
❸ C 2019年8月26日 c) ナタリア・ゴンチャロワ 展 - テート・モダン- セントラル・ロンドン / Natalia Goncharova Exhibition in Tate Modern - Central London, 26th of August, 2019

目次 / Contents
1) 激動のロシア / Turbulent Russia
2) 象徴的な戦争の画像 / Mystical Images of War

ナタリア・ゴンチャロワ 展
66日 - 98

Post-cards Cover 
Natalia Goncharova Exhibition 
6th of June – 8th of September, 2019

1) 激動のロシア / Turbulent Russia
ナタリア・ゴンチャロワ Natalia Goncharova  について、3回目のセクションです。

ナタリア・ゴンチャロワ Natalia Goncharova (1881 – 1962)  :  (動画; 英語)は、

ロシア・アヴァンギャルド (前衛芸術運動のリーダーで、当時、女性で成功した数少ない、アーティストの一人です。

展覧会の宣伝に使用されている、"農民のりんご摘み" (1911)は、2007年、クリスティーズにおいて、女性画家の作品としての最高額、490万ポンドで落札されました。

ナタリア・ゴンチャロワの時代 (1881 – 1962) を思った時、まず浮かんだのが、ロシアの国の状態でした。

1905年にロシア第一革命 (1905 -07)19173月に300年続いたロマノフ朝 (1613 - 1917)は終焉、1922年にソビエト連邦が形成され、1991ソ連崩壊ロシア連邦




"金鶏 Le Coq d’or / Golden Cockerel " で、生涯のパートナー、
ミハイル・ラリオーノフ(1881 - 1964)とともに、
セルゲイ・ディアギレフ Serge Diaghilev (1872 -1929) によって、パリに招待されました。

仕事後に、パリで二人の共同展覧会を開きましたが、8月に第一次世界大戦 (1914 - 1918) が起こり、モスクワへ帰りました。



1917年の月革命 (1917 - 18) 5年間のロシア内戦 (1917 - 1922により、彼らは



そういえば、テート・モダンの前に見た "The Ship of Tolerance / 寛大な船 というプロジェクトの広告がありました。

イリヤ&エミリア・カバコフ Ilya and Emilia Kabakov (1933 ~ / 1945 ~) もロシアを離れたアーティストでした。



ゴンチャロワは、戦争への思いを "象徴的な戦争の画像 /  Mystical Images of War" (1914年出版) に表現しています。

小冊子/ Leaflet
1014年出版/ V.L. Kashin

Angels and Aeroplanes
 (from  Mystical Images of War)
Published by V.L.Kashin, Moscow, 1914
画像は下記より / This from below

Turbulent Russia
This is the third section about the Natalia Goncharova Exhibition.

Natalia Goncharova (1881 – 1962)  :  (Film) was the leader of the Russian Avant-Garde movement and was one of the few successful female artists of the time.

The "Peasant's Picking Apples" (1911), used to advertise the exhibition, soared to £4.9 million and winning the highest price for a female painter's work in Christie's, in 2007.

When we think of the days of Natalia Goncharova (1881 – 1962), the first thing that comes to mind is the state of Russia.

The First Revolution of Russia in 1905 (1905 - 07), the House of Romanov that lasted 300 years in March 1917, ended, the Soviet Union (1922 -1991) formed in 1922, and the Dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Russian Federation was established.

How did Goncharova live in turbulent Russia?

How do artists spend their time in such a country?

I grew up in the era of peace in Japan, and when I try to just imagine it I feel dizzy. 

In April 1914, Goncharova and Larionov were invited by Serge Diaghilev (1872 - 1929) to work on designs for his opera-ballet  "Le Coq d’or / Golden Cockerel".

After the work, they held their exhibition in Paris, but in August World War I (1914 - 1918) occurred and they returned to Moscow.

Larionov was recruited for military service and injured, then left military service because he was unfit for combat.

In 1915 the two travel in Switzerland, Italy and Spain.

Due to the October Revolution (1917 - 18) in 1917 and the five-year, Russian Civil War (1917 - 1922), they did not return to Moscow, and lived in Paris from 1919, and never returned to Russia.

They spent most of the time during their country's turmoil abroad and never returned to their communist homeland. 

It is speculated that working in the communist area is quite limiting for artists, and there is no freedom of expression. (It is the same even if the dictatorship of the king is too strong... Is it difficult to live in this world?)

Now come to think of it, I saw advertising signs for the project "The Ship of Tolerance " before arriving at Tate Modern,

By coincidence, its planners were Ilya and Emilia Kabakov (1933 ~ / 1945 ~) who are also artists who had left Russia.
About the project, below.

Although I don't know how many artists and expressive people left Russia when it  became a communist country, the numbers are (were) by no means small.

It's easy to see that Goncharova and Larionov emigrated to Paris.

So it's easy to understand that they have lived permanently in Paris.

Goncharova describes her thoughts about war in the "Mystical Images of War" (published 1914).

2) "象徴的な戦争の画像" / "Mystical Images of War"
"ゴンチャロワの「象徴的な戦争の画像」シリーズ は1914年の秋に出版され、戦争を愛国的で破滅的なものとして描いています。








"Mystical Images of War"
According to the Leaflet or the website,
"Goncharova’s series "Mystical Images of War" was published in autumn 1914, picturing the war as both patriotic and catastrophic.
 The national symbols of the Allied Powers (Britain, France and Russia) are brought together with images from the Book of Revelation and Russian medieval verse. 
Blending contemporary warfare and ancient prophecy, Goncharova portrayed angels wrestling biplanes, the Virgin Mary mourning fallen soldiers, and the Pale Horse that Death rides in the Apocalypse."

I like metaphorical expressions in paintings and creations.

I don't like placard-like expressions that express directly.

Even if it is quite direct, if the shape (figure) is abstracted, I may like it.

So I like the way she expresses ideas.

But I can't understand her deep thoughts because I don't know the Book of Revelation and Russian medieval verse.

However, even though she rebelled against the establishment and acted radically and produced works,  I understand that she was opposed to violence as a means to change. 

She would have been against war.


The next section is about Goncharova after moving to Paris.

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