目次 / Contents
1) 5月23日 / 23rd of May
A. 来客 / Guests
B. フルーツサラダ / Fruit Salad
2) 5月25日 / 25th of May
A. 朝の空 / Morning Sky
B. 朝の音 / Morning Sounds
C. 月の魔法 / Moon Magic
1) 5月23日 / 23rd of May
A. 来客 / Guests
私のお誕生日 (4月) プレゼントを届けにいらしてくださいました。
実はNファミリーをGW中に我が家へお招きしていたのですが、鎌倉市が、'まん延防止等重点措置' を施行したのでキャンセルしました。
プレゼント たくさんのプレゼント、ありがとうございました。 誕生日のカードは、4月にいただいていました。 Presents Thank you for many presents. I received my birthday card in April. |
We had guests for the first time in a long time.
This was the N family, Nikaido neighbours where we used to live.
They came to bring my birthday (April) present.
Actually, we invited the family to our house during Golden Week, but we canceled it because Kamakura City implemented 'Measures focused on specific areas to prevent the spread of the coronavirus'.
It was difficult for the family to have a convenient day, so their visit came on this day.
There was no tea or sweets, we just chatted in the garden, but it was a happy time.
We had a chat about my husband R being proud (?) of the blueberry net, as the first topic.
About the blueberry net, below.
バックの中は白いTシャツ 姉への今年の誕生日プレゼントのお願いは、 'シンプルな上等のTシャツ'でした。 Nファミリーはそれを知りませんでしたが、 上等な白いTシャツをプレゼントしてくださいました。 びっくり、嬉しい、偶然でした。 ありがとうございました。 White T-shirt in the Bag For this year's birthday present, I had asked my sister for a 'simple fine T-shirt'. N family didn't know that, but they gave me a white fine T-shirt. It was a coincidence, I was surprised and happy. Thank you very much. |
B. フルーツサラダ / Fruit Salad
メランジェ Rのフルーツサラダ。 今日のタイトルはRが決めていました。 1つのお皿に盛るのでなく、2つに分けています。 彼は何かしら、新しいアイディアを盛り込んで、 楽しませてくれます。 Melanges R's Fruit Salad. Today's title was decided by R. Instead of serving on one plate, it is divided into two. He entertains me with some new ideas. |
2) 5月25日 / 25th of May
A. 朝の空 / Morning Sky
朝の空 わ〜っ!と心の中で思わず叫ぶ! どうしてもドラゴンが飛んでいるように見えてしまいます。 Morning Sky Wow! I scream in my inside! I can't help it, it looks like a dragon is flying. |
B. 朝の音 / Morning Sounds
若い鶯 (ウグイス) が、まだ、'ホーホケキョ' と定番の節で鳴けず、
Morning Sounds
The young Japanese Bush Warbler : Uguisu is still practicing singing hard, not being able to sing in the classic song of 'Hōhōkekyo'.
It's pleasant (smile‐provoking) to hear ...
You can also hear an Oriental Turtle Dove and other birds singing.
The video shows a black kite circling in the sky.
C. 月の魔法 / Moon Magic
月が魔法を放っているようです。 The moon seems to cast magic. |
Moon Magic
When I looked up at the night sky, a mysterious night sky was spreading.
I was excited and took many photographs.
Here are 14 of them.
The mysterious night sky turned into a normal night sky within a few minutes.
When I photographed, I didn't know that the next day would be a full moon called a Super Moon, and we might be able to see a total lunar eclipse.
In fact, where we were, it was cloudy and we couldn't see the Super Moon or the total lunar eclipse.
The moon on the 25th gave me see mysterious views, and I am satisfied.
海に浮かぶ月 月が海の中にあるように見えます。 なぜか、何枚かの写真は青味が強く撮れました。 Moon Floating in Sea It looks like the moon is in the sea. For some reason, some of the photos were very bluish. |
月の輪 / Halo or Moon Ring |
This was a wonderful and enchanting spell of time.
It was a wonderful, fascinating magical time.
Thank you, Mo~~on!
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