
2021年2月2日 本・『猫君』 / Book ・"NEKO GIMI" 2nd of February 2021

目次 / Contents
1) 畠中恵  / Megumi Hatanaka
2) 『猫君』を読む前に /  Before Reading "NEKO GIMI"
3) 登場人物(猫) / Characters
4) 読後 / After Reading

1) 畠中恵  / Megumi Hatanaka



'読んでいない本の山' があるのですが図書館の本が優先です。

[作:畠中恵 (ハタナカ メグミ / 1959 〜) / 2020 / 集英社] : 


しゃばけ』シリーズ (2001 - 2015 / 13冊 / 新潮社)  :


人々が妖の存在を今より信じている江戸時代 (1603 - 1868) の設定で、妖が明るく愛らしく描かれ、そこに人情が盛り込まれ、ミステリー要素もあります。




ちなみに、2020年第5回吉川英治文庫賞は、小野不由美 (1960 ~) 『十二国記』: で、私は全巻読んでいて、久しぶりに出版された新刊文庫4冊は購入済みです。

その新刊も'読んでいない本の山' にあるのです...。


畠中さんの物語は、ドロドロとした感情のもつれや恐怖心を煽る (アオル) ものがないので、気安く接することができます。



"つくもがみ貸します" (2018 / NHK総合 / 原作:畠中恵) :
原作本つくもがみ貸します』(2007 - 2018 / 角川書店) :

帰国後にドラマ『しゃばけ』[2007/ 2008] も見ています

またドラマ "まんまこと〜麻之助裁定帳〜"は、原作が畠中さんの
まんまこと』シリーズ :  
("オール讀物" : 2005 - 2016  文藝春秋  / 文春文庫 : 2010 - 2019) 

'まんまこと'の意味は、'本当のこと' という意味です。

小説' に分類されるようです。

'ファンタジー時代小説' という分類を初めて知りました...。

'まんまこと'は、'時代・歴史小説' の分類になります。

アニメーションの "つくもがみ貸します"、ドラマの"まんまこと〜麻之助裁定帳〜"もそこそこ私の好きな感じでした。

Written by Megumi Hatanaka (1959 ~)
Illustrations by 柴田ゆう(1973 ~ )

Megumi Hatanaka
I received an e-mail from the Kamakura Library that they had readied a book for me.

Actually, I didn't remember making a reservation.

There were many people in front of me and I forgot my request while 
I was waiting for my turn.

I have my "Mountain of Unread Books", although books from the library have priority.

A couple days ago, I went to the library to pick up the book : 
"NEKO GIMI" [Written by Megumi Hatanaka ( 2020 / Shueisha : ].

The librarian said, 
"There is a person who has made a reservation next."
so, I knew that it was still a popular book and that I couldn't extend borrowing.

I had read some of Hatanaka's books in 
"Shabake" series (2001 - 2015 / 13 volumes / Shinchosha) long ago.

They were interesting and my favourite works.

In the setting of the Edo period (1603 - 1868), where people believe in the existence of  YōkaiYōkai are drawn brightly and adorably, and humanity and a mystery element are included in the stories.

Certainly, there is a tendency for people to seek stimulus, which may lead to creating horror and cruel scenes, however, I understand that Hatanaka is an author who creates the opposite side. 

Sales of hardbacks exceed 6.7 million copies in the series.

Hatanaka won the Excellence Award of the 13th Japan Fantasy Novel Award for "Shabake" and the 1st Eiji Yoshikawa Bunko Award for "Shabake" (SHINCHO BUNKO) in 2016.

By the way, the 5th Eiji Yoshikawa paperback award in 2020 went to Fuyumi Ono (1960 ~)'s  "The Twelve Kingdoms" : , I had read all the volumes published previously, and I have already purchased the 4 new paperbacks which were published after a long gap.

The new books are in my 'Mountain of Unread Books' ...

To return to Hatanaka.

Hatanaka's stories have nothing of persistent emotional entanglement or to arouse fear, so I could read at ease.

It can be said that her works can be a drama or an animation.

After reading "Shabake", I went to study abroad in Britain, so I had separated completely from this writer.

After returning to Japan, I saw the animation "Tsukumogami Kashimasu" : "Tsukumogami For Rent" (2018 / NHK / original : Megumi Hatanaka), but I haven't read the original book "Tsukumogami lashimasu" (2007 - 2018 / Kadokawa Shoten).

According to Wiki about Tsukumogami,
"In Japanese folklore, tsukumogami ( "tool kami") are tools that have acquired a kami or spirit."

I also watched a drama "Shabake" [2007/2008] after returning to Japan.

In addition, the drama "Mammakoto ~ Asanosuke Judgment Book ~" is based on Hatanaka's work : 
"Mammakoto" series: ("All tribute": 2005 - 2016 Bungei Shunju / Bungei Bunko: 2010 - 2019) I watched it without knowing.

"Mammakoto" means the truth.

"Shabake" and "Tsukumogami Kashimasu" seem to be classified as "Fantasy Era Novels".

This time, is the first I knew about the classification, "Fantasy Era Novels" ...

"Mammakoto" is a classification, "Era・Historical Novels".

I read Hatanaka's book which I borrowed from the library after a long separation from her works.
"Tsukumogami Kashimasu"
("Tsukumogami For Rent")
Written by Megumi Hatanaka
2007 / Kadokawa Shoten
画像は下記より / This from below

2) 『猫君』を読む前に 
   Before Reading "NEKO GIMI"

表紙と扉の前の登場人物(猫?)の紹介のページで、江戸時代の猫又 (ネコマタ) の話であることは察しられました。


『猫君』は、月刊小説誌小説すばる』(集英社 / 2019年5 - 10月号) に掲載され、2020年に単行本として出版されました。
作 : 畠中恵 / 2020 / 集英社
装画:荒戸 里也子 (アラト リヤコ / ? ~)
装丁: アルビレオ

Written : Megumi Hatakenaka / 2020 / Shueisha
Illustrations by Riyako Arato (? ~)
Book design by Albireo
画像は下記より / This from below

Before Reading "NEKO GIMI" 
When I made a reservation at the library, I might then have known the contents of "NEKO GIMI" to some extent, but when I got it, I started reading without knowing anything about the contents of the story.

NEKO means a cat in Japanese and GIMI means Monarch, Lord or Majesty.

Before the title page, on the cover and on the introduction page of characters, it was implied that this was a Nekomata story set in the Edo period.

Nekomata is a cat Yōkai found in Japanese folklore, classic ghost stories, and essays.

"NEKO GIMI" was published in the monthly novel magazine "Novel Subaru" (Shueisha / May issue - October issue  2019) and was published as a hardback in 2020.

3) 登場人物(猫) / Characters
He is a main character.
画像は下記より/ This from below

ここに載せる登場人物の画像は『猫君』の公式サイト:  からのものです。









She is a heroine.
画像は下記より/ This from below

The images of the characters shown here are from the official website of "NEKO GIMI"  : .

The characters are also introduced in black and white in the book.

The main characters are also used on the cover of the hardback, but in a way which reveals the first half of the story.

I'm sure many readers are aware of this and would have been disappointed.

Did the publisher : Shueisha, dare to do so, or did the person in charge do it without realizing?

Even though the publisher may have realized and then decided that in the story as a whole it wouldn't make much difference, because they treat the episode as a tiny thing and didn't care that the illustrations reveal the story.

If so, I don't like that kind of rough treatment for creative works.

What about Shueisha?

I also use the images on the site to reveal the story ... Isn't it the same crime as Shueisha? (Wry Smile)
Mikan's Friend.
画像は下記より/ This from below

Mari Hime
Shiroka's Rival
画像は下記より/ This from below

4) 読後  / After Reading
A. 猫又の世界設定 / Nekomata World Setting


徳川 家斉 (トクガワイエナリ / 1773 -1841 / 在任 : 1787 -1837 )です。

家斉 (イエナリ) が、しゃばけ』に登場する、力はあまりないものの脇役として魅力的な妖の鳴家 (ヤナリ) に通じ、作家の遊び心を感じます。

家斉の将軍就任の経緯や男子26人・女子27人の子供がいたことも1つのエピソード : 'あわれみの令' の着想になっているかと思います。


他の言葉の面で私が興味をもったのは、'魂消る' です。

'魂消る' は 'タマゲル' と読むと、私は初めて知りました。


'魂消る' は、'驚く'や 'びっくりする'よりも江戸時代の雰囲気がします。


お話は、明るく、軽く読めはしますが、途中で、'謎解きのどうでも良さ' でちょっとうんざりもし、時々、話の先への興味がなくなりました。


起きている謎は日常に起きている、'ちょっとした不思議' の感覚です。

「そう、'サミアドの物語' ! 」
[『砂の妖精』 / 初版: 1902 / 日本語版 : 1959/ 訳:石井桃子 (1907 - 2008) / あかね書房 ]

本のタイトルはすぐには思い出せず、'サミアドの物語' と思ったのです。



サミアドの外見とその大きさが、猫又と似た面があるからかもしれませんが、『猫君』の'ちょっとした不思議' の感覚は、エヴィリディ・マジックの小さな不思議に共通したからかもしれません。

イラストレーションの猫又達は、甘い雰囲気に描かれていますがサミアドは、'少し無愛想で、不格好で、時々機嫌を悪くする' と描写されているので、そっくりというわけではないのですけれど...。


思えば、今まで私が経験した畠中作品 3点 : 

謎解きのセンスも、アニメーションの "つくもがみ貸します" と同様に感じます (原作読んでいないので、'アニメーション' との比較になってしまいます。)





Nakomata World's Map
画像は下記より/ This from below

Nekomata World Setting
When I started reading, I thought it was an interesting setting, and I thought 
Hatanaka was good at creating settings.

While she used ideas a little at a time, the story gets readers interested, doesn't give long explanations that modern readers get tired of, easy-to-remember naming, easy-to-read tempo sentences, easy-to-read paper spacing, etc. I felt these reasons for Hatanaka being a popular author.

The Shogun (Sei-i Taishōgun) in this story is the 11th  Shogun, Tokugawa Ienari (1773 - 1841 / In office : 1787 -1837).

I feel the playfulness of the author, she selected 'Ienari' : 家斉, which sounds similar to Yanari : 鳴家, who have appeared in "Shabake", and are attractive in minor roles although they have little power.
[Yanari is a small oni-like yōkai doing pranks like shaking a house, causing a yanari.]

I think that the background of Ienari's inauguration as a general and the fact that he had 26 boys and 27 girls was also the idea for one episode : "Shōruiawareminorei", which is a law, the 'Edicts on Compassion for Living Things'.

Similarly, I was interested in the word : "魂消る"; Tamageru in Japanese.

I found out  that  a Japanese word in Kanji : "魂消る" is read as Tamageru : to be surprised or to be amazed.
(The word ; "魂消る" translates directly as 'Soul Disappears', which shows how surprising something is.)  

This word is used many times, and I felt that the author liked it.

In Japan, the Kanji : "魂消る" (Tamageru) has a more Edo period atmosphere than 'be shocked' or 'be surprised'.

I feel that Hatanaka's wonderful point is that she chooses such a word.

The story is bright and lightly readable, but on the way, I became a little tired, 'I don't care about solving its mystery', so sometimes I lost interest in the future of the episodes.

The setting of the world of Nekomata is interesting and made me expect a big story, but it is actually a small story.

The mystery that is happening is the feeling of 'a little wonder' that happens in everyday life.

When I was reading "NEKO GIMI", I wondered what this feeling was, 
I had felt this somewhere ...
"Yes, the story of 'Psammead'!"
I suddenly remembered, and I was surprised by myself, because it was a long long time ago, that I had read  "The Five Children and It", in which Psammead appears, but I did not remember the title.
["The Five Children and It" / 1902 / by Edith Nesbit  (1858 - 1924)]

"The Five Children and It" is known as 'Everyday Magic' and is said to be the starting point of fantasy in modern children's literature.

Psammead fulfills children's wishes once a day, for a day, which then turn into stones or disappear at sunset.

I may have recalled because the appearance and size of Psammead are similar to those of Nekomata, but maybe also because  the feeling of 'a little wonder' in "NEKO GIMI" is common to the little wonders of 'Everyday Magic'

The illustrations of "Nekomata" are drawn in a sweet atmosphere, but Psammead is not exactly like them because it is described as 'grumpy, ugly, and occasionally malevolent'.

Let's return to "NEKO GIMI".

If I think about it, the three Hatanaka works I have experienced so far : "Shabake," "Tsukumogami Kashimasu", "Manmakoto," and "NEKO GIMI" are not so different in scale.

The sense of solving the mystery feels the same as the animation "Tsukumogami Kashimasu" ; "Tsukumogami For Rent" (Since I have not read the original, this is only a comparison with the animation.)

However, what I felt as above this time may be the scale of the gap between the exaggerated setting and the scale of the story.

The setting that I felt 'exaggerated' may have been because Hatanaka was planning to make "NEKO GIMI" into a series and tried to set out the world of Nekomata firmly.

The three Hatanaka works I have experienced are based on the existing Period settings and traditional Yōkai in Japan, and points of view are human, so she didn't have to invent the whole world.

However, "Nekomata" is a world setting centered on Nekomata, and since the story is from the points of view of Nekomata, it may have been necessary to make a proper foundation.

B. 物語の終結 / The End of the Story
'仲間を信じ、協力し、問題解決をする' 方向へ考えられがちになっていると感じます。

[原作、ハリー・ポッターはそれだけ ('仲間を信じ~...') ではなく、伝統的なファンタジーのエレメントが盛り込まれています。]

私は、ファンタジー小説は、必ずしも、'仲間を信じ、協力し、問題解決をする' 必要はないと考えています。



私は、ファンタジー小説の面白さは、'そこではない' と信じているだけです。

『猫君』に関して言えば、'仲間を信じ、協力し、問題解決をする' 物語です。



物語の終結、6章・'合戦の二' は、情報合戦と感じました。

猫又の世界、または江戸時代らしく言えば、'ばかし合い' でしょうか?

ミステリー的に言えば、エンディングが 'どんでん返し'の構想です。


「ああ、新しい '猫君' の存在も情報の1つ、本当は存在しないのに、その情報に右往左往している猫又たちを書いているのだ」


それを、最も作者が愛したであろう、キャラクターの '猫宿の長' に語らせています。



Head Master 
He has a strong power and 
is the Head Master Nekomata School.
画像は下記より/ This from below

The End of the Story
Nowadays, I feel that fantasy novels tend to be thought of in the direction of 'believing in friends, cooperating, and solving problems', like Shonen Jump and Hollywood films.

It may be the influence of Harry Potter.
(The original Harry Potter not only incorporates them but also incorporates traditional fantasy elements.)

I believe that fantasy novels don't necessarily have to include 'believing in friends, cooperating, and solving problems'.

Fantasy novels are not scripts for school dramas.

There are more ways of thinking about fantasy than in real-life novels, and I think it's good for each person.

I just believe that the fun or interest in fantasy novels is not about the points :  'believing in friends, cooperating, and solving problems'.

When it comes to "NEKO GIMI",  it's a story of "believing in friends, cooperating, and solving problems."

The author carefully creates the story setting and concept, and finishes it neatly.

I feel that Hatanaka is trying new things while making the best use of her specialty.

At the end of the story, Chapter 6, "Battle No. 2", I felt that it was an information battle.

In the world of Nekomata, or in the Edo period, the 'information battle' means to outsmart each other : 化かし合い'?

Mysteriously speaking, the ending is a 'complete reversal'.

I didn't dislike the story, but it wasn't very enjoyable for me.

During the second half of the book, I thought
"Oh, the existence of the new NEKO GIMI is just information, and even though NEKO GIMI doesn't really exist, Nekomata are described running around in confusion by different pieces of information about NEKO GIMI."
(It is the same for humans running around confused by information, isn't it?)

In fact, the author has a more specific answer.

She let the character, the 'Head Master', who the author loved most, talk about it.

The author is kind to readers.

It is one of the reasons why she is a popular author.

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