目次 / Contents
1) 大桜 / Big Cherry Tree : 'Ozakura'
A. 幹と枝振り / Trunk and Branches
B. 花 / Flowers
2) 帰路 / Return
3) 鎌倉山散策 / Walk in Kamakurayama
1) 大桜 / Big Cherry Tree : 'Ozakura'
A. 幹と枝振り / Trunk and Branches
大桜 鎌倉広町緑地の大桜、樹齢は 200年以上と言われています。 Big Cherry Tree : 'Ozakura' It is said that the Big Cherry Tree : 'Ozakura' in Kamakura Hiromachi Ryokuchi is over 200 years old. The species is a hybrid of Prunus Speciosa : Oshima- zakura and a wild cherry tree : Yama-zakura. |
右の大きな枝を違う木が支えているように見えます。 It seems that the big branch on the right is supported by a different tree. |
B. 花 / Flowers
Looking at the tree as a whole, it seems that it has not bloomed, but if I looked carefully, it has already begun to bloom, and I was surprised.
2) 帰路 / Return
I was happy to see 'Ozakura' in bloom and we went home.
We would have a visitor today, so didn't have much walking time, just returning home after seeing 'Ozakura'.
木立の中を気持ちよく歩きました。 I walked comfortably in the grove. |
来た時と、少しだけ違う道を選び、 分岐点⑨に出ました。 I chose a slightly different path from when we came, and we went to Junction ⑨. |
根が張り巡っています。 The roots are all around. |
相模湾と七里ヶ浜住宅街 Sagami Bay and Shichirigahama Residential Area |
伊豆大島が見えます。 I can see Izu Oshima Island. |
鎌倉広町緑地、鎌倉山入り口 Kamakura Hiromachi Ryokuchi, Kamakurayama Entrance |
3) 鎌倉山散策 / Walk in Kamakurayama
相模湾 七里ヶ浜住宅街へ続く階段の上から (鎌倉広町緑地・鎌倉山入り口前) Sagami Bay From Steps leading to Shichirigahama Residential Area. (In Front of Kamakurayama Entrance of Kamakura Hiromachi Ryokuchi) |
木瓜 通常、木瓜 (ボケ) は和風な印象ですが、これは西洋風です。 持ち主の家も西洋の絵本に出てくるような雰囲気です。 Quince Usually, the quince has a Japanese impression, though this has a Western impression. The owner's house has an atmosphere that appears in Western picture books. 可愛い / Pretty |
豆桜? 山桜? ここの庭には、小さいですが桜もあります。 豆桜 (マメザクラ) でしょうか? 山桜 (ヤマザクラ) でしょうか? Prunus Incisa? or Yama-zakura? There is also a small cherry tree in the garden here. Is this Prunus Incisa? Is this Yama-zakura (Cerasus Jamasakura : H.Ohba)? |
立派な椿もあります。 There is also a fine camellia. |
大好きな木の家 My Favourite, Tree House 木の上の向こう側に木蓮 (モクレン)があることに 初めて気がつきました。 There is a magnolia beyond the tree house, I noticed it for the first time. コブシ? カメラのズームを使うと、紫木蓮 (シモクレン) でも 白木蓮 (ハクモクレン)でもないように見えます。 コブシ(辛夷 /拳) でしょうか? Magnolia Kobus? With the camera zoom, it looks like neither a Magnolia Liliifloranor or a Yulan Magnolia. Is it Magnolia Kobus? |
芝桜 今年、我が家でも芝桜 (シバザクラ)を育てています。 まだ鉢に植えられていて花もつけていません。 この芝桜は最初から地植えで、すでに花が咲いています。 Rと二人で顔を見合わせて 「こんな風に咲くはずなのね」 と話しました。 Moss Phlox This year, we are also growing Moss Phlox in our garden. They have been planted in pots and have no flowers yet. This Moss Phlox has been planted in the ground from the beginning and has already bloomed. R and I looked at each other and talked, "Ours should bloom like this." |
雪柳? 雪柳 (ユキヤナギ) でしょうか? Spiraea Hunbergii? Is this Spiraea Hunbergii? This is Yukiyanagi in Japanese, it means Snow Willow. Japanese name is beautiful, isn't it? |
なので、多少、忙しく (セワシク) 歩きましたし、いつもに比べ、
There is no time limit for our usual walks, so if I am interested in walking around and photographing, I can stop as much as I like.
However, today, before going out, a visitor suddenly would come and we took a walk with a time limit.
So I walked a little quicker and refrained from photographing as much as usual.
Even so, I was able to go out and see 'Ozakura' blossoming, and I felt the goodness of the forest bath, so it was worth taking a walk.
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