
❻2018年2月3日 白川郷旅行 - 2) 飛騨高山散策 / Shirakawa-gō Trip - Walk in Hidatakayama, 3rd of February, 2018

赤い部分 : 飛騨の国 (飛騨地方)
Red Part Hida Province
画像は下記より / This from below

目次 / Contents
1) 雪だるまSnowmen?
2) 山岡鉄舟 / Yamaoka Tesshū
    A. 幼少期をここで / Childhood was Spent Here
    B. 江戸で / In Edo
3) 古い町並み / Old Streets

1) 雪だるま? Snowmen?

There was a walk in Hida Takayama this day on our tour and we like architecture, so we visited Takayama Jinya first.
About visit Takayama Jinya, below.
❺2018年2月3日 白川郷旅行 - 1) 高山陣屋 / Shirakawa-gō Trip - ...

There were snowmen in Takayama Jinya area which gave an incongruous impression, although there was local colour, so I thought it would be fine.


I thought it was a cat, though I read the comment :
"I am the leading character"
I noticed that this is a dog, because this year is the Dog Year.

他の、高山市内にも雪の創作品 (下の写真) が飾られていました。

Was there something like a snowman 's contest?

Other snow creations were displayed in the town, below.
❺2018年2月3日 白川郷旅行 - 1) 高山陣屋 / Shirakawa-gō Trip - ...


Wow! Here is a dragon!
Puppy's feed dish (left front) has money like offertory money.

これは、妖精? /  Is this a fairy?

戌年です。 ちょっと狐に見えなくもないですが...

 This year is the Dog Year. They might look like foxes.
Is the figure "Sarubobo"?
However, face of "Sarubobo" should be red, so this is not?
A Sarubobo is a monkey baby doll which have been made from olden days 
in Hida region of Gifu prefecture.
Nowadays it is popular as souvenir.
Mobile phone strap of "Sarubobo"
画像は下記より / This from below

2) 山岡鉄舟 / Yamaoka Tesshū
  A. 幼少期をここで / Childhood was Spent Here


のちに、山岡鉄舟 (ヤマオカ テッシュウ / 1836 - 1888) は、江戸の生まれですが、第21飛騨郡代となった父、小野高福 (オノ タカヨシ / 1774 - 1852 / 在職 : 1845 - 1852)に従い、幼少時を飛騨高山で過ごし、飛騨郡代の住まいでもあった高山陣屋で育ったので、この場所にあることを知りました。


山岡鉄舟は、幕末 (1853 - 1868) から明治時代 (1868 -1912) に活躍した幕臣であり、一刀正伝無刀流 (イットウショウデンムトウリュウ)の開祖でもあると知りました。

山岡鉄舟 は「幕末の三舟 (サンシュウ)の一人です。

幕末の三舟」は、幕末から明治時代初期にかけて活躍した幕臣、勝海舟山岡鉄舟高橋泥舟 (タカハシ デイシュウ / 1835 - 1903) 3名の総称です。

幼少期の名前は、小野 鉄太郎です。

 Statue of Yamaoka Tesshū
His childhood name was Tetsutaro Ono.

The title is "Seiun", direct translation is 'Blue Sky',
though if I translate it means "Ambitious Young".
The comment says 'Yamaoka Tesshū at a young age'.

Childhood was Spent Here
"Yamaoka Tesshū statue" is close Takayama Jinya .

When I photographed it I wondered
"Who is this guy?"

Later, I knew that Yamaoka Tesshū (1836 - 1888) was born in Edo (modern Tokyo), though his father, Takayoshi Ono (1774 - 1852 / hold office : 1845 - 1852) became the 21st Hida head officer : 'Gundai', Tesshū  grew up Hida Takayama and lived in Takayama Jinya which was also a residence of 'Gundai'.

Therefore the statue is close to Takayama Jinya.

After his father passed away, Tesshū went back to Edo and later he marired into the Yamaoka family of his bride.

Yamaoka Tesshū  was a samurai who was active in Bakumatu (1853 - 1868) which refers to the final years of the Edo period (1603 - 1868) when the Tokugawa shogunate ended, and he was also the founder of the Itto Shoden Muto-ryu School of Swordsmanship.

He is one of "Three Shū of Bakumatu".

"Three Shū of Bakumatu" is a generic name for the three members of the shogunate,  Katsu Kaishū (1823 – 1899) and Takahashi Deishū  (1835 - 1903) and Yamaoka Tesshū.

B. 江戸で / In Edo
江戸城無血開城 (1868)前に、勝海舟官軍西郷隆盛 (1828 - 1877) への使者の仲立ちを高橋泥舟 に依頼しましたが、高橋泥舟徳川慶喜(1866 -1867)の護衛の任についていたので、主君のそばを離れることができず、義弟の山岡鉄舟を推薦し、鉄舟はこの大役を果たしました。

西郷隆盛に会ったときに、その人柄を見込まれ、のちに、西郷のたっての依頼により、侍従として、10年の約束で明治天皇 (1852 - 1912 / 在位 : 1867 - 1912)に仕えています。

その後、一刀正伝無刀流 を開きました。




鉄舟は木村屋のあんぱんが大好きで、木村屋の看板の文字も彼の揮毫 (キゴウ) です。
山岡鉄舟 / Yamaoka Tesshū
画像は下記より / This from below
 In Edo
"Fall of Edo" (1868) took place in 1868, when the Japanese capital of Edo, controlled by the Tokugawa shogunate led to the restoration of Emperor Meiji (1852 -1912 / r1867 - 1912) and was negociated between Katsu Kaishū (1823 - 1899) and Saigō Takamori (1828 – 1877).

Before "Fall of Edo" (1868),  Katsu Kaishū asked Takahashi Deis to negociat,
as  a messenger, with Saigō Takamori, although Takahashi had been appointed to escort
Tokugawa Yoshinobu (1866 -1867) so he was unable to leave the side of his lord, instead he recommended his brother in law, Yamaoka Tesshū who fulfilled this role.

When Tesshū met SaigōTesshū won Saigō's confidence and later Tesshū served Emperor Meiji with a promise of 10 years as a servant after a strong request by Saigō.

After that, Tesshū founded the Itto Shoden Muto-ryu school of Swordsmanship.

His body seemed to be large, with a height of 188cm and a weight of 105kg and his personality was also rigid, and he made many anecdotes.

Someday, I think that films and dramas will be made about him.

There are already several novels.

Anpen is a Japanese sweet roll most commonly filled with red bean paste 
and Kimuraya is a popular bakery well known for their Anpan in Japan.

Tesshū loved Kimuraya's Anpan and Kimuraya's shop name : 木村屋 still uses his lettering.

3) 古い町並み / Old Streets



We spent most of our time in Hida Takayama within Takayama Jinya, so we did not have much time to enjoy  walking around the town.

Besides, it was crowded enough to think that it was Shibuya here, and it was not leisurely to sample the old streets.

I was also a tourist, one who was creating that crowd, so it can not be helped.

中橋 / Naka Bridge

Only a liquor shop stood out for me...

It's crowded ... Is this Shibuya〜?

Photograph, while there are not many people!


'石橋台' の屋台蔵 / 'Shakkyotai' Store 
高山祭 (タカヤママツリ) の屋台 (山車 / ダシ) が収納されている蔵。

'石橋台' / 'Shakkyotai' ; large ornate float

高山祭 (タカヤママツリ) は、日枝神社 (ヒエジンジャ) 例祭「春の山王祭と、櫻山八幡宮(サクラヤマ ハチマングウ) 例祭「秋の八幡祭」の総称です。

'石橋台' (シャッキョウタイ)は、「春の山王祭」時にお目見えします。画像はここで→

The Takayama Festivals is a generic name for Hie Shrine Spring Festival and Sakurayama Shrine Autumn Festival.

'Shakkyotai' appears in Spring Festival.

The festivals are famous for the large ornate floats, or Yatai, which roam around the city. 


Takayama Municipal Memorial Museum
Takayama Municipal Memorial Museum is a museum that preserves and displays administrative materials of Takayama City.
The building was built in 1895.

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