目次 / Contents
1) 蚊除け / Mosquito Protection
2) お気に入り / Favourite
3) パリとロンドン / Paris and London
4) 歌うスミレ / Singing Violet
5) 地植えの植物 / Ground-planted Plants
A. 蕾 / Buds
B. 誰ですか? / Who are You?
6) クローバー / Clover
A. 雑草 / Weed
B. くす玉 / Kusudama
1) 蚊除け / Mosquito Protection
モミジバ・ゼラニウム 現在、我が家には、 "モミジバ・ゼラニウム"の鉢は3つあります。 これは最も花を咲かせて元気です。 Maple Leaf Geranium Currently, there are three "Maple Leaf Geranium" in pots in our garden. This one is the most flowering and energetic. |
I heard from a French guest that mosquitoes don't like geraniums, so in France, geranium pots are lined up by windows.
Does Maple Leaf Geranium also have that effect?
2) お気に入り / Favourite
ミニ薔薇 |
このミニ薔薇 (バラ) は、4年ほど前に、 友人からプレゼントされました。 2、3度死にかけ、今は、こんなに元気素敵に咲いてくれて とてもとても嬉しい! Miniature Rose This Miniature Rose was given by my friend about four years ago. It seemed to have died a couple of times and now it's blooming so well and nicely. I am very very happy! |
Even if many flowers are in bloom as shown in the photograph, they do not smell.
Generally, Miniature Roses do not smell.
I think it is an upright so is suitable for pots.
I feel that this is R's most beloved plant in the garden.
Ah! Blueberries may be his most favourite.
Last year he experienced Japan's summer for the first time and fought squirrels over blueberry fruits.
He is also Hana Yori Dango.
According to Wiki about Ohanami ; 花より団子, Hana Yori Dango,
"The teasing proverb dumplings rather than flowers (花より団子, hana yori dango) hints at the real priorities for most cherry blossom viewers, meaning that people are more interested in the food and drinks accompanying a hanami party than actually viewing the flowers themselves."
According to ICHACHA.NET WEB DICTIONARY about Hana Yori Dango,
dumplings rather than flowers
people are more interested in the practical over the aesthetic
The proverb ' hana yori dango ' (dumplings are preferable to flowers ) has its origins in the eating of dango at hanami parties and makes fun of people ' s tendency to choose a more tangible substance such as dango over the abstract act of viewing flowers ."
3) パリとロンドン / Paris and London
2代目ミモザ 順調に大きくなっています。 ミモザも、カクテルのミモザも好きです。 The Second Mimosa It grows steadily. I like Mimosas and Mimosas Cocktail as well. |
ミモザ・カクテル 'ミモザ・カクテル' は、パリのリッツ・ホテルで 誕生したカクテルです。 シャンパンとオレンジジュースが半々。 名前の由来はミモザの花の色からです。 Mimosa Cocktail Mimosa Cocktail was born in the Ritz Hotel, Paris. champagne and orange juice are half. The name came from the colour of the Mimosa flower. ★ |
'ミモザ・カクテル' によく似た 'バックス・フィズ' と言うカクテルもあります。
こちらはロンドンの 'バックス・クラブ / 'Buck's Club'' (★) と言う
ただ、'バックス・フィズ' はタンブラーグラスに氷を入れて作り、
ミモザ・カクテルは氷なしのシャンパン・グラス (シャンパン・フルート) で作られます。
もう1つ、バックス・フィズのオリジナルのレシピには、'バックス・クラブ' のバーテンダーだけが知る秘密の何かが入っていると言われています。
Paris and London
There is also a cocktail called 'Bucks Fizz' very similar to 'Mimosa Cocktail'.
This was born in a bar, 'Buck's Club' in London.
'Buck's Club' recipe is the same as 'Mimosa Cocktail'.
However, 'Bucks Fizz' is made with ice into the tumbler glass, and the Mimosa Cocktail is made in a tall champagne flute with no ice.
Just one thing, the original 'Buck's Club' recipe is said to have a secret something known only to 'Buck's Club' bartenders.
Somehow, I feel the story (topic) is like mystery favourite British
According to Japanese Wiki about tumbler glass,
"The word source of 'Tumbler' is 'defeating, what rolls'.
The reason is that this is originally because this word refers to a container made of a beast horn. "
'バックス・クラブ' 18クリフォードストリートにあります 'Buck's Club' Located at 18 Clifford Street 画像は下記より / These from below |
4) 歌うスミレ / Singing Violet
歌うスミレ 苗を植えてず〜っと沈黙(?)を続けていたスミレ (菫) が ようやく歌い出しました。 Singing Violet Violet, which had been silent (?) since the seedlings were planted, finally started singing. |
Singing Violet
I gave the photograph title "Singing Violet".
I remembered the song "When the violet flowers bloom" by the Takarazuka Revue.
According to Wiki about Takarazuka Revue,
"The Takarazuka Revue is a Japanese all-female musical theater troupe based in Takarazuka, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan. "
I have seen musicals of the Takarazuka Revue twice at the Takarazuka Grand Theatre and once at the Tokyo Takarazuka Theater.
I didn't expect much before I saw it, but when I saw it once, I realized that the world of Takarazuka is a dream world and a wonderful space that makes me forget the world.
But I haven't been there for years.
5) 地植えの植物 / Ground-planted Plants
A. 蕾 / Buds
B. 誰ですか? / Who are You?
Who are You?
Our 'Giant Hosta' may be the smaller of the general 'Giant Hosta'.
When it was sold at a shop there was a name tag of 'Giant Hosta', so I still believe this as 'Giant Hosta', but when I see other 'Giant Hosta' on the internet, I have a question "Is this different from 'Giant Hosta'?".
6) クローバー / Clover
A. 雑草 / Weed
英語では、'Trifolium Campestre'で、Campestre の意味は、'野原の'(of the fields)です。
クスダマツメクサ : 薬玉詰草 可愛らしい花です。 Trifolium Campestre : Kusudama Matsumekusa They are pretty flowers. |
I knew that Kusudama Matsumekusa : Trifolium Campestre was one of the clovers and bought it this year.
I expected Clover to be strong and grow up without much effort.
And one of the charms is the yellow flowers that give me energy.
The Japanese Wiki defines it as one of t'weeds'.
I bought weeds, and I like wild grasses.
According to Wiki about Trifolium Campestre,
"Trifolium campestre, commonly known as hop trefoil, field clover and low hop clover, is a species of clover native to Europe and western Asia, growing in dry, sandy grassland habitats, fields, woodland margins, roadsides, wastelands and cultivated land.
The species name campestre means "of the fields".
クスダマツメクサ : 薬玉詰草 雑草ですが、その名前には日本の歴史が含まれています。 Trifolium Campestre : Kusudama Matsumekusa Although it is a weed, its name includes Japanese history. |
B. くす玉 / Kusudama
'くす玉' というと、私はお祝いの時に紐を引くと割れて、ストンとリボンが落ち、色とりどりの紙吹雪が舞う、あの玉を思い浮かべます。
"薬玉の枇杷 ・美人花競" 1899 平安時代の薬玉 画:尾形 月耕 (オガタ ゲッコウ / 1859 - 1920) "Kusudama no biwa・Bijin hana kurabe" Loquat in a Flower Ball (Kusudama no biwa), from the series Beauties Matched with Flowers (Bijin hana kurabe) 1899 Heian period Kusudama by Ogata Gekkō (1859 - 1920) 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
The Japanese name of Kusudama Tsumekusa is derived from Kusudama which is a paper model that is usually (although not always) created by sewing multiple identical pyramidal units.
When I think of 'Kusudama', I think of that ball which breaks when you pull the string at the time of celebration, ribbons fall and colorful confetti dances.
It is said that originally, medicinal herbs, herbs, and flavours are packed in a brocade bag with five colours threads and artificial flowers which contains wishes for longevity and no illness.
百索縷軸 正倉院所蔵 下記、Wikiより。 "端午の節句に魔よけなどのために身に着けて用いたとされる 大きな糸巻「百索縷軸 (ヒャクサクノジク)」 このような百索(長命縷または続命縷ともいう)が 変化しそれが薬玉となった" Hyakusakunojiku : Roller for hyakusakuru thread Collection of Shōsōin which is the treasure house of Tōdai-ji Temple in Nara, Japan. According to Japanese Wiki about Kusudama, "The large pincushion 'Hyakusakunojiku : Roller for hyakusakuru thread' , which is said to have been worn and used as a talisman for 'Tango no Sekku', is in the Shōsōin (★). Such a Roller changed into gorgeous ones decorated with Irises and Sweet Flag in posterity, and it became a Kusudama. " 画像は下記より / These from below ★ |
"Tango no Sekku (端午の節句), also known as Ayame no hi (Iris festival), is one of the five annual ceremonies that were traditionally held at the Japanese imperial court called Gosekku."
According to Wiki about Children's Day,
"Children's Day (こどもの日, Kodomo no Hi) is a Japanese national holiday which takes place annually on May 5 and is the final celebration in Golden Week.
It is a day set aside to respect children's personalities and to celebrate their happiness."
現代のくす玉 これが一番馴染みがありますね。 Modern Kusudama This is the most familiar. 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
我が家のクスダマ 苗を4つ買い、3つは地植えをし、 1つは鉢植えにしています。 今のところ、みんな元気です。 Our Kusudama We bought four seedlings, three are planted in the ground, and one in a pot. So far, every one is fine. |
撮影 : 5月10日 Photograph : 10th of May |
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