
❷2018年8月9日鎌倉散策 - ぼんぼり祭り / Walk in Kamakura - Lantern Festival, 9th of August in 2018

目次 / Contents
1) ぼんぼり祭り / Lantern Festival 
2) 源氏池 / Genji Pond

1) ぼんぼり祭り / Lantern Festival 

鶴岡八幡宮の "ぼんぼり祭り" は、鎌倉に住み始めてから知りました。
鶴岡八幡宮公式サイト :


なので、 "ぼんぼり祭り" が実際どんなものなのかを知りませんでした。

偶然にも姉Yが来鎌中に "ぼんぼり祭り"が開催されていました。


ですが、この日、鎌倉の友人Sさんとのランチがあり、知人で英国人のジョージ (Geroge)のグループ展が鎌倉であったので、出かけました。

鶴岡八幡宮は、ランチの場所:"とみやま" とグループ展の場所:アトリエ・キカ (Atelier Kika) の中間地点でした。

 Lantern Festival in Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine
It is held from Risshū to the 9th in August every year.
Literal meaning of Risshū is 'Start Autumn' in Japanese traditional culture.
About 400 Lanterns are lined up on the approach path 
The Lanterns are painted or brushed by cultural people
and celebrities of various fields who live in Kamakura or relate to Kamakura.

Lantern Festival 
I knew about "Lantern Festival" : "Bonbori matsuri"  in Tsurugaoka Hachimangū Shrine, when I just started living in Kamakura.
The Shrine Official Website :

I am too lazy to go out at night since I have lived in Kamakura and I have avoided the crowds of people.

So, I did not know what "Lantern Festival" really is.

Coincidentally my sister Y came during the Festival.

In recent years, even if my sister or mother visited me, they prefer to relax in my home, so we rarely go out.

However, on this day, we went out because we had a plan about lunch with my friend S san of Kamakura, and a British man, George who I knew, had his group exhibition in Kamakura.

Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine was between where we had our lunch "Tomiyama" and the group exhibition in Atelier Kika.
About "Tomiyama" below.
About Atelier Kika will be in next section.


The main event is at night when the Lanterns are lit.
We only saw the view during the day.
We did not have physical strength and energy to come here again in the evening.
Although I would come here in the evening, it will be the year after next,
because I'm planning to stay in the UK next summer.


 I photographed when somehow I was attracted, but I took them while walking, 
so many photographs did not have focus.
I show some here which are better than others.


I guess they are works of prominent people, but I do not know.

これは、俳優の沢木順 (サワキ ジュン / ? -) 氏の作品であることを

Later I found this work by a Japanese actor Sawaki Jun (? -).
I only knew Sawaki's work.

石原 慎太郎 (1932 -)氏、作家、藤沢 周 (フジサワ シュウ / 1959)氏・伊集院 静 (イジュウイン シズカ/ 1950)氏、映画監督庵野 秀明 (アンノ ヒデアキ/ 1960 -)氏、
庵野氏の妻であり漫画家の安野 モヨコ (アンノ モヨコ / 1971 -)、イラストレイター、わたせ せいぞう(1945 -)氏などなどが参加されていたそうです。

A Japanese politician, Shintaro Ishihara (1932 -), writers, Shu Fujisawa (1959 -) and Shizuka Ijuin (1950 -), a film director, Hideaki Anno (1960 -), Anno 's wife and a manga artist, Moyoko Anno (1971 -), an Illustrator, Seizō Watase (1945 -) and others seemed to participate.

2) 源氏池 / Genji Pond


鶴岡八幡宮公式サイトでは、今は、源氏池、平家池と分けることはなく、両方を源平池と名付けています→( 以前は分けていたと記憶しています)




When I started living in Kamakura, after coming back to Japan from Britain, I heard that the colour of the Lotus in the Genji Pond is white like the flag of Genji (Seiwa Genji /  Minamoto) clan  and the Lotus in the Heike Pond is red (red) expressing the Flag of Heike (Heishi / Taira) clan.

In recent years, the colours seem to be quite mixed, and the colour difference between the Ponds was not felt.

Nowadays Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine official website does not describe the two Ponds as Genji Pond and Heike Pond, both Ponds are called Genpei Pond :  they now have no distinction between Genji Pond and Heike Pond.
(I remember that previously the website did give separate names.)

However, on this day, I felt the Lotus in Genji Pond mostly was white.

I did not have physical strength and energy to return to see how the Lotus in Heike Pond was looking, because we would have to walk quite a bit to return to see the Heike Pond.

By the way,  Japanese people often use the colours of "Red and White" in sports festivals or matches and games, it is said to come from the Genpei War (1180 -1185) which was a conflict between the Heike (Heishi / Taira) clan and Genji (Seiwa Genji / Minamoto) clan during the late-Heian Period of Japan. 

And also I heard that in Kamakura the colours of "Red and White" are not used to distinguish between opposing teams.
青い空...暑い夏 / Blue sky ... Hot Summer

Benzaiten Shrine on the Genji Pond
Benzaiten is a Japanese Buddhist Goddess,
who originated from the Hindu Goddess Saraswati.


You see Genji's white flags.

蓮の花の最適な鑑賞時間は7:00 ~9:00と言われています。

It is said that the optimum viewing times for the lotus flowers is from 7:00 to 9:00.
When I saw them in the afternoon, the flowers were not energetic as they say.

I hadn't seen turtles for a long time.

アトリエ・キカ (Atelier Kikaに向かいました。

While walking along the approach road, we turned right and walked along the back paths, heading to Atelier Kika.

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