
⓰2018年4月7日 石垣・西表島旅行- 4) 由布島植物園 / Trip to the lslands of Ishigaki and Iriomote - Yubu Island ; Subtropical Plant Paradise, 7th of April, 2018

目次 / Contents
1) 人と水牛の歴史 / History of People and Water Buffalo
    A. 水牛 / Water Buffalo
    B. 住人 / Residents
2) 植物 / Plants

1) 人と水牛の歴史 / History of People and Water Buffalo
A. 水牛 / Water Buffalo
冊子 / Leaflets 

由布島 (ユブジマ) は、八重山諸島の1つで、
12ヘクタール (約東京ドーム2.5個)周囲 2.15km の小さなです。
公式サイト : 

Subtropical Plant Paradise in
Yubu Island 

Yubu Island is one of the Yaeyama Islands and
the small island has a total area 12ha and 2.15 km in circumference.
Whole Island is botanical gardens.
Official Website :  

Water Buffalo Family Tree


First Couple, Daigoro and Hanako
One male buffalo 'Daigoro' and one female, 'Hanako' were brought 
from Taiwan in 1932.
They were the first buffalos pulling carriages on Yubu Island.
Daigoro's skull and horns are exhibited.


Family Tree of
 the First Buffalos 
As far as the family tree is concerned,
there are a few descendants of the first couple

and they still pull the carriages.

B. 住人 / Residents 

戦後(1945年以後)、竹富島黒島の季節農家が西表島・与那良水田 (ヨハラスイデン) を耕作する際に、「マラリア」を回避するため、蚊のいない由布島に仮住まいを建てて住んだのが始まりと言われています。



当時、水牛2 頭で家が建つと言われるほど、水牛は高価でした。

その後、学校ができ、祭りも催され、繁栄しましたが、1969年 (昭和44年) 、台風11号(エルシー) により、多くの死者を出し、島は壊滅的な被害を受けました。

生存者の殆どが西表島 (美原地区) などに移り住んで行きました。

そのような中、'西表正治おじい夫婦' は島に残り、再び島に人々が戻ってくることを信じて水牛1 頭で土や堆肥を運び、たくさんのやしの木や花を植え続けました。



2010年、島は、人口23人、17世帯、水牛43 頭です。

Originally Yubu Island was an uninhabited island. 

It is said that people began living there, after the Second War (1945) when seasonal farmers from Taketomi Island and Kuro Island cultivated the Yonara paddy field on the other side in Iriomote Island and they built temporary houses in Yubu Island to avoid malaria. 

There were no mosquitos in island.

The number of the permanent residents continued to increase, and they became well-off, each family had a water buffalo by 1955.

It is said that two water buffalo cost as much as one house, so were very expensive at that time. 

A school was established, there flourished and they held annual festivals, however, in 1969 the island suffered crushing damage by the 11th Typhoon (Typhoon Elsie) and many died.

Most of the survivors relocated to Iriomote Island etc.

Despite such a situation, 'Uncle Seiji Iriomote and his wife couple' remained on the island, believeing that people would come back to the island, they brought soil or compost by water buffalo and kept planting plenty of palm trees and flowers.

In 1981, Yubu Island Botanic Garden was opened. (2 water buffaloes and 2 buffalo carriages)

It is said that the number of tourists multiplied, increased by a TV commercial by Meidensha Corporation (Electricity Supplier) in 1990, I did not know this commercial →  (only in Japanese).

In 2010, the island had 23 people , 17 households and 43 water buffalos.
郷土食のランチ /  Okinawan Lunch

2) 植物 / Plants
アダン (阿檀)
アダンは、高さ 2-6m ほどになる常緑の小高木で成長とともに
太い枝が横に展開し、そこから気根 (支柱根)を垂らして接地し、

Pandanus Odorifer (Screw-Pine)
Pandanus Odorifer is a short evergreen tree with a height of about 2-6 m 
and grows with thick branches, as it grows
aerial roots hang and become grounded, 
and these strut roots stabilize the tree.
They definitely look like tropical plants.
The fruit size is similar to R's head (ha ha).

この浜の先の海を、マンタ (エイ) が横切って泳ぐと言われることから

Manta Ray Beach
The named is said that Manta Rays swim in the sea
in front of this beach.

They say that there are 40,00 Palm trees there.

I feel like I'm taking a walk in the jungle.

Suddenly Dragon Boat Appears!

Is it a hole made by some living thing or is it a trace of a plant?

気根 (支柱根)を持つ植物
These plants have aerial root as props. 

'天地逆転' / 'Upside Down'

コダチヤハズカズラ / Thunbergia Erecta

クロトン (ハズ) / Croton 

ブーゲンビリア・ガーデン / Bougainvillea Garden

Here is a greenhouse.I think that this is definitely for protecting plants 
from typhoons rather than for temperature control.


There are various kinds and many colour flowers of Jasmine, aren't there?

日本最大級の蝶、"オオゴマダラ" が見られるという、"蝶々園"は、他の見所と反対側にあったので、ツアーの見学時間内に行くことができませんでした。

They say that in 'Butterfly Garden', which is in a  different direction from the other spots, we can see the "Paper Kite Butterfly" : "Large Tree Nymph", the largest butterfly in Japan, but  I could not visit in our tour time.

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