目次 / Contents
1) ポスター / Poster
2) 8月22日 / 22nd of August
A. 満月と花火 / Full Moon and Fireworks
B. 和風名月
Wafuumeigetsu (Old Japanese Month Names)
1) ポスター / Poster
花火大会 花火大会のポスターを見ました。 (8月11日撮影) Fireworks Display We saw posters for a Fireworks Display. (Photograph, 11th of August) |
On 11th of August, I found a poster for 'Shichirigahama Fireworks Festival' at the Shichirigahama Sakura Promenade.
It was explained in the poster that fireworks would be fired from the schoolyard of Shichirigahama High School.
I expected I could see fireworks from our home!
22nd of August is the full moon.
I wondered what it would be like to see fireworks rising in the night sky of the full moon.
2) 8月22日 /22nd of August
A. 満月と花火 / Full Moon and Fireworks
今年の6月に、ネイティブ・アメリカンが各月の満月にそれぞれ名前をつけいていることを知りました (下記)。
Full Moon and Fireworks
The full moon in August is Sturgeon Moon.
It was named by the fishermen's tribe because it was the month when Sturgeon, a large fish that lives in the Great Lakes, was most often caught.
The fireworks went up in a direction almost 90 degrees different from the Sturgeon Moon.
I and my husband R knew an open place where we would see the fireworks well, less than a minute's walk from our house.
R couldn't wait for the start time of 8 o'clock, so he went out at 7:30pm.
But after a while he came back and said
"Several people are already there. Somebody has a small dog which barks."
Thinking that it was still early, but I took measures against mosquitoes, put a mask and went out with him.
最初は霞んでいた満月が徐々に鮮明にその形を表してきました。 The full moon, which was initially hazy, gradually became more vivid. |
PCで彩度をあげています。 This has increased Colorfulness by my PC. |
花火は、スタージョンムーンと ほぼ90度違う方角に上がりました。 The fireworks went up in a direction almost 90 degrees different from Sturgeon Moon. |
I think there were about 15 to 20 people, including children.
Someone told the story, it would take about 10 minutes, the fireworks were planned by the shopping streets and residents of Shichirigahama.
And that's right.
It was a valuable firework show while almost all the other fireworks festivals were canceled.
I was also very satisfied.
Come to think of it, last year, a Halloween event was held in the Shichirigahama residential area.
I feel that the residents of Shichirigahama have a kind of rebellious spirit.
Fireworks of various shapes rise, and I am impressed by the many variations in a short time!
I tried to take a video of the finale, but I couldn't have the video by my mistake for switching on and off.
It was unfortunate, however, it remained in my mind.
Many thanks to the people involved in the Shichirigahama Fireworks Festival!
Thank you very much!
B. 和風名月
Wafuumeigetsu (Old Japanese Month Names)
和風名月 (ワフウメイゲツ) の呼び名があり、8月は、葉月です。
木々の葉落ち月 (ハオチヅキ) に由来します。
この'情緒感' は日本人にしか理解できないものかもしれません。
Wafuumeigetsu (Old Japanese Month Names)
The Japanese are also interested in the moon.
Maybe more, after all, Lunar Calendar : Old Calendar is centered around the moon, and many traditional events in Japan are associated with the phases of the moon.
Although Japanese traditional month names : Wafuumeigetsu are based on Lunar Calendar : Old Calendar, there is as a difference of about 1 to 2 months from the current sense of the seasons.
There are the Japanese traditional month names: "Wafuumeigetsu", and August is Hazuki.
It is derived from the fallen leaves of the trees (Haochi-zuki).
The sounds of the Japanese-style names of the moon have emotional feel ; Joucho.
I think there are quite a few Japanese women who have the name of "Wafuumeigetsu" of the month of their birth.
It is probably that parents wish their daughters would be light even in the dark and to grow up to be beautiful.
This Joucho (emotional feeling) may be something that only Japanese people can understand.
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