
㉒2017年9月9日 - アントワープ旅行 - 1) ゲントへ日帰り旅行:ゲント / Antwerp Trip - One Day Trip to Ghent : Ghent, 9th of September, 2017

目次 / Contents
1) ゲントへ / To Ghent 
2ゲント / Ghent

1) ゲントへ / To Ghent
アントワープから、ゲント (ヘント) / Ghentへ日帰り旅行をしました。

アパートメントのオーナーのセバスチャンは、ゲントのほうがずっとブリュージュBruges より好きで、お勧めもゲントの方でした。





アントワープからゲント (ヘント) / Ghent まで、列車で約1時間弱。

Train to Ghent
About 1 hour by train from Antwerp to Ghent.

To Ghent 
We made a day trip to Ghent from Antwerp.

Our apartment owner, Sebastian likes Ghent much more than Bruges and he also recommended Ghent to us.

Two days ago (8th), we had a day trip to Bruges.
About Bruges Trip, below.

Even if Sebastian did not recommend Ghent to us, visiting there was already in my plan.

Though I have already written it in my blog several times, I have a friend, Hakko Chan who was studying in Antwerp.

She recommended Bruges and Ghent.

駅への高架橋は、地元の建築家、J.ヴァン・アスペレン (1876 -1962 / ) の設計と聞きました。もしかしたら、ここが高架橋の部分でしょうか?

What are small the towers like the decoration of a castle?
They say that the viaduct into the station is a notable structure designed by a local architect , J. Van Asperen (1876 -1962). Here might be the part of viaduct?

列車の 'ストリート・アート'風のペイントと子供達がリンクしています。

Station somewhere between Ghent and Antwerp
The 'street art' painting style painting on the train is linked with children.
Does a burst power of 'Street Art' and the children make me feel like that?
ヘント=シント=ピーテルス駅 / Ghent - Sint - Pieters Station
The brown house mark on the bottom left is the ticket office for trams and buses.

ゲント駅 ヘント=シント=ピーテルス駅 到着後、トラムのチケット販売所に行きました。








チケット : 24時間有効 / One Day Tickets ; 24 hours 
トラム路線図 / Tram Route Map
After arriving at Ghent - Sint - Pieters Station, we went to the ticket office for trams.

The office was quite far from the station (if you knew it you might feel close), because they had a construction site, so the office is in a temporary building (prefabricated type), it was difficult for tourists to find without any information about the location.

Anyway we bought tickets (one day tickets) for a tram and bus, and we also asked them how to get to the Museum of Contemporary Art, and then we used a bus for the Museum.

Although we had information, we still missed the best bus stop, and as usual, we got lost ..... we are always getting lost (Wry smile).

Oh! Yes! We could use the tickets in Antwerp too, the next morning, we would use the tickets for trams from Antwerp Central Station, but we did not know the Central Station for trams.

I was surprised because R asked a security guard soldier in the station!

I can not be close to a person who has a machine gun(?), although R already asked the soldier so I could not help it, I was close to the soldier.

The soldier kindly taught us, but he seemed to have taught us an underground station, after all, we failed to use that ticket.

Certainly, there is a way to go to the central location by underground, so we were not taught the wrong thing, but I wanted to get a tram....

かわいい冊子 / Lovely Brochure

There are multiple language versions, but unfortunately there is no Japanese version yet.


2) ゲント / Ghent

ゲント(Ghent)の古い名前は「ガンダ / 'Ganda'」、合流を意味するケルト語のガンダに由来します。

古来より、街を流れる2つの川 スヘルデ川  Scheldt [ エスコ川 Escaut (フランス語)] レイエ川 /  Leie によって、交易が行われ、中でも毛織物産業は、ゲントに大きな富をもたらしました。


また、撮影地である "フランドル伯の城"も、大きな観光スポットです。

聖バーフ大聖堂 Saint Bavo Cathedral、 
鐘楼 Belfort (Belfry) 
聖ニコラス教会 St. Nicholas' Church



ゲントを "フランドル伯の城から 
左の塔 聖バーフ大聖堂 真ん中の塔 鐘楼 右の塔 聖ニコラス教会

  Ghent From "Gravensteen"

Left Tower : Saint Bavo Cathedral / Middle Tower : Belfort  
Left Tower : St. Nicholas' Church

Ghent is a city in the state of Ost-Flanders in the Flemish region, the capital of the state and is the third largest city in Belgium after Brussels and Antwerp.

They say that the older name for Ghent, 'Ganda', is derived from the Celtic word 'ganda' which means confluence.

From ancient times, trade had been carried out by the two rivers flowing through the city : "Scheldt (Escaut in French) River" and "Leie River", principally the woollen textile industry had bestowed huge wealth for the city.

Belfort (Belfry) is the symbol of the city which is in the centre of the old town, and there are many buildings that can show its prosperity.

As shown in the photograph, above,
are famous tourist destinations in the old town area.

Also, the photographed place, "Gravensteen",  is also a big sightseeing spot.

Because Ghent has historic buildings, it is often compare to Nara, but I think its sense is similar to Kanazawa.
For example, there is a museum of contemporary art in a town.

Later I knew that Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture is a sister city with Ghent.....  indeed.
"フランドル伯の城" から 

  From "
The river is Leie River.

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