目次 / Contents
1) 到着 / Arriving
2) 日蓮宗 / Nichiren Shū
3) 池泉式回遊庭園 / Water Garden
4) 登山? / Climbing?
5) ついに源太塚! / Finally Genta-zuka
A. 頂上に / On the Top
B. 一緒に / Together
C. 頂上からの景色 / Views from Top
6) 下山 / Downhill
1) 到着 / Arriving
仏行寺 地図上では、仏行寺 近くにきているはずですが、 お寺らしき建物が見えないので、道で出会った女性に聞き、 どの脇道へ入ってゆくかを知りました。 脇道に入ると建物が見え、安心しました。Butsugyoji -Temple I and my husband R were aiming for Butsugyoji -Temple. On the map, we should be near Butsugyoji -Temple, but we couldn't see the Temple like building, so I asked a woman we met on the road to find out which side road to enter. When we did enter the side road, we saw the building and I was relieved. |
山門近くの花 / Flowers Nearby Sanmon Gate
紅梅 / Red Ume : Red Plum |
玄関脇の花 お寺のプライベートな家の玄関です。 Flowers beside the Entrance It is the entrance of a private house of the temple. |
2) 日蓮宗 / Nichiren Shū
仏行寺は、仏性院 日秀 上人 (ブッショウイン ニッシュウ ショウニン / ? -? ) が、1495年に開いた日蓮宗の寺です。
本尊は十界互具曼荼羅 (ジッカイゴクマンダラ) です。
題目碑 1733年 建立 '南無妙法蓮華経 ' (ナムミョウホウレンゲキョウ) と彫ってあります。 山門前に古い題目碑があります。 Nichiren Chant Monument Built in 1733 This is engraved with '南無妙法蓮華経 ' : Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō. Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō are words chanted within all forms of Nichiren Buddhism. There is an old Nichiren Chant Monument in front of Sanmon gate. 表札塔? '笛田山 仏行寺' が正確な名前 なのかもしれません。 Name Tower? 'Fuedayama Butsugyoji -Temple' may be the correct name. |
Nichiren Shū
It is a temple of the Nichiren Shū that was opened in 1495 by Busshoin Nishu Saint (?-?).
The principal image is the Ten Realms Mandala.
本堂 : ★ / Main Hall |
本堂前の庭 Garden in Front of the Main Hall マンリョウ 複数のマンリョウを見ました。 Manryo I saw a few Manryo: Christmas Berry. 本堂の横に大きな木。 何の木なのかはわかりません。 A big tree next to the main hall. I don't know what kind of tree it is. |
お〜っ! 本堂前からは予測できない風景が広がっていました。 本堂の後ろに山があり、全体が庭になっています。 WOW! An unpredictable view spread from the front of the main hall. There is a mountain behind the main hall, and the whole is a garden. |
[池泉庭園 (チセンテイエン) : Water Garden]
池泉式回遊庭園 ツツジの季節は華やかであることが容易に想像できます。 花がなくても立派です。 Water Garden ; "Chisenshiki-kaiyuteien" It is easy to imagine that the azalea season is gorgeous. It's magnificent even without flowers. |
Water Garden
The garden is called "Chisenshiki-kaiyuteien" which is one of Japanese garden styles.
This is a water garden and it consists of artificial hills (Tsukiyama), small islands in a pond, bridges, garden stones, etc and people can walk along paths.
Here we climb up the garden rather than strolling around.
庭を鑑賞するベンチも用意してあります。 There are benches to view the garden. |
小さな鯉が1匹いました。 There is one small carp. |
4) 登山? / Climbing?
Recently, when we go for a walk, we have experiences similar to mountain climbing somewhere.
Is this good for us?
階段を見つけました。 通行止めはされていなかったので、登って行くとこにしました。 |
We found the steps. It wasn't closed, so we decided to climb it. 'やぐら' があります。 There are 'Yagura' which are artificial caves used during the Middle Ages in Kamakura, as tombs and cenotaphs. これはやぐらではないと思います。 像は、妙見菩薩 (ミョウケンボサツ) でしょうか? I don't think this is a Yagura. Is the statue Myōken Bosatsu? |
階段から / From Steps
庭に関してはあまり調べきませんでした。 そのおかげで(?)、感動が大きかったです。 I didn't do much research about the garden. Thanks to that (?), I was very impressed. |
二叉路 二叉路では右の道を選び登りました。 帰りは左の道(写真真ん中)から戻ってきました。 Two-way Junction At the two-way junction, we chose the right path and climbed. We came back from the path on the left (middle of the photo). |
鎌倉山方面 / Toward Kamakurayama |
角を曲がるとまた上り階段! トホホな気持ちで登ります。 Turn the corner and go up the steps again! Climb with a boo-hoo-hoo feeling. |
5) ついに源太塚! / Finally Genta-zuka
A. 頂上に / On the Top
私は、源太塚 (ゲンタヅカ) はどこにあるのかしら〜?と階段を登りつつ探していました。
山の頂上、庭の頂上まできて、ようやく、源太塚 を見ました。
源 頼朝 (1147 -1199 / 在任 : 1192 -1199 ) に仕えた武士、
梶原 景季 (カジワラ カゲスエ / 1162 - 1200) の片腕が埋められている塚が源太塚です。
源太塚 / Mound, Genta-zuka |
On the Top
Where is the mount, Genta-zuka? I was looking for it while climbing the steps.
I couldn't see the mound, so I was sceptical that maybe it was near the main hall.
At the top of the mountain or the top of the garden, I finally saw Genta-zuka.
Kajiwara Kagesue (1162 - 1200) was a samurai who served
Minamoto no Yoritomo (1147 - 1199 / incumbent : 1192 - 1199) who was the founder and the first shōgun of the Kamakura shogunate of Japan.
The Mound, Genta-zuka where it is said one arm of Kajiwara Kagesue is buried.
Genta is another name for Kagesue.
After Yoritomo's death, Kagesue's father, Kagetoki (1140 - 1200) was banished from Kamakura after being impeached by 66 Gokenins ; Vassals, and the Kajiwara clan retreated to Sagami Province where he and his son : Kagesue committed suicide in the mountains.
It is said that only one arm of Kagesue (Genta) was sent to Kamakura and buried in Genta-zuka : Genta Mound in Butsugyoji -Temple.
By the way, Kamakura has a place name called Kajiwara, which was the birthplace of the Kajiwara clan.
梶原 景季 (1162 - 1200) 画 : 歌川国芳 (ウタガワ クニヨシ/ 1798 -1861) Kajiwara Kagesue (1162-1200) By Kuniyoshi Utagawa (1798 -1861)画 : 歌川国芳 (ウタガワ クニヨシ/ 1798 -1861) 画像は下記より/ This from below ★ |
B. 一緒に / Together
そもそも、私が源太塚に興味を抱いたのは、10日ほど前に、鎌倉山を散歩した時に、偶然、景季の妻の信夫 (シノブ) の塚、'しのぶ塚' を見つけたからでした。
'しのぶ塚' については下記。
開発で頭がいっぱいの人々には、小さな 'しのぶ塚' のことなど気にしていられなかったのかもしれません。
一緒 / Together
源太塚 / Mound, Genta-zuka "しのぶ塚" 神奈川県鎌倉市鎌倉山1丁目 11-5 "Shinobu-zuka" : "Mound, Shinobu-zuka" 1-11-5 Kamakurayama, Kamakura City |
My interest in Genta-zuka began when I happened to find a mound of Genta's wife, Shinobu : Shinobu-zuka', when I took a walk in Kamakurayama about 10 days ago.
About Shinobu-zuka, below,
Shinobu knew of Genta's death and committed suicide here in Fueda.
Even after her death, her sad crying was heard around there, so the villagers asked the Busshoin Nishu Saint in 1495 to comfort the spirit of Shinobu, and it was said the hermitage was Butsugyoji -Temple's origin.
Originally, Shinobu-zuka was built facing Genta-zuka, but it is thought that it was moved due to the subsequent development of residential land and the improvement of Fueda Park.
It is said that Shinobu was involved in the origin of the Temple, so
I wish they had put Shinobu-zuka in the temple grounds.
People who were involved in the development may not have been concerned about the small 'Shinobu-zuka'.
However, they may have been afraid to destroy it.
I don't know the details, anyway, currently Shinobu-zuka is located in Kamakurayama.
I wanted to bring Genta-zuka and Shinobu-zuka together in my blog, above.
C. 頂上からの景色 / Views from Top
頂上から富士山が見えます。 富士山の頭が源太塚に似ているな〜と思いました。 I can see Mt. Fuji from the top. I thought that the shape of Mt. Fuji's summit is similar to be Genta-zuka. |
笛田公園の野球場とテニスコートが見えます。 I can see the baseball field and tennis courts in Fueda Park. |
6) 下山 / Downhill
Downhill was a different path from climbing.
お寺の建物 / Temple Building |
東の方角に藁葺き屋根を見つけました。 ここの農家はイチゴ園を営んでいます。 (ビニールハウス栽培です) I found a thatched roof in the eastern direction. The farmer here runs a strawberry field. (Cultivated in greenhouses) |
次はツツジのシーズンに来ましょうね、R! Let's come in the azalea season next time, R! |
Thank you, Butsugyoji -Temple, for the wonderful scenery.
I was impressed that the garden was beautifully maintained even in the off-season.
By all means, I would like to visit during the azalea season.
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