目次 / Contents
1) 用事 / Things to Do
2) 若宮大路 / Wakamiya Ōji Street
A. 本店 / Main Shop
B. 新しいお店 / New Shops
2) ベルグルフェルド / Bergfeld
A. 『キラキラ共和国』/ "Twinkle Twinkle Republic"
B. ベーカリー / Bakery
C. カフェ / Cafe
1) 用事 / Things to Do
苔丸 バス停前の、山野草屋・苔丸さんを見るのも久しぶりでした。 散歩でさえも、こちら方面へ来なかったのだと気がつきました。 Kokemaru It's been a while since I saw the wild grasses and flowers shop, Kokemaru in front of the bus stop. I realized that I didn't come to this area even for a walk. |
Things to Do
I had many small errands to run and went to the centre of Kamakura with my husband R.
I sometimes go from Kamakurayama to Shichirigahama, but it was the first time in more than a month to go to Kamakura Station.
2) 若宮大路 / Wakamiya Ōji Street
A. 本店 / Main Shop
豊島屋・本店 : ★ Toshimaya Main Shop : ★ only in Japanese 昔の看板でしょうか? Is it an old signboard? |
豊島屋の現代的なマーク 豊嶋屋さんはマーク、商品もいろいろなものが 上手にデザインされているな〜といつも感心します。 鳩は鶴岡八幡宮に由来しています。 八幡様の額にある"八"は、二羽の鳩の抱き合わせの デザインになっています。 Toyoshimaya's Modern Mark Toyoshimaya's mark, various products and so on are well designed. I am always impressed. The pigeon is derived from Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine: The "八 ; eight" on the forehead of the Shrine is designed of two pigeons together. |
鳩サブレー / 'Hato Sablés' : 'Pigeon Sablés 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
Main Shop
First of all, we finished R's errand at the bank, which was the number one purpose of going out today.
Needless to say in Japan, "Toshimaya" is the most famous Kamakura souvenir shop, 'Hato Sablés' : 'Pigeon Sablés'.
If you want to take Hato Sablés directly from Kamakura as a souvenir, the branch shop in front of the station is convenient, but if you ask for delivery, the main shop is convenient.
The reason is that if you have made a delivery request in the past at the main shop, the sender and destination address are also saved and you do not need to write it on the courier form.
There is the mini museum on the first floor, I haven't been there lately, but I've been several times in the past.
B.新しいお店 / New Shops
New Shops
Not only in Kamakura, but many shops have closed due to Corona.
I'm surprised that shops that looked very busy are also closed.
Under such circumstances, many new shops have opened, and I am surprised at that.
Is it because Kamakura is a popular tourist destination that Kamakura does not become a ghost town?
Although it was in a state of emergency on that day, I felt that there were more people than when we went out last time.
Well, we are also part of the crowd.
We are not tourists, but I understand very much that
sometimes people want to go somewhere.
かわいい大福 |
手ぬぐいショップ・'ぬぐう' の後には 大福のお店が開店していました。 'ぬぐう' は2店舗あったので、1つは大福、 もう1つは帽子屋さんになっています。 Pretty Daifuku After the tenugui shop "Nuguu", a Daifuku shop was opened. There were two "Nuguu" shops, one is Daifuku and the other is now a hat shop. According to Wiki about Daifuku, "Daifukumochi (大福餅), or daifuku (大福) (literally "great luck"), is a wagashi (Japanese confection) consisting of a small round mochi (glutinous rice cake) stuffed with sweet filling, most commonly anko, sweetened red bean paste made from azuki beans. Daifuku is a popular wagashi in Japan and is often served with green tea." |
サンリオ・カフェ : ★ 今年の4月にオープンしたサンリオ・カフェ。 私は本日その存在を知りました。 鎌倉には店構えや看板に街並みに合うように規制が かけられているそうです。 なので、色合いが抑えぎみです。 今の日本は味がまずければお客さんはやってこないので、 きっと味もそこそこなのではないかと察します。 Sanrio Cafe : ★ only in Japanese Sanrio Cafe opened in April of this year. I noticed its existence today. It seems that Kamakura is regulated so that shop fronts and signboards fit the cityscape. Therefore, the colour tone is restrained. In Japan today, if the taste is bad, customers will not come, so I guess that the taste is probably reasonable. |
かつら小路 'かつら小路'と言う名前に初めて気がつきました。 ここに路地があり、行ったことはないけれど、 ’キネマ食堂'と言う店があるのも知っていました。 機会があれば、何がこの先にあるのか見てみたいです。 Katsura Alley For the first time, I noticed the name 'Katsura Alley'. I knew there is an alley here, and although I have never been there, I also knew that there was a diner called 'Kinema Shokudo'. If I have a chance, I would like to see what is ahead. |
2) ベルグルフェルド / Bergfeld
A. 『キラキラ共和国』
"Twinkle Twinkle Republic"
主人公、鳩子 (ハトコ) は、先代から、文具店と代書屋を引き継いでいます。
鳩子の '鳩'は、豊島屋さん同様に八幡様に由来しています。
『ツバキ文具店』は、ベストセラーになり、2017年にNHKでドラマ "ツバキ文具店〜鎌倉代書屋物語〜" になりました。
『キラキラ共和国』は、読んでいない '本の山' に入っていました。
'ベルグルフェルド' が本の中に登場し、7月にベルグフェルドのカフェに傘を忘れてきたことを思い出しました。
『キラキラ共和国』とガイド冊子(英語版) Book ,"Twinkle Twinkle Republic" ; "Kirakira Kyōwakoku" and Guide Leaflet in English ["Twinkle Twinkle Republic" by Ito Ogawa (1973 ~) 2017 / Gentosha] This book is the sequel to "Tsubaki Stationery Shop" : "La papeterie Tsubaki". (I translated the title, so it is not official.) |
"Twinkle Twinkle Republic"
When I started reading a book, "Twinkle Twinkle Republic" ; "Kirakira Kyōwakoku", "Bergfeld" main shop is in the story.
"Tsubaki Stationery Shop" and "Twinkle Twinkle Republic" are set in Kamakura, and although there are some fictitious things, actual Kamakura shops and famous places are also introduced.
The main character, Hatoko : 鳩子 has taken over the stationery shop and the Amanuensis from her predecessor.
Hatoko : 鳩子 means Pigeon Child in Japanese and the Pigeon is derived from Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine like "Toyoshimaya".
It depicts the story of customers visiting the Amanuensis and the interactions with the people around Hatoko.
"Tsubaki Stationery Shop" became a bestseller and became a drama, "Tsubaki Stationery Store - Kamakura Amanuensis Story" on NHK in 2017.
A few years ago, I was given "Tsubaki Stationery Shop" by my sister Y, and about three years ago, she also gave me "Twinkle Twinkle Republic".
I read "Tsubaki Stationery Shop" immediately after receiving it and watched the drama, but "Twinkle Twinkle Republic" was in my 'Pile of Books' that I haven't read.
I will post about "Twinkle Twinkle Republic" in a later blog section, below.
My introduction has become longer.
Bergfeld' appeared in the story, and while I was reading the book,
I remembered that we had left our umbrellas at the Bergfeld cafe in July.
On the day I left them, I called to confirm and told them that I would collect them soon.
However, I completely forgot about our umbrellas.
Today, when we went out, we planned to go to the cafe to collect them and enjoy the cafe as well.
B. ベーカリー / Bakery
ベルグルフェルド・ベーカリー: ★ Rには、ドイツのクリスマスをイメージさせるそうです。 Bergfeld Bakery : ★ only in Japanese R said it has the image of Christmas in Germany. |
The main shop, 'Bergfeld', has a bakery and a cafe next to each other.
Before we lived in Kamakurayama, we lived in Nikaido, so we went to the main shop from time to time.
After moving to Kamakurayama, we started to use the Hase shop.
However, because of Corona, we only visit both the main shop and the Hase shop once or twice a year.
結構、いろいろなものが売れてしまっていました。 私の好きな、'塩ツノ' も売り切れでした。 プンパニッケルとザルツブレッツェルは購入できました。 Rの大好きなプレーンのパン・'トースト'も! Quite a lot of things were sold. My favourite 'Shiotsuno : Salty Kifli' was also sold out. R's favourite plain bread,'Toast, too'! 本の中に出てきたハリネズミのケーキをRに見せたかったのです がそれも売り切れていました。 I wanted to show R the hedgehog cake that appeared in the book, although it was also sold out. |
自家農園 いつの頃からか、自家農園を持たれていました。 パン屋の前に野菜が信頼販売法で売られていました。 カフェでは農園の食材を使用してスープなどを提供しています。 Own Farm From some time ago, they have their own farm. Vegetables were sold by the reliable sales method in front of the bakery. The cafe uses farm ingredients to serve soups. |
B. カフェ / Cafe
ベルグルフェルド・カフェ Bergfeld Cafe |
7月に来たときはここにテーブル席がありました。 When we came in July, there was a table seat here. |
This cafe was like a social gathering place for local wives, but in July it was a quiet cafe, it was just ourselves.
Today, we were the only ones at the beginning, but by the time we left, there were a group of people who seemed to be local wives and a couple who seemed to be regular customers.
I wondered that it is gradually returning to its original state.
About visiting in July, below.
店内 / Inside
店内撮影は許可を得ています。 I have permission to photograph inside the cafe. |
書棚に飾られたワイヤー作品 Wire works on the bookshelf |
3点が飾られていました。 今までこの作品群に気が付きませんでした。 Three pieces were displayed. Until now, I (we) haven't noticed this group of works. 素敵な作品だと思います。 I think the works are lovely. |
パン屋さんの店構えのドローイング 左に鎌倉ハム・"アルトシュタット"、 右にベルグルフェルド・カフェがあります。 Drawing of the Bakery Kamakura Ham "Alter Stadt" is on the left and Bergfeld Cafe is on the right. |
花と花瓶がぴったり! Flower and Vase are Perfect! |
ランチセットの1つ ここでのランチも楽しみの1つでした。 日頃食べられない食材が食べられて嬉しい! 美味しくいただきました。 One of Lunch Sets Lunch here was one of the pleasures. I'm glad that here I can eat ingredients that I can't usually eat! This was lovely. |
サンドイッチセットの1つ 私がRの食べられない食材の説明をしましたが 全部は理解してもらえず、サラダに彼が食べられない 玉ねぎ入りのドレッシングがかけられていました。 ウエイトレスさんに聞くと 「は〜い、入っています〜」 と元気よく返事をされて拍子抜け....。 私は説明しましたよね?と心の中で問いかけましたが 彼女のあまりに陽気な返事に深追いしてくれるな! という思いが汲み取れて、その後私は何も言いませんでした。 Rには気の毒でしたが私がサラダを食べられたので、 まあ、いいか〜...。 One of Sandwich Sets I explained R's inedible ingredients, but they didn't understand everything, and they used his inedible onion dressing for the salad. When I asked a waitress, she replied cheerfully, "Yes, it is in." and I was to be discouraged. In my inside, I asked her, 'I explained didn't I?' , however, I understood she asked don't say anything about it by her too cheerful reply. I'm sorry for R, but I was able to eat the salad, so it's alright... |
Bergfeld is in front of bus stops, so it's convenient when we come and go from Kamakura Station.
If the weather is nice, we can enjoy a walk from the station, but we should avoid midsummer.
When we left the cafe, we saw the return bus leaving.
Ah! I was a little disappointed, but the wind blew and I thought we could walk a short distance, so we decided to go back taking a walk nearby.
Actually, there was a restaurant I wanted to go to.
We have already had lunch, so I wanted to confirm the location.
When we entered the side road, I found plantings by Bergfeld.
I feel that the modest plantings suit the side road.
This is my favourite field type of group planting.
After confirming the restaurant, I was aiming for from here, we walked to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, stopped in Hachimangu cafe that we had passed before, and eventually walked back to Kamakura Station.
I will post about our return in the next section.
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