
② 2022年4月23日 東京 - 谷中散策 / Tokyo - Walk in Yanaka, 23rd of April 2022

目次 / Contents
1) カフェを求めて / In Search of a Cafe
 A. 上野公園を出て / Leave Ueno Park
 B. "雲を測る男"を思わせる 
   Reminiscent of "The man who measures the Clouds"
2) 谷中へ / Into Yanaka
    A. 寛永寺 / Toeizan Kan'ei-ji Temple
    B. 谷中 / Yanaka
 C. レトロバス / Retro Bus
 D. カヤバ珈琲 / Kayaba Coffee House

1) カフェを求めて / In Search of a Cafe
A. 上野公園を出て / Leave Ueno Park
Y、夫Rと私は、日本現代工芸美術展東京都美術館 で見て、どこかで一息つきたいと思いました。

美術館内のカフェは満杯で、一息つける場所を求め、上野公園 : 上野恩賜公園 (ウエノオンシコウエン) : を離れました。




ピンクの花はハナミズキ (花水木) だと思います。

International Library of Children's Literature, 
National Diet Library 
The Library is about a 10 to 15 minutes walk from Ueno Station.
I think the pink flowers are 
Cornus florida.
Leave Ueno Park
My sister Y, my husband R and I saw the Japan Contemporary Art Crafts Exhibition at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum: and wanted to take a break somewhere.

The cafe in the museum was full, and we left Ueno Park : Ueno Onshikouen: in search of a place to take a break.

We came to the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum from Ueno Station.

There may be a cafe in the park, but there were many people along the way, so I thought the cafe was also crowded.

So, in search of a cafe, we headed for Yanaka and Nippori from the park.

The previous section on the Exhibition and Ueno Park, below.
① 2022年4月23日 上野恩賜公園 - 東京都美術館 / Ueno Park - Tokyo...

Azalea in Front of the Children's Library
I like white flowers, so I photographed.

B. "雲を測る男"を思わせる / Reminiscent of 
  "The man who measures the Clouds"
東京国立博物館 西門から撮影
"雲を測る男" [1998 / ヤン・ファーブル (1958 〜)]

'思わせる '原因は、そのロケーションだと思います。

Taken from the West Gate of the Tokyo National Museum
I found statues reminiscent of 
[1998 Jan Fabre  (1958 〜)]
so I photographed.
I think the cause of 'reminiscent' is the location.
I don't know the title of this work or the name of the artist.

ヤン・ファーブルは、昆虫記』(1879 - 1907)で知られるアンリ・ファーブル(1823 - 1915) のひ孫です。



私が"雲を測る男"を初めて見たのは、ベルギーの"ゲント現代美術館 : S.M.A.K." でした。



Reminiscent of
 "The man who measures the Clouds"
Jan Fabre is the great-grandson of Jean-Henri Fabre (1823 - 1915), known for his book "Souvenirs entomologiques "(1879 - 1907).

In Japan, Fabre's "Souvenirs entomologiques" is well known, but it seems that it is not so famous in Britain.

I was surprised that R didn't know Fabre's name before.

The first time I saw "The man who measures the Clouds" was on 'Ghent Museum of Contemporary Art: S.M.A.K.' :  in Belgium.

After that, I learned that there is also one in the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, so I went to see it.

I don't remember all the works I saw, but I remember "The man who measures the Clouds", because the location and the idea of the work are impressive.

2) 谷中へ / Into Yanaka
A. 寛永寺 / Kan'ei-ji Temple
〒110-0002 東京都台東区上野桜木1丁目14−11
東叡山寛永寺 (トウエイザンカンエイジ) の墓地には

Toeizan Kan'ei-ji Temple
1-14-11 Uenosakuragi, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0002
I visited the graveyard of my acquaintance several times 
but today I saw the main gate for the first time.


天台宗関東総本山で、1625年江戸幕府3代将軍の徳川家光 (1604 - 1651/ 在職: 1623 - 1651) によって創設されました。

開山は、天海 大僧正 (1536 <?> -1643)です。


元は上野公園の敷地は、寛永寺に2代将軍、秀忠 (1579 - 1632 / 在職 : 1605 -1623) によって与えられたものでした。

上野戦争 (1868) 以降、現在の寛永寺の敷地のほかは、上野公園となっています。

Kan'ei-ji Temple
Toeizan Kan'ei-ji Temple means Mount. Hiei in the east.
(Mount. Hiei here seems to refer to Enryaku-ji Temple, the head temple of the Tendai sect.)

This is the head temple of the Tendai sect in the Kanto region and was founded in 1625 by Tokugawa Iemitsu (1604 - 1651/ Shogun: 1623 - 1651)the third shōgun of the Tokugawa shogunate and was established by Tenkai Daisōjō (1536 <?> -1643).

It was the Tokugawa Shogun family Temple as well  as they had a prayer place for the Family, and 6 out of 15 Tokugawa Shoguns have been sleeping in the Temple.

Originally, the site of Ueno Park was given to Kan'ei-ji Temple by the second shōgun, Tokugawa Hidetada (1579 - 1632 / Shogun : 1605 -1623).

Since the Battle of Ueno (1868), the area other than the current site of Kan'ei-ji Temple has been Ueno Park.

B. 谷中 / Yanaka
いつの間にか、谷中界隈 (地区) まで歩いていました。

'上野台地と本郷台地に挟まれ、谷間にあるから「谷中」という地名がついたそうです。' (イマハチ・サイトより)




'NPOたいとう歴史都市研究会' によると下記の地域を指すようです。
"谷中・上野桜木地区は、台東区の北西部に位置し、武蔵野台地の東端の上野台地から文京区との境をなす根津千駄木の谷 にかけた約 83ha の地区である。"

谷中は、根津、千駄木界隈と合わせて、谷根千(ヤネセン/ 地図→)と呼ばれることもあると記憶しています。

Rが初めて日本に来た当日に、私は彼を谷中の朝倉彫塑館 (アサクラチョウソカン) へ案内しました。



Taito-ku (ward)
Yanaka (谷中) is left top.
画像は下記より / This from below

Before I knew it, we were walking to the Yanaka area (district).

"Yanaka" means 'in valley' in Japanese.

'It is said that the place name "Yanaka" was given because it is located in a valley between the Ueno plateau and the Hongo plateau. ' 

When we were walking, I didn't know that Kan'ei-ji Temple area is called 'Yanaka' (Map ).

On the Taito-ku (ward) website in Japanese : , there is explanation about Yanaka area, below. (Translated by me)
"This district is located in the northwestern part of Taito-ku, surrounded by JR Yamanote Line Nippori Station and Uguisudani Station, Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line Sendagi Station and Nezu Station.
In addition, there is convenient.
There are many characteristic streets, the buildings, town distribution, temples and shrines, there since the Edo Period and also shops, houses, walls and alleys since the Meiji, Taisho and Showa Periods."

 The website shows its addresses, below
"Yanaka 1 ~ 7 chome, Ueno Sakuragi 1 ~ 2 chome, Ikenohata 3 ~ 4chome."

It seems to refer to the areas : according to the 'NPO Taito Historical City Study Group' in Japanese, (Translated by me)
"Yanaka and Uenosakuragi district are located in the northwestern part of Taito-ku, and they are a district of about 83ha from the Ueno Plateau at the eastern end of the Musashino Plateau to the valley of Nezu Sendagi that borders Bunkyo-ku."

I remember that Yanaka, together with the Nezu and Sendagi neighborhoods, is sometimes called Yanesen.

On the day R first came to Japan, I took him to the Asakura Museum of Sculpture in Yanaka.

It was also in Yanaka that he ate his first Japanese food, soba.

We didn't go to the Asakura Museum of Sculpture or the soba restaurant on that day, but Yanaka is a memorable place for us.
谷根千MapYanesen Map
画像は下記より / This from below

B. レトロバス / Retro Bus 
'めぐりん' :  (路線図).

Retro Bus
I could only photograph the back view.
It's a retro-designed bus that suits around here.
Later, I found out that this bus was called
 'Megurin' :  (Route Map).



The images below are from the Taito-ku website.

The design feels like an attempt as a tourist destination.

Base vehicle : Hino Poncho
Capacity : 32 people

There are a few Megurin besides this design: .

C. カヤバ珈琲 / Kayaba Coffee House
〒110-0001 東京都台東区谷中6丁目1−29

Kayaba Coffee House
6-1-29 Yanaka, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0001
We walked near the quaint Kayaba Coffee House.
We wanted to take a break here if possible, 
but we gave up because it was full and 
we would be waiting for a reservation.
we gave up this time, but I would like to enter here someday.

Kayaba Coffee is located along Kotoi Street.
"カヤバ珈琲店は、江戸期には寛永寺上野山内から谷中に入る場所、 谷中で最初に町地となった旧町名、谷中町の角に建っています。 
一、二階とも二方に出桁造の軒をまわす姿が特徴的な町家型のこの建物は、 東から谷中に入る際のランドマークとなっており、平成11年台東区景観コンクールまちかど賞を受賞しています。 
大正5年(推定)の建設以降、ミルクホール、かき氷・あんみつ店、などを経て昭和13年に「カヤバ珈琲店」となり、 谷中のシンボルとして、憩いの場、芸出談義の場として、地域の方や東京芸大関係者、谷中散策客など、 幅広い層に長年親しまれてきました。
 平成18年に一旦閉店となりましたが、この喫茶店に愛着を持つ地域内外の人の支援を得て、平成20年、 NPO法人たいとう歴史都市研究会が借り受け、あたらしい運営者により「カヤバ珈琲」が復活しました。"
Kayaba Coffee is the left corner.
画像は下記より / This from below

"Kayaba coffee marks the eastern entrance to the Yanaka neighborhood. 
With its dashigeta-zukuri eaves encircling the house it is characteristic of traditional machiya style shop houses of the period, and won an award in 1999 for being one of the scenic corners of Taito Ward. 
Built in 1916, the building was originally a milk bar and sweets shop until it became Kayaba Coffee in 1938. 
As a coffee shop, it has long been a Yanaka landmark and a place for locals and people from Tokyo University of the Arts to come together, discuss the arts, and relax. 
Over the years it has seen a long stream of people pass through its doors. 
Although it briefly closed in 2006, thanks to the support of all those who loved the cafe it reopened in 2009 under the management of the Taito Cultural and Historical Society."

Left : former manager Kimi Kabaya
 Photograph by Inosuke Kabaya

Right : Kabaya Coffee in 1976
 Photograph. by Junichi Saito
画像は下記より / This from below




After leaving Kayaba Coffee, we headed to Yanaka Beer Hall.

We were looking for a cafe, but our goal changed to beer (Laugh).

The next section is about the Yanaka Beer Hall.

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