
❿10月28日、九州旅行 - 高千穂峡 / Kyushu Trip - Takachihokyo 28th of October, 2015


天然記念物に指定されています: 五箇瀬川峡谷 / 高千穂峡谷

Takachihokyo is located in TakachihoMiyazaki Prefecture and a gorge of River Gokase.

It is designated as a Natural Monument.

Takachiho Area :

長さ:300m / 高さ:115m

Shinto-Takachiho-Ohashi : Shinto-Takachiho-Big Bridge
Length: 300m / Height:115m

長さ:75m / 高さ:96m / 竣工:1955年

Takachiho-Ohashi : Takachiho-Big Bridge
Length: 75m / Height: 96m / Built in 1955

下: 神橋 (シンバシ) 、上:高千穂大橋
神橋 ; 長さ:31.5m / 高さ:31.3m / 竣工 : 1947年元は大正時代 (1912 -1926) に

Lower : Shin-bashi: God Bridge / Above : Takachiho-Big Bridge

God Bridge ; Length: 31.5m / Height: 31.3m / Built in 1947
Originally it was a wooden bridge built in the Taishō Period (1912 -1926),
although it was washed away by a flood and rebuilt as a stone bridge.

鬼八 (キハチの大石
注連縄 (シメナワ) が落ちてしまっていて気の毒。
"高千穂のあばれ鬼" の鬼八(キハチ)を退治しようとした際に、

Big Stone of Kihachi : a monster name.
Height: about 3m / Weight : 200 ton
The Shimenawa has fallen down and I felt sorry for the stone.

Shimenawa are lengths of rice straw rope used for ritual purification in the Shinto religion. 
According to Japanese Myth. 
"God, Mikeirino-mikoto threw the rock at the Monster Kihachi and 
vanquished it"

真名井の滝(マナイノタキ) が見えてきました!
Now I can see 'Manai-no-taki : Manaino Water Fall' .

来た方角を見る/ Looking Back

真名井の滝 / Manai-no-taki : Manaino Water Fall
とても素敵でした! / Here was wonderful!

御橋 (ミハシ)からの景色
Views from Mihashi : Mi Bridge


Tour's Lunch
Other people were in a Tatami Room, although the tour conductor looked after us
so we got a table and solved R's food problem.
Thank you very much. 

Moving to Beppu Along Yamanami Highway
阿蘇五岳(アソゴガク) : 
根子岳 (ネコダケ標高1,433m)高岳 (タカダケ/1,592m)中岳(ナカダケ1,506m)
烏帽子岳 (エボシダケ/ 1337m)杵島岳 (キシマダケ/ 1370m)です。

Aso Gozan : Aso Five Peaks
View from Sanai Drive‐In on Yamanami Highway.
Here is located on the North Somma, half of 'Yamanami Highway' :
 it connects from Yufu, Ōita Prefecture to AsoKumamoto Prefecture.
The central cone group of Aso consists of five peaks : Aso Gozan : Aso Five Peaks.
'Aso Gozan' are on this photograph, from left
Nekodake : Mount Neko, altitude : 1,433m / Takadake : Mount Taka,1,592m /  
Nakadake : Mount Naka, 1,506m / Eboshidake : Mount Eboshi, 1337m / Kishimadake : Mount Kishima,1370m.
They say that the form of the Five from the North is similar to Nehanzou : 
Reclining Buddha, a statue that represents Buddha lying down.
The Mount Neko is its face. Can you see the Statue?

根子岳 / Neko-dake : Mount Neko

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