
㉔2017年9月9日 - アントワープ旅行 - 3) ゲントへ日帰り旅行: フランドル伯の城 / Antwerp Trip - One Day Trip to Ghent : Gravensteene, 9th of September, 2017

目次 / Contents
1) フランドル伯って、誰?/ Who was the Count of Flanders
2) 12世紀の城 / The 12th Century Castle
3) 衰退と再生 / Decline and Regeneration
4) 見学 / Visiting

1) フランドル伯って、誰?/ Who was the Count of Flanders?
"ゲント現代美術館" / "Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent""  : "S.M.A.K."からフランドル伯の城  Gravensteene に向かいました。

公式サイト  (英語)



"フランドル伯" / "Count of Flandersとは、"フランドル"  / "Flanders864年から1795年まで支配した領主、またはその称号でした。

フランドル家 House of Flanders は英仏の王家と血統を引いた名家でした。

[ア〜、とっても蛇足かもしれませんが...'フランドル' (フランス語読み)は、あの『フランダースの犬』の'フランダース'(英語読み)と同じ地域をさします]

'フランドルの領主、アルヌル1世 / Arnulf Ic.890 - 965)、フランドル伯爵は、レイエ川と湿地帯が自然の要塞になる、この砂丘に中世の要塞を木造で建設したのが始まり

ポイントは 木造であったことと、アルヌル1世がより一層大きな力とより広い領土を得たということでしょう。

アルヌル1世 Arnulf Ic.890 - 965 / 在位: r.918 - 965
画像は下記より / This from below
Who was Count of Flanders?

The Gravensteene : the Castle is from the Middle Ages, Gravensteene means "castle of the count (earl)" in Dutch.
Official website:  

The best part of this castle is the view of the city of Ghent that can be seen from the top on the roof of the castle.

We call the castle, "the Castle o thef Count of Flanders" in Japanese.

Now, who was the Count of Flanders

The "count of Flanders" was the lord who ruled "Flanders" from 864 to 1795, or its title.

The House of Flanders was a distinguished family who shared lineage with Kingdom of England and Kingdom of France.

The territory of  the "Count of Flanders" had prospered as the centre of Europe's economy by woollen fabrics produced from wool imported from England since about the 11th Century.

According to the official website; 'history',
"Arnulf I (918–965), Count of Flanders, was the first to fortify this place, building a medieval bastion on this high sand dune, naturally protected by the river Leie and its marshy banks. This bastion consisted of a central wooden building and several surrounding buildings, also in wood."

The point is that the buildings were wooden and that Arnulf I got even greater power and wider territory.

2) 12世紀の城 / The 12th Century Castle

ボーデゥアンIV / Count Baldwin IV 
(980 - 1035 / 在位: r, 987 -1035
"髭伯" / "le Barbu"と呼ばれました。

He was called "Bearded Earl " / "le Barbu".
画像は下記より / This from below

ボーデゥアンV/ Count Baldwin V 
1012 - 1067 / 在位: r. 1035 - 1067
"敬虔伯" / "le Pieux" と呼ばれました。

He was called "Pious Earl" / "le Pieux".
画像は下記より / This from below

11世紀はじめに、ボーデゥアン4 Count Baldwin IV (980 -1035 / 在位 : r, 980 -1035) または、ボーデゥアン5世 Count Baldwin V (1012 -1067 / 在位: r.1035 -1067) が石を使用し、城塞として再建しました。

1世紀にのちに、城は、'モット・アンド・ベーリー'  / "Motte-and-Bailey"の形式に建設されました。


'フィリップ伯爵 Philip of Alsace (1143 -1191 / 在位: r.1168 -1191)が1180年にこの城を建てた' 

フィリップ伯爵が第2回十字軍 (1147 - 1148) に参加している間に遭遇した十字軍の城を模したと言われています。

歴史上は、フィリップ伯爵のお父さんの、15代フランドル 伯である、ティエリー・ダルタスThierry d'Alsace : Thierry of Alsace (c.1099 - 1168 / 在位: r.1128 -1168) の名前の方が知られていますし、お父さんがフランドルの最大の領土拡大をしました。

モットは小山(小丘)、ベーリーは外壁に囲まれた領域 (曲輪)を意味します

Example of "motte-and-bailey"
画像は下記より / This from below

In the early 11th Century, Count Baldwin IV (980 -1035 / r,980 -1035) or 
Count Baldwin V  (1012 -1067 / r.1035 -1067) rebuilt the castle in stone.
(There was surely rich in funds due to woollen fabrics, wasn't there?)

A century later, the castle was built with "Motte-and-Bailey" style.

In 1176, fire caused damage to both the main castle and other buildings.

They say that in the Latin inscription above the entrance, 
'Philip of Alsace (1143 -1191/  r.1168 -1191) built this castle in 1180.'

It is said that he imitated a castle of Crusaders encountered while Philip of Alsace participated in the second Crusade (1147 - 1148).

Philip's father, Thierry d'Alsace : Thierry of Alsace (c.1099 - 1168 / r.1128 -1168) is more well known than Philip and the father expanded territory of "Flanders" to the largest size.

息子 / Son 

フィリップ伯爵 / Philip of Alsace 
フィリップ伯爵 /  (1143 -1191 / 在位: r.1168 -1191)。

They say that Philip of Alsace (1143 -1191/  r.1168 -1191) 
constructed the Castle.
画像は下記より / This from below
余談 ;
この像は、ブリュージュにある "聖血礼拝堂" /  "Basilica of the Holy Blood"の建物の正面にあり、父のティエリー・ダルタスの像 (下の写真)もそこにあります。

私達がブリュージュを訪ねた時に、 "聖血礼拝堂"に行けば、彼らの像が直接見られたのですが、あそこでは私達は酔いどれカップルで(苦笑)、 "聖血礼拝堂"に行き損ねたのでした()

フランダース伯爵の住居の礼拝堂として12世紀に建てられ、2回十字軍に参加したティエリー・ダルタス伯爵によって聖地から持ち込まれた聖血 (キリストの血) を収蔵しています'

父 / Father

Thierry d'Alsace : Thierry of Alsace 
(c.1099 - 1168 / r.1128 -1168)
金のメダルの中には、彼の妻、シビーユ・ダンジュー Sibylla of Anjou (​? - 1165)

His wife Sibylla of Anjou (​? - 1165)  depicted in the golden medallion.
She was not Philip's mother.
画像は下記より / This from below


Above statue is on the facade of "Basilica of the Holy Blood" in Bruges, and there is also Philip's father, Thierry d'Alsace Thierry of Alsace's statue.

When we visited Bruges, we could see their statues directly if we went to the "Basilica of the Holy Blood", but over there we were drunk couple (Wry smile), we missed the Basillica. (Laugh).

Wikipedia about the father says that
"Basilica of the Holy Blood" is the Roman Catholic minor basilica in Belgium Brugge.
Built in the 12th century as the chapel of the Count of Flanders, it holds the Holy Blood brought from the Holy Land by Earl Thierry Dartas who participated in the second Crusade. "

Philip also participated in the same crusade and it is thought that he brought back the 'Holly Blood' because the statue of Philip is also in the "Basilica of the Holy Blood".

3) 衰退と再生 / Decline and Regeneration
伯爵ルイ2世 Louis II of Flanders  (1300-1384 / 在位 : r.1346 -1384) の治世に、反乱が起き、ルイ2世はリール / Lilleへ逃亡、城から出てしまいました。

けれども、城には依然、フランドル評議会 (警察の役割も含む)、郡最高裁、刑務所などの行政機構があり、半地下では、拷問も行われていました。

18世紀中に、フランドル伯の城 は徐々に行政中心地としての機能を失い、城や建物が売買されました。



1865年からゲント市は、ベルギーの国とともに、以前の 'モット・アンド・ベーリーの建物を購入し始めました。

1885年にゲント市は、城を購入、1888年に解体工事が始まり、トゥルネー / Tournai (ベルギーのある地域) の石灰岩から作られなかったものは、すべて取り除かれ、中世の城の印象的な遺跡が残されました。



Gravensteene in the Rain
Crossing cables belong to trams.

Decline and Regeneration
In the reign by Louis II of Flanders  (1300 - 1384 / reign: r.1346 - 1384), a revolt took place, Louis II escaped to Lille and left the castle.

The Castle kept administrative functions, such as the Council of Flanders (including as their policing roles), the county’s highest court and so on, and there was torturing in a half underground.

During the 18th century, the castle gradually lost its functions as an administrative centre and castles and buildings were traded.

By the second half of the 19th century, the buildings had become obsolete and they planned to destroy the castle and flatten the hill, although fortunately they lost interest and the plan was not carried out.

At that time, the inhabitants of Ghent saw the castle as a symbol of abuse of power, feudal oppression, terrible torture and a strict hearing.

Beginning in 1865 Ghent city, along with the Belgian country, began purchasing the former "Motte-and-Bailey" building.

In 1885 Ghent city bought last of the castle, dismantling work began in 1888, everything that was not made from Tournai limestone was destroyed and an impressive ruin of a medieval castle was left.

In 1907, a restored part of the castle was opened to purblic.

4) 見学 / Visiting

The passage of the gate is like a time tunnel.
When I go through a place like this,
I have butterflies in my stomach.


The view as shown on the ticket is well known, but I did not photograph.

門を振り返る / Looking Back to the Gate


Ticket Office on the bottom left of the gate
Go through the left arch and enter the Castle.


Castle Entrance
This is the entrance for sightseeing, I think it is different from the original entrance.

石の螺旋階段 / Stone Spiral Staircase

主に武器 、甲冑が展示されています : 

Most exhibits are weapons and armour : .
We did not go to the exhibition room of torture tools which had actually been used here.

屋上 / Rooftop

時計台、52m は、旧郵便局の建物。
川はレイエ川 /  Leie で、ここゲントでスヘルデ川  Scheldt [ エスコ川 Escaut (フランス語)] に合流します。
右手(東)の川辺がグラスレイGraslei と呼ばれます。

Clock Tower, 52m is the building of the former post office. 

The river is Leie River, where we gather and join  Scheldt [ Escaut (in French)] .
The river side of the photo on the left (West side) is called  Korenlei,
and the river side on the right hand (East side) is called Graslei.


何故かと言うとレイエ川 /  Leie が縦にカーブを作って流れ、両岸が見えるからです。





3つの塔 / Three Towers
左 聖バーフ大聖堂  Left : Saint Bavo Cathedral, 89m
真ん中 鐘楼 Middle : Belfry of Ghent, 91m
聖ニコラス教会 / Right : St. Nicholas' Church, 76m

I heard that if we climb  Belfry / Belfort : the bell tower of the symbol of the city by a lift, we could get the whole skyline views, though I think that the castle views look more beautiful.

Because the views from the castle can show the vertically curving of the Leie River  we can look down on both banks.

From the bell tower, I definitely think that the Leie River crosses the scenery from one side to another.

Of course, I think that a nice building seems to change the angle and that there is another reason.

We did not see the scenery from the bell tower because we only saw the scenery from here as we had no time.

If there is a next time, I certainly would like to see the views from the top of the bell tower.

屋上から / From Rooftop

屋上から / From Rooftop

聖ミヒャエル教会 / St Michael's Church とミヒャエル橋が見えます。

 From Rooftop
I can see St Michael's Church and Michael's Bridge.

城の前の広場、"聖ファルジデス広場 “/ "Sint-Veerleplein " 
広場は、ゲントの守護聖人、聖ファルジデスSaint Pharaildis / Pharaïldis van Gent

"Sint-Veerleplein" is in front of the Castle.
The name of the square comes from Ghent's patron saint,
Saint Pharaildis / Pharaïldis van Gent.


I think that it is the ground floor …
Because what looks like the King's chair was displayed
and there was a big fireplace, so I think that this room was a Great Hall.

Walking around the passage of the castle wall and curving around the castle.

I saw a lovely view  from between the walls.


The Back Part of the Castle.
I feel they were adding and adding again.


The floor is made of wood.

当時の雰囲気を感じます。I can feel the atmosphere of that time.

時代を感じるドア/ Doors give a feel of those times.

地下 / Underground 

船着場であったと記憶しています.... / I remember it was a docking place ...


Picture on the explanation board.
Is the origin embroidery?

Original Wall from the 12th Century


Kitsch Taste
I do not know what it is here for, or what it means .....

城壁 / Castle Walls

The blue sky was visible when leaving the castle.

お城の前の "聖ファルジデス広場" / "Sint-Veerleplein "から 
From "Sint-Veerleplein"

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