinan War, as I am ignorant of history, is that the government looted ammunition from the private arsenal of the soldiers of the Satsuma Domain, and even attempted to assassinate Saigo Takamori, the hero of the Satsuma Domain, so the disaffected Satsuma samurai made a revolt against the new imperial government.

Well, that would have made the Satsuma samurai angry, and 
I sympathize with them.

Modern thought was spreading in Satsuma, so it was not a movement to protest by force from the beginning, but I feel that the revelation of the assassination plot gave a boost to the armed rebellion.

Eventually, the Saigō side (the Satsuma side) was defeated.

In the early Meiji era, Samurai Rebellions (shizoku-hanran) occurred in various places, and the Battle of Shiroyama was one of them, the largest, and the last of the Samurai Rebellions.

Saigō died at Shiroyama, and also his army was wiped out.

Forest Bath?
We walked from the carpark to the observatory.
Feeling good under the trees!
Given the atmosphere, it is incredible that a battle took place here.
Many trees may purify human grudges and dark emotions.

Around Shroyama Guide Map

Map of Shiroyama

4) 展望台からの景色 
    View From The Observatory
海は、鹿児島湾 (錦江湾) です。

View From Shiroyama Park Observatory
Clouds hang over Sakurajima Island.
The sea is Kagoshima Bay (Kinko Bay)


There were almost no clouds yesterday,
and Sakurajima Island was clearly visible.
That condition may be rare.

The shining sea is beautiful.

 (ニシホンガンジ カゴシマ ベツイン)

Splendid Roof
I photographed this because a splendid roof catches my eye.
This is Nishi Honganji Temple, Kagoshima Branch.

5) 展望台の後 / After The Observatory
展望台の後は、'明治日本の産業革命遺産 製鉄・製鋼、造船、石炭産業として世界遺産登録されている尚古集成館 (ショウコシュウセイカン) を撮影するために、仙巌園へ向かいました。

また、仙巌園近くの旧鹿児島紡績所技師館 (異人館) も世界遺産登録されています。





次のセクションは蒲生八幡神社 (カモウハチマンジンジャ) の 
'蒲生のクス' についてです。

Former Kagoshima Spinning Engineer's Residence
After The Observatory
After the Observatory, we headed to Sengan-en to photograph 'Shoko Shuseikan Museum', a World Heritage site listed as "Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining".

The 'Former Kagoshima Spinning Engineer's Residence (also known as Ijinkan)' near Sengan-en is also registered in the same World Heritage Site.

There was only a tour from the outside, but we stopped by.

These weren't planned for the day, but we were able to go thanks to
S San's kindness.

Thank you very much.

Shoko Shuseikan and Ijinkan have already been mentioned in the sections below.
The next section is about 'Kamō no Kusu :Great Camphor of Kamō' at Kamō- Hachiman-Jinja Shrine.

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